ge Oe. re See on aes ae noe os sac arent ce 2s n lk il CgaR Ps Oo THE DAILY NEWS @Oay vrpeRweod GWVWDERWOOO ARCHBISHOP FARLEY NOW A CARDINAL. New York, Dec, 23.—Archbishop Fariey of New York, who was recently honored by the Pontiff to become a member of the College of Cardinals, has made his first public appearance here as a cardinal in dedicating the handsome new Church of St. Barnabus, New York. THOUGHT GEMS — FROM ENGLAND Some Pithy Recent Sayings of the Clever Men and Women of the Old Land as Recorded in the Press. Woman's Duty. | The prime duty of woman is to keep herself in good health.—Dr, Jane Walker, at Hull, A Mystery to Ourselves. | This is a world of mysteries; are mysteries even to our- selves,—Sir Alfred Dale, at Leeds. lwe The saint who smiles does a great deal more good in the world than the saint with a long face. Sir Francis Vane, Their Highest Happiness. The vast majority of women find their highest happiness in domestic life—Miss Grace Fan- ner, in the Empire Review. The Other Side. If you have not time to ‘read both sides of a question, read the other side—Mr. A. Birrell, M. P., to the Home Reading Union, Her Great Idea. The great idea of the young woman today is how can she re- Hon fy Wi The Best Procurable. duce her golf handicap.—Revy. “|W. J. Jillings, at Southwark Cathedral. In Revolt. Both fiction and criticism today are in revolt against that tired giant, the prosperous English- man.—Mr. H. G. Wells, in the Fortnightly Review. The Better Way. The tendency of all legislation to think of punishment repression and more of re- Lord Mayor of Lon- House. is less and formation, don, at the Mansion Snobbery. Of all the apparatus of snob- bery the most widely used and the most easy to handle is a great name,—Mr. D. Donaldson, in the Musical Standard. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH HARDWARE ‘Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ MALLEABLE ** The Morning Tub. I never iake a morning bath without feeling that I ought to ask a blessing and return thanks for it as much as for my dinner, Sir J. Crichton Brown, at East Molesey, The Hobbledehoy. As a rule one not find snobbishness amongst boys; that comes when they have grown out of being boys and before they are Baden-Powell, at does men,—General Pangbourne. , The Necessary Condition. $ ELL 3 The whole history of the mod- F YOUR FOOD WILL BE W COOKED ON A— 3 ern world goes to prove that local : ° ° autonomy is the necessary con- . Crown Favorite Cooking Stove ; dition of true imperial unity and 7 ye ; 8 P Price from $45 to $58, Other Stoves from $16. solidarity.—Mr. John Redmond, 3 | M. P., at Rawtenstall, 4 2 q ees ; WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED IN BUILDERS’ HARDWARE 2 The Disappearing Town. 3 a see $ A man who creates nothing > 3 | sinks into poverty and oblivion; > . ’ ; $ THOMPSON HARDWARE CO’Y $/a:i ine town which creates ne 3 s d $ | wealth only exists as a burden on 4 econd Avenue Telephone 10 4 Sets ppaineeean tape paarrne cache cncehiannn a @ {the community, and is: bound -to OOP POPP PPI P PIP PPA OP PP PAP PAA IPEP AAPA IPS disappear.—Mr, G. W. Russell, “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500, Vancouver, B.C. in the Irish Review. WEDDED AT THIRTEEN Is It Any Wonder That at Nine- teen She Gets a Divorce? “Haven't you made a mistake?” said Judge A, W. Frater as Mrs. Nellie Jane Peterson, weighing eighty pounds, climbed into the witness chair in the divorce court at Seattle last week. “No, your honor,” said the plaintiff... “I want a divorce, and I have been told that this is the place to get it.” When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Finest Cafe in B.C, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. European Plan, Hot and Cold Water in each room. CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Vancouver, B.C. “Oh, very well,”’ said the Court, “proceed with your testimony. I thought it was the juvenile court you were looking for.” “Jane was thirteen years old when she married Byron J. Peter- son in Kansas, on June 42, 1905, and she retains her girlish ap- pearance at nineteen, Peterson, she said, hired a man and woman to masquerade as her parents and give their consent lo a marriage license. She came west to live, At Portland Peter- son threatened to shoot her and failed to support her, BEIRNES & MULVANY Skeena Mail and Express Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- fer Co., 807 Third Ave,, and insure prompt forwarding, All accounts and correspondence addressed to "0. Hos 606 BEIRNES & MULVANY will receive immediate attention __Hazelton, B. C. Judge Frater granted her the decree, HE IS STARTING YOUNG A Nine-Week-Old Baby Boy Is Operated on for Appendicitis. Pittsburg, Dec, 20.