Vol. XXVII . No. 202 r'her purposes. 1:08 ajn. 19.9 ft. 12:55 pjn. 23.0 It. :55 am la It. 19:40 p.rr 1.1 'ft. Tom Mooney Denied Writ Two Hundred ILCM.r. Officer Be Ud In Connection With used a honorary guard and for LONDON. Dec. 6,- Thc Url- tlih government Is reported to havn nbtalned rlehts to a new and deadly type of Incendiary bomb which Is so light that an alrnlane could carry two thou- land of them. The bombs arc said to be of Intense effective- new over a considerable area from the point at which they re dropped. to Taies Are Too Heavy, So Sari Hon, T. A, Crerar VIH of Klni and Queen . ; MONTREAL. December STaxa- RKJINA. Dec 6 CPi-CommU- U) In Canada is "unbearably ronerB.T Wood of the Royal Can- Wry." Hon. T. A, Crerar. Minis-..4i.n MrumiMi wWLr!- announced Kr of Natural Resource. tod thi of Mine. Wednesday. H. Canadian Chamber resterday that the Royal Mounted Police force of two nun- a dred men mould be called out for ...1 . 1 J..tH ..t Kit' In MUinN aovernmenU have been un at time "but In future we should chart our course In sen- SmTlcS;, 0ie -We f-W as expendl- and Queen Elizabeth. They will be i!' " cheered .wl'T Mr Crerar was by the GOO Euests present at the dinner when he said: "We must take stock of our expenditure. We must make Improvement in a way that will add to the productive wealth of the country and leave to later years the other things that seem to be necessary In a modern civilization.' ; Tii rw4mi minintpr KAlfl can Alaska Highway Is slon In Legislature VICTORIA, Dec. 6: (CPI The British Columbia Legislature yesterday approved a grant of $25,000 for ft survey of the proposed Aiasna highway route. During debate, In wnicn tne uon- Ecrvatlvcs criticized the grant as K.imr unnecessary. Premier T. D. Pattullo disclosed that the United tot oovemment had offered to early In the year. In iivri m a tc mmm SACRIFICE BY CANADA nut Head of Bank of Montreal Hope There Will Be Compensating Factors From New 1 Trade Agreements i MONTREAL. Dec. 6: (CP) Can ada's co-operatton In the1 new trade' pact between Oreat Britain -nd the United State has been given no; without sacrifices" but it U now hoped um tne aavanvagss ained by the Dominion under the Canada -United States treaty will -lftet added competition for Can-dlan manufacturers In the Bri tish market. Sir Charles Oordw. .vetldent of the Bmk of Monteral declared yesterday in his address it the annual meeting of the bank. Conditions In Canada during the .latLjpar. were "not unsatisfactory" n view of condition In other countries. Sir Charles raid. Most of the ndustrles of the country maintained a fair rate of production and; there was marked activity In mining J ALL JEWS Nail Government Takes Over Their' Heal Estate and Orders Them To Dispose of Other Possessions BERLIN. Dec. 6: In a furthet anti-Jewish decree yesterday, the Nail government takes control ol all Jewish real estate In Germany.; Jews are ordered to dispose of aU business and real estate and other such possessions In the country ' Thus will be accomplished the j complete elimination of 750.000 the economic life ol m vmv I i Jews Jews trot from Ftdra Move to Secure Release ada's heavy taxation is due largtlj l0ennany. Falls but Steps are Heine ianen , "to tne neavy services c In State Field and for only 11.000.000 people." He pointed to the progress of U.e . mining Industry In Canada and WAS1I1NOTON. DC - Dec 6 .rm CP) ne cxpfCts ,t to make an ev6n The Supreme Court of the united RreaUr contrtbutlon to the na- EUle yesterday denied the appll- Uona, economy 0f the country. '.a Won of Tom Mooney for an or- .nve ycars ng0 we didn't, but lglnal writ of habeas corpus with a know plough to reatlre TODAY'S WEATHER Triple Island showery, southerly wind, twenty miles per hour; sea moderately rough. Langara Island cloudy, southerly wind, 26 miles per hour: baro- tlew to obtaining his release from Canada u with minerals a rnoderal'cjy rough ' ' prison. In California proceedings (ew otncr counlrlcs are blessed," he j D . p0intjvercast. show- were started with a view to oo-tslnlng a state pardon for the famous convict. A parole has been promised Mooney by tho governor-elect of California. New Bomb Is Deadly 1 said. U.S". OFFERS B.C. MONEY ery. light southeast wind; moder ate swell. I Bull Harbor overcast, fresh," ! southeast wind; barometer, 30.10; temperature, 45: sea choppy. Alert Bay overcast, fresh south-cast wind; barometer. 30.10; tcm-rjerature. 45: sea choppy. Under Discus-1 Victoria cloudy, easterly wind six miles per hour; barometer, Vancouver ralnlngoutheast wind, four miles per hourfv barometer. 