80 Taxi Vi v. urt AXT. ft'? ,n yestcrda.. " j r Wrecked German Liner . y- i , Nov 4. - Japan today . , ii ....lUlllt., nf Ha iln. I i-ii bill. WW.J. ....., . -J .Hkunl. U I is rt V O M 1 1 1 Vf tlfllllll .J i r n en in ran ... 01 IT 11 ii onip noiu in t mmnH Would Wreak VVnireancc On U Is Feared USALEM. Nnv. 4- nrltish nMe been threatened with 3lo 1 ... .... ....va vv m ine . pws. il is Special precautions arc wken to guard against any ,niu iiir.inrnrs enor ( ets j Wet Snow r.. uo uown uncicr vy wet fallen of It i;ast or prince Oeorge snow Is reported to ear Hansard, east nf Prince 01 the CsilMrlldn Moflnnal I1I1P. fl Tnll . 1, J1 I 1 dn. .. ' " ttu oi live incnes the nli. "Virlaljn lines our She ,ber 4. Circumstances of the ex- ""Anoon which wrecked the German ;ninn treitrni anu passenger iner Vancouver in have been caused by, a bomb," declared the captain last night. Six separate investigations are now pro ceeding, the Federal Bureau of In-1 vestigatlon, the United States ship ping service, the Alameda police and the German consulate being among the bodies which are holding inquiries. "It Is a very ticklish situation," ' said District Attorney Warren who, until he had further evidence, was ' not ready to admit sabotage. I Meanwhile the most of observers agree that, nrlor to the starboard side of 'the ship belns torn open by " it a m . a i . innit in iii.iM ii pii limii 1 1 uaipr snnrr-i . . .... rM ln( . IVia Mlw hah.. V V 1- cmnese wic u "4C rc"DCcUnz integrity ex- N0 passengers were injurea. r'oun .members of the crew were scalded; Lffects on Others n e engine room. i ' rii 11 tf Workers Decide to Call it Off After ' Governor of Ohio Calls Out who is believea . ortier t twii ut miv r M nntA Inn u I l.fr nnrl rue. injuries which resulted In iltal, RFATFN REPRISALS! National Guard MIDDLETOWN, Ohio, Nov. 4: (CP) Members of the Pioneer Workers' Union voted to end the strike at the Lorlllard tobacco plant after Governor Davey had ordered 4: A twenty-1 oUt the National Guard to preserve) TODAY'S WEATHER : i: ! r infnnetfvincr Ho vessel as she oassed down the estu-i. . - mi. - V. I . 1 1 I I 1 1 . have been warned to re- me snip as oeucaeu immeuiate- ana lj r,iv uuwuc u waic Jl Ml I I l lll.illlll 11111II.U. the invadnn of China belne Vancouver to Europe Dead Tree Point scauerea . i. 1. kirnn-nler 90?fl!i ST. HELIER, Island of Jersey, Nov. 4: CP) field after taking off for Southampton. The victims included eleven passengers, the pilot and mechanic and one man who was working in the field. Young Man Is Coming South it. ONE Tomorrow's Tides . Brow") HAY AND NIGHT SERVICE High 11:25 ajn. 20.3 ft. Careful and Courteous Driven 23:58 pjii. 18.9 ft. Low 5:10 ajn. 12 ft. 1938 Plymouth) (New 17:54 p.m. 4.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER A.V11. ..r y1r w' Oft PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS 0nces Of Explosion y Fourteen Die I Oakland Very Suspicious;! In Air Crash I r ourteen persons . n.nkland estuary look very suspicious. Although' were killed today in one ace has not yet been definitely established, the ex-f oi ureal Britain's worst in appears to have been definitely established. The air disasters when a ful- in a n r hi I vj ONTINUE INVASION Nations Warned to Look or Themselves May De nounce Nine-rower Treaty irom without the ship, "it might, liner crashed into a 1 ;i ; 4-1 BID FROM ROMANIA Nation is Latest to Seek Slice of Koumania Claims Three Towns on Frontier BUCHAREST, Nov: 4. Rouman-la is now demanding a lice of rwphrttlnvnklv Three lmnortant She already .. ninnc, the frontier are beine - w 1 1 l . 1 c continued on three fronts au evemci paweiigera uu poaru. ciaImed d Hankow towards Fow- lcn OI wnom were uanamans in- -a fv, t iinoVmt wall.' eluding British Columbia and Al- IIU aiJU VV. MMaw ... All ...m i iM --uj . nprrn nrnnu :inn nnp rvmni.rp;ii wa' proporV. So far the of-1 man. More passengers were to have toward Sl mfu has not JCt come aouaru ai oan rrancisto. WRECK NOW IDENTIFIED nincte ;i nations have ver Includea isooel Hooper, t.