HURCH NOTICKS i : He Rt 0 ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Church of England) V-r- Itrv, J. B. Glbton. Dean . Choir leader, A. J. Lanrater Organist, Pefer Un 1000 h.m.--Hundy Kfhool ; rn Confirmation Service. Preacher: Kt. Rev. O. A. Rlx D.D. Lord Bishop of Caledonia 7:3Q P-m-llTenlng Prayer and Sermon Sulijert A Meme to Young People Preacher- The Dean 57'. PETER'S CHURCH. SEAL COVE Phone 75 327 3rd Avenue REGAL SHOP Closing Out SALE M m lm m 5 u Wc have been able to brinj; forward many lines that g Uck of room prevented us irom snowing previous. "Your Inspection Cordially Invited" Everything Must Be Sold Including Fixtures Regardless of Price - Reserve Your Christmas Goods Now While. There Is a Good Selection g T P" 'Viyi(yf&'! .r'''fM 7M tt- rt- wr tr. JO Ww vm -ns v Nanalmo-WcllinRton Alberta Foothills and Hulklcy Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. Trlmhone 631 or 632 .W.VVV.N W W" WWV UNION STEAMSHIPS SPKCIAh WINTER KXCUllSION KATES TO VANCOUVER niOM PIIINCK RUPERT 36.Q0 nVm "nd' l-HOM POUT H1MP80N 39,75 iSfuded Educed Rales to Vancouver aim apply ' torn Intermediate polnU. VcL, 1 UkfU on Sale Itel.een November 1st M"?' mu, 1939, lnclu.lve-.C.Hl to Return up lo March 31, Children HU Fjrc Steamers; Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S.CATALA Tuesday,". Tlujrsday, a.m. S-S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from W" Rupert AentA. W. NBWJWN- Ticket JW fti AjjJJ. l'urrl.ase If Convenient I'lease Phone SC8 NEW HAZELTON Miss Enid Campbell R. N until recently of the Port Simpson General Hospital nursln? staff, arrived this week to assume ntw duties as lady superintendent of the Hazclton Hospital. fome time at Usk with his father 8. H. Senkplel. who Is government road foreman there. Hugh McKay Is a patient In tho Hazelton Hospital suffering from a .were attack of Influenza. His! Condition U reported to be fair. Sunday at St. Peter'f Church there Is to te a special service j b!.ure hi connection with the members and work of the Toe ', Carl W Krnlston, New Hamp- . m. The Rev. R. Durnford, who 14 the chaplain of this shire pole dealer, was a recent vlsl-m; ke particular reference to the ceremony In which all 'tor here with Olof Hanson M. P. brrs throughout the world will be linked up on that day. iMr. Kenlston. was much Impressed a customer for local Umber The Women'e Auxiliary of Sr Peter's Church held a successful bazaar yesterday afternoon in the Horticultural Hall, The affair en-loyed a larpe measure of patronage and was a complete success. Hotel Arrivals Prince ltupcrt J. 8. Nelson, Port Simpson; V Dolmage. Vancouver; Llcut-Com mander C. D. Donald, Victoria, Mrs. R. O. Emmerson. Dlgby. Central Oeorge McKerale, city: J. T Brentren. Port Simpson. Knox Sam Manjerson and Ed ,OUen city: James Nault and Thomas La Croix, Porcher Island. Frank Cole sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Capt. Larry Thompson, who came north as pilot of the Imperial Oil Co. tanker Albertollte. which wai in port yesterday with fuel for the company's local tanks, sailed this horning by the Cardena on his re urn to Vancouver The Alberta He sailed at 2 30 this morning for California EllKil LOST LOST -New black fur trimmed ov ershoe. Please leave at Dally News 286 WANTED A'ANTED to trade for suitable house .320 acres farm land 200 miles north of Winnipeg e mile .from St Rose town, 4 miles to railway, l'i miles to school, '216 acres under cultivation, balance small poplar or shrub; clea) UUe Collart, McCaftery ltd. Phone 11. ?80 PERSONAL PHIVATK HOME KINDERGARTENS PAV We start you, The Canadian Kindergarten Institute Wlnnltt WE HAVE HELVED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Let ter Carriers, Postal Clerks. Cus toms Examiner, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free Information. M.CC. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Olde In Canada. U FOR SALE EASIETTE Washing Machine $35, Complete Ded $7. Phonola Gramophone $5, Stand Lamp $2, Lady's Fur Coat Size 40 $8. Apply 539 6th Avenue West. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rHONE 7 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY rKOM HOME" ilates 11.00 up 50 Hooms Hot & Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. phone 281 P.O. Box 196 i lie uciivi VV j - MORE ABOUT CREDIT UNIONS Editor, Dally News: hares or as deposits. aiienuon m uio riumituM vcio-lature at Victoria. Since most people In British Columbia are not familiar with the objects and purposes of a Credit Union although they have been functioning In other provinces oj the Dominion for some time. v:e vould like to point out through X Hwntiv xevtral attemDtx have 5? .been made to explain tho function lof a Credit Union, mgre especially W 8am Senkplel Jr. 1 spending !lnce that matter has. received 4 (b) Make loans tl its members ofr provident and productive pur '.oses and merchandising purposes. It requires ten persons to sub- scribe to the memorandum of the a at least, of the Important features S connected with Credit Unions. gf The ca-jltal of every credit v? he .nr. the chaplain will go to the Toe H headquarters 'with this district and may bjcoraelUnlon shall be unlimited In M i - . further ,i,tlM -I t lhl ...III will ... take I.