paoe err 8 Sterling Silver and Pyralin Dresser Sets From $1.00 (or a 3-plece set, and up. A Wonderful Range of Men's Military Sets and Brushes A special 2-brush and comb set in fitted case $1.50. Genuine Diamond Ring) from $12.50 and up. Hundreds of beautiful, useful gifts to choose from. You will find prices keenly competitive Model 97KG This beautiful Console Grand has all J,he 1939'reflnements and the- price is only $132.50. Hear It ln your home this Christmas. 0 Jit l7laS There's Only One CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Only A Large Assortment Of Wooden Cigarette Boxes and Ash Trays Kegular 50c and 75c Values Special This Week-End at 25c 30c 35c Ormes Ltd. 'The Store of a Thousand Gifts" t3Sj 51 SL SLf tL Of Course It's an I I 1 1 15 fit H 1 5 is S 8 There's still lime to Join the Victor Record SocietyIt's the Ideal way to enjoy "The Music You Want When You Want It." Full Particulars Without Obligation at 7 GIFT That KEEPS on GIVING! tnd It's a Gift For The Whole Family Too i A Special Guaranteed $500 Wrist Watch, also a large jrangfe of the best standard makes, Including beautiful di-iamond set cases. A assortment to make your selection from. t RCA VICTOR 1 1 RADIO The Radio With the Reputa tlon That Everyone Wants Easy Christmas Budget Plan enables you to own, a new RCA Victor' at no extra cost. Sterling Silver and Flatwear. 12 If you lose anything, advertise for it. llollowware IN OUR BASEMENT STORE Fine China, Dinnerware, Glassware, Brass are, Copper, Novelties, Baggage Courteous Attention Your Shopping Will Be Both Pleasurable and Profitable MAX HEILBRONER iKKoiwa0Oi0H5cH0iao0MOOoowo Diamond Specialist BUILDING DISCUSSED Color Scheme of New Ilospito Decided Upon General Business At Board .Meet Except for Matters ln connect ion with the construction of the new hospital building, business at the regular monthly meeting of '.he boarl of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital last evening was largely of routine nature. The color scheme of the new hospital came up for discussion and the opinion of members of the board, so far as was ex pressed, appeared to favor outside ?olor similar to that of the new Post Office building with green or black window trimmings and an 'nterlor color of a ll?ht fawn. The main entrance driveway and walks will be taken up with the grounds committee. As a protection to the vails, Miss Jean Harrison R. N. h? lady superintendent, suggested that all beds be equipped with casters and bumpers. The house committee will go Into this mat ter. The board was Informed that there was no reply as yet from thf COSTS BUT FEW CENTS CHILDREN WILL LOVE IT Mother do thb mk a tyrup br dt. olitri I Ublspoon of tucar is half tr -cupful of warm wtr. Add tin ton. lU of one ibaII bottl of ItackW Couch Mlitnr end mtt rL TfcU -will nuke 1 bottles of tho norl rffrrtl'o tmtmy vkiu oJkmliM couch rrmnlr md roa moner. Take a dnwrt fpnonfnl tr7 kaJ-iaur. If rUf mndtrful THEDAILY NEWS iwxHKHiWHjooooiwootww hospital as living quarters (or Mni l0lrof lo i o maids and nleht nurses. lTlcUdlidlld Gifts For Everyone! Regarding a recent break In tne hospital sewer, which It was felt mleht have, been caused by the the rug until after occupation of the new hospital. General Business of the board Uicluded correspondence from the Workmen's Compensation Board ln regard to deductions made from hospitalization accounts on the grounds of over- hospltallzation. Explanations had. pears that the man should b taken care of by the marine bene fit scheme. In any case, the local board has refused to have any thing to do' with the matter as far as any financial responsibility for the Isolation hospital Is con cerned. The board had previously notified the city commissioner of 'ts position ln regard to the isola tion lHvrttt arwl a ltW from the commissioner, at lait night's board meeting, arknowledged the notification. Co. as to wnat tne extra cost would I jf y0ti wish to swj, something- be ot finishing up the attic of the Try a Classified. BEST COUGH MEDICINE CAN NOW HE MADE AT HOME to how quick tf h rllx itobboni couch cod cold. Rlf tit ar tht tlfU n lomrac op phtrcm I r41d bronchuU punio clorod orrathhur be corm Hikr -foa alvp aovmUir, A Mi bottl of Borkltr' Mlitar todar and mak I boulw ooouch to , lait th famHr all throat a Om bad wnthor. Lara for rouraHf hr w in tlx Wat couth m-dlcin t mad at bom with BockWt Mixtur. All dranWU trll Bocklcr'i Mil tar. 5 m 2j? 5 W Venetian Blinds Pioneer ISranti PHIL LYONS phone Orecn 885 i i "-rJi ''Sti 'a CHRISTM Forsythe Shirts Today's Christmas gift special is this. marvelous shirt value. Seldom are wc ahle to present such an outstanding quality at such a low price. Visit us to sec the Nmany other fine men's wear gifts on display. Prices arc always reason ahle. Fraser & Payne's J H. BULGER Optometrist Sale Of Work 51 Dancing was In full swing following the sale and was much en- sj S9.50S13.50 2? If SI .5? Royal Rank Illdf. 