a PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Takes by Warwick BOX CAMERAS (Made in Enzlind) Pictures size 3 1-4 2 1-4. Price $ 2 4t Ormes ltd. Jhoneer Druqgfats Tht .lej-.ll Store Pbanea: tl S3 Open Daily From un. UD II J.m. Sundays and Holidays Prom It noon till t am. 1 .m. til p.m. 'in INTERIOR iMr Stamford and PR0DUCEiTinkerCIeanUP Will Be. Few, If Any, Terrace Strawberries British Colombia Cant-loupes and Peaches Coming New produce is starting to arrive j from the interior for the local market. Owing to the dry weather there will be few strawberries from Interior carrots are small and let-; singles and, with O. C. Young, won !17 - D-ii nuineii ueuer In Some Ways RaDwajr Execntires Answer Query On Their Various Senices 2,000 women are employed in Tar-ious capacities by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Twelve of six- supervising large groups of both men and women, feel there are certain types of railroad work that can be handled better by women than by men. This was ascertained by a questionable. All the executives agreed women were Just as loyal and as neat as men. Fourteen said they were Just as punctual and twelve thought the girls Just as quick and conten ted. Ten executives- described the Baseball Standings Indudinr Yesterday's Scores National League Pittsburg New York Chicago Cincinnati Brooklyn Boston St. Louis Philadelphia Mrs. O. P. Tinker and W. L. Stam- Philadelphia 23 ford cleaned up honors in the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's championship tournament which has Just been concluded. Mrs. Tinker won the ladies' singles, partnered with Mr. Stamford to take the mixed doubles and, with Mrs. Alex Mitchell, won the ladies' ladies' doubles. doubles. W L 53 .....51 49 47 ... .40 .36 35 25 American League New York 50 Cleveland r 49 Boston 43 Washington 46 Chicago 1 34 Detroit '....40 St. Louis .25 30 35 37 33 46 44 43 27 29 30 32 42 39 45 43 55 Bryant Building New Residence Terrace this summer but what doi Construction of Dwelling Pet. .639 .586 .57C .553 .465 4W .422 ,105 .620' .600 .523 Mi .461 2 .313 come should be of good quality. Mr. Stamford took the men's i Junction Is Now Well Under Way l luce is laie. me men s aouDies. Construction Is under way of a New British Columbia canteloupe3 The score of the ladies' singles new residence near the junction oj3- and peaches are due this week as, final was 8-6 6-2, for Mrs. Tinker First, Second and Third Avenues are also California graven&teins. ' over Miss Elsie Davis. for O. A. Bryant. SM Calling all Sourdoughs and Chechakos Back To ITHERS SILVER BIRTHDAY CARNIVAL and Gathering of Early Day Residents FOUR BIG DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT August 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1938 HORSE RACES 3 Fast Events for Saturday Afternoon BASEBALL -Two games. Prince Rupert vs. Smithers PARADE TO GROUDS LED BY SMITHER'S BAND Decorated Cars and Floats With Prize Awards TWO BIG DANCES In Town Hall Friday. At Lake Kathlyn Pav. Saturday FIELD and TRACK SPORTS All kinds of athletic events for young and old. ' OLD TIMERS CONCERT Impersonating Early Residents and Re-enacting Scene and Incidents of Early Days in Smithers PICNIC AT LAKE KATHLYN Sports for Children. Free Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, Etc. to Children NEW MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS; REFRESHMENT BOOTHS ON GROUNDS Convention of Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. Deliberations of Thursday Open to Public Banquet Friday Night OPEN TUG OF WAR COMPETITION GOLF COMPETITION FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF NORTHERN B. C. EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FARES ON RAILWAY TIGHTENING BELTS FOR THIRD TEAR OF WAR'S SEIGE. (Continued from Fuse One) puts the price or their killing prettj high. Most Comforts Gone. Today Madrid is a city without Xear or hope for the future. There BALTIMORE. M Jnfv 25 (CP 1 1 are no street lights, nitrate auu- Thirteen hundred and at times! mobiles, taxis, free newspapers. libraries, museums, night life, new construction, butter and scores of other foodstuffs, sports, risitors. teen executives of the company. alllP'oaialic or social life, churches (except protectant i. schools (except a few), radios, dances, hotel life, hot water or heat, firewood or coal, and only rarely, and usually to the privileged few, are there eggs, fruit, sugar, flour, mCx, candy, coffee, tobacco, good shoes and medicines without limitation. Hats for women still are strictly taboo. Throughout the whole city, women's headdress never is seen a throwback to the outbreak of 'Rentier sex as on a par with the conflict