- . ..... 1 I 1 , 1 4 I W AAA tn Tr .tux a Cermony of Light place All Are Welcome at These Services Christmas Specials MacKenzie's Furniture t;nil!ih Design fennt Rlzes. Eh Doll Carrlairs In four different colors and $3.00 to 84.50 Itocirr Chairs In Wicker Splendid for a child t lx jrat-t Each S2.25 m Si i mount ana snau De aitiaea mio tm shares of a certain par value to b A determined by the Act. We believe 5f he par value in Nova. Scotia is zs 55.00 per share. j? The objects of a Credit Union S mall be: rjtf ai The promotion of thrift mong Its members, if tb) The promotion or co-opera- lve enterprise amongst Its mem- 2jr tc The creation of a source of redtt for Its members a.t legltl- u mate rates of Interest, exclusively for provident and productive pur-j poses and merchandising purposes j For the purpose of carrying out'S lis objects, every Credit Union 5? nay. subect to the provisions of the Act: '. (ai Receive money from Its jiembers either atf payments cn! Association. It serves, a, specified trea. There are no salaried offl-l clals except a treasurer. Loans are I fcade only- to members and for hip. and on this basis loans are made 'Control Is vested in the nembers on the co-operative prln- lrl f nn. mmhr nnit vntp All 2? II wollts revert to the members at.J ,er expenses of operation are deducted. After a person has paid In I Gifts Six-Piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of- Vanity, Bench, Cheffonier and full sized Bed, Cable Spring and Spring Filled ' 882.00 Twin Set A lady's ideal gift. Pak-rite and Vanity Case $12.50 anrt $18.50 3-Pce. Chesterfield Suite TltlltllAVENUiC and If you are convinced, that a S Kt $79,50 provident and productive P"nsc8 ton " d c v ag., exclusively. CharacUr. honesty and KJiu Vnnv lhat the funds industry are required for member will be used locally and that youi community is the place that Is m hnrfit frnm the trans- 2? rw - action. 2? PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMfcN S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 4. LSCiUlC. OtVlll(' (Jj f uU . tor , thaw In r-rlt. , i 1 .jrm- Union he may make Irregular de-, timiuji sai xhzu tj x!U 'for the purpose of thrift. In-. sf!i tendf r m t- rctwi by teresi on Joans is nmuea. th(in tKKn uth dlf If there Is need In the pommun- of jnury. iB39. tor the pureh of iftf tr.r on nhvtn nmitintf thHft. Lie Dor X343M CtUStH to the TtelDlt 9 ' - iv- . i tut ma rt Credit Union would benefit youri tw ai yn wia be noTd ror t-community the first thing neces-n 0. ,ary U study You must known vwtor;. tiie onsna For-what you are going to bo and hon tr. mow nupert, hmsr J- n, vou are going to dv It. AVhen you Prtnt r- BC For Heat In France They Say "Chaleur" Tor Heat In Prince Rupert Say BULKLEY VALLEY GOAL Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Sailmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Servers Four People, Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storas 'if Co. Ltd. Prlnc Rupert "rUlrt cwwnw .1 - ' " h pr Tinner 10. 1958. THE DAlLT NEWS TAawrmi iiX'A. That all the Family Will Enjoy ' " Glen's Gladstone Bag 24-inch Jumbo gladstoiie bag of top grain cowhide in Q9.9. no brown.. ..... Floor Covering Felt Base Rug Inexpensive floor rug that m; makes your room bright and 00 S ftpvprsnhle Wool Rue These reversible wool rugs come in pastel shades suitable: for bedroom. Size 25x48. ELIO'S Mj TSLa 4.25 & Hours 9:00 a.m." to 5:30 p.m. . CHRISTMAS CARDS Tags - Seals - Gift Wrapping. it., n : i - P Personally Printed Greeting Cards Boxed Assortments AH In Gay Variety At DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block Phone 231 USED CARS 1930 1930 FOR SALE t Prices Very Reasonable Roosevelt Coupe Dodge Sedan Heater) 1932 vs Co" 1934 Do(tec Deluxe : ' Sedan Heater and Radio 1929 I1ccr,c Sedan : TWQ 1937 Oldsmohile Se: .dans. Mileage verj' low and sold with a new car guarantee. , Both ears in first class ' condition". Liheral Trade-ins-Easy Terms ROYAL MOTORS A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can set It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or NanaimoWtlllnUH coaL PRINCE RUPERT . FEED CO. Phones 58 or 958 9 I A NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE TU1KU AVENUE EAST Phon RED 39S INTEBNATIONAL TRUCKS HIIXMAN CARS STAKPARD OIL PRODUCTS Promf t and Efficient 8ervlc i v. tiki fl 1 . i Li J I 3 u 5 V 1 . 1! f!! t I ": I Ml