( Was Seiner Eliza Captain Japan hit International Matthews and T. Lowe of Victoria, j And Crew Safe nrhina mi.tt h rnerted Roly Baeumer and Otto Relnberoer . . Cfnfa. n.n mint rf Ul ViUIWUICI, n. i. luiliiu u ..i va uhaK- uwuatiuivn. v. ... . . .V- u. Np snn and Mrs E. Beatue OI . ... . . . DnclrowUlA nut the violation oi ine wr policy in unina as im- a Nipponese announce-; I lUin I nhnrrn u ma A Jipan, Manchoukuo and OlrlKc LiUUcU JUNEAU. Nov. 4; (CP) The fishing boat which has been found on the rocks off Admiralty Island has been identified by the coastguard as the seiner Eliza, belong- ' ing to Frank S. James of Petersburg, which foundered on October ,23. James and his crew reached 'shore safely and are now at Port Gambler. i Coastguard Cutter Bringing Henry Walther From Alaska To His Dying Mother SEATTLE. Nov. 4: The coast guard cutter Alexander Hamilton) Prince Rupert - Part cloudy,. Is on Its way from King's Cove In the Aleutian Islands to Oakland calm; barometer, 29.88 (falling); temperature, 38; sea smooth. "with Henry L. Walther whose, ta CWcagc . The Triple Island Showery, south- mother is dying zvzr per tTu,rbtS,s?a.?S5; Ug"S t"Lmv-n MnndJman will be able to get home In. LiilliyillU xoiaiiu i.iv,u.w.. r. westerly wind, twenty miles per umc. hour: barometer, 29.92; tempera-, ture, 42; tea moderately rougn. Africa Recognizes ciouus, cuim, uoivu,v.v., i ni 1. temperature. 32; sea smooth. RthlODia LOnOUeSl LilHlULim vuihjuvui Bull Harbor-Raining, calm; bar- ometcr, 29.37; temperaiure, iu; st-d smooth. Alert Bay Broken clouds, rain squalls; northwest wind, 25 miles per hour; barometer, 29.86; temper ature, 46; sea rougn. Estevan Clear, easieny winu, eight miles per hour; barometer, 29.88. . . Victoria Clear, westerly wma, ii miles per hour; barometer, 29.9. Vancouver Clear, normeast wind, four miles per hour; barom eter, 29.92. Prince George ciouay, soutn- west wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.82. Terrace Cloudy, cairn, temperature 35. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 38. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, 41. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 34. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 36. Hazelton Partly cloudy, calm, 33. Smlthers Clear, calm, 28. Burns Lake-Clear,' calm, 21 Parliament Decides to Admit Sove reignty of Italy in SsUDjugaicu ' Country CAPETOWN, Nov. 4: (CP) Parliament of the Union of South Africa decided yesterday to formally recognize the conquest of Ethiopia by Italy. Manitoba Fish Is Unsold; May Stop Catching WINNIPEG, Nov. 4: The last season's catch of whlteflsh In Manitoba Is still unsold, remaining in stni-siM. The minister of agri culture Is considering suspending fishing for a year. Bulletins PREMIER IN NEW YORK NEW YORK Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King; of Canada arrived in New York today after his holiday to the West Indies. He is on his way back to Ottawa. HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED VANCOUVER The man who reported to the police Tuesday night that he had lost his memory has been identified as Alcide Edmond Charron of' Montreal b the aid of a letter from his wife. : TRAIN IS IN RIVER Canadian National Freieht Plunges Into Frasr Canyons-Crew; Escapes Death VANCOUVER, Nov. 1: (CD-Three raiiwaymen were injured late Thursday night when a Tun '"nt'ri" ;tal Canadian National Railways freieht, train hit a rockslide in Fraser. Canyon, 150 miles northeast of here. The engine, i'ider and three cars toppled fitly feet into the canyon but the crew' jumped before the accident. Two other members of the crew of the westbound train were not hurt. - TODAY'S Councay S. L) STOCKS JolinMuu Co. I Vancouver ' Pacific Nickel, .30 (ask) Big Missouri, .26. ' Bralorne. 9.50. Aztec, .06. Cariboo Quartz, 2.35 Dentonla. .02 Vi (ask). Golconda, .06. Minto. .03. Falrview, .05. Noble Five. .03. Pend Orlelle, 2.00. Pioneer, 2.40. Porter Idaho, .03 i. Premier. 2.26. Reeves McDonald, .33. Reno. .25. Relief Arlington, .13. Reward, .OSi. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .02V'2. Hedley Amalg., .03. Premier Boeder, .003,4. Sllbak Premier, 1.80. Home Gold, .013i (ask)., Grandview, .03. Indian, .01 Vi. Quatslno. .03. Oils A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .25. C. & E.. 2.15. Freehold, .03 V2. Hargal. .22. . . McDougal Segur, .12l2. j Mercury. .06. Okalta. 1.10. Home Oil, 1.10. Toronto Beattie. 1.40, Central Pat., 2.42. Gods Lake, .36. Little Long Lac, 2.83. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.30, Pickle Crow, 5.05. San Antonio,' 1.28. ; Sherritt" Gordon1; -L50." Smelters Gold, .05 McLeod Cockshutt, 3.25. Oklend, .18. Mosher. .17. Madsen Red Lake, ,45. Stadacona. .54. Francoeur, 22. Moneta, 1.22. Bouscadlllac, .11. Thompson Cadillac t,35.f Bankfleld. .35V y; East Malartlc, 2.18. Preston E. Dome, 1.47. Hutchison Lake, .04. Dawson White, .02A. , Aldermac, 7. Kerr Addison, 1.65. Uchl Gold, 1.46. Inter. Nickel, 56.25. Noranda, 80.35. Cons Smelters, 64.00. Athona, .11. Hardrock, 1.80. Barber Larder, .18. Fernland, ;16;, -'!,wi ' Pri nnce City, Rupert Skeena E. T. KENNEY M.L.A. SALLY IS i CONVICTED Fan Dance? May Go Over Road on Charge of Assault and Battery I CHICAGO. Nov. 4. Sally Rand I was yesterday found guilty of assault and battery and faces the possibility of a ene-year Jail sen- tence. She was found guilty yester- naay oy a jury oi nmeeiaeriy-wo Is Forgotten Member States In Legislature In Urging Road Speaks Out So Long as This City's Development is Retarded So Long Will There be Stagnation and Adversity in Adjacent Hinterland, Declares E. T. Kenney VICTORIA, November 4: (CP) "Prince Rupert is a forgotten city," E, T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena; told the Legislature yesterday when urging construction of the twenty-five mile gap in the northern transprovincial highway between Hazelton and Terrace. Closing of this ?ap, Mr. Kenney said, would enable motorists to ship their 1 1 cars between Prince Rupert and COMMONS REJECTS CENSURE House of Lords Approves Anglo-Italian Pact in Spite of Mussolini's Attitude Halifax Admission Forcijn Secretary Says 11 Dnce Will Not Be Sidetracked King Praises Chamberlain, Roosevelt Terrace where connection could be made with the northern highway system. "So long as Prince Rupert's development Is retarded so long will we have stagnation and adversity in ' all the adjacent hinterland," declared Mr. Kenney. The member for Skeena asked equalization of the salaries of urban and rural school teachers, de-Iclarlng that the country teachers received only about half of what 1 was paid city teachers.,. Mr. Kennedy commended the work of the ore sampling plant at Prince Rupert,. which he declared was proving of much value to the small mine operators of the north, and .asked for the appointment of j an assayer to make the plant more I useful and of further assistance to LONDON. Nov. 4: (CP) The gov-, the Idustry. ernment majority late yesterday defeated by a division of 355 to 130 a Labor motion which would have ensured the government for the 'neffectlveness of Its program of civilian defence. Last night the House of Lords ry rp. i j approved by vote' of 55 to 6 trrejDeUlST TalKed men putting Into effect of the new An-j and will be coming up Monday for e!o-Italian agreement. The pact; sentence. Miss Rand, while doing was approved in spite of an admls a fan and bubble dance, spied a slon by Lord Halifax, Foreign Sec- young couple who were trying to retary, that the agreement would ta,ke a candid camera picture of have no effect In sidetracking her. Enraged she proceeded to Premier Benito Mussolini from his scratch and bite them. So confi- determination that there should be dant was Sally that she was going an Insurgent victory in the Spanish to get off that she had arranged a civil war. Lord Halifax stated that I cocktail part,y to celebrate her ac- Mussolini had made it clear that he, qulttal. doe not intend to see General, Eminent Canadian Musician Passes Communists Busy Among Strikers Un-American Committee Hears .Evidence of Their Activity In Steel Industry WASHINGTON, Nov. 4: The congressional committee on un-American activities today heard evidence of alleged communist activities among sltdown strikers In Francisco Franco defeated. ( Session Adjourned The session of Parliament was proogued today with the reading of j a Speech from the Throne In the course of which His Majesty paid tribute to Prime Minister Nevilla FrpHprirk William Warrinclon Dies Chamberlain of Great Britain, i ni,ru At a tp nf Fiirhtv- President Franklin D Roosevelt of r rnp 1 1 1 1 1 1 pii nLHLPX h iu ricmiti iviua- bled there for the occasion. The legislation of the session was re viewed. After the brief ceremony, Parlia ment adjourned until Tuesday when the King will open the next session, President's Wife Visits Seattle Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Arrives In Puget Sound City SEATTLE, Nov. 4. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the President, arrived In. Seattle by airplane yes terday to visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Boettger Jr. . It was revealed that Mrs. Boettger Is expecting another child next March arid that Mrs, Roosevelt plans to be here again at that time. Mrs Rnettirpr nlreadv has two (children by a previous marriage. Marketing Of Livestock Is REGINA, Nov. 4. (CP) Hon. J. G. Gardiner, federal minister of agriculture, and the ministers of agriculture of three prairie provinces are in conference here to discuss livestock marketing. BLUEN0SE WELCOMED Capt. Angus Walters and His Crew Given Great Reception At ' Lunenburg LUNENBURG, Nova Scotia, Nov. 4 Lunenburg gave a great wel- pfvftang Ont Nov 4- (CP) sollnl of Italy as well as to Viscount1 come, yesterday to the schooner Frprfpririr willlim Warrlnaton Runcimanjor meir enoris lowaras -v. . . ..-.vv..-lintel em n T Canadf an bringing about peace during the re-and crew on the return home yes- choirmaster and composer of an cent crisis. These four were cred-earlier day, passed away yester- lted for their parts in arranging the day at the age of eighty-seven agreement which had resulted in years. He was born in England. sciuemeni oi iuc ui. Ru.5a Weather Forecast General Synopsis The barometer Is comparatively low northwest of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Showers have occurred on the coast and also over the interior of the' province. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong southwest to west winds, partly cloudy and cool with showers. West Coast of Vancouver island Moderate to fresh northwest winds, mostly fair and colder at night. BDeecn exoressea nope mat a new era may have been opened for Eu rope." j The King's Speech was read in ' the House of Lords by proxy, mem bers of both Houses having assem terday from Boston where Blue-nose was victorious in the inter national schooner race oyer the American contender Gertrude L. Thebaud. Capt. Walters was driven around the town in a. replica of the Bluer nose about the size of a rowboat mounted on an automobile. Captr. Walters said that he did not intend to again race the Blue- nose for the trophy although he .might sail In exhibition races. Halibut Sales American Sylvia, 25,000, Cold Storage, 9.1c and 6c. Canadian Lois N 40,000, Royal, 12.9c and 5.5c. Forced Landing Made In Street Young Chilliwack Airmen Come To Grief in Their Plane CHILLIWACK, Nov. 4: Two amateur airmen sustained minor injuries yesterday when their plane made a forced landing In a street here. One of the young men is In hospital. The pair were Eric Eversfleld and Louis Marrlet. ill if Is: V,.