y y sir Published DAILY EDITION Low Heels. By "Maxlne". Just Arrived. Priced from S3.45toS5.00 Buy Your Xmas Slippers Now While Siies Are Complete. Our Range is Complete in Every Department Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PR1NCK KUPtKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, py Prince Rupert Dally New. Limited. Third Avsnue a. r pollen . ManaglnK-Edltot Member of Audit Bureau ol .lrculatloni Saturday. December 10, 1938. ALL IS WELL WITH THE wnRi.n The possibility is that all is wpII with rhp wnrlH nnri,1"11' everythint? is working itself nnt in thp host nnec5Kio mnr, . roJ.e5 ... . , ior Keeping Deiore us the precariousness of the situation g and makine- us all conscious that U'P must nranava tn it ' " - w 'Vfl7MV bW JI uieeu 11. in me nrFi piaee we must delend ourselves should it be neppnry and in the second place we must refuse to be lulled to sleep again by any promises of I Have Just Come From the DRYGOODS And I NOVELTY SHOP Where they have the newest things the things that really, make Christ- $ mas. jS Whenever I go there I want to buy m a almost everything I see. g Why Don't You All Drop In and Talk Over Your Christmas Problems with Mrs. Dowth er and Miss Watson " Org Waterfront If you ask me, I'd Whiffs DANCE & PARTY SLIPPERS Coy Bay Boatbuilding Shops Are Busy Lining Up Fishing Vessels for iNaval m Reserve Service High Titles HCCSfl Latest Designs in Black and 5 and Stormy Weather Silver anil nil Cllrar lll.H 9n4 I',' Japanese boatbuilding shops in Cow Bay at Prince v . v "imti. iiaviiiu tujinuv-ia ii.uiu wiiicn wm Keep mem occupied until well into fun Spring. The Matsumoto yard has oractically completed a 40-loot halibut boat for Barney Roalds, formerly a W member of the crew of the Ingrid H.f and now has con- fa structlcn well advanrod or a 44- . . 5 Toot troller which had been onJjred board a load of 40.00J pound of jfc by Harold Jaecbsen, who came to cod which she took on to his death under tragic clrcum- Vancouver to dispose of. e stances this week. On compleUon p of the Jacobsen boat. Matsumoto A Ileal "Siwash Village'' W will start construcUon of a forty- Inspired by the declaration j ffg foot troller for Patri:K M. Kelly of Doc Telford, leader of the aCF.'rt, jfo Vancouver and has further con- that Prince Rupert is nothlns but jf tracts lined up alter that. K. Tau- a ! ih vl!la?e anyway, water-ifo mura has completed planking of front parliamentarians, who took jf- a 34-foot trolling' boat for Rjd time off from, consideration of the $2 Chandler and, when It Is finished, sh'.euutljrul altuatten thla v?rsk will start on a similar vessel for to djscuij matters of Immediate lshed planking of a 43-foot troller " we are really only a fishing til- . . . . . . . . . U I t 1 s. 1 .1 InAa m.a I I- iur uic urucr oi uie uisen ana vm- "sc c nugni ao eo.Tieinint :s cent Ubell. help Ihe natives and. at the same A 20 h.p. Heln (Danish) dlesel time, put our terminal facilities to engine will be Installed in Barney ome use. The elevator, being our ;r , , , "7 : "V " t-""'v- nit: new wisen ana UDeu i ner n we only could see the whole mcture. It is nnssihlp'wiu be eouinnprf with a ?n hn upin cuLshin s-m nrt The well known Vancouver halibut boat Joan W I., Capt. Al Wo!e. was In port Thursday. She had on At that, there Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, was late arriving In port at 6:30. o'clock this morning from the south. The vessel sailed at 10:30 ajn. on her return