PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thi CLARIDGE ... SHOE For Style and Durability this line of Men's Oxfords are the tops in medium priced shoes. Six styles to choose from and every one a winner. Priced at $5.50 and $6.00 F I RAL!LXSAY f cm Mini 1 .t tlAMbit few N rrcM jBr ' AMILY SHOE SME LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCfc RUPERT - BK1TISI1 COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avanue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid in advance, per west , Paid In advance, per month .' By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING UaTES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion tocal readers, per line per Insertion News Department Telepnons Advertising and Cnculation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulations UAILY EDITION TO ERECT NEW MILL DEFENDS FREEDOM 86 9i $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .23 Tuesday, July 26, 1938. "The really striking thing, and heartening, about this whole Sandys military secrets incident in the British Parliament is its revelation of the determination of the Bri-tsh people to make no terms with any attack cm freedom, no .matter whence it comes," says the Ottawa Journal. Here in Canada, one fears, the implication of a Minister of the Crown in such a matter would have been defended by the ministry, would have become a party controversy. There was no party controversy in England : Conservative M.P.'s ioinerl with onnosition M.P.'s and Cnnsprvntivp Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Parts SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. "Princess Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS. Princess Charlotte July 8, 16, 27, Aug. 6. July 9, 20, 30, Aug. 10. July 23, Aug. 3, 13 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services , Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. M'DONALD PLANS ON Westview Won In iit it r 1 n 11 IS CHAMP PORTDAY;rULresterau Wins City Singles Lawn Howling Committees lu Session Last Niglit.i Title Doubles Competition Reporting Progress Far Import Still Proceeding ant Forthcoming Event Angus Macdonald defeated Bf n Further Progress in the organlz Dalgarno by a score of 21 to 10 ta atlon of Prjnc Rupert's forthcom- win thp rit lnsm- hAnrlinp- ainalix t. i n i i wno railed to make the finals this general meeting of committees last nr- night under the- chairmanship of I . m - . k. ai uame iesieraay championship for the yer. list S STSSS C feY TtSX year's champion was Louis Ar: of Commerce w made at a fe Softball Jn It was K for' me louowmg jurcner games in A. w. Newman. Rfuorfcr were- nres 1" " " r . aouDies n7e Deen played. ente( on behalf of the various sub-i. . .f , D. C. Thomson and D. A. Mac- committees which will now proJ,n . Mrt th, Phee, 13; A. T. Parkin and Ben Cfed further details of their ' Jfclf fhe bein' fa "Me score Dalgamo. 10. t&St. .SC. n,ans Another rpnprnl rrwHnr of ' " t IT. 'tied unm uie intn uuung wnen O. V. Wilkinson and Angus Mac- committees will be held next Mor.-1 donald, 18; W. D. Vance and D. a. jay night. Borland, 10. j w m Watts, chairman of thp fi- Seventeen To Tight Victory Ovr McClymont Park, Against Fast Pitching Westview boys scored; an upset League game. th most part a. pitching duel b-; . j"kT..lll 1 nvlAfl nrltV ' iwccll u nrju turn rai Kib win. the Westview fielders relaxed mo-jmentarily to allow MeCrymont to-score score four Iour runs. The 7. boys 0073 tigntea-- HP"T In hat rink games on Sunday Mnfp ' ,t PP rpn0rtPd nn ex- Louis Arrows, rmk beat George ed. a"f m"mVV,If ceUent progress having been marie u" HHI's 24 to 21 and G. P. Tinker's fn S iiSSL Ne,U good SDpport e rink beat J. A. Frew's 19 to 17. SP0RTSARE EMHASIZED Value as Corrective Factor Noted At Institution Near Toronto the school enjoys a fine record among institutions of its kind in Canada for Infrequence of escape. Cf TnVin'c. V.n , tk. l , opposing team to one more run. from wholesale and waterfront ound pltcning sparked the concerns Some were putting, up Westvtew. team to greattr nelht3; cash and others were sponsoring Not only were a u ta-races had been Arrangements proved team , the fUld but thPir ;nractically completed for w0 out- hut lnst tcner fitting concerns to consider the tQ tnroW fastegt halibut setting contest. gear ,n lhe , ,eft mUe tQ bp de. After some discussion and on he slred West7iew Ur hltters wer0 basis of made that the suggestions iMah wUh fou Quu wlth fQU ,time of the