) ») ) , ) ) ) ) ) Yate 24561 Jk RISE NRISEIOLORISE ; ZOE SSEIOEIOLIOL FOE JOT 01 301331 vet oa SNGENGE OASBSE SHEE ett fot expe JUST ARRIVED sortment of chocolates in fancy baskets and boxes also a full line of CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS AND CRACKERS 1oice New Season’s Fruit and Nuts SEE OUR WINDOW Williams & McMeekin Helgerson Block - - Phone 56 Waltham Watches 1-Jewelled for $6.10 in Nickel Cases 15-Jewelled for $7.15 17-Jewelled for $8.25 \ THAM fx a Also we have the \ ) highest grade of \ RAILROAD Waltham, Rowaed, +) Se and Hampden Gold ae ' J Watches hia fe) ae a : ¢ hy 5) site aS HM b “se Fanciful Cut Glass ! | te oe =~! Chinaware, Clocks, / i (Pt c= e— etc., etc = ‘WATCHES wo j~ Mussallem & Co. 423 5th Ave. East ewelry Store z posed | ne manger in} ' a QUESTIONS THE KIDDIES ASK. | ‘ ast two it | i waa 08 Vv. F. G. GAMBLE amuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers AGREEMENTS FOR SALE. PURCHASED ince Rupert - and - Stewart Why We Have Pium Pudding. ut he h . nted the mother ae ped into up of chicken, | pie made currants, | and s0 on I n the sup- iid, The vari- ming, as many said to j Peprese he gifts of the men t } Later the the more convenient into | mince were wise pies and developed and Why Children Have Chriatras Trees. Phe Christmas tree was very THE DAILY NEWS No Risk In Buying From Ryrie’s We pay delivery charges on all articles purchased from us, guar- antee safe delivery and refund the money if you are not absolutely satis- fled. me Our handsome new 124 . page catalogue, in colors, th Ar Some Hints for Making the Xmas SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS DAY 666 PLANNING THE TABLE At the end of the game the one with the least amount of forfeits is the winner. It is a real fun Dinner Look Well. maker for the children. What an important function is e good old Christmas dinner. ‘ound the table old friends are ice again united, past grievan- s are forgotton, peace and good I] reign supreme, Brightness must be the and Moorcraft china at Wark's is attracting the attention of all Christmas shoppers. Don't fail pre-| CHRISTMAS COMMANDMENTS Se ee j The exhibition of Crown Derby to make Wark's a point of call. 2t _ W L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. — STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 286 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of Diamon Jewelry, dominant feature in Christmas- —_— ; oa, cue eiine, rt time decorations, and that is why The Man Who Doesn't Observe ped gee eae oa coos =a AL Glass, Leather Goods scarlet is ever the favorite hue These Will Lose His c a sneatT. Ete. ‘will be mailed upon at this time of the year. Popularity B ee Novranwte 2 request. A box of growing lillies of the — bers block, Third x int Write for it immedi- valley are a delightful invest- Don‘t arrive half an hour too Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 ately—it will solve the ment and may be made into a de-|soon and jocularly explain that gift problem for you. lightful centre piece by surround you've “come early to avoid the WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., D.D.S. ing with crinkled paper caught} crusu, DENTIST. ») into rosettes and = tied with Don't entertain the company | Grown and Bridge Work a Specia Ryrie Bros., Limited 7 Canada's Largest Jewelry House be das, Ryrie, Pres. Harry Ryrie, 8ec,-Treas made of the crinkled paper with 134-136-1388 Yonge St. Bt TORONTO ~ in England before the wi } cor f Prince Albert, the hus-| re jband of Queen Victoria, who in- |} of custom from Ger-| oO Or ca oduced the ; | It is supposed to have} been derived from a custom of jthe ancient Egyptians, who used | lo deck their houses at this period | f the year with branches of | date palm, their symbol of life} tumphing over death. In Ger- any, far more than here, the} rees are gaily illuminated with lighted candles, a practice that ul of the custom of keep- ng a large candle alight al |} Ghristmas time in the churches show that Jesus, the Light of had come j the World BAPTIST SERVICES Sede ane dabesiay aerine,? an eee the game you want for Ohrist- (ae we its bad for the ; —_—— and 80th. mas. Each person must take the | VOICe. — Special Christmas Celebration in MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY name of a thing which Santa| Don’t, when asked to take a Mointyre Hall. meerenr Claus might put in anyone’s|#!ass of port wine, sip it, and) ‘ ee ee stocking. For instance, one|then inquire whether its port or Eleven a. m., morning worship | pec, “Son ana are” Tweet 