Today's Weather prince Rupert Part cloudy, fog bank3, northerly wind, two miles per hour: barometer, 30.24 (falling!, temperature, 47; sea smooth VANCOUVER, May 19: (CP) Germen Miller, business agent of the Pacific Coast Fishermen's Union, said today that the union had instituted a picket line at all Vancouver fish docks in an effort to force cannery operators to set salmon prices for the season. Miller said that there were also pickets at points along the coast. George Clark, secretary of the operators' committee, said that the season was not yet open so there was nothing to picket. He said that negotiations were proceeding with the various unions usually consulted by the operators regarding the price set-up each year. SUCH0WI S IN FLAMES . Jananese Claim To Be In Possesion " Of Most Of Important Railway Centre SHANGHAI, May 19: (CP) Large sections of the strategic city of Suchow are reported to be burning fiercely as the Japanese claim possession of moil of the Important Lunghal railway centre; " There has been hand to hand fUhting with Chinese "dare to die" units In the southern suburbs. The Japanese said that nava' planes had scored a direct hit on a main munitions storehouse; sending flames and smoke hund reds of feet into the air. Todays Baseball National League Pittsburg 3, Boston 4 (eleven innings). Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 8. New York 0, Chicago 1 (eleven In- "lng3) American League Washington 3, Cleveland 15. Boston 0, Chicago 4. (Called at seventh on account of rain.) 1 Philadelphia 4; Detroit 6. I ! Weather horecast General Synopsls-A high pres- sure ire area area appears appears to be centred off the Queen Charlotte Islands and 2 fine warmer weather prevails ove the province. Pr nee Rupert and . Queen Char- - , j totte Man InTwlrS southeast winds, fair warmer today, becoming somewhat unset- tied Friday. West Coast of Vancouver Island ' Moderate northwest winds, fair and , moderately warm today and Friday. Halibut Sales Canadian Cape Spencer, 14,500, Pacific, offered 6.1c and 4c, holding over. Kalcn, 13,500, offered 5c and 4c, going to Butedale. Arctic I, 14,000, Atlln, offered 6.3c and 4c by Atlln, holding over Kyrlelle, 10,000, Cold Storage, of-6.3e and 4c, holding over. Domino I, 8,700, Atlln offered 5c and 4c, holding over. m .1 - llnta Nichols, daughter , MISS I an't" '"-"" - nnri Mrs. A. R. Nichols, af-i Wnim Su; rise Statement CRASHED IN DENSE FOG This 1 Theory In Connection With latest Airplane Wreck Bringing flodles Out LOS ANGELES. May 19, Bodies t-AI . . L . L . i olnme viewms pi ua crasu tu me Korthwest Air Lines plane are today being brought out from Mint Canyon in the mountains fifty miles northeast of Los Angeles. Seven of the victims were adults md two children. All were employees of the Northwest Air Lines or members of their families coming vest In the new plane. Investigation indicates that en- lne trouble was not the cause of the crash. Evidence points to the (act that the ship was groping Its way through a fog for a nearby emergency landing field when It Duruca into vnc siae oi a ciui. me tremendous Impact resulted In one of the engines being found 150 feet my from the burned fuselage. Some of the bodies were also thrown clear. The time at which a clock on the c'.ane stopped Indicated that the crash occurred twenty-seven mln- ... .-- i i n...u u .i. ilics tuici leaving uui uuuit a.i field on Sunday. STILL IN TROUBLE Amtrlcmn Halibut Boat Ivanhoe Now Adritt Off West Coast of Vancouver Island SEATTLE May 19: (CP) - A . coastguard vessel left Port Angeles last night to proceed to the assistance of the American halibut boat Ivanhoe which Is disabled and adrift off Kyoquot on the west coast of Vancouver Island. A freight vessel reported that the Ivanhoe was endeavoring to grope her way to port by .use of a Jury sail, her engine being broken down. Earlier in the week the Ivanhoe had boen reported broken down north of Queen Charlotte Sound, a salvage vessel going from Prince Rupert to her assistance but being Unship in Uf.n(A hn, Tha Tvnnhnp was outbound to the fishing grounds when she broke down. j Asselstine Is . Coming North i Minister of Mines to be Here in Two Weeks on 111 Wav to Stewart ,.. W j ao.c nf mines nd industries, 'will leave on May jn f. ri to t hi. vi t -mice uuucib untuuv w w constituency of Atlln, visiting Stew- and other points. He will re- turn .wh kv ,n f the cariboo --. wvMwa fcj IV J " - ' -7 nd Bridge River districts. Mrs. Jesse Brldfien and daughter of Massett ere visitors In thi having sirrlvcd from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the prlnce John today. Tacoma Party Due Tomorrow I : TACOMA, May 19: (CP) Forty-five members of the Ta- f Coma Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Club left yestcr- day for Vancouver where they embarked on the steamer Prln- cess Adelaide for a six-day cruise to Prince Rupert, being due there on Friday afternoon. mm Fishermen's Union Trying To Force Canneries To Set Salmon Prices For Season trr having been seriously 111, was;The congressional radio committee rornvprrH tn be able was advised yesterday that the to be taken home from the Prince Rupert General Hospital this NORTHERN AND DRIVE ON VALENCIA , , Spanish Insurgents Organize Themselves From Hills East of Teruel HENDAYE, France, May 19: (CP) Insurgents have organized their forces on a scries of heights from, -Teruel east to Mosqueruela as a' Jumplng-off line for, a general attack against the government's "strong defensesbn Valencia Highway to the south. GOLD ORE RECEIVED Grotto Property at Pitman and Globe at Terrace Send Shipments to Local Sampling Plant Shipments of gold bearing ore from Joe Bell's Grotto property near Pitman and from E. T. Ken-1 ney's Globe group near Terrace have Just been received at the lo- cal ore sampling plant. j The shipment from the Orotto' was about eighteen tons. That from the Olobe was somewhat smaller. Epth, properties are known to contain gold ore which should make j 'good shipping grade. , JJot SpOnSOrUM r o Celebration In Alaska Capital JUNEAU, May 19. The executive of the Junior Chamber of Com-, merce has decided against spon-' soring the Independence Day cele bration here this year, wmie not willing to undertake financial res-1 ponslblllty for the celebration, the Chamber has Intimated Its willingness to assist In every way possible. Medical Assn Radio Station Plans for Large Broadcasting Cen tre at San Diego are Revealed To Washington Committee WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19. American Medical Association plans the establishment of a large radio station at San Diego, UNIONIZING OF INDIANS C.I.O. Threatens Traditional Fishing Privilege of Natives in Alaska' JUNEAU, May 19. The Indians of Alaska have run J foul of the Committee on Industrial Organization in regard to one of their traditional privileges. The Alaska Fishermen's Union has Issued warning to the natives that they must not fish for salmon for sale 'to the canneries unless they Join the union. The union threatens to picket canneries that take fish from Indians who are not union members. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oouttany 8. D. Johnston Co.) i Vancouver. B. C. Nickel. .15. I Big Missouri, .36. Bralorne, 8.90. Cariboo Quartz. 2.18 Aztec. .08. . f Golconda, .04. 1 Mlnto, .02. Falrview, .02. i Noble Five, .024. j Pend Orielle, 1.55. Pioneer, 3.00. j-Porter Idaho. .02 I Premier, 1.98. r Reeves McDonald, .26. Reno. .51 (ask). r Relief Arlington, .15. k Reward, .04. -tS 4 Taylor Bridge, .04 (ask) -Premier Border, .01. Pilbak Premier, 1.75. Congress-OO. Home Gold, .01. Grandview. .05l2. Indian, .02. ; Quatslno Copper, .023A. Halda Gold. .073i (ask). Oil ( A. P. Con., .21. Calmont, .36. C. & E.. 2.55. j Hargal, .20. ' , " McDo'ugall Segur, .18y2: Mercury. .10. Okalta, 1.55. Pacalta, .08 Vi. Home Oil. 125. Toronto Beattte, 1.10. Central Patricia, 2.52. Gods Lake, .45. Little Long Lac, 3.85. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.05.-Red Lake Gold Shore, .17. Pickle Crow. 4.65. San Antonio. 1.22. Sherritt Gordon. 1.07. ( Smelters Gold, .01. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.60. Oklend, .19. . Mosher, .41. Madsen Red Lake, .36V4. j Sladacona, .56. Francoeur, .33. Moneta Porcupine, 2.14. -Bouscadillac, .07. Tompson Cadillac, .22 V2. Bankfield. .75. East Malartlc, 1.60. Preston East Dome, .80. Hutchison .Lake, .044. ' Dawson White, .043i. Aldermac, .44. Kerr Addison, 1.84. Uchl Gold, 1.55. Inter'l Nickel. 46.00. ;s i Noranda, 62.50. .... Con. Smelters, 57.00. Athona, ,14. Hardrock, 2.23. ' Barber Larder, .37, Mandy, ,15. Rand Malartlc, J8. Mrs, A. L. Richardson and her daughter, Mrs. Hellawell, and Mrs. CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, Basil Richardson arrived In the of the game for the Chicago Cubs city on the Prince John today from during the past couple of weeks, Tlell. Mrs. Richardson sr, and Mrs.; had a ten-minute work-out yester-Hellawell will proceed by the Prince day. The wing seemed to function George tonight on a trip to Van - couver while the younger Mrs. J Richardson remains here. MAY 19, 1938. Tomorrow's Tides From France BULLETINS RESIDENCE IS SOLD William Goodrick has sold hl. residence on Graham Avenue, Westview, to P. Leltoss of Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrick are leaving next week for Victoria to take up residence, Mr. and Mrs. Leltoss are moving; into town from Pacific, Mrs. LeKoss having- been transferred here in the service of the Canadian National