Port Day would not anrf RTnln nnrt nncnr, i be suitable, it was decided to elim- boarding school than devoted one T A, McWaters reported to the to disciplining boys. There are no ubHcity committee and O L. barred windows, nor a fence around :Rorle for the dance committee, the great playing fields. The only! -t , item suggesting restraint is an ob- It Was Satisfactorv to have crmfirmfA vpfpv,1n iha VoaS enclosure topped with wire TioitrcfW'ftin p0..nw itf,,r iA J netting. It's the new box lacrosse, "oouiw .iiiu timing juuiijaiiy wun uuuui 10 commence the erection at once of a new mill to take the place ot the one destroyed by fire. There had been so many stories about the probability of the property being closed down indefinitely that the statement of C. P. Reil to the effect that work was about to commence was very welcome. The operation of the mine on Porcher Island meant considerable to Prince Rupert. There was a steady pay-rolll of at least forty men, all in this trading area and their purchases meant something to local business houses. The great feature of the rebuilding of the mill is that mining people have faith in the property, indicating that there is sufficient ore to keep the operation going for several years at the least. This operation is an encouragement to prospectors who may be looking for other mining properties on the island. field, joy of the boys and pride of the staff. j Brother Cryil, head of the staff! of twelve to sixteen Christian bro-l thers, admits that sometimes cor-' poral punishment has to be used,1 He is not prepared to say what keeps escapes to a minimum. The school has an active program and the boys are kept busy, he indicates. I He Dlaces emohasis unon theltne freeze-UD in the fall. Charle? L.u ....... V. Til 1. 1 II 1 V. - .J n TORONTO. July 26.-(CPJ-Bovs'lnate the purse seine hauling event hI ,lth th stIok hlftm? In bathing suits. 80 to 100 of them. from the program. 'thr. fnr nvp marching briskly down a half-mile A numbr of suF;ested names Westvlew won the gatpc' of streets to the East Toronto beach for tne ?ueen of tne Camlval were ln the lnnlng when f)tst with only one adult supervisor in olICIW as nonc consKI- five batters hit safely Parlett charge, give a little jolt to the erd acceptable, it was decided to Sfemed to weaken slighUy ln ihh popular idea of restraint at juven-;extfnd the tlrae for rece'vlQK su?" inning. The McClymont fielders He correctional institutions. This ! , , If , . . made a poor showing in this in- has been done for years ln St. 1 lcll4f I Tii 1! w-r ,nlng wUh the result that seven John's Industrial School here and!tU" cceprt!2 the, honorary chair- runA came acr0S3 the Iate closed contribution of a $20 team and Westview was abie to O of Hanson M. P. wrote statins score six more runs ln the next Uo fnar If rmsclnlo Vi ha nn . ... ..... .... ... t mnlngs to Drln3 tne nnal gj-g TROUT FRY ARE MOVED tto seventeen. i McClymont kept abreast of then opponents until the fifth Inning ithen they took a one run lead by scoring four runs. In the sixth they j again threatened when Barker drove a three-bagger into left field.1 then scored on Santerbane's sacrifice. Anderson hit safely but Scherk and Parlett were both in-- field outs. For. the remainder of the game they were unable to so'va the slants of O'Neill and finished the game on the short end of a 17 to 8 score. Team captains were Blain for Westview and Scherk for McClymont. Umpire was Neil Ross, sports program, given a large scope I "3iaeno are,"tea the makuv? of , studv of their nin nf irnwth throush one hard baseball and transfer, exnert assistance be- 1' $S "Lr-rJ?.10' --.,r . r ine ing piven iriven hv by PranV Frank w0rr, Warne of the ,""u T wni- ""P"'cnt. ,ine iiie Pllce ponce nave, uiree suit DaseDan uiamonas, tour hand-ball courts and the lacrosse series'" .raKar- 3fe" Ratchford, J. get hockey teams won their lUt .inr :A T ,ndsav. 