I H i it Si? SI Sf PAGE FOFH NORWEGIANS WIN BRIDGE Pint of Season Cone lad Competition to Start Next Week Grotto t. Prince Rupert Dairy; Musketeers vs. Sons of Norway Ramblers vs. Brarkman & Ker. Results of last night's play were )as follows: Canada n National Recreation Another Ajocilton ti- Brackman itver iij. ATTENTION . . . . M140 96910 S4140 93030 96370 93680 91130 9430 91530 82900 1094 GO 2900 HERALDING A RADIO UNSURPASSED IN . . . mm canooi build nornionru ; -a buqafincrJM raaio PERFORMANCE BEAUTY i sT-mm ....... "risk biqintm ; , kS JKTM t - SEE and HEAR The NEW IN RADIO 1 Ml ViitnrQ To Prinrp Rnnprt i . W . You are cordially Oivited to make our store your headquarters while In the city. If you hare any parcels you wish checked, wrapped for mailing, etc.. drop them into William F. Stone's. We will be only too pleased to extend our serrice to you. For any Information desired regarding- gift suggestions consult one of our pleasant clerks. OUR STORE IS YOUR STORE ALWAYS Come as a Friend Not as a Purchaser Drop in and Get Acquainted With William F. Stone The Store With tne Christmas Spirit SI s g TfOld Country Soccer SBi Kound Enlih Cup Ipswich Town 4, Torquay United t I. & Southeape United I. Watford 2. Musketeers 16220. Prinre Rurjem WalsaU 4. ClaDton Orient J. ' rvalrr W4M Run mm S. Akferxhnt 1 The first half of th- Prince Ro-; ' ..... , 1 " -.fc.:.rV o. I pert Bridge Lea sue season eonelod- j d last nteht with Sons of N'orwsT i MMM(4t ftn llu mtmm Irl and earning -the right to meet the) winners of the second half, which) wtti commence after the Christ-'sons mas and Ker Year season, for the ' Rambler year's championship. Next Fri- Musketeers Chelsea 3, Huddersfleld 0. Leeds 3, Sunderland 3. Leicester 2, Derby 3. Liverpool 2. Orinvby 2. Manchester 1. Arsenal 0, Middlesbrough 9. Bl,kpooI 2. Preston Northend 0, Evertotv 1 Stoke 1. Portsmouth 1. Coventry 3, Fulhara 1. Luton 5. Chesterfield 0. Newcastle 6. Bury 0. Norwich 2, Tranmere 0. Notts 3, Sheffield 3. Plymouth 0, Swansea 0. Sheffield 3, Bradford 1. Southampton 1. Blackburn 3 Tottenham 4. MillwaU 0. ALPHA IN West Bromwich Albion 3, West tht door Ham 2. : 1 . Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 2, Albion 1. Clyde 2, Hearts . Falkirk 2, Motherwell 1. Hamilton 2, Rangers 1. Hibernians 1. Third Lanark 1. Partlck Thistle 3, Arbroth 1 Queen of South 4, Ralth Rows Queens Park 1. Kilmarnock 3. St. Johnstone 1 Celtic 1 FIRST WIN Defeated Gamma This Moraine iu Hieh School League 4vo:.. vW ,4. owniyvt , o.uiu iwiruu Iwilinlnp rfrMt Sons of 1630. Canadian Hartlepool United Park Norway o,.Queera High HUfh School i,."" bowling Z. by Ztl ! Legion 1420. .Rangers 2. The fetal first half standing- J Vale 0, Southend United 1. Oalnsboroh Trinity 0, Don- For Ae'ns PU. M l '' fSons of of Nor Nor. lCSmr 88950 105S701 ... . ... cnester a. huh city z. day the first round of the Tip Top P. Rupert Dairy 93440 92530 98440 ? j!. Tailors Cup competition Till be Can. Legion played with the draw as follows: C NUA. Canadian Legion v Canadian Na B. & K. tlonal Recreation Association; Grotto Alpha House