30.34. Prince Oeorge cloudy, southerly wind, sixteen miles per hour; barometer. 29.98. Trt race Cloudy to rain, calm, temperature 34. AlyanshRalnlng, calm. 34. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 36. lend the province money without Anyox-Ralnlng, routhwest wind, interest for the construction of the . 33. , , . Stewart Wet snow, calm, 32. d The Premier added that he was! Hazelton-Heavy rain, calm, 34. -rtin Past for further conferences' Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 32. Burns Lake Sleet, calm, 36, HOME. December (Canadian Prr&s) Several hundred Italian students, after an unsar- I ressful attempt to reach the French embassy, demonstrated in the streets today in support of the Italian claims to French controlled Tunisia, shouting "Tunisia is ours." The demonstration was climaxed when Provincial Secretary Andrea Innilito told the students -- 1 "There is no need talking of Tunisia we will go there." PATIENCE PARIS, Dec. 6: CP Premier Edouard Daladier yesterday urged French people at home and abroad who have demonstrated against the Italian campaign for return of Tunisia and Corsica to remain calm and await more definite developments. The shipping strike at Le Havre continues. Tomorrow's Tidei Todays Weather High Low NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1938. Sir Klngsicy Wood. Britain's air minister, is shown as he pre-senUd the Ktng'& Cup lo Aiex Hen 'ha. IK -ye r i. . ra.ui$ pi-ot. who averaged 233 mile-per-hour In the 1.330-mlle King's Cup race at Ha'.fleld. Eng. Henshiw won the pieoiier Englib air race while competing aga.tut some of England's ace pil;is. IS STILL IS UP TO MENACING DOMINIONS ... "We Will Co There" Says Italian Minister in Regard To Tunisia Campaign riiime .Minister Tells British Hous. That Goemaient Would Co To Aid of France I ' LONDON. Dec. 6: CP Speak ing In reply to questions by R, Hon. Arthur Henderson. .Labor vr---rI y. Prime Minister Nevilk Chamberlain told the House ol Commons that, while Britain would rush to the defence of any sectldn of the Empire attacked bj ,a foreign nation, the constltutlona ! position was such that each self j governing country in the Em- 'plre was free to decide what con .tribution it would make if another part of the Empire was at-tacked. , Premier Chambeilalri slated also I that Great Britain would stand beh'nd France's territorial ISURGEDResignation of Premier Daladier Urges People of France to Remain Calm Over Italian Campaign Bennett Looked For Very Soon OTTAWA, Dec. 6: CP Formal resignation of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, former Leader of the Opposition, from his seat In Parliament for Calgary West Is expected shortly. Mr. Bennett recently announced that he was leaving Canada to take up future residence In Salvation Army Plans Usual Christmas Cheer Campaign To Aid Needy Of Prince Rupert for Christmas cheer for those who are unable to provide for them selves. They have done this for a number of years and the work has i been much appreciated both by the people who have benefited and also by the donors who have realized that, by giving In this wey. every dollar of their donations go to the purpose tor which lt was Intended. The Dally News gives Its services for this work without any remuneration whatever and plans to continue to do so. All monies during the campaign are paid Into the office of this paper and a receipt Is given and the amount, published. At tho-end of the period a list of the donors with the Individual amounts attached Is handed to the Salvation Army accompanied by a check for the full amount. We ask the people of the city to give this fund support as being the best means of reaching those who need help. 'UNIFYING RAILWAYS Dennis, farmer, who Prince Rupert overcast, southwest wind, fourteen miles per hour; barometer. 