when women's headgear men in accuracy but only eight somenow came to be looked upon found them as ambitious or as as anti-democratic. Men and' wo- l thorough as their brother employ- men. however, today are better ecS- dressed generally. . A marvel of Madrid's siege is its (trenches have beckoned all th 'able-bodied men between 17 and War has revolutionized Spanish customs shielding and protecting womenklnd. Chaperones have disappeared, and young girls who before the war were never allowed abroad without the protection and watchful eye of a relative now move about freely through Madrid. There is no evidence now that women are still In the firing lines, but behind the lines hundreds of! thousands have Joined In support of the war cause, in the factory and on the farm, in transportation and hospital work. Bread rations Just have been Increased about 50 per cent. Mayor Henche hopes soon to have milk for all children up to six years old -at present it's available only for infants under two. No one else Madrid gets any milk even under ' doctor's orders. It has become illegal to discuss J peace, armistice or truce so peopl! avoid talking about war. Improve Canada For New Babies New Division at Ottwa Making . Nation Safe for Maternity .... OTTAWA. 'July 26. (CP) The new child and maternal hygiene j division of the department of pensions and national health is already making progress with a survey to determine factors contributing to Canada's high infant and maternal mortality rate. When the survey isj completed, it will suggest remedial steps Its findings Indicate. Canada's death rate is admittedly . higher than It should be, and poor I In comparison with two or three ' other countries of comparable na-! tlonal stock and condition of life, 'officials here admit. The child and I maternal mortality rate, In partl-! cular, is above that of some other countries where vigorous methods have been employed to assure the ' baby a safe start in life and to make i maternity relatively safe. ' LIKE TWO PEAS I BRIGHTON, Eng.. July 26: CPi 'Clifford Gaston, one of Brighton's famous twin policemen, hat retired. His brother,. Christopher, will follow next year,, They could be told apart only-b numbers on j their tunics. f ., . WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Seining for pink salmon commenced on Sunday in the Naas River area with daily catches reported at from 200 to 6000 fish. From the Bella Bella area reports of fair seining catches have been received Reports from the Skeena and Naas Rivers for the first day's gill- netting this week show an average of about thirty sockeye per boat with about thirty pinks on the Skeena and fifty on the Naas. The Indian Department's cruiser Kaskeena, with Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson in charge left this mornins for Hartley Bay with Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial chest specialist, and his nurse. Miss F. M Erickson R. N.. on board They are due back tomorrow night The case of Jorn Haldane, charg ed with having sockeye salmon il legally in his possession before the opening of the season, was further adjourned on coming up before state -of health. Epidemics have Magistrate McClymont yesterday been checked or held down to a W. O. Fulton is acting for the minimum of deaths. Despite scar-. fisheries department in the prose city of medicine, absence of many cuuon wnue t. w. Brown is ap food essentials and horribly unbalanced diets, the populace thrives. Children nowhere appear so rosy-cheeked and full of life as in Madrid's plazas and squares into which scattered shells occasionally drop to smear the happy children's playground with their blood. Madrid will emerge from war a (city of catacombs and underground trenches. Mile-lig tunnels deep radius growing dally. Present underground shelters can care for only about 25 per cent, of the people. Children who curiously play at war under the very sound not only of artillery but of rifle fire from the half-mile distant front utilize abandoned trenches and parapets to bring reality to their games. , Youth Has Gone The municipality has absorbed thousands of workers in wartime work and Industry, euardlne and pearing for the defendant. Now operated by the Frank Waterhouse line on a long time charter, the freighter Chllliwack, owned by the Union Steamship Co., arrived In port at 10:30 Sunday night from Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Island points and, after vessel is calling at Bis Bay to load I protecting foreign and other pro-cannery box lumber. I nlies. and other essential tasks. The . Capt- Paul Armour is on a trip to Porcher Island with the company's, lugDoai ij;eness