CSCO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO! * oJ * BJ fe * + ¢ 7 SG U THE DAILY NEWS Wishing You All a Merry Xmas | and Happy New Year .omith’s Cigar Store... SMITH & MALLETT | Order your candies from Third Avenue the best selected stock | PLUMBING AND HEATING. [1s Compliments of the Season in the city. Fruits, Ete. ALL IN THE wont ORK Buy the Girl a Box of Chocolates |PH fib Tiiea: ONE 5 PHONE 174 PHONE 53 SIXTH ST. | | WIS HING ALL A MERRY XMAS When skies are dark and the wind is chil n| Christmas comes with its kind good will, | And pleasant it is our friends to greet sweet With a cheery wish and a memory THE OLD, OLD WISH Contractor and Builder A Happy Christmas and PRINCE RUPERT, -:- 8B. ©. | A Bright New Year. a FROM | Wishing You All a Merry Xmas/| | i The Mack Realty & Insurance Co, JABOUR BROS. | Christmas, 1911 New Year, 1912 | Everything for Xmas in Lace ana| Siik Goods, Etc. Compliments of the Season | | DR. CLAYTON | THIRD AVE. PHONE 243 Bik. | Dentist Corner Sixth St. and Second Ave.! Wishing ¥ i Merry XMas } PRINCE RUPERT WE KNOW HOW E.COLE XMAS WISHES FROM M’KEEN & HUNTER Horseshoers PAPERHANGING, DECORATING, aia KALSOMINING, ETC. Blacksmiths Phone Blue 336 PRINCE RUPERT, -:- 8B. ©. CORNER SIXTH AND FRASER WISHING OUR PATRONS THE COMPLIMENTS Of} ik SEASON SAVE MONEY \Ve dre giving a ind Cooking utansile . till the ‘st BUSY A. J. Galland General Hardware Corner McBride and Fifth Ave. Wishing You the Compliments of the Season THE PRINCE RUPERT PLANING MILLS, LTD. High Grade Store and Office Fixtures, Sash and Doors, Interior Finish, Etc. COR. FIFTH AND FRASER STS. PHONE BLACK 241 ISHING YOU ALL A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR We make a specialty of moving pianos and furniture with care J. G. WESTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE General Garbage Contractor DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF CITY FIFTH ST. NORTHERN B.C. LIQUOR CO. Wishing You All A Merry Xmas ES’ HOUSFHOLD COAL Phone up 42 Compliments of the Season GEO. LEEK REAL ESTATE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 203 Third Ave.) (oi), ents of the Season CLIFTON’S BAKERY Third Avenue DRINK BUDWEISER BEER hing You a Merry Xmas JOHN CURRIE Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoe Repairing Shoes Made to Order 822 SECOND AVENUE KERS AND PASTRY COOKS Xmas Greetings to All PATTULLO & RADFORD Real Estate and Insurance THE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. WISHES Y 0 U PHONE 83 SECOND AVE. A PLEASANT XMAS AND A | PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR $\ ishing You a Merry Xmas W. L. BARKER ARCHITECT Application Wishing You a Merry Xmas DON'T WALK CAB SERVIGE DAY AND NIGHT | Phones 110, 368, 36, 91 UNION TRANSFER CO. Estimates on Second Ave. and Third St. P. O. Box 713 Phone 89 PRINCE RUPERT ~Christma WE WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A MERRY XMAS WARK’S JEWELERS THIRD AVE. Wishing You All a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year SAVOY HOTEL Steamheated and Electric Lighted Throughout. Running Water in Every Room Cor. 6th and Fraser Phone 37 Wishing You a Merry Xmas Drink P. & 0. Scotch Whiskey Ask for Bisquit’ s Brandy in the a Bottle. Bass’ Ale and Guinness’ Stout, Stork Brand. : : -i- Clarke Bros., Limited Phone 39 ERE Aver P. O. Box 319 Dies It Pay to Advertise? ee ee es rE ss PL EP es Fd Ps OE eS Ot es os