2957, rirlng temperature, 47; sea choppy. PRICE: 5 CENTS Nova Scotia Coal Mine Disaster Franco-German Friendship Pact Signed Recognition Of Existing Frontiers And Preservation Of Relations Of Good Neighborliness Are Pledged TWO NATIONS AGREE TO CONSULT WITH EACH OTHER ON ALL PROBLEMS WHICH MIGHT LEAD TO INTERNATIONAL DIFFICULTIES PARIS, December 6: (CP) A Franco-German pact, Intended to prevent future wars Ixitwecn the two countries, was signed today by Georpes Bonnet and Joacbim von Ribbentrop, respective foreign ministers of the two nations. Germany formally renounces Alsace-Ixjrraine by agreeing to recognize existing frontiers. The pact recognizes peaceful relations and good ncigblwrlincss between France and Germany is essential to the maintenance of general peace. The countries agreed, under reservation of special rfations with third powers, to, remain in communication upon all questions interesting them and to mutually consult each other should problems arise leading to international difficulties. RESERYE .IS . . JAXES ARE CALLED OUT TOO HEAVY AIR MINISTER GREETS KING'S CUP WINNER NINETEEN MEN LOSE THEIR LIVES AS CAGE PLUNGES HEADLONG INTO WORKINGS Score Injured in Catastrophe Today in Princess Colliery At Sidney Worst Tragedy in Years SIDNEY MINES, Nova Scothj, December 6: (CP) Nfcetxcn men were killed and a score injured at the Prin- J cess Colliery of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. today wnen a irain oi cars in wnicn iney were uescenuing urutte vxay and crashed into the bottom of the main deep shaft. ! It was the vorst coal mine disaster Looks For World War Next Year tators. with whoe atUtude he expressed disappointment, Pirow expressed the opinion thit conflict could not be long deferred. Pirow has been In- terestlng himself more partlcu-larly in colonial demands, 4 t in these parts in two decades. Because of crowded hospital quarters, doctors were unable to make a definite list of those dead or injured. Fourteen bodies were brought out of the shaft and more than two siore Injured were returned to the surface. Five of the Injured died in hospital later. Company officials believed that LONDON, Dec. 6: l CP) ,ail injured and dead Hon. Oswald Pirow. South Af- brought out rlcan minister of defence, here ; 4- aftpr a visit to oermanv ana r other European countries, pre- diets the outbreak of a world war next spring. In view of the Incessant demands of die- : TALKS ON 3 had been POLITICS Roosevelt Speaks Puritanically Falls to Mention Subject of Jews rtMmhr A RnAalrfncr hnro trAfttr. cay wnue on ais way irom v arm Springs to Washington. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that liberalism in government was here to stay. The day of control by wealth and political machinery was gone. j The security and well being of 'the people of the United States j would best be served by democratic Freident Beatty of Canadian1 principles, asserted the President. Pacific Railway Still Advocating i Mr. Roosevelt made a plea for This j Improvement In government, soc- , lal and economic conditions. . , 1 The President did not refer to the" TORONTO. Dec. 6: (CP)-Uni-, JewUh refugee rituatlon lt jd Ocatlon of Canadian railways and beeQ expected he would farther regulations and taxation ofj highway and waterray traffic were the only means of solving Canada's M L Xfrf Jl A V 13 tranrportatlon problem. Sir Edward llJU V T If-.-"! 1 Jx Beatty. president of the Canadian PacUIc Railway, said here Saturday night. Ladner Hunter Has Been Found Was Unconscious When Searchers Came Upon Him, Having Suffered Heart Seizure LADNER. Dec. 6: (CP Leonard OF WINDSOR Former Ontario Cabinet Minister Of Ontario Becomes Chief.". Magistrate WINDSOR. Dec 6: (CP) In the contest of outstanding Interest In yesterday's civic elections -In Ontario, Hon. David Croll. a Sot- J mer member of the Hepburn cabl- nr um lpotifl mnvnr of Winrt- uiaayycai-u. vpstprrlav with a vote of aU while hunting on the delta Sunday, most t to one m mfa . i - i v ana ior wnom a wiaespreaa .crcH;on u.,.-,. of .hom Premler Hen. was Instituted, was found tincon-jburn had actively campaigned, scious in a bog late yesterday. Heitnlrd candidate, Roy Halght, did said he had suffered from a heart seizure. He is recovering. Weather Forecast of ' Ur Dominion MotorololcU Suru at ' victoria ana mnct Kupr. mu juj-ciuit ig ctnptld rora obrv-tlons t-j The Salvation Army Is planning to make its annual campaign ,vn s am. tody and oover ,th 3 vTanL General Synopsis The pressure1 Is high south of British Columbia and low off the Queen Charlotte Islands. Rain has occurred on the coast but the weather has been mild Inland. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong Fouth winds, mild and showery. not figure seriously In the New Speed Mark For Flight Made Fuller Covers Distance Be tween 'Frisco and Portland in Two Hours and Quarter PORTLAND. Oregon. Dec. 6. Frank Fuller, noted American sjteed flier, yesterday broke his own record for the flight from San Francisco to Portland which he made In two hours, thirteen minutes and West Coast of Vancouver Inland 53 seconds. Fuller's former mark Fresh south winds, mild with had been two hours and thlrty-rivo mist and light rain. minutes.