5k PAGE FOUR yuM!raioGG';TAfn) BETTER THAN EVER W THIS NICE BOWL! GET THIS LOVELY CEREAL BOWL BlH' Kellogg's Corn Flakes atyour grocer's and get j our FREE cereal bowl while the supply lasts! Everybody loves Kellogg's. They have such matchless crisp-tiess and flavor. Crunchy and delicious in milk or cream. Fine for lunch or the children's supper. I Kellog g's Corn Flakes are made better. Packed letter. Taste Iet-ler. The patented package with the heat-sealed WAXTITE inner wrapper keeps them oven-fresh. Ready to serve. One of the big fence who is to pay a visit to the Queen irtu Charlote wiATjote Islands, Pianos, a a Pacific Racine g Rffilll Odd Pieces End Table Solid Walnut 'You'll Always Do Better at ttAAT rkkir r rrfiv wY jr i THOSE BEAUTIFUL j GLASS CEREAL BOWLS KELLOGG? CORN FLAKES WHY NOT GET BOWIf TOR EVERYBODY? rnrr with thre rntc j&c gest values you can buy. Order plenty of Kellogg's today! Once you've seen this beautiful cereal bowl, you'll want not just one but a. vhole set for your breakfast table! It's that attractive modern glassware that s so popular now. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are sold by all crocers. Mad and guaranteed by Kellogg in London, Ontario. kHHfliB Ski RIGHT, SON! KZUOGG? CORN TLAKIC ARE ONE CEREAL I C0U1D EAT EVERY TMYl l n nuns mbbbbm bc : i E PACKAGES OF ORN FLAKES jh&feSCff mm Bringing North N. D. Lambert ternoon Weather conditions were C. P R steamer Princess the Department of National De-1 unfavorable for flying to the Isl- iaide. Capt. Henry Anderson, L i lands so Mr. Lambert took thp due to Prt at 3:15 this afternoon , , from the south and will sail at lfi Airways seaplane, piloted by C. p.. Armour Salvage Cos service boat J : Dobbin and with L. Dakin as airjPachena for the trip. The plane and' waypoints. engineer, arrived here from Van- is awaiting his return here and ' 1 . couver at 5 o'clock Wednesday af- will fly him back to Vancouver. , Try a DaUy News want-ad. raiaTMrataMriiariiaiintiifBiaiBrirHEBxarBiiEicHiiiMfHL :1 S 1 m .m LINOLEUMS - AXMfNSTERS - CONGOLEUMS Linoleum Rugs Size Q4 0 7ff 9x12 fpJLOiO 9x105 12.00 Axminster Rugs ... $29.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite A modern suite built with genuine Kay ortsvihls $130.00 $6.50 Tea WagonSolid Walnut with drop handle. Lined cutlery drawer, tray with glass centre $24.75 ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Congolcum Rugs 9x101 ... $9.00 8-Piece Bedroom Ensemble$84.50 Vanity and Bench, Chest of Drawers and full size Bed, Cable Spring, and anu Spring-filled Mattress and one pair feather pillows. 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 Bed Complete-$25.50 Bed, Cable Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress, size ?-?, 4-0, 4-0. Phone Green 01C 3rd Avenue ifltBXBlBIBKnXBVIXIlBXKSveiXBIBIBIBXBa THE DAILY NEWS TAYLOR IN FIGHT FILM New Type of Role for Popular Screen Actor in "The Crowd Roars", at Capitol Robert Taylor, sn whom local ! moving picture fans will be more. man ever lmejesiea since ne visitor to Prince Rupert not so long jgc. plays his first prize-fight role in "The Crowd Boars," an action-, ful story of the prize ring, which Is I the week-end feature at the Capi-j tol Theatre here. ! Maureen CSallivan is once a?ain ; ;ast as Taylor1 heroine and an ex- ?ptional cast Includes such prom-1 'nent screen name; es Edward Arnold, a racketeer: Frank Morgan, in ex-vaudeville "ham" and Tay-'or's rather; William Gargan. Lionel Sunder and Jane Wyman. : The picture reveals behind-the- srene activities of the boxing game with Taylor a a pawn in the shady -manipulation of a gambling syndi-1 mte. He comes from the wrone side ' if the tracks and fishts his way un from the slums to a crack at the championship. Three smashing bouts in the col-1 orful setting of Madison Square' Garden climax the eventful career of the young fighter who finds a hattle with racketeers more erioas than his challenge for the title. Mpha House Has Meeting Importance of Sports Stressed Musical Program Enjoyed First meeting ot Alnha House was held in the auditorium .of Booth Memorial High School on Thursday afternoon under thr sponsorship of Miss Irene Mitchell. The, president, Alec Bill, welcomed the members and introduced the classes to each, other. The Junior; and Senior football teams were presented, also the basketball captain and manager. tAI receivig great The president urged all students to participate in school sports In BLACKHEADS Hlarkheadi aimply 'dispolve and diapper by thh one lmpl. safe and aare method. Get twn ounces of peroxine powder from any drujr xtore, prinkle it on a hot, wet flnth. mb the face aentlv ery blackhead rill be gone. Ilarc a llollywoud complexion. JONES FAMILY MARKET Phone 931 Legs of Pork Per lb.' ; Loin of Pork " Per lb Pork Butts Per lb. and l'OUK g MUTTON 2 , Leg of Mutton Per lb. 5' VEAL Leg of Veal S 6 lbs jjj Shoulder Veal jjj . 4 lbs m Veal Chops "j 3 lb Phone 957 FULTON MEAT MARKET 'Phone C83 Phone G83 Saturday Specials IJEEF jj.g lbs. Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. Round Steak and 1 lb. Kidney T-Bone Itoast Per lb Prime Ilib Koll Per lb Sirloin Tip Per lb Uump Itoast of Ilccf PREMIUM LAMB Legs of Lamb Per lb Loin of Lamb Per lb ; Shoulder of Lamb Per lb 50c 50c 20c 18c 18 c 15c i order to gain points for Alpha I House. The secretary. May Skinner, and ; treasurer. Pearl Menkes, gave their ' reports which were approved by the : meeting. There was a short program as follows: j Song by EUle Mnrvold, areom-' p&nied by Lois Judge. Tap Dance. Joyce Gawtborn. Violin Solo. Arlene Fitzgerald, ac companied by Frances Moor. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to these artists and the meeting adjourned. Heavy Snowfall In Oregon State More Than a Foot Recorded Tester-day in Western Mountains, , PORTLAND, Oregon. Nov. 4. More than a foot of snow fell In the mountains of western Oregon KTstlPs o 5 p j,fuwwrt'w 25Cj: 15cJ i 25 c? 25c' 20cp vf W 'g lbs. Shoulder of Mutton Cjg ? 5 5 Whifflets From The Waterfront fore the repair Job is completed. Bringing in Chief Edward and party who will proceed b: uiu evenings train u ruiwang- i FROM COW' tnS A 223 New BOOKS For Fall Reading The Mandrake Root Ostcnso Salute to Freedom Lowe du Maurier The Four of Heart ...,,. . Queen " The Start of the Road . Erkinp All of Our Live The Twisted Face The Dead Oo Overside Hote Hostess The Buccaneers Appointment With Death Free Land Late Harvest The Generals Lady More Knaves Than One ... Thrice a Stranger The Fathers : . The World is Mine , And Tell of Time : Parrott Kummer .... Smith Baldwin Wharton Christie Lane ... Blake ... Forbes Packard Brlttaln ..... Tate Blake Kreys A Challenge to Caesar fianhire She Was Carrie Eaton Corbett And many others Newly published. All are yours to enjoy through our convenient Rental Library 75c for a month subscription (Double $1.23). Read as much as you can, there is no better pastime at so little cost. Why not read the late books that make excellent cirts for Xmas? A book you have read is much more appropriate. Join Our Library You'll Like 11 vs. Jud A The repair Job on the freighter Salvor, which was dramaged a week ago today when she ran I ashore on Truro Island In Portland i Inlet, has been found to be more extensive than was originally an-Ucipated. It is now expected to be about the middle of next week be H.oo Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I 50c 50c i: Prince Rupert ,to pay a week's vtolt to that vil-llage, the serneboat Collison arrived last night from KitkaUa. Be sides Chief Gamble, the KitkaU: 'rarty includes Henry Brown. Jot: Kelson, James Lewis. Henry Coin-son and Arthur Hill. The part1 will be ac?om;;anied from here t Kitwanga by William Beynon. HALIBUT The Source of Sunshine Vitamins A and I Boiled Halibut Willi Egg Sauce is Digestible Palatable Satisfying 10. Ltd. Urllish Columbia f til and Matinee SatT Lvcninr iiin " CUrm i f . nttintflKIS OF "1 ih Ai OXFORD"1! Bob'i Uit T,t 1 Ml BteVK ah Edwsid ARNOLD Ftak MORGAN Huim O'SULLIVAN Willitm GARGAN Uaal 8tea4 ltuVnua m :51 and 1 U ADDED LAUREL and I1AKDY in 'BEAU HUNKS' Cartoon "HUSKY SPUNKr Phones 18 & 81 P.O. BoiW FOR SATISFACTiaV Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollw V Hzr. Ce- Quality (Jr ccries Reliable Service Opposite Car, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclli Pr-: :-"w "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & t Water Prince Rupcr E C Phone 281 .P.O. Box 1M HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580