TP JBl A mmmm is delicious 301 only wmMmMmmm UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Tor Vancouver: T.S.S. C ATA LA EVERY TUES- T. S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight U convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Ir!ncc Ruperi Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5fi8 " i . P : . . . I The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. HLACK Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY 1'IIONR C57 If you lose anything, advertise for it. TILLIE THE TOILER" IT WAS MICE OF YOU TO StQN UP FO(2 DAMCIKJQ SOB VyifiBBfil P'ce in years. VJEl-U, MAC ME IT WAS THE -VHIM3 TO DO r LOCAL NEW5 NOTES Mrs. C. R. Biggart Is sailing tonight on the Prince .George for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Miss Margaret Mussaljem has arrived in the city from Smithers for a visit to her home here. Miss Kathleen Lang, Anglican Japanese missionary here, sails tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver! he Armour Salvage Co., sails to night on the Prince George for ? ten day business trio to Vancouver. Four or ft?:??- v'- ask fo llondon whence he will proceed toT 1 1. i V I n T i .. . tn- n trlelf IMS 111 1C11U111 1U1 A S. C. Th6mson will sail Friday night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip in which he plans to travel as far as South America. He will be away for three or four months. ' Your baking should be a real ure. PURITI FLOUR is the 'wer. in bread and cakes that are ' . dc-light and a pleasure to serve, A k your grocer for FLOUR, sold with "uarantee. into the w front -v-. seat -.-- of an automo r . bile OLJ Tonight's East at 11 this morning tixn,e. train, due from the o'clock, was reported to be running on Mr. and Mrs. p. p. Noel and son, Ja arrived in the city on the Pjrjiiccj George yesterday from Vancouver .and proceeded by the evening train to their home in Smithers. Miss. Barb.eau sails this evening ior tne sQmn on a lour weeks' buy- You will save money on our Bulk-1 ing trip .during .which time her mil-ley Valley wheat. Phone. $$$W&op wUl .be closed. (4) prices. The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. (4-6) Miss Nona Hodgson returned jjjonjje.on $jesday night's train from Capt. W. P. Armour, manager .of ftince .oeorge wnere she spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting with friends. .cuir Maaui arrived in the city J Sadler returned to the city on n we, irince oeorge yesterday he Prince George yesterday from :! from Saskatoon, being here to take Vancouver. Mr. Sadler is at present yer the management of the Cut located here in connection with a Rate Shoe Store check-up on Juvenile welfare con-' anions. i Maurice Irving of the Canadian .; National Railway divisional freight Father Anthony Meulenberg of and passenger office rurned to Stewart, who left for the East on , the city on the Prince George yes-last evening's train, will embark terday from a brief trip to Vancou- January 14 on the steamer Amerl-ver. can Farmer irom New iorK CLEAN FALSE TEETH -GET RID Or STAINS New Eaiy Way No Brushing Stcrt-Klern. asiatlng new dlacovei-jr, re-muvel blackeat mini, tarolh,' tartar tik mafic Just put falie teeth or bridge in a glau of water, and add Strra-Kleen powder. No meiiy brushing. Recommended by dentin approved bj Good Housekeeping. At all drilgtiita. Money back if bat delighted. Sergeant J. H. McCllnton, prov PURITY inclal police, sails tonight on th: Dr. C. A. Armsfrong of "Port Simpson arrived in the , city yesterday .afternoon for a brief .visit to town, returning to Port Simpson today. H. W. Birch, managing secretarj of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, is at present confined to that Institution as a patient himself. He is reported to be making a good recovery from his illness. MEETING IS DEVOTIONAL Obedience to God's Word Urged by Rev. E. E. Brandt at Prayer Meeting Last Night The third of the series of meetings in connection with the observance of the annual Week of Prayer here was held last night in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral with Rev. E. E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Church, in charge. The ser-. vice was of a deeply devotional na- ture and, following upon previous topics of "Repentance" and "Faith," : the subject was "Obedience." Us-1 ing the Epistles to the Romans to develop his theme, Mr. Brandt emphasised especially the importance of obedience in daily life. j Tonight Rev. W. J. Friesen of the Pentecostal Assembly will be in! charge of the meeting at First Un- jlted Church, the subject to be "Ded- ication." The series of meetings will close tomorrow night. Kitkatla Active Socially During Yuletide Season KITKATLA, Jan. 6: The Christ- a money-oacK n-ince ueorge ior ocean rails, lie mas New year season was m. (4-6) will go into the Bella Coola Val- Ungiy celebrated In the village of l ley ana iweeasmuir raric ana ex-, Kitkatla with a number of dances Nomination of officers for the pects to be away about two weeks 'dais and other events. One of eoming year was to have taiceji the socials was by the Excelsioi w at a meeting of the Moose Hugh McDonald, provincial pub-jciub in honor of the newly elected I od"e last night but was deferred lie works superintendent for A'- officers