I ?.nr tttO Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. rKlNCfc KUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Aftnue H. F PULLEN ... Managlnx-Edltoi AUVEKriSI.NO KATtS Classified advertising, per woro, per insertion . j. local readers, per line, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION KATE'S City dellrery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatxe Paid In advance, per we;k Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, wid In advance Qy mall to all other countries, per year News Department Teltpnor.t . 86 Advertising and Calculation Telephone , , - 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations Tuesday. December 6, 1938. CHANGE IN PARLIAMENT 2 RUSHBROOK SPEAKS ON ABORIGINES Seal. .Core Young 5 Many Interesting , Yourtj People Hear Things Of Indians of Old 5 . The youni pecple of St. Peter's jj Anglican Young People's Associv J 'ton received a visit from Rev 5 Canon W. F. Rushbrook whospokr i to a meeting on the subject ri V "The Education of an. Indian Boj. 50' 3.00 and Glil Before the Coming of thi White Settlers.", The culture of the-Coastal In dian waa, comparable with th ' e:arly white settlers in Ontaii said Mr. Rushbfcok. Owing to tr'-bal affiliation which did not permit of marriage between those ol the same crest, a high state af racial purjty existed. The line of succession for chieftainship rested .in the women of the tribe and not In the men. This fact gave the .02 g'rls a peculiar lmnortance Mar-.25 riages were arranged at the earl? .age of fourteen or thereabouts Uiand they. were arranged moreovei j2 by ' the aunt or uncle of the boy i or gin involved and by no one i else. The Indian boy and girl wee jsald Canon Rushbrook, because I they possessed a belief In the! Great Creator Spirit of the UnJ-, When Parliament reassembels on January 12 there Plec? 'ot- work was given the in will be a change in the personnel of the House of Com-!dlan:;g,?.?t an carly ani mons which will be encouraging to the government of igjf JTOJi htSS' Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Since the conclusion 'might be the carving or grinding of the last session four elections have been held and two cut of a , bowl from a piece of seats formerly Conservative have changed over to the!solid sandstone. Liberal side of the House. The Liberals now have 180' ,Th??1' therc was the work members in the House whereas hitherto there had been.tJSg Sh'SE, DUt 178. ' along and this moss required care- This increase of sunnort should tpnd to make Mr ful selection. Food for in hahu. ; " ' C -t r-w-. W. 4 g f King hold on to of f ice for another year or two rather than ko- had b coiected since appeal to the country for approval of the tri-partite trade,"1? !!er ,was "lk available for pact which was a move tending to unite the English snenk- "SSISS ing countries at a time when support for Empire policies by ;he girls, wet? given to the might be badly needed. babelfptfthpn'i of the' girl's Naturally added interest is taken in the forthcoming tnf: i'ndf thfe important func-session because of there being a new Conservative leader !!"Jreedsl baby, f"pl!d a Dr. Manion has been a leading member of the House of iSS1 Commons for a number of years. He had also been a ifi ''addition to this the girl member of the Bennett government. Now he sneaks with wuld gather white fungus from! rnt n.n T xrirs When paris faced strike Rath hiv moon rtt t"tA Umma built in Prince Rupert within the next few months is an- nd or third wife of the Indian dian by adoption, being a mem- Other step in advance, following: the building movement nrhlih which started oni-ril fViia this and nnA ic is Klrnltr likely tn to V be continued J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoval liank UUg. