r a xBRINGS INSTANT EASE r from 0AS Alaska Derelict Believed Seiner Knifed States Coastguard Checkine Up on Sunken Vessel Off Admiralty Island SEATTLE, Nov. 4. According to advices received here from Juneau the derelict which was sighted off Point Hugh at the south end of Admiralty Island by Capt. Tom Ness of the halibut boat Emma Is believed to be a small seiner. The coastguard is continuing a check-up on the vesseL It is definitely stated not to be a halibut vesseL Try a Daily News classified ad-j vertlsement for best results. C8 SCOTCH Vfflisi" 2.07 Vfc GOOD GOLD ORE VALUE Glacier Cnlch Property Returns Nearly $100 Per Ton SMITH EHS, Nt. 4. Reterns :oa ine receni . sxupmeni oi goia gross value of $109334. This is the V 1 t ajJJ mva mailii CENTRAL HOTEL "T. Pastcunzcd Milk Rooms and cafe , Phone 51 For Best Household VALENTIN DAIRY , Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK PDONE 57 EDITORIAL RUMBLES OF DISCONTENT I There is likelv to be a laf tre attendance at the meet-, ing of the Chamber of Commerce Monday evening if the Eos( talk oi members js any guide to what is likely to take . iola'ce. It is possible also that members of the Junior! . - t 1 . tl 1 4ji Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl Fur Reservations Phone 658 Sealed Tender addrewed to the undersigned wis be iwetved unlit noon Wednesday, November. 30th. 1938. tar the purchase of Lot Block 3. Registered Plan 975. Telegraph Greek Town-efte, B. C. 4-ltn MrHdngs t hereon. Terms of sale: onethrd ce&h and the bhlanee h t0 equal nrnta lnMall menta with Interest at lift percent (S7ol- Vavtm. or' any fenderi not ranoemarflx accepted. D. M. MacKAt. Indian Oornxriiastober for B. C P. O. Box 70, Vancouver B.C. Department' of Mines aru Resources. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter ot the "Admlnlitfatfori Mf ! And ' In the Matter of the Estate of, Minatl Oonzalea, Deeeaaed , TAKE NOTICE that tt Order of Hla Honor Judge Fisher. Local Judge of tea 8upreme Court of British . Columbia made the Hth day. of October 1938. I was appointed Administrator of all th Estate within British Columbia of th above-named deceased, late of Uayo, Yukoft an4 Stewart, British Columbia All persona Indebted to the said ett are required -to pay the amount of their ..Indebtedness to me forthwith, and all person having claims against the said " estate are required to file trie' same. properly verified with me wtthln one month, from the flfst publication o( this notice, other ine dtartfafMon of the said estate will be made without regard thereto. Dated at Prince Rupert, JS. C. this 15th day of October, 1938. '. NORMAN A. WATT.' a Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. O J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rival Bank Bid. RAW FUR SEASON Commencing Must Unload Large Stock 25 Off for Cash Come lri arid sit ! our goods. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbloom's ix tiik ki pkkmi: toi rtT (ir rmlTfsii COLI'MBIA is muaxtfi In thr Matter yt Jhe ".Irfi'n I ht r'gtfon .(rt And In thr Matter tff the Estate lf Jfnt llerle, UHtuttd, fnfr(a(e TAKE NOTICE that by order 6f hu Honor. W. P! piahev thm ont.K October, a. D. 1938. I was anoointed Atknlntotratcr cf fc&e estaie of Jens Berle, deceased, and all parties havlnj clams arahnt tMe MM trfofi , by required to furnish same,- properly .ciuirn, io me on or oorord the 1st day of December", A. tt. 1938, arid all quired .to pay .the amounrt of their tn "WKuimj vo me aprurwim. normAn a. watt. 4 i onioiai Admtntetrator, Prmce Rupert, B.C. Drtd the Slat day of October, A.D 1938. PUCK PLAY 5CTOIIU U guiu UI c liwuc .ui r , ,r hlamp where it belongs and it is ouite Dossible that a pub- BC a 11UU1 WUO iupvi j wj vf uv . - - -j i- - 4 , the first of whkh carried even lie mass meeting may bewailed to protest at the inaction of Mgher gold values than this last the Ottawa administration. one. Work is still going on at the prop erty and I there will be another ship- interests 0 the city against the closing of the elevatorl which is al- . .. ' of ment later on. part , t, :,u T.'