for the year. Another was frr n wpek. Business at last night's lln district with headquarters at a basket social and dance In tht !i'ptmi! was wrgeiy oi a. luuiiu? avewuri,. ami jvirs., aicuonaia wui. Fire Brigade Hall for the benefit nnviire. Dictator. B. J, Bacon, .was be here aboard .the,, Prince, George;, 0 the new lighting plant. . i:j the chair. this evening going through to Vic- j Another outstanding event of toria t0 attend a departmental the Yuletide season at Kitkatla Mr and Mrs. w J. t t Irwin tn o. convention. They expect to spend was a concert by the young people " ",V, rr" -, " " aoout a monm m me soum. i0f the Excelsior Club, featuring a "" """ .r ? IPlay under the direcUon of Ed v. m mouier. ;rs. r.. m. atiru, I Tunis and Mr and Mrs. R. J. Keron at ! Bolton 1-W Water Street They are rc- , Nelson turning nome on ine uaruirna .u morrow. Timely Recipes Rev. Canon w. F. KusnorooK '. was the speaker at. the weekly FISI, AJfD CHEESE CASSEROLE luncheon of the Prince Kuperij Rotary uiud in inc .uuiuuiumv" Cafe today. President W. R. Mc-'Afee was in the chair and there was a good attendance of menv bers with a few guests. Place a layer pf cooked peas or cooked spinach in the bottom of a large, shallow, greased baking dish. Place on the vegetables a layer of any .variety of Canadian Savoy J. Johnson, Stewart; John Hagen, Copper River; C. H. Leslie, H. Mc- ,,j,0 fish, using either slices of fish of Lennan, J. A. Sadler arid M. Mc- IIVC wv,v.4.3 .... . . . . . pciouuo suithe cprvine TPoWr, Vn.n,,' trc V TMIlr - ---- , ----- j AUUvll) IUliVUUIVt a. A AJVMiJU) ; .portions, sprinkle salt ana pep- Metlakatla. uwv ..v. . wim me per ana c-okln cooxing o Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word.. C.Y.C. Dance, Catholic Hall, 7. Presbyterian Burn's Banquet 25. 1NOW JUST RELAyTBOfcl) i Ih "111 ou oyer ine nsn. Royal an oiientc ui u""b - ;;:",; Place the dish in, , a week Avhich resulted in a $10 fin?., being imposed upon the driver. Wilfrid Jackson, Charlos Lawrence Innis, .Chestc. and Ernest Bolton. The concert was a great success with a large and enthusiastic crowd at-j tending. I Hotel Arrivals hot oven for 1 . Bourceois. C.N.R.: C. Griffin. atB h TL the intent on ,Bht minutes. Then, hav-1 smithers; B. Krlstmanon, city; a h C,fv. rtriittv ,nS a chse sauce ready' Pur U P.C. Hamilton, Vancouver, enforce enrorce of the police to o strictly ov sh lnke wlth fln the regulations o m " bad crumbs, dotted witH butter,, D. e. Bell. B. J. Slmnson. A. j st and Mi op rOft L. !aJ,r Th rewas aand Put the ,dls? back In the oven McNaughton and Fay Paulis, Van rlTnnf nature this uni . ls. W . couver; Dr. C. A. Armstrong. Port K,,uov.v.w.. - Tne cneese sauce may oe maae e, . v v,- as follows: Melt two taoiespoonsi Central ot ouuer, piena wim u iwo laoie- j pat D Q Johnson, Ous of and add a of flour, won cup Lelghton A Jacobson aid Albert qu.u . uk ,u. ol u, " - Smlth dty. F. Moffatt, D. A. Ped cook the mixture until it ls thick and smooth, stirring constantly, and just before removing it from the stove add a half a cup of grated Canadian cheese, and continue to stir the sauce until the cheese is .melted. .Canadian fish are rich in vita erson and P. J. Rolls, C.N.R.; J. B. Armstrong, Edmonton. I TET SNAKE FLIES SYDNEY. N.S.W., Jan. 6: (CP)- Goya Henry, one-legged airline pi- ! lot, today looked for a mate for his 'j uuu u,,, i ' i. 1 Pet snake, Roger. Roger, an eight u uu aim JIMIMI-UUIIUUIB 1UU1CHB, . . ,nnU ,r,n v,lz,c land, having regard to nutritive Women's Hospital Auxiliary Ball, value, are among the most nour-February 4. Ishlng of foods. Henry on his flights and has overcome his habit of biting the pilot's wooden leg. tA '.MOT OJ VO" ulFE )fAt. "Demerf' Closing Out SALE A Readjustment of Prices Offers You Greater Bargains Than Ever. Our Entire Stock MUST BE SOLI). You Cannot Afford to Miss Our DRESS SPECIALS immmmsammmm The Real Thing for all Those Colds The Original Mentholated Face-Elle Mentholated 4 ply Tissue Handkerchiefs Per Package 15c Ormes ltd. ttft Pioneer Druqciats The Rexsll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From t ajn. tOl 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon tiU 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine :-Vitamini A-and :D . 11 j Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE' CO.' LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. By Westover uunau-ii'1 .can j 3 W f 1 -r - - , , L.Nn ACT Notice of Intfnllon to Apply to Lraa In Prince Rupert Land Becordlns Dlslrlat of British Columbia, and ltu ate EJast of Prince Lehoo bland la Hudson Bay Pass, south of Dundus Islnnd e. '.coaiiacuoua white rock 8f high (marked cm chart). Take notice tltat Praii Waterman ot Prince Rupert, B. C, oocupetlon Mlnet! Intends to apply for a lease of the fol lowing described lands: all of a oon sptouous white rock BS feet high and Its surroundings (Rock marked on chert). Commencing at a post planted on a' grassy rock 200 feet 8. E of SI. W. Corner an Northeast side thence 600 feet Southeast; thence 800 feet' south west thence 800 feet Northwest; thence 800 feet Northeast and containing 10 acres, more or less. ntANJC. WATIRVAN. Dated October .' J83T. Peach the most people in city! and district with an scrrertLsemenf In the Dally New,