—A nine- week-old baby boy was operated) on-in @ hospital early today for appendicitis, Physicians say the Operation was successful, TRY THE “NEWS” WANT AD. WAY OF FINDING indsor Hotel | FIR AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS W. H. Wright, Prop P.0. BOX 37 XV SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave, Phone 174 Workshop 7th and 8th Sts 2nd Ave. bet New Ox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors The New Knox Hotel is runon the European plan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern Improvements. BEDS 5S0c UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT SSeS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion will be made to the Legislative As sembly of the Province of British Columbia at its next session for an act amending Section 3 of the British Columbia & Alaska Hallway Act, 1910 (Ch. 56, Statutes of British Columbia, 1910), by striking out all the words after the word “Columbia” in Line 10 of said Section and substituting therefor the following: “And or from Fort George in @ north easterly direction to the valley of the Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod, thence along the Parsnip River to a junc- tion with the Peace River, thence along the valley of the Finlay River through Sifton Pass, thence down the Stikene River to a Junction with the main line at relegraph creek; also powers to build branch lines either through the Pine River LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 1 Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar wake notice that James Ewing Macrae, of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, intends to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted about | seven miles distant and in an_ easter direction from the Naas River, and about eight miles north of Alyansh Indian village, thence north eighty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence south elghty chains, thence west eighty chains to point ¢ 3 sneement, 3 ee oe JAMES EWING MACRAE H. P, Rutter, Agent southeast corner of Lot 1552, thence west northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence south 836 1911 The Bank of British North America 75 Years in Business, —_—_— Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Banking by Mail Mail, to explain our Dated Oct. 31, 1941. Pub. Dec, 14 Skeena Land District District of Queen) i, a great convenience to those Charlotte Islands, be ‘ Take notice that Ellen Marion Young, of vho | some distance from Victoria, B, C., occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the tow? folowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the| I eposits may be sent in, cash or other business trans- without any ask our Local Man- to | system Prince Rupert Branch . F. S. LONG, Manager, to the northeast corner of Lot 1553, thence ir wh south to beach, thence along beach to, Gey, point of commencement, containing ,one act od by hundred and four (104) acres, more or ni oe ro ible elay. ELLEN MARION YOUNG trouble OF ¢ : George Young, Agent r. . Dated Nov. 15, 10911 Write or Pub, Dec, 15, 1011 ager Skeena Land District——District of Queen you Charlotte Islands ne Take notice that John Scott Young, of Saanich, B, C,, occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the The One Best Bul SECTION : ON | | | Lots 27 and 28, Bloc} 8rd Ave. and — Price $20,000 0. M. Helgersou, Lt | Real Estate and Rentals Offices: He | | | | | rson Bi Petre meres sen. | ™* Royal Hotel Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih § The Finest Ru to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence east along the said boundary to the sea The best eq | | | | and steam he shore, thence following along the shore to the point of commencement, containing three hundred and sixty-one (361) acres, more or less. YOUNG Agent JOHN SCOTT George Young, 15, 1941, 15, 1941. Nov Dec, Dated Pub. Skeena Land District—-District of Cassiar. Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se- attle, Wash., occupation woodsman, in tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted four | miles east of the Naas River and about five miles north of Alyansh, thence west} eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, | thence east eighty chains, thence north eighty chains to point of commencement CLARENCE BOWEN, } H, P. Rutter, Agent, | Dated Oct, 31, 1911. | Pub. Dec. 14. Skeena Land District—District of Casstar. Take notice that Frank Furey, of Seattle, Wash,, occupation chainman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted about six miles ‘east of the Naas River and about -Church Services . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Empress Theatre, 11 a.m 71M p Bible Class at F. W. KERR, M.A., REV THE FI MCINTYRE HALL, Services ¢ a.m Schoc Bible Class . REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D, m RST and | 2.4 Sunda ay in the and Sunday School and BAPTIST SRD AVE., ery Sund 7.30 p.m 0 p.m 2.30 p.m 2.30 p.m PAasTor CHURCH NEAR OTH ST ay at il Sunday Baraca Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH BETWEEN CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. Services every Sunday at ll a.m. and 7.30 p.m School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Sunday PasToR Hot and cold | Dining restaurant Corley & Burgess, Prop Pes seems seers ries er $5 COMPANY OF BF. | The new steel Passeng leaves seven miles north of Alyansh, thence north eighty chains, east eighty chains, south eighty chains, west eighty chains to point of commencement, FRANK FUREY or Peace River passes to the eastern boun dary of British Columbia, or by way of the most feasible route, or in the alterna- live by the most feasible route between Lytton and Teslin Lake, also to build from 4 point on said line of railway to the City of Vancouver or from the City of Van couver to @ point on said line, by the most feasible route.” And further, for an act extending the time within which the company has to commence construction and expend ten per cent of its capitalization, Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of December, 1911. ROBERTSON & HEISTERMAN, Solicitors for the Applicants, the British Columbia & Alaska Railway Company. LAND LEASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that we the undersigned, Alfred Christian Garde and Wm. M. Johnston of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engineer and prospector, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described land: Commencing at # post planted 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station,G.T.P. Ry. Station and approxim- ately 27 miles east of Prince Rupert, thence north 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25 chains more or less to railway grade, thence westerly 25 chains more or less following said grade to point of commencement and containing 70 acres or less, ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE WILLIAM M. JOHNSON Date Nov. 23, 1911 Pub. Dee. 5, 1911 NOTICE, LAND PURCHA Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that LeRoy F. Grant of Prince Rupert, B. C, eccupation civil enginee:, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 1-2 miles iD & northerly direction from the northeast corner post of Lot 1349, Range 5, Coast District, thence east 30 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence west to bank of river, thence south following bank of river to point of commencement: con- taining 160 acres, more or less. Dated Sept. 9, 1911. LEROY F. GRANT Pub. Oct. 10, Gordon C, Emmerson, Agent Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range 5 ‘Take notice that Miss Mary Muiville of Clare, Ireland, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following desribed lands: Commencing at a post planted one chains north of the southeast corner of Lot 532, thence north 40 chains, thencé east 20 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 20 chains to point of com- mencement; containing eighty acres, more or less Vated Oct. 11, 1911, MISS MARY MULVILLE Pub. Noy. 11. John C. Mulville, Agent Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Benjamin Russel Rice of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation waiter, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following