Let the Greetings of Yuletide be welcomed by all Business Manager Prince Rupert Advertising Company ~ —~ ee ees ee re Yes, if You Want the Business WISHING ‘YOt \ MERRY use Toe THE QUESTION SOLVED Come and look over our large stock of Xmas Gifts in Jewelry, Diamonds and Fine Cut Glass. Watchmakers, Jewelers - and Opticians J. S. GRAY & SON Helgerson Block ~ FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Wines of All Brands, Case Goods, Etc. Order for Xmas Early FREE DELIVERY Third Ave. Phone 17 Wishing One and All Our Cus- tomers and Friends a MERRY XMAS R. W. CAMERON, JEWELER Wishing your a Merry Xmas We Make Pictures True to Life ALL WORK GUARANTEED PEERLESS STUDIO Third Ave. Alder Block Page MERRY XMAS TO ALL A Merry Christmas to You All MUSSALLEM GROCERY —COMPANY— High-class Groceries, Fruits 0 Vegetables for Xmas. ORDER EARLY Phone Black 228 5th Ave. East Right There ALL the Time PONY EXPRESS Trunks, Baggage and Storage A Merry Christmas to You All PHONE 301 PRINCE RUPERT FULTON CASH MARKET FOR TURKEYS PHONE 170 FULTON ST. A Merry Christmas to You All DR. W. S. HALL DENTIST 3rd Ave. Helgerson Bik. MERRY XMAS TO ALL EMPRESS THEATRE PHOTO PLAYS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD A Merry Christmas to You All Frizzell’s Meat Market BUTCHER AND PROVISION DEALER Phone 10 Third Ave. MERRY XMAS TO YOU Dine at NTRAL HOTEL S, G. MORRISON XMAS DAY Modern Steamheated Rooms | Electric Lighted Throughtout PROP. | PHONE 367 | A Merry Christmas to You All General Insurance Underwriter | |PETER BLACK -i- 218 2ND AVE. Wishing All a Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year The Pioneer Laundry WHITE LABOR Special Rates to Hotels, Etc. PHONE 118 | | | } | | We Do First Class Work We Call and Deliver Wishing You All a Merry Xmas Come and Have Xmas Dinner With Us SPECIALS FOR XMAS DAY SERVICE IS UNEQUALLED | The Exchange Grill Carmichael & Embleton, Props. Second Ave.Phone 91 |} Wishing You All the Compliments of the Season WILLTAMS & M°MEEKIN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS | | Select Stock for Xmas. Order Early. | PHONE 56 THIRD AVE. | WISHING YOU A MERRY XMAS season | | HAMBLIN & CO. Milliners and Ladies’ Outfitting Parlors | THIRD AVE, PRINCE RUPERT of the SWEDER BROS. : High Class Merchant Tailors } | } | | | Wishing you the compliments | CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Phone 38 eleeroan Bik. | | Wishing You a Merry Xmas IDEAL PROVISION HOUSE FOR XMAS GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES We Keep the Best PHONE 100 THIRD AVE. | Wishing you a Merry Xmas | LITTLE'S NEWS AGENCY PAP ERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Largest Selection of Post Cards and Views in Prince Rupert Merry Xmas to All HAYNER BROS. FURNITURE STORE Pianos and Phonographs, Etc. PHONE 86 THIRD AVE. We wish all our patrons a Merry Xmas and continued Pros- perity in the New Year PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. CARTAGE AND STORAGE |Phone 1 Third Ave. W ishing you the compliments of Te Se ee ee the season LETOURNEAU & BROCHU SHEET METAL WORKS PLUMBING, HEATING, TINNING Phone 325 Black SIXTH AVE., NEAR FULTON Wishing You a Merry Xmas Timber Mines Insurance P. McLACHLAN REAL ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENT Third Ave. P. O. Box 324 Success and Promgeaey to Our City °-- ae ae ee PETG SOOOOOVOV —_——— —- — Pe a a ae ae oa oe oe ee ae Tee Oe ee Ne ae