10 & Ms) Licht be a doll, another a gun,|Sherry. You may be misunder- and Christmas sermon; 2:30 p. m. Present schedule wij] remain in effect another a dog, and a fourth a box | Stood. | Bible school and Brotherhood | &*!! above dates. of sweets. When all have taken| Baraca Bible class; 7:30 p. m ; : ; : the name of some object, a grown| Rare and beautiful chinaware ee ree of Christmas song, Mae Gate botnet at teen: up person begins to tell a story, | and crockery, exclusive designs. nsisting of solos, hymns, @0-| “Wednesdays and Saturdays. Return-|@!adually bringing all these; Wallace's. tf hems and Christmas carols. Rey. ing arrive Prince Rupert 4 p.m. on| names in. Directly an object is | —————————— Warren H. McLeod will deliver Thursdays and Sundays. mentioned the player who has | Christmas Social. » st Christmas sermon on na taken its name must do an action The Seandinavian Society Val- rhe Heart of Christmas Music| On your Christmas visit East travel in connection with it. The doll} halla of 8. H. & E. F. is making nder the direction of Mr. John) via the Grand Trunk Railway System! might say “Mamma,” in aj/preparations for an enioyabie Kh. Davey, organist and choir-| from Chicago. The finest and best) squeaky voice; the gun must| social with dance in K. of P. Hall master Strangers and visitors service over Double Track Route. shout “‘Bang!" the toy dog must,.| Saturday, Dec. 30th, at 8 p. m. ivs welcome All services Connections with all roads East and park; and the box of sweets—|/ Music by Gray's orchestra. held in MeIntyre Hall, on Third West. Atlantic Steamship bookings we)!, the best thing is to smile |Gentlemen $1.50; ladies free. avenue, near Sixth street arranged.. Full information and sweetly and look pretty! Should di6-23 ican ee tickets obtained from the office of any player fail to do his action] Look for Mine, Santa A. E. McMASTER when the object he represents is | eee ae ee ede me emer ee eee rere a eer eh Sidr mer meets re ett Pe LYNCH BROS. en chandise - . Largest Stock Lou ¢ FOF tt tt ts oa Prices in Northern B. C. ems SS Rs es ee ee bed — TT? x { i l l { ! AoA et tg ts tle tle ee lee ee ee et ra + ms rs wt BE IDEAL FURNISHING oor | AND BHOE 1OUSI — Corliss Coon Collars Harry Smith - - SS OOOO | BGOUDRONE W \athieu’s Syrup | frissc y stops a cough but cures tonic and restorative ies enable the system to iently throw off a cold. Sc for large hottle. Sold everywhere. THIER" CO., Prop., SHERBROOKE 3rd & 7th i ULV su ne ca Christmas and New Year Sailings ,, s.s. Prince Rupert Leave Prince ares Thursday at 8:30 me FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT ham frill, using for this alterna- | gifts are work baskets filled with ity. treated. Gas and wws of ribbon. with a humorous description of | Al dental operations skilfally Dainty candle shades could be| the old gentleman you saw com- | Sceuen of i ee aes ing up the street. He may arrive | Heleerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 ars cut out in silver paper and | later. immed on to them, and the Don’t always catch the same | 4lex-M.Manson s.a., W.E.Williams,B.A.,L.L.D yusewife who is really artistic|girl when playing blind man’s WILLIAMS. & MANSON | have a touch of red to cor-| buff. People may suspect that Barristers, Solicitors, etc. spond in atl the little details} you can see. the table service. This idea n even be carried out with the|tricks unless them before. you have e ruches of white and red tis- e, letting a white ruche come xt to the ham. pies are home-made; its ambig- ious. Work Baskets. Don't say that “the plum pud- The most acceptable Christmas|ding is just like mother’s.” It ndy. At Keeley’s Pharmacy. 2t| pliment. SANTA CLAUS’ STOCKING jalways make me laugh” |}your host introduces his annual st the Christmas Game You | joke. It sounds like another way Were Trying to Think Of jot saying, “Chesnuts.”’ ‘ikinimabtateg | Don’t sing more than half a | dozen songs in succession, be- i ‘Santa Claus’ Stocking” is just sntioned he must pay a forfeit.! Savoy. Christmas Eve is very near, Now 1 dear oid mal Whisper what you'll bring to me Yr me if you cat W he the clock is striking vive 1 we're fast asleep; I) he chimney broad and ac \W ny r pack you creep ckings you will see ng in a row B the longest one, So vor be sure to know THE QUEEN’S DRESS It Was of Purple Velvet Trimmed with Ermine. J. G. McNab - THE FIRST BOAT SOUTH ~ » ee tee PACIFIC RAILWAY .C. Coast service — Famous Princess Line Princess May Thursday, December 21st, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle General Agent BOYS! START