to Van- Roalds' new halibutter which Is to 'nos; imposing white elephant at ' - be named the Neptune. this time, the proposal wai made rv . . Naturally, there Is uncertainty by one of theiages that the In- UemOIlSLratlOn as to what will happen to the boat diaar might be given a shot at It j being built by Matsumoto for the Indeed, It has been declared that (f f pira Alarm order of the late Harold Jacobsen. the efevator would at lutt rn. VI 1 II C llallll .This will be a matter for the wl- Ing better than It Is today If It were' dow to decide. Jacobsen's lnten- Elven to thefnaUves for use as a tlon had bepn tn lnvinll thp 2n h n sreat smoke. hnliitp tn an tr. Regal engine from his former boat 'ty, the oceandock, which haa al-Actlve II. ready been used as a storehouse fdr A 15 h.p. Vivian engine Is to be totem poles, might make an admlr- lnsUlled In Red Chandler's new able potlatch pavilion. Some oolne that It would be better to , be a boat ooat good Booa "slwash siwajn vmag village" than a lan- that a few million more lives may have to be sacrificed I dlesel- are some ot the boys who fe-'i that Home was demonstrated uciure . me nations oi tne world ------- learn - what it v was 1 a.kj 11 honedl ' w-cauca -swasnes,- mey? U. r i llf . lit . .. i nrpra 01 van n l.ki A u.k Wp rpmomluf coo;n- o U.: u- .u j'sen. successful voune Nanreirlan ler tnan some of lhe POUtlcIans. the plow passing through the middle of an ant's nest. TheiSR,? " Exceptionally high tide, have little creatures Were a unset hv thP tPrHhlo ri;ct,,onnlu;7. ,.::J!Vue" .r.0mm? been wxtwrlenind tn- Mnr, R11- .. . 1 ---- -. M.uyu. umin huuk ncutiesaay 01 mis weK . ; ., - - - wcii tt uiuuu ui uunjf pneasants ate up most OI tne n own hand, have been unable ..mhhijiic nw ants that had just lost their natural home. ILwas-disas- account r hi sh act Jac- S?wSey,,?ln 1ccom?n ter to the ants but the world 'continued t6 turn on its axis Jft"X off ill TormS the Same as before and even the men U'hn Wneiv nfth ri;aJ"e.aale-L and. mM. .S()"r or. the the waterfront ame throtieh nlri.. PRESTIGE OF BRITAIN Many people have felt since Munich that Britain has lost prestige which she can never regain. And yet. if ,ve look hark tt'P find mnnv timoc ilifin if Alti.rf u w v-. vv uu- Knnpp Kiinikrr T rni itntr nrro fnwr ' " - aster hardly gave a thought to it So if a million Jives are He was most temoerate in an his . . , . . 1 a. i. I t A. Y 1 V m f jubt im-ougn me ioonsnness oi tnose tiny creatures kno i habit? and did not suffer from fin Ti. 1 - IJil MA . . as men, n nas nine eiiect on trie universe plenty more millions left There are anc,aI worries such a? beset some fishermen. For several years he was hleh troller at Prince Ruo-rt. Hl widow was his consistent helD-mate and. Indeed, assisted him actively In his operations. ly. The climax of the storm came with a stiff westerly on Thursday morning w men 'had lines snapping in all directions. In connection with the making couver and wypolnts less. Just ninety years ago Lord Shaftsburv despaired I ganIzatlon of nce RuPrt mh fnv t Vmntn 11 i i.j 1.. 