- UNDER WAY on Beats Toronto in usni Contest Chicago Has Easy Victory Over Americans unamoei, wno are always weicomen, wiir represent. : TOR0;rr0 0V 4: (CP, xhe The occasion of the sudden interest seems to lie in the National Hockey League season op. ,eneci ust nignt wun Boston arums jie to ine samDitns duuil ai rnnce uuei-Liun ui ine uuerauuu ui me rnuue iiULrciv cioii . . . . ..--. Rupert by Messrs campbeH, Love- it Js felt everywhere and dmong members of all political . a of 0at9 to tw0 in ln a a less and Banta from their Glacier. h t h jn Clones to the government, j tfht,r POnteSted nmc here white nere av a uuic mien it iiiigut uscu wun au.m c w ready sorted and sacked. The prop- UnU)n steamer Cardena Capt erty is about six miles from smith- the farmers, to the country and to the citizens of Prince John due port at 5 ers with an excellent motor road KUperu right into the camp. The workings . are only a short way up the hill- side from the camp and a short tram brings the ore down to the loading platform where motor trucks can back up and take it right from the tram. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor - Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia t Men's Comfortable and Durable Solid Leather WORKING BOOTS neceivt the Utmost ih Quality, Wear and Value. Greb, Valentine and other High Grade Makes. Priced From $2.95 Up Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE MESSAGE OF THE POPPY By W.O.B. Once in the dim, dead years a Iowly'ffower of the cornfields, 1 Softly the Flanders poppy flamed and nodded amid the grasses, ' Blooming unseen, unknown with sincing skylarks above hef, Where the reaper's sickle gleams and the peasant sings as he passes. Grimly the dark days came and grey guns bellowed their thunder, 1 Over waste ravaged land where gaping shell holes ran rea. , t Bravely the poppy flung her scarlet mantle above them, ; Whispering of hope to the living and peace to the' Valiant Dead, ' I Springing from soil, new-turned by the bloughsharesi r 1 i.4.i i o'clock this evening from the south and will sail at 10:30 pjn. on hrr , return . to Vancouver and The Dally Ntws oaner. is an A. B. C. Born of the riven earth in her torture and travail of!' 1 - l- - War; 1 , FOR SALE Flowen.of the flaming heart and the blood-tinged, silk- en pelals ; "' sALE-7-room house ail new- Emblem of Faith and Remembrance that lives through; ShTvT' TiM'paS the years evermore cash, balance as rent. Duhamel, Capitol Barber Shop. (258 1 Speak to the passer-by , 0, scarlet torch of the wayside! FOr MLiModeT '-ArtTrtrlt Tell them of sightless eyes and ' of limbs that are fait- class shape. New tires. $150. Ap- ering and Slow; ply Thrift Cash & Can y. (260) Speak of white hospital wards and of quiet graves in the REX suiisiiuie, rwxvivCiii Flanders Poppy! Remind us! What of the debt we 2 room Furnished suite. Phone owe i Red 444. pERsoiNAi; MEN OF 30, 40, 50! WANT VIM Vigor, for rundown body? Try CSTREX Tablets of raw oyster bnilders. If not delighted withl results of first package, maker I refunds its low price. Sold by all. pood druggists. tf C BALED Tenders addressed to the U.I-dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Float and Approach. Oaland Park. B. C.'M will be received until It o'rlnek noon, Weclnexlay, Novrmher 16, 1938. lor the reneJal of float and approach h usiana WX, Skeena District. B.C Plans, form of contract and specific, tlon can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the office of the District En-Klneer, Post Office Building, New .Westminster, B. C: also 'at the Pcut unions at Osland, B. C, Prince Ru- Pert, B, C., Vancouver, B C. and Vic- ions, j. u. Tenders will not be considered unle j mode on printed forms supplied by tht Department and ln aocordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank In Canada, payable to the order of the nondurable the Minister of Pui-Uo Works, equal to 10 percent of tb amount of th tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada Or ot th Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies, uhcondl tlonally guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque If reaufrad a make un an odd amount .NOTE: The Department will supply blueprints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of 810.00, ln tt lorm of a certified bank cheque payable, to the order of tint Minister of Publl Works The depart will be releasfd on the return of the blueprints and apci-flcatlon within a month from the date of reception- of tenders. If not returned i within that period the deposit will be forfeited. By order, J. M. BOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, ' Ottawa, October 28. 1938. For Lovers of Fine Tf SALAD Km TEA Gulch property at smttners nave . " j ,, fi, 0;i " ,: . , :, . Provincial provincial Constable uonsiaoie Wallet wa.iei elevator and so is the rail-- tte is government property owners.' JtamcatowBiMk been very gratifying to the 11 of Massett arrWed B pretences, theft and violation the Game Act. Holmes made with a rowboat and rifle. A RICH FtAT FINISH that wil iwt ruh off. crck,chip trfittf Aid it Tints nd Mflte KILLS Wli.hr winnvAAlA ""wun, . . . 7 . . ...... V.nlrt Kn ..c-n Iw o ?cr?An r.-f nlnnitllrfA Qfirt t h!lT HlWKS WUin'nr Sn eaSV SIX'.. ... . N R , v r" " "1"ri A.' ....... j - J i-si.. f, H .to one vlctorv over the New Yorki" " " . . . Wlwam over 12 tons ana n averagea zjj u inev are not uteu, it is auMuuieiy arm MJieij mc wuuui; - t nigm irom me lsianas. winging in quickness with a rin ' ounces ncu enlH gold rvr Ln ton with rifh a a total total the nfol.n,; Mackenzie tTJnrr ,w-r.f .Americans at l,nicag0. a.ore ai;. Jam" Hnlmcs Holmes uhn wh0 ha nas h.n .vn. nv'roa frnm a " 8" per King government 7h7nY V.f the ond neriod u-as a dangerou; ;r . . . . . , , ,u ;iencea to iwg ' years jess one aaj ' Wliacat H h.j . I ti.. : : tt. fn In, fVa four to nothine ln favor of the! . ... . . . v. ne neara a tnJ " LViueniy ' , it is uic iiiicnuuii di mc mccuug o iu mj nv- - pl.-u jt - pmpnsonmeni on cnarges oi iaise mm while hunti-w r I ! Week-end games will be Chicago I at Toronto Saturday night with lphlrno nlnvln Canadians at This is not a political move although it may develop Montreal Sunday night and Boston . 1 f. 1 ...l -ilL.I I nUclnn n rWrnlt into a political move it is simpiy a protest oi tue uusmess tj"s "-- o saw wildcat tbcut -to!! off him. He fired, kli.W 1 as it 1 :ran MORE HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support the Region that Helps Support 'You. Think This Over, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY com FOR WALL AND CEILING DECORA! MURESCO puts m5EJin Walls and Ceilings Beautiful Economical Dura! '10c per Half Package 75c per Packa?e GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET WTmwsvmv nrr t h v nf Till HBHaHHB m m ra hi I IIMII IIM VIlAIUIVHIK lllll III UIH9. Villi HI! 1 f 111! lllll H SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION KATES TO VANCOUVER FROM HUNCE RUPERT Rinl RN. QQ . v Berths y v v v RffducM nnf fn Vnnfryiii' aton nnntv from intermedia 1 Special Tickets on Sale between November lt, IMS s"d rJf 2Sth, IdJff. Inclusive Good to Retofn up to March 31. i rhlfilrpri Half Fate Steamers: Leiive linCe Ruperts An Vancou S.S. C ATA LA Tuesday 1:3d p.m. Thursday S.S. CARDFlNA Vtitinv. ltf :.10 n.m. Atonday Ticket? and Reservations from (i Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NyLN Third Ave., rhon If Convenient rjease Purchase Ticket at 0ff A Hot Time I Vllat YOrJ Want Thl Winter You can get it by ustnj rmf famous Edsorl Bulkley YalKy: or Nanalmo-Welllnglon coaj. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 - - BBHBlBMfe . NATIONAL SFRVICE Ptlltb f AVENtE tSt rl.n RED .WtERNATIONAt TfitXK STAN1ARD fR0PlCI8 rrompandl'flcl",, Service