8. J. Hunter and Don -,, u-xi , 'Ritchie. J. Ross of Prudhommt divided equally Into study classes and shop or vocational work. The newspapers with Liberal and Labor newspapers in uphold-; -CifSi ervisor. In the1 workshops ing the rights of free criticism. The public was reminded that if it had not been for newspaper publicity during the last war, liberty, and probably the war, would have been! trades. lost, that if the truth about intrigues,, about the incompe-1 tence and the misplaced vanity of generals had been alto- gether hidden, the ghastly horrors of Passchendaele might have been repeated until the Germans were in Whitehall." many boys who never before created a thing with their own hands learn BACK FOR MORE HENLEY-ON-THAMES, Eng.. July 26; (CP) E. C. Branco, Brazilian sculler, travelling 12,000 miles every year since 1932 to compete ln the annual regatta, has never survived a round ln the Diamond Sculls. Football TONIGHT, 6:45 MERCHANTS vs. NAVY J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. Transferred Yesterday Front Government Wharf Hatchery To Pond at Prudhomme Lake Kamloops trout fry. having been developed from the egg stage at the miniature hatchery in the Oov- figure there is a good spirit," he ernment Wharf loft, were yeste said. "It Is not so much equipment, day transferred by the Prince Ru- inc Duuumgs are not as moaern peri nua ana uun jiud 10 a pond the feodlns of th vounz. fsh wltl canned whalpmeat and otherwlsf boys work a garden area of close looklnK after them. to four acres and operate a large greenhouse. They do all the bak- a sup A hundred or so of the fry hart ven placed In the fountains it , Totm Prk on Fraser Street arc'' 'n the Canad'an National Gardens. THE SEAL of QUALITY m9 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilmoa canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert SUSPEND TRISON HEAD EDINBURGH, Scotland, July 20: as in some other schools." He said 1 in the vicinity of Prudhomme Lake ,cp Alexander Meikle. governor the school's system was not soft by, where they will be corralled and,01 EtUnbl''en Prison, was suspend-any means but tended to guarantee j fed until they become large enough ,d from h,s Pst and llned 115 against repetition of offences in any to take care of themselves when $75) for drunk driving. His licence necessary punishment for first of- they will be liberated In the lake was disqualified for one year. fences. ,wnicn, it is expected, will be before rr will he readily available.' Dominion Pi.hPri- nZl lbeen requested to keep a watchful - - - w v UiMMl' ne; were J. L, Blain. Fred Orlmble eye to protect them from HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE.' FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 You have no right to oe -111! ( All preventable illness is a crime e a crime gainst yourself your family and your race. Listen. There would be far, far Icsj illness and pain irf this world if people troubled to keep themselves clean and regular iosfde. Gilds, headaches and rheumatic pain would get the battle of their lives. Good health and abundant energy would be more the order of the day. Here is one, reliable step to internal cleanliness the little daily dose of Kxuschcn Salts, less than one cent's worth t day -r-and in a civilized age it's everyone's duty to take that step. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Knuchcn. ii combination of V ' abundant curate tod lull levfril mineral (alts which air. You ahould have im your body must get, in aome ttlU errry day: hrnte the i way, to keep the blood pure, J?l?Jr, porUnft of the 'little lUj Uu inside clean, and the i- coitebortea dost Kvery dru couatrc idi tem generally toned up, but which you Kruschen in 25c, 45c and '?c bat'Jn can't ftt in Nature! own way without It'i tkf littlt daily dott that lux 1 At gg SUPER-SMOOn wessq J Guslg& for it! We say "Try Esso" oecause we know it will tell its own story quicker starting more power smoother acceleration I Try it on the highways, over the hills, in traffic anywhere you wish Esso always delivers peak performance! Fill up here with ESSO and convince yourself. S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Avenue E. Tuesday, July 28, 193, jjHj Prince Rupert, B- & Prince Rupert Vancouver-Jasper From any point 37 65 on the Trltnt TliUyeMfmBkltaTrlURle"Tour" via Vancouerl 600 mile through the hllrr4 water of th "Inside Passage" ami 1300 niilea of oine of Can-' moat majestic mountains. It'a a grand holl'W (venture. Vancouver U the gateway to tha vatt Pacific North Heat playground. There it a wealth of antertalninent awaiting you . , . acorca of placea to aee . many new things to do. l'lan. note for thU fiu vacation. Seenaryl Outdoor portal A cruUe on a 'Trlnce" ahlpl Cay, metropolitan Vancouver! There are few othar trips that offer such a variety of holiday attractions. MaW 7mm I aaaaaaa I Fart IntUdtt mttaU ' Urtfc n Hmr vhtt urn. S jru norl h ultt b $UJ la Mpyu' If you have somethinrr tn anil n nln v.45-38 in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buye' the city. , :