1 .t . ins vessels nnrir thp nv flhlni can save th lowing year w : - 7 " - - -. w . -kj a ponsible for the completion of the Suez Canal, as sho'-r Princess Adelaide yesterday after in a picture at the Canital this wppW. was mnvprl to ov .noon from Esoulmalt naval basi base Claim: "In industry, commerce and ntrriVnltnrp rWa ;c!tospenda few days'. Quite a num. for m 1&2, when the Duke of Wellington was dyine;, he' January and February to uke. ur, is reported to have murmured: "I thank God I shall be,"3! reserve training activities spared from seeing the consummation of ruin that is p-atv,-ldur,n the qulet seaJ0n as far ering about us." The two statesmen, Wilberforce: andl!!Jhln, !i concerned' Reeutra-William Pitt both had their periods of despondencWilJS iv-i v.c vmiu nui, nmi ry. ne saiu ne uarea not ao so De-cause the future was so unsettled. Pitt, at one time, saw nothing around him but ruin and despair. Members of the British Empire seem fully imbued with the dancer of the situation ns i that is half of the battle. We have to thank the dictators SISS i:ffeetirenrss of Syttem at Local Hospital Proven by Unexpected Mlht Call 5 Christmas Gift Ideas They have winning waj ChrMnui sifts cf lovely lin;erie or nithtjonnv You ran alirars be sure that they'll pleate any fern-inine taste. And tin nut- rrr haa Inn mmr H. A. Hughes, regularly purser of beautiful slips, pratiea and gownt. You're ie steamer Venture on southern I,rc to te delighted with our rollettion of who has gone ashore at Vancouver for his annual vacaUon. Save Half On prugjfists Sundries If Its made of rubber, we have it. Price List and Booklet "Per-fectlon In Protection" free on request, in plain, sealed envelope. Imperial Imports (Western) P.O. Box 227, Vancouver, B.C. m n,nt,iiil vli In Co3tume Slips Both hand-made tailored styles and models daintily trimmed with fine Panties Esqulrltely hand embroidered or trlt-med with aprllqued motlfa. Very Plal. MghlfjOWn8 In styles that are the very eenre of flattery. Itlch atln and luxuriou silk crepe. I Fraser & Payne's Si S BOIUtfUZt' -Bfl3!AaMVWmSI!Wy - L. ws.l.l;.. .I nn . mi . km 1 ii ii j Jin bj a, 1 . , i.f it' . r. . ws k - ' - t i j w r w-m mn v mm m n tm w a av vi M mmm3 lives With a Visit to Tovland i; 'Alb. Shoulder Veal 'ft cortoa 8Q by cead of ntjfht when a ihori dr chief referred to Oif eulUng of ouUlds wires dudni a n the alarm syatem windstorm set fl the belU In the CUM f . Ulc fro Home he from arousing nurse, matter of making nt-their slumbers and causing them to , ffU r-f, .h turn out in short order prepared nmtt for any emeraencv at the homJUl ' j Fortunately, it was soon seen that - - - I all wat Veil at the hospital but l; I was reassuring to know by oractlcal . demonstration that, had there wen The effectiveness of the fire j anything wrong, there would have' alarm system between Prince Ru-been no delay In coping with th pert Oeneral Hospital and Nurses ; situation recently The monthly report of the fire, ft FULTON MEAT MARKET rhone Ul and JONES' FAMILY MM 1YIARKLT y Phone til Shoulder glutton ? J Motion Cliopfc y'Ug of, Mutton P.rlS. 4 lbs. fa ' VcjiI Chop J. i lbs. . 1 Sirloin Steak Q 3 bt. Hound Steak and W t bunches Carrot M Pt Roast Beef Per lb. f Short Rlt Beer i, Per r I Tn 3 pei one Iloatl tti. ttump Roatt Beef vs- rer jo. . 3 Sirloin Tip Q, Prn , M Shoulder Steak Beef V 21b At I Loin Pork Chop Per lb. rhest 1ST 50c 'WHWn ill 1 JMMHHH I I KAIHIM HAkIIW Alk 31 2Jf M II Shoulder Pork Per lb,' Ayrethlre Bacon Per lb, ... Jewel fihortenlnl 2 lbs. . . Fresh Killed Chicken- Per lb. 50c 20c 50c 35c 50c 50c 10c 25c 20c 15c 18c 25c 25c 18c 25c 25c 30c Give A Kodak And You'll Know It's AVprdprlatc Olfl For Snapshot at Nlr.lt' ft Our riew Hlgh-Spoed K 1 k Super-XX Film. Wrathall's Photo Finishing. Boiling Alley ror HeajUi and a Rllm WaUt Line Howl For Reservations Phone M