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE-457 Man in the Moon I Here lr a scene In the abortive F.ench strike These workers In t. fcodttuff warehouse sai -down at their Jobs. The government ended the strike after threatening to man the utilities with soldiers and sailors. I verse. The later Christian teaching . j . ..... l was, thereore not difficult ojorave who was wealthy enough to ber of the Raven Crest of Metla- impart. . ibe able to support more than one katla. -- Tne speaker then went on to I tell of the girl's education. A at a ume. with the telling of two Indian Boys' Education legends and the quoting of tht The boys' educaUon began with Lord's Prayer, In the language oi the teaching 0f the manufacture his adopted race, the Canon con-of instruments such as those vised eluded a highly interesting and In domestic work or hunting ot , instructional address which was iiinmg or watrare. ; thoroughly enjoyed by eager lis The art of forestry, the selec tion of trees suitable for the fine work of canoe building, the making of arrow shafts and arrow heads -nd. later on, the masterly art o' constructing a war canoe. All wert included In the 'boys early The exacting disciplines of the Indian were spoken of briefly although they were many and varied. There was onfw.for. insJSnc. vhfch was undergone by theilfun-ters prior to the hunting season Into a roughly built Igloo of willows and cedar boughs they went to endure a prolonged "Turkish authority as the leader of the opposition and the official he noor ot the forest and tfce ,n upon hPtt0A heatted .tn "tones within .h.V .,- the mouthpiece of the Conservative party. teners and questioners. would be a good thing to change . mai oy aavertutng. every mer chant advertised a special attract Hon for buyers on that day there would be no more dull Tuesdays. th.m f .h.s... r:; ' would make a profit which. thJnlci- ouId be all wrong. bark of trees, funeus of the sort ieloo. This, with fastlncr and ran. that was edible. She would gathe!ptant drinking of water, combined Wn1 a this Is. cedar bark carefully removed from to remove aU human scent nftr arc a11 afraid someone else ITALIAN SITUATION the inner wall nf h tn anHl-hirh thp hnnt r make a dollar. That Jones fellow is about the O OTO o DANCE & PARTY SLIPPERS Buy Your Xmas Slippers Now (Vlnlc Sizes Are Complete. Our Itatife Is Complrtr In :vfrr lepartmcnt 1 Family shoe store The Home of Good Shoes 'PARSON IN POLITICS Members of Ministerial Association Feel lie Has Time Only For One Job Should a parson take up politic i as a profession? Should he tttt election to public officii These were questions which were discus" . I red at the regular meeting ot the, 'Prince Rupert, Ministerial Assocl' tion yesterday. The concensus qt 'opinion of the members of the As- j soclatlon appeared to be that luesday is always a dull day fotwh,,e Politics should not be de; merchants erchants in in the tne city. city. Potsibly Potsibly itrectd-.U!e ot clert man's clerical duties were such that he could not do more than . the on4Job at a time. In discussing church functions, members of the Association fell that the duties of members of church rnn err at Inns as nrrftt4n And. Jake grow.s. the newspapers christians were of as viUl to. In view of the recent demands of Germany for re- w?uld niake. cedar hats and mau the hunt. -1 turn of her colonies now held Under mandate bv the skllIuU weavJns of the selected' The hunter would take the noe "Your wife says she ask only for T.pnoiin nf Matinne onrl rlio AammAt T7"i.Q -f L: znds. from the first valuable animal Pin money." "C I nortancc as Ih wtirk and mints. t rations of the parson, The meeting made further plans We for the annual week of prayer to will be held in January. More detailed arrangements will be made later Ilev. J. C. Jackson, president ol the Association, was In the chalt at today' meeting '?flf TTl.t iZCri i . c 1 As Ue' 6lrl ew she would taken at the commencement of the "Yes, but the first pin she wanted' i . With Ulster, Italy has made demands for the return of be taught to cut fish very fineW asn. The nose would be cut In had 12 diamonds In It," . colonies taken from her years ago by France. for the , purposes of drying and four pieces and thrown to the: . Uuleit critter I ever sawl" The return of these colonies is not an important is- unserving; to gather and pre- four winds north, south, east ano; Head Grocer, making up the "n' -1 d?n'1 know 'bout lhal'-sue JUSt now but, if France