'Shower For Miss Kathleen Johnson piling of heavy building materials on the ground above the sewer Delightful Affair for Brlde-Elect line. It was decided to leave the Successful Affair by Udles Beno- wh Mn( pffk nd Mrf matter over for adjustment when volent Association CUpp mt a final settlement Is made with the . contractors the whole buuaing. n. ' on , , project. The suggestion has been ft & J Udlrt ai--! , M 0scar Pc and Mrt E. I Benevolent Asclai ion t MetU- hostesses at a made that the sewer line was In CbPP were Joint ktla he5d lait Wednesday shower at miscellaneous break de,lRntfuI bad shape and due to any- ngM and was a successful affair 725 Clauds way and that therefore, the hos- the homc o formcr I pltal Itself was fairly responsible """"U1"' "u r , Stieci, in nonor ni m ivauwcen for the cost of making repairs. was The paddle wheel booth, Johnson, whose marrlaue to Ru- fUVi nrniri fntlva Viol nnc lfi . . l . .m (.1. nU I -There ence ftt- ere was further miner corresDond- corresponu d$ . .. d,f, 7. , ooipn i- nnircii wm liv from the Department of In- htltrn. , h. r,ifvinC sn"rUV; .. dlan Affairs In regard to the grant In connection with the new build u.S piujcit. cecds Miss Jean Harrison, tne iaay sum of $88 was realized from the a,.d wlth alnk chrysanthemums nappy spenders as ine ioiai pm- aftd Upm ln ajiTfT aconces. j -Thceveplng was-spent Jn plaf- - - T J I -ll--- V, - .... ' . I . V. inuiun vaiiru Biici mf ing games ojiu uic uiu.c-iiiii-i Uj..iacu ; let was raffled. The drawln wa were Mrs. C. Strand. Miss Uritta of a check for $16.95 from Cambral ... ... .... . . , ' . ..... Chapter. Imperial Order, ters of the Emnlre. to buy a new conducted by Acting Chief Coun- johanson and Miss Asbjurge An-clllor II. Prevost, Master Buddy tonson. Durchale ,Mrs- W1,,lam Rudland' WM "lied 'mPnU were served by the hostctt. hihm decided to to Hf defer the tne purchase o on . , u-.j t. ' ull m uiun HIV UL IV 7 iiuuiuti mO HIT liriHC Lillkr WHS UUI, which turned out to be the one after which a beautifully dfcora- held by his grandfather Reuben ted house was brought In laden Leishton., wllh glfU for the bride-to-be. , , Part of the proceeds v1ll be used Those oresent were Mrs. . pcar weneraj Business at wic jm-cuug-. ... In the basement of Community Hall. I f y ;jS For Your Leading Man . . x , J We Sanest DEANNA Two Show.;; DURBIN In vwpT. irene Wth (At and j jj) HIM! mm UI lir II III II'W 71 n v" ' v" . . .vr,l, . rrt..l Tnhnnann til.. l.Klt.r. tnlw. 1 "I K. n..xU . . "m -- "lmm, trvn mUMIns k. K, n TV, r-..n.k..t taken up further with the Com-- -... , THAT CKHTAIX AGE ... nagay. ratcfrtt mtl m iniins m. ..... nnna torn betuin ... " loves-and a :hoco!t 2! With. Melvln lOUU Comlhj SJON, . Tvrj, -ViUiltltS' HOSPITAL riKAKCU The rfrorb.of f!j's . - . ... A . . . . . . i ncic. Mrs t, u. uiaop. mh. uscar rauice. nrrseniea by Q v irv. uisse. Mrs. u ncuanu. Mi..n rva leasv rtignt s nt4 ?lln. Mrs C Strand. Ktr5 A, tx I hospital board. Ickson. Mra Stenson. Mrs, Wl V. Imtnts tor the mwh t ra jKiwes. Mrs, orown. ivauueen Joyed. Splendid dance music was ; Johnson. Miss Joe Jousaion oensation Board although It wasj felt. In the light of past e xperl- Ssv. WvlHiu... nee. tnat mere was mtie wnicni iii nw,,Wi,w,ftil,Wuii-(oii.wii)(j, nuld bo done 'IS: There was further correspond-? "nce ln regard to a recent Lsob- ST Ion hnsnltal case ol a scarl-M fever patient who' was admitted from a passing steamer and In regard to the responsibility for Sf the payment of whose treatment Jj some question has arisen. The mm M came from Victoria but that city , m has refused even to pay a pr capita grant covering him. It ap-ri DRESSING GOWNS Brushed wools and flannels in plain colors and checks $8.00 to S20.00 SILK GOWiNS-Priced at HOUSE JACKETS Plain colors with plaid and 7 7C to Q1Q Sfl hwithnr m xturaa V. v""" Pyjamas r- GIFTS 1 H Carving Sets Hand Slclglis Pocket Knives Safety Razors Copper Kettles fiasolind Irons Mechanic's Tools Covered Roasters Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Phone 101 2S5 THIRD AVKNUE By Arrow Broadcloths, Wool Checks, Knd Silks in tlm newest pat-tenia; Attractively boxed. Priced from $2.00 WATTS & NICKERSON Worthwhile Cifts for Men A Select Arlmeol Of Hoi Chocolate? And Xmas Candi That Will Pies Vou-A Best Makei In Sl MUSSALLKM'S CONFKCTlu.-vw- UdlwVnd CliiM""' Dressmaking X KDITII MlM.i:R.nh Phone RU'K 27 Try a Daily News wnt-d-