Geseribed lands; Commencing at a post planted 65 chains south from the southeast corner of Lot 8060. Post marked B. K. & 3. E. Corner, thence 70 chains east, thence 65 chains gouth to Point of com- mencement, containing 456 acres more or less. BENJAMIN RUSSEL RICE Dated October 21, 1911, Pub. Nov. 2. _ Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Angus James McKenzie of Vancouver, B, C., occupation bookkeeper, intednns described lands; Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with Naas river, about two miles south from the sixth Dominion Telegraph eabin. Post marked A. J, M. N. W, Corner, thence $0 chains south, thence 80 chains east thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less ANGUS JAMES McKENZIE Dated Sept. 23, 1911. Pub. Noy, 2. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take notice that Herbert MeLennan of Van- couver, b. C., occupation real estate agent, intends deseri Commencing at a post planted at the con- about two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked H. M. N, . Corner, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains wast to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less, Dated Sept. 23, 1911 HERBERT McLENNAN Pub. Noy, 2. Skeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar Take noice that Charles William Ham of Vancouver, B. ©, occupation inspector, imtends to ply or perms n to purchase the following di 3 Commencing at a post planted at the fluence of Blackwater river with the N about two miles south from the sixth Domini Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. 8, Ww. Corner, thenee 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains south, thence 80 ehains west to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or > CHARLES WILLIAM HAM Dated September 28, 1911. Pub. Noy, 2, Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of Van- couver, B. C., occupation carpenter, intends to spply for permission to purchase the following scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the can- Siypnce of Biackwater river with Naas river, about two miles south of the sixth Domi Tel agreph cabin. Post marked T. A. W. 8, E. Corner, thence #0 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east te point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. THOMAS ARTHUR WHITE Dated it. 28, 1911, Pub New 3. west, thence 65 chains north, thence 70 chains | to apply for permission to purchase the following | to apply for permission to purchase the following | he lands: x . . Huence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | =| H. P. Rutter, Agent arriving Tuesda\ eae artes arriving Tuesday Pub, Dec, 14, Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar. \ ‘ ray oy . Take notice that I, James T. Fullerton, For stew art ( Ivy ATT Skeena Land Panes pores of Coast, | of Van : uve r, 3 ; 7 oct upati , from Vancour a” The ‘ ne student, intenc » apply for permission y Ait Take notice that I, John Argiraclis, car- | (,, purchase the foll wine vient ed lands igh penter, of Victoria, B. C., intend to apply!” fommencing ala post planted $2 chains night. for permission to purchase the following | pact of Naas River and 40 chains south of | described lands pre emy tion. No. 397 Skt thence 40 N *t} } our d les \ Vana | Commencing at a post planted about one] (nains north, thence 24 chains west, thence | + Oren ~e ae mr aun | tanger, Trout ‘iver, on the west sue | thet! hy Megat, fouCNine the ead iver] ver Wednesdays at { j ink , rence 52 chains east to pol of com . of Lakelse Lake, and about five (5) chains anaame “ 66 acres : . ~ e back from the waterfront, thence south . te nt; containing 160 acres, more Steerage Fare $4 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence ae! J. T. FULLERTON north 80 chains, thence east 80 coon 18 RK. H, Stewart, Agent The ‘‘Camosun"’ is th oaies More crane Pee ee Sen I at Rupert, Dec, 11, 1041 on the run having JOHN ARGIRACLIS PUD. DOC. +35 heads and double s Dated ry ae E. Cowell, Agent suring safety of | ated Oct. $1, 2 a ne a Pub. Dec. 9. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, of collision or wr tange 5. - Take notice that Il, Abraham H. Barber, s, Ticket Ag of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation miner, J. H. Rogers, I LAND LEASE NOTICE intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands cael nae RE® Commencing &@t @ post planted at the Skeeng . eo ch southwest corner of @ small island about on keena Land District 7 pistrtet of Queen) twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) F M DAVIS AT Oe Take notice that Alfred. McGregor, of | “HalNS east of the northwest corner of Lot ° ° OA vi aan ; : eae? 1323, Range 6, Coast District, Porcher Victoria, B. C., occupation broker, intends] iiand, thence following the shore line in| General Machine St S hig fo apply for permission to lease the fol I lowing ‘deseribed lands 4 hortheasterly direction about twent Car entering: Al F Commencing at a post planted about eran z er “ he 5 Seah tie Hon ithe banks - Morse ar three-quarters of a mile southwest from » ahara a Toa 90 » > the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset the Rvpeh line about twenty (20) chains Engines. \ Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence is] ‘d point of commenceme nt, being an ccasvries carried it south to the north boundary of Lot 1857, sarane Pe ber saat about forty (40) acres, pe d Boats for Hire N.E ‘el thence west one hundred chains, more or|"" ABRAHAM H, BARBER Ee eee less, thence north ninety chains, thence Dated Dec. 6th if oe, east to the beach, thence along beach to Pub. Dec 1 3. ’ point of commencement, containing six . : hundred and forty acres (640), more or en ALFRED M’GREGOR Skeena Land District District of Coast, Georgetown ve : P . lange 5 Daina aie i & betel Young, Agent. Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol, of Pub Dec. 15 eas Nanaimo, B. C., oceupauon miner, intend e , a : Pp. apply f permission to purchase the S ere . a - ‘z , : following described lands a keena Li My eee Ta eaetos or Queen Commencing at &@ post planted at the wml O. Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of | {q¢Uit DB. trace wee; 84, thence south | Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends | north 40 ‘chain Ue eee eos ap spnence to apply for permission to lease the fol- |! ir t ae ve ee me . | lowing described lands point of commencement, containing 160 umber |} Commencing at a post planted at the | “°'es More or | DAGOBE RT AURIOL | Southeast corner, being eighty cha'ns south k LE. ( yell " and | of the northwest corner of Lot 1555, Mas Date Noy. 10th, 101 Owell, Agent, = and | set Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence Pup Dec. 9 1011. i north eighty chains, thence east forty ; Id . | hain, thence south elghty chains to the ou Ings point of commencement, containing three | « , a s : ; . jpuadred and twenty acres (320), more or Koons Land Date District of Coast, ess § y sant . bcs Take notice that I, Theodore Nichalis, | Anaitee vaune cit driver, of Victoria, B. C., Can., intend to A large stock of | Dated Nov. 15, 1011. : : Hpply ros. De ined lant to purchase the fol ing lumber on ha Boa | Pub. Dec. 15, 1944 ig described lands | eer ent lis ry | : Commencing at & post planted at the rel ape y | Skeens ‘ s ‘ aol 2 southwest corner of Lot No. 2287, thence made at short notice keena ond aes cates) of Queen east 80 chains, thence south 40° chains, : - , 4 ; - ss lence west 40 chains, thence south 40 | . Take ne Hos tet Ma) olm Wright Young, | chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north Our prices are a | ie of Saanich, ; tends to apply for following described upation farmer, in permission to lease the lands LAND PURCHASE NOTICE 50 chains to point of commenceme nt, con- 480 acres, laining more o r less Prince Rupert ever at 6 p.m. for \ Call on us before } Commencing at a post planted at the THEODORE NICHALIS, | Southeast corner, being about one mile Neied ee atte E. Cowell, Agent | Cast of the northwest corner of Lot 1551,) pared, Cct 34, 1011. | eaoe north to the south boundary of " wre a Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary OFFICI 1 Pe bat oto! dhe tenes along me Said] Skeena Land District—District of Coast, F t AV ; Poundary to the southeast corner of said Take notice that I, Paul Curtisg, cler eC rs | Lot. 4 thence west along said boun- | of Vic toria, intend to apply for pet peated Cor Centre St. and | dary the east boundary of Lot 1549, ] to purchase the following ‘de scribed lands ee } thence south along the said boundary to Commencing at & post planted on the the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence | east Doundary and about five (5) Chains | jP_——eto sess |} ast to the northeast corner of Lot 1552,| from the Southeast corner of Lot 4484 thence. north to the nortnwest corner ff} thence north 60 chains, thence east 86 Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west mencement, containing six bundred (600 30 Chains to point of commencement, con q acres, more or less, laining 180 acres, more or less. . | | MALCOLM ONT YOUNG PAUL CURTISS, i | George foung, Agent rec cE. Cowe J 9) | Dated Nov. 16, 1911. 