should at any time eet into a pare deVil cIub roots for mediclnal wet-to the accompaniment o'j wholesale ctder for the week: ' y. wer day I saw him waVrli. and prepare herself a craver t0 the reat fip,rl f0 ""nn.do we require uid,"1 ,n an oak; war ar, it u mav may become rjecome an an issue issue, It it looks lOOKS ;as as II if Itlv Italy vas (le- for ?urpuSes the arts of married life the blessing of skill and luck In eggs?" - t any new Of course you did. But he laid termineci that bermany ShOUld nOt get all the spoils from, ; In passing said the speaker, it the hunt. ! Assistant: "Ko. sir We have n,m",f d0'n on ,eorn 10 Jrar the movement Which Started With the return of the Sude- wa interesting to note that the Appeasement Even Then 'enough in the store-room for an- s " ten. If there is to be any returning, evidently she eXDectsr nelibore nerb was used in the The Indians did not make a other six weeks." ' . -- to have a share. There is no reason whv preference should ,, , !? udrlve .away hablt oi g,vln,? tne Great Splrlt ' t " wou,d anythlng. Aoparentlv. he felt It For her birthday, little Pat had be shown to the snoils of anv Darticular war ' . . . It Tfi al"f ?, i Jf ?Vt i .V.ar , . . ' burnt In their huts or teepees and was unnecessary, but the evil been given a ring but. much to h-r IS easy to Understand Italy's position but It seems as later medical authority had spirits were constant recipients dlfappointment. not one : ol ' thj. as It there IS to be no return Of any colonies, JUSt now at armed, it possessed excellent of his treasures, the best of which guestr at tea noticed It. At last she any rate. ""'"i1-"1 quauues. wouia not be denied them in ordei could bear their indifference Finally the girl married. Nearly to placate their knavish tricks, longer. NFW "U RimfNPC:? Til nCK J marnea Mr. Rushbrook Canon Rushbrook illustrated hit "Oh, dear," she exclaimed. Tlin OM V , . , tald and- lf ey could not find talk by showing many Indian rel- to warm in my new ring!" UNIIUUIIVV1III.1IV nicw m. inn uuoiiimo uiutrw 10 tu uv ijaiinci; me wuuiu oecome a ics. ine wanon is himself an Ind no "I'm year into "' next. Other buildings are being planned and it is hoped O O s"""",w-" v w Ahj itvy r a oolo o rOaOOOOol oAolo.ooiopoj OlO o. Give the Kiddies the Treat of Their Lives With a Visit to Toyland At KAIEN HARDWARE m thnt that the tha rtnw new business hllomoca nramicao premises will will be ho fnMnnmA followed U.. .' , by erect-tion of new homes in the city, w STILL BIG MAN - Anthony Eden, who resigned from the British cab- inet because of disagreement over the British official at-titude toward the dictatorships, is still a big man with a tremendous influence throughout the British Empire and evidently also in the United States, He is now on jiis wav II to New York and we think he will be given a great fe-'SJ ception there. The policy he upholds is one that is favor- M ed by a great many people. Those who did not agree with his policy still look on him as an outstanding man. ? " - - The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily 5 Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the to Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north t . .. - - . . . ...... w sSSrrSSUDDIES! j csiysrms. ALU. kiddies.1 s oo o' o o pOMo ltD 2 Latest I)el(ns In Black sndU Silver and all Silver. IIIsts and & Uw Heels. By "Mailne ju,t'J h Arrived. PrlfKj from j S3.45toS5.00 a Jl TRAPPERS !) Sdt Sell Your Furs to lint BidderBring Them to Goldbloom's Aud Get Highest Prices (or Mink and MsrUn R.E.Eyolfson Chiropractor 210 EIGHTH AVEM'C W Phone MACK Jit . Ladles' and Children's Dressmaking EDITH MILLEftMnllh Rtxk Phone IJl.fE t'.i i h A Hot Time ' Is What Vu Wnt This Ulnter Tu can get It by uvinj our famous Edson. Ilulkley Valley or NanalmoWellln(tou roaL PHINTK IirPKRT FEED CO. Phones 51 or 551 REX Bowling Alley Vat Health and a Slim Wsbt Line Bowl Tor Reservations Thone M THE SEAL"' QUALITY wt'jsfl0 lUTYrJ GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed bj the only lalmon canning company with an all the year round pajroU Print Rupert Try a Dally News ciasind ad.