BUSINESS Sell the Daily News. It's the easiest and quick- tr A Ht ts Atte sot tt Pe Pe i — wisiees = Mrs. Frizzell’s The eternal quest in buying party and evening dresses is to find something prettier, something more “becoming,” something in the way of a new effect in an approved style. Mrs. Frizzell has always carried the acknowledged leading display of this class of goods in Prince Rupert, and is now offering them at a decided sacrifice. A big reduction has also been made in raincoats and ladies’ and children’s coats. Useful Christmas gifts serve as a constant reminder of the giver.. The store is replete with holiday suggestions —in fact, it is a decided show nowadays. Ladies’ collars, handkerchiefs, needlework, etc., in fact, an endless variety of appropriate Christmas novelties. ALL TASTES GRATIFIED EXCEPT POOR TASTES. Mrs. Frizzell's - ~- Sixth Street OPEN UNTIL 10 p.m. THIS WEEK est way of earning money BR se of your own. Apply at PS — THE NEWS OFFICE ee —_—- — — | ye a Descriptions of the Durbar ebrations show that every- K appeal to the eye was esorted to to make a grand dis- pla rhe Queen-Empress’ dress Iwas of white satin embroidered lwith a design of roses, thistles ul ham! K with a border f / t flowers. The Star of India / lembroidered the front of her ;dres Her Majesty's Imperial j robe was of purple velvet trimmed with ermine and with a border of ie d braid She wore the Orders lil f the Garter and the Star of } India be ornaments were a ldiamond and emerald necklace jand brooches Don't forget that you can find I O L E ] i gold | pjat imRand Block, corner Sixth Avenue | a complete line of Hand Bags, Suit Gase Umbrellas with filled and sterling silver handles. Gray's Jewelry Store Prices | 4 right tf in Y Ce ‘Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block? Every Tuesday Evening | All members of the order in the city | are requested to visit the lodge. | J. P. CADE, N. G. | J. GLUCK, See. Savoy Hotel RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT | | Lots in all parts of the city. We represent some ol the largest Com- | Second Ave. + *-+*# @-+--4-#--+-6 and Fulton Street. lso stores in same block, wo cottages correr Second Avenue and Ninth Street. FOR SALE FIRE INSURANCE panies doing business in the City. Phone 112 —~o—0—0—-0—-0 — © 0-0 -0-0-@ | FRED. STORK } § —General Hardware ¢ _—— | THE TIME GROWS SHORTER But BIRKS’ Christmas values are still within your reach, Consult eur catalogue, which illustrates the finest range of gift lines on the continent, No ordet If our catalogue has not Our prices are moderate is too small to receive our closest reached’ you send and fair. attention, your name and address and one will be mailed to you free, Henry Birks G Sons, Ltd. Jewellers and Silversmiths HASTINGS & GRANVILLE 8TS. - VANCOUVER Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware Don't buy a watch before looking ov’ 6WEBB C. BAL road man his opinion of the, 7 Gr. Jev Sole Agents. We also carry a full li f Howard. EB WwW J. §. Gray & Son, Je Haliceidh, Eetine eeeoants Don't attempt to do conjuring tried Don't say “I thought so,’ when you are informed that the mince might be considered a poor com- Don’t say, “That yarn of yours when cee ens ET ee eran Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P20. BOX 23 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., TON., ENG GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 8rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. | Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. Hotel Central Se; Fit Avs; European and American plan, steam } heated, modern conveniences. Rates | $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : s Peter Black - Proprietor Prince Rupert's leading hotel—|==—=E, EBY @® Coa: REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - RB. C. | Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning | Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- naces and flues put in order by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Kaox Hotel, or | PHONE 71 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 PHONE 301 P.O, BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE | Baggage, Storage and Forwardi: its. For se | Rigs or Motor Car day eae Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 .Grand Hotel. , Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor" Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS FRUITS TOBACCOS :: G.T.P. WHARF NORTHERN B.C. LIQUOR Co. The Leading Wholesalers of Northern British Columbia Exclusive Agents for BUDWEISER BEER