7 Dated. Oct. 34, 1911.07 COW Agent. | Pub, Dec. 15, 1941. Pub, Dec ) | Skeena Land District—District of Queen | ANI | Charlotte Islands % Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | | Take notice that William Moore, of Hange 5 | Saanich, B. C,, occupation farmer, intends Take notice that 1, Michas Beganis, cook, } to apply for permission to lease the fol of Victoria, B. €,, intend to apply for per | | lowing described lands; Mission to purchase the rollowing de . | Commencing at a scribed lands post planted 4 | Southwest corner of Lot 548, Masset In let, thence east one hundred chains, thence | ! | 80uth sixty-four chains, thence west to the the Commencing 4 lerth side at & post of Williams ¢ Killmat branch of the G, T. Pp Planted on reek, where Ry, cro the the sses | beach, thencé along beach to point orf} Willams Creek, and about ten (10) chains | rolumencerment, containing six hundred and] from the creek shore, thence south 30 we |} forty (640) acres, more or less chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north Owned and operat | WILLIAM MOORE sO chains, thence west 40 chains to point ‘ ~~ lag » |} | George Young, Agent. of cominencems nt, containing 120 acres, Grand Trunk Pacific Dated Nov. 14, 1911. more or. less rican Bur | Pub, Dec, 15, 1914, MICHAS BEGANIS, the Amariesy ane u fr eae, 38 : Fred E, Cowell, Agent, Excellently furnishe | == — — Dated Oct, 31, 1911, ‘ stric lig Pub. Deo, steam heat, electric lig ee modern conveniences, b« " | Skeena Land Distriet-—Distriect of Coast, lutely first-class in eve! . ee ; Kange 6 F ake notice that I, Samuel Belltees, T j , ’ | gardener, of Victoria, Intend to apply tor | The appointments 4 the permission to purchase the following de are equal to any hot : scribed lands : Commencing at a post planted on the coast. Dori aide A Williams Creek, about ten chains bac from the creek bank, and ‘ ‘ ‘D {m { f th N ] | § about Ufty chains Southeast from where epar en 0 e q a er \ce te Kitimat braneh of the G. T. P, right- . | ol-way crosses Williams Creek thence | RADIOTELEGRAPH SERVICE. south 40 chains, thence east 40 chalne Rates: $1 to $3.50 per oa). Sealed tenders, addressed to the under-| “ence north 40 chains, thence west 40 signe d, endorsed “Tender for Dwelling chains to point of commencement, con House” and accompanied by a certified | Mining 160 acres, m¢ or less, heque for 10 p.c, of the amount of the SAMUEL BELL TEES tender will be received up to noon on Fred Cowell, Agent. ~ecember 318t, 1911, for the erection of Dated Oct, 31, 1041, v. ‘welling houses at the Stations at and Point Grey, Plans and specifications may be s¢ en at te following places; The Governinent Government Wire- Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo less Wireless Stations at Government Wireless § ervice ictorla, and 8 vepartment of the Naval Service, Ottawa, nauthorized publication of this notice Wil Hot receive payment, D G, J DESBARATS, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service Department of the Naval Sery Ottawa, November 20th, 1941, Point Grey, Cape Lazo and Digby Island Prince Rupert, The Postoffices "st Van- s couver, Nanaimo and Prince Rupert, |” -w€ OMffee of the District st rintendent Pub, Dee, keena Land Take notice that J, of Victoria, B. C ssion to ribed lands G. A. Sweet, Manage” District—-District of Coast, Range 5, Louis Caleris, driver, || - pure Commencing a 0 chains, omt of Dated Oct, Pub, Dee, 9 Southeast corner thence north 80 chains, » intend te chase the t A post of Lot 1729, thence south thence thence east 40 chains to containing 820 west 40 commencement, acres, more or less, ) apply for per- following planted at chains CALERIS, soWell, Agent de- the ‘Whites Portland (emet! G, C, EMMERSO' AGENT econd Phone 125 Naden Block