waay to get a load of gravel for the company's local bunkers. mm KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES PHONE BLACK 718 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi 7 IN 81TKKMK COl KT OF DBlTIStl COLL'MMA IS I'KOIIATE In the Matlrr of the "Admlnlktritloti Act" And In the Matlrr of the Estate of Jamtl TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor, W. E. Ftaher made on the 17th day ot June, A. D. 1938, I Wbs appointed AdmlnlcitratrU at the estate of Jam Lamm, daceaood, and all parties harln; claims against the nald cutate are here-1 by required to furnish name, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, A. D. 1938, and all par' Ues indebted to the mtat are required to pay Ahe amount of their IsdebfedneM to me forthwith. DATED the 13th day of Julr, A. D. 193S ANNA MARIE BENSON Administratrix of ta.V of James Lnriien. Dnonued, Ocean. Fall, B.C. , .? t i . BROADCAST CAT HUNT Barfing of Cougar Will Be Described Over Air Tomorrow Night JASPER. July 26. One of the, unique features to be broadcast from this mountain playground over the Canadian Broadcasting Commission network tomorrow night from 7 to 8 pm Central Standard Time will be a cougar hunt conducted by Warden Frank Wells of Jasper National Park and his four cougar hounds. With wild life on the increase in this largest of Canada's National parks, mountain lions have follow ed in the wake of the game that is such an attractive tourist feature at all seasons of the year. Warden Wells whose post is Ath abasca Falls on the spectacular Columbia Ice Held Highway staged the hunt for the broadcasting corporations mobile unit now making a series of sound pictures of life in. this great outdoor playground and game sanctuary. His hounds follow the scent through the green timbers of Sunwapta Pass and tree a 180-pound cat which the warden shoots for the benefit of tomorrow night's audience. R. T. "Bob" Bowman, who Is di recting the sound picture series, will introduce some of the rich his tory of this section of the Rockies In the -same broacast when he in terviews L. J. "Jim" Swift, old time at life's twilight, Jim Swift Is one hair. Tu't.dar.Jaly 2, 1838 LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show 8:Ig The Famous Scottish Comedy "STORM IN A TEACUP" with Vivien Leigh and Scruffy" (The funniest pup since Asta' in "The Thin Man") At 1:31 Once Only Plus Mickey Rooney, Maureen O'Sullivan, Dennis Keefe In "HOLD THAT KISS" (At 7:00 and 9:07) World News at 8:18 Only Coming Wed. and Than. "CRLME SCHOOL" A Sensation of the few colorful characters left who followed in the wake of the fur traders. Among the many Interesting fea tures of this hour broacast win be the recording of a gurgling glacial stream many feet below the surface of Athabaska Qlacler which pouri down from the vast Columbia Ice Fields. The mlchrophone is laid on the Ice to pick up the hidden ripples below which eventually find their way into the Arctic Ocean, GOOD OLD RED HEAD! nRIfiriANE. Aust Julv 2 rn discharging local cargo, sailed at Prospector, stage driver and hunt-JPnUjp Morris- red nair 3:30 yesterday afternoon for Van- er- wno seiwtu uou cwc w WJC from drowning recently A rescuer couver and waypolnts, Capt. A. W. present Jasper townsite before the said he spied Morris in rough seat Ogden was in command. Last night area was made a national park. Now J u hen the sun glinted on his red the Northolm, Capt. Fred Talbot, was In port from Vancouver via the Islands, sailing south after discharging local cargo. ' Union steamer Cardena, Cap James Findlay, Is not expected hi port before 6 or 7 o'clock this evening from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and will sail soon after arrival for Vancouver and waypolnts. On the way In, the FLOOR COVERING DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Square Yard DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM- Square Yard DOMINION BATTLESHIP LINOLEUM Square Yard .... DOMINION CORK LINOLEUM Square, Yard ;. MATS REXOLEUM MATS Size 18x38. Each FELTOL MATS Size 27x54. Each ...... CONGOLEUM MATS Size 18x38, Each CONGOLEUM MATS Size 36x38. Each CONGOLEUM MATS Size 36x54 Each .; TABLE CLOTH 45 Inches wide." Yard BABY HIGH CIlAlRS-Wlth lunem tiy'y BABY JUMPER SWINGS- BABY WALKER BABY PRAMS Up From BABY PEDAL KAR ' , BABY ROCKING HORSES Phone Green'916 4 Baggage SUIT CASES Up GLADSTONE BAG Up from DRESS TRUNKS Up from WARDROBE Up from D. EUO FREE DELIVERY IN CITY, 85c $1.40 $2.10 $2.10 25c 75c 45c S1.00 51.25 50c 6.75 $1.50 nd 81.75 4.00 23.00 BABY FOLDING CARRIERS Up From C7 AO 3.75 81.50 tnd S3 1.75 13.00 y 10.00 : 22.00 FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD AVENUE