broke Gamma's I Hlh a Vera sr-m-ar tor CardUf City 1. Crew Alexandra O.inyjn,- wa5 BJacthll of uneom uity 8. sromiey i. , House with 282. uneimsiora cny 3. warimgwn i., standing of teams to date: fTMCMone i. xeovu ana reiers i. Bristol Rovers 0, Bournemouth 3. Stockport Count 0. Walthamstow Avenue 8. Halifax Town 1, Mansfield Town 1. English League, Pint Dirision Blrminsham 5. Brentford t. Bolton 1. Aston Villa 2. . Charlton " l- . Athletic 0. Wolver- Gamffla Beta Alpha .. 1L Meraie: second. Mrs A. E. Dkk In defeattirg them by a score of 236$ to 2SU Beta's score was 2D9S. dinners of theatre tickets donated by Manager O. G. Borland of 101720 87700 101720 ,7 . .... , Capitol Theatre were JlmLaw- 101520 K&OQ 101520' ' orrle. BS1 Long, Jack Hopkins. the Beta 13,185 12304 13.419 Moose Bridge And Dance Last Night .Sufcrssful Affair IleU In AW af Christmas Tree Fund Last night the Moose Lodge held I a very successful bridge drire and dance In aid of the Christmas Tree fund.- . The prize-winners at cards were: I EnelUh lue.. K-nnM ni.kiim Pfter Wmgham: Udles' first. Mrs. I . ... ill -. - J u a w rit Burniey i. Manchester 1. ens sr. After cards, delicious r?-jfreshments were served and there jwas dancing with musk by Charlie Balaeno's Orchestra. Richard Long wai general chairman for the affair as well as acting as master of ceremonies. Mrs. 1L Smith was head of the ladles- committee. Joe RaUhford presided at St. MJrren 2, Ayr 1. ; Scottish League, Second DivWfln Alrdrieonlans 8, East Stirling 1. ' Alloa 2. Montrose 1 Dundee 4. Dumbarton 2 Dunfermline 7. Stenhousemuir 1 Edinburgh 1. Brechin 5. Forfar 2, Dundee 1 King Park 1. Cowdenbeath 3. Morton 2 Leith 0 St Bernards O. Eastflfe I 1 A KING CANNOT COMMAND MORE THAN YOU CAN NOW ENJOY WITH -3F REGISTERED JULY II M907 Canada Finest The REGAL RADIO lgl agggB ir P gtttttttttttrBgttttttttm WP' ''B gK ggggf gtttttttvPviV'''''4 9br" SaaHi I' riloNE t rOR JiT ij.i . CAPILANO BREWING CO.t-TD., VANCOUVER, B.C. Bandspread Dial This adrertlsement Is not published or dl,!ayea by th Lienor Contxql IVvri or If the Oeverr-nerst f Hrsf . falomMa Festive Season At Story Hour Each Child Received a fiifl This I Marnlng I ... .. i In keeping with the restive sea-!on the Storv- Hour s theme this mommc centered about Christmas and earh child received a small -ift The program was in chare" of Mrs J A. Barry and Mrs. Bernard Lundhal and opened with appropriate munc The enthusiasm . i . . j i . . i i . t iiic aucuence rnjoyra wir stones pi "Babouska." "Miss Merry Chrtit- i mas." "The Jar of Rosemary' acd "Why the Evergreen Keeps It Leaves ' The second chapter of the serial story. The Box-Car Adven ture was reUUd. Next week's hour, for four to eight years. w4 be tharge X Xtrs. D V 8mi'v MUs PhyllU IUmbHs i be a Christmt prograr. ,i . . Mrs. L. I. PuyJey sa;!e4 I Princess Adelaide lat -..t) iVancquter Dr. Pugsley m the south. THOUSANDS ACCLAIM nm 11 mmm in t iTAiggggyugi EASY TERMS No Finance Charges Bigger Trade-in Allowance For a Demonstration in Your Own Home - Phone 95 EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. Tl'l