BE SURE . . . say "White Horse" WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 26 2 OZ. $3.25 -40 OZ. $4.85 DBTH.UD A NO BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND j : i men: H :it puiiiuMu i r displayed by th Llquar Control g 3fd or by Ui Oowntmtvt of British Columbia Ml Hutter First grade. 3 lbf Swift's Circle 'S Picnic Ham- Lb. Diamond 'A' Karon Lb. Fgiss- B' rrade in carton, Doz. Western Stilton Each Phone "65 80c 25c - 32c 33c 50c foobln$ Apple OCs 6 lb.- for Jap Itice No. 1 4 lbs. 25c I : . I LOCAL NEWS NOTES I 1 Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. POPPY TAO DAY-Saturday, November 5th. Give freely for your poppy. . (253) Jack Preece returned to the city on the Prince John last night from a hunting trip to Massett Inlet. He i went over with William Reid and jC. V. Evitt who are still on the Is-! lands arid will be returning on the Jed way. j REMEMBRANCE DAY Merchants are requested to decorate their windows as a tribute to those who made the great sacrifice, tf. Specials At Selvig s Cash & Carry Nabob Coffee 37C Crahulatrd Sugar ttQf 30i' 10 lbs. Five Roses Flour g Fife Roses Flour 24 MsSic Hiking Powder 90c 23c S'maH White Beans 2$( Leg of Limb Cfiops-. Lb Lamfir Shoulder Lb. Lamh Slew Lb. Boston Poffc Chop Lb. Leg of Shoulder of Veal Veal Veal T-lfonr Lb. lioil FHEE DELIVERY 25C 25c 15c 12c 25 c 30C 25c 25c 10c 20c 20c 8c 303 THIRD AVENUE The 'Mercury Is Coming! A New and Different Motor Car WatchFor Announcements S1LVERS1DES BROS. 1939 Wallpapers Now Arriving UUJX ENAMELS MUUKSCO WINDOW CLASS Our Years of Experience at Your Service Use Canadian Industries Products Only Paints, Varnishes, Etc. for Every Purpose MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SLUMBER KING MATTRESS re Is no better SLUMBER KING SPRING' All sizes '. 3 SIMMONS tttt MATT RESSES- All sizes, each h plone 775 ' $27.50 $14.25 $8.00. 327 THIRD AVENUE Wear a Poppy on Remembrance Day l Sonja Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall Tomorrow. Tea and homecooklnp; 2 to 6. Drawing and Dance 8 pjn. Refreshments. (258) The fire department responded at (5:30 last night to a false alarm at the corner 0f Ninth Avenue and McBride Street. Mrs. Oeorge CriDos sails tonleht on the Princess Adelaide for a six' weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. She will be Joined later by Mr. Cripps. Croft Brook, local manager of the Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia, returned t0 the city on the Prince Oeorge last evening from a trip to Stewart on business. C&estColds fj ...Distressing symptoms Y Ji relieved by rubbing on Gus Strombeck arrived In the citv on the Princess Adelaide toda-y-fronVf Vancouver and will return south on the same vessel tonight with the remains of his brothef, John W Stfotnbeck, veteran Alice Arm prospector, who died Tuesday night. W. J. Rennie of Port Clements arrived in the city on the Prince John last night froth the islands of weeks on business, kfrs. Rennie also arrived on the Prince John and Sailed last nfght on the Prince George for a visit In Vancouver and at Murrayvllle. CANADIAN LEGION, CHURCH PARADE, First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, November 6th. Members, members of the Women's Auxiliary and Ex-service men fal! in at Legion Clubrooms 10:30 a.rri Berets, decorations and medals tr be worn. LEST WE FORGET: Hotel Arrivals (259) Savoy Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Kin- colith; James A. Wilson, city; R A, Dlffln, Vancouver; Lars Hos- felt, Smlthers; Lawrence Innis, Kitkatlar, A. W. Gerzluk and W. Middleton, Mxssett; Mr. and Mrs. W. Seelye, Allx, Alberta; F. W Hesllp, Telkwa. Royal P C. Emery, New Westminster; P. Morley, Alice Arm; C. H. Lake and F. Duke, Stewart; H. Malnes and Stan Johansen, city; Mrs. W Feyer, Mass6tt; W. C. S. Hoblick, Vancouver. Prince Rupert Mrs. J. H. Fee. Anvox; H. Ii Brown and Miss Dorothy M. Stewart It. N Vancouver; R. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunliffe, Sniithers; Mn arid Mrs. A. Vin-thers, Topley. Announcements All advertisements In this col-omn win be charged for full month at 25c a word. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. S. O. N. BaskeUSoclal November" 11. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar November 16. 1 Eagles' Bridge, November 16. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No-i vember 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov ember 24. ntv Tennis Association annual dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November 25. United Bazaar December 1. S.O.N- Play December 2 and 3. Christmas Fair, United Church, December 2 and 3. Carnival and Dance, Metlakatla, De"cembBr 5. DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY at Fraser & Payne's Drop Down Town Friday and Check Over Our Window Display. Yoii Will Find a Big Variety of New Gift Merchandise for the Xmas Season Priced for Dollar Day Selling. Novelty Satin Cushions Assorted shades and shapes, kapok filled. O-t A A Dollar Day. each tJeUU Novelty Frilled Curtain Sets Swiss mar-quesette, assorted colored dots. 28 inches wide by 24 yds. long. Reg. P4 AA V price $1.75 pr. Dollar Day, pr. New Homespuns Ideal for drapes and slip covers. Assorted colorings. 48 Inches wide. Dollar Day. a4 Aft &I..UU 2 yards for Silk Curtain Nets Several pieces to clear new designs, 36 Inches wide, honey shade. Values up-to -75c-yd. fl- A A Dollar Day. 3 yards for ?XVV English Twill Flannelette Sheets Full size, 70x90. 'Plain Write hem- QO QQ med single. Dollar Day. pair 9&Ou R. Scherk sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for" Esquimalt' to take a course of naval tralninc Several pieces of Silk Drapery D"4 masks 50 Inches wide, assorted colors, reg. value up to $1.99 yd. fff fin tjAeUV Dollar Day. yard Wtfol Mufflers Aisorted Tartans, pTaldi and checks. Full size. o4 AA AUU Dollar Day. 3 for Watson's Ladies Vests Sflk wool and cotton mixture, unshrinkable. All sizes, cream color only. dj-f hfi Dollar Day, 2 for tJJX.UV Wood's Waffle Knit Vests And Parities-. Wool and cotton mixture In flesh shade. All sizes. Dollar Day, Garment ,7 i, . , . i-. The funeral of the late Albert r, M. P. McCaffery sailed last night . ?u t-v- ni. tmw. on the prince ueorge ior a dusi- ness trip to Vancouver. Thomas W. Hesllp, well known Telkwa rancher, arrived In the Try a Classified. S g TIM SERVICE 1 FOK YOUNG MEN! Voratlonf S-rl Ltd. tm up to supply young mrn with full J rom-Information aliout Voratlom' . . of JoIm Silas rhance for mrrh-anlrally minlcl younx mrn 4it today In tlie modern industrleat Airplane IHrsrti Air (UkiditluDmj, tVoratlonal Srrir Ltd. rrprrarn I Irk Inat it at Ion with government approval and lieenae. tella )oung mrn how lo get atarled In thaae faat growing tfadea. If you are at least 18 years did, ftfca meelianlea and are willing to exert yourself, then 611 In this coupon and mall It today My return mail, ithou jrlyou tvill (et complete information; " tf it haut, ohligatioti left me how I .ran learn ail abotU A I Hi. II A r I I I 1 4iiorud iion a. Mnoarrini DIESKU HN;iKr UING Q AIR CONDITIONING and rl IIFI HHIKtt HON LJ NAME ..A (.... VOCATIONAL'SERVICE LTD. HfRWratlrtn Ipt.. lu 3"i Prince Ituprrt Dally News THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy R6d Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Picked by the only latafcSi tannlnj company with axi ill the year round payroll In . Prince" Rupert .row. Saturday, at z ociock irom the B. C. Undertaker's Chapel. Pactor W. J. Friesori of the Pente-)i :ostal Church will officiate. VJf U., .MO U ...g..V O V. u..., w. ...... Wg In a carload of cattle for the locarv.wAANVA,.w.vJVW! I abbatoir. . ' 5 s d. P. Tinker; district deputy trand master, will leave on this S venlng's train for Smlthers to pay j y an official visit to the Masonic ! Lodge at that point. A few local1 ? Masdns will accompany Mm. ,5 ' I? Lars Hogfeldt of Swened, In the s ourse of a tour of Canada and the 5 United States, Is; p .visitor In th! v illy. Mr. Hogfeidt, who 'is partlcu-' larly Interested in timber, drove i as far as Hazelfoh and came on J rln to Anvox and Stewart on the A Prince Oeorge yesterday and Will '.eave on this evening's train for Hazelton to pick up his car again and proceed to Southern British Columbia and Vancouver Island. i For the Best Permanent You Ever Had The superior quality of Offr permanent waves . . . the expert quality of all our hair service . . . will make an instant If you wish to swap something appeal to the particular lady. ural looking ringlets.- ..Experts will advise which type of wave is best suited to your indirid-ual needs. MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. Be-rhe' lUehPcfrty-Pl y Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Piano- Accordlon Open for Engagements Parties,. Dances, Receptions, etc. Music With Rythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Ref. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M, Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PIlOJiE GREEN 390 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Uelntzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th SL 45c Genuine French Berets Full Size. 10 shades, all perfect. J-f ft ft Dollar Day. 2 for tHUU Funeral Notice Pantie Sets, Pyjamas, Sftps and" Gowns All perfect merchandise in Teat Rose and white. r- a, A .Dollar Day tfcUU Boxed Handkerchiefs Neatly boxed in gut ooxes. 3 handkerchiefs to a box. Dollar Day; 4 boxes for $100 -LA. Extra Special Tea Rose? and White Satin Princess Slips Lace trimmed, Mas' cut. All sizes. Dollar Day, each $1.00 Full Fashioned Hose In semi-service and crepe chiffon. New Stock and all new shades. fiQl Dollar Day, pair ... V"' Ladies and-Misses Flannelette Pyjamas Pink, white and blue. 2-piece CI ft ft style. Dollar Day. suit t7vv v mm i". 5 She will appreciate our soft, 5 lustrous waves and the hat- I rnone roar COAL ORDER TODAY The best coal is the eheapest. We handle the best. We have Nanaimo-Wellingfon Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley 5 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I Telephone 651 or 652 5 See The New Voigtlaender Brilliant CAMERAS The Very Latest in Camera Manufacture Now On Display Prices From $15.00 to $moo Ormes Ltd. Jfie Pioneer Drtuigtsts The lleitU Store Phones: II ft U Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uolidays From 12 noon tlU X jn, 7 v.m. till p.m. RAILWAY Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Transpacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls arid Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" -Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT November 7th; 17tH, 28th, December 8th, 19th ' SS. PRINCESS NORAH" tfJQ Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver arid Return Tick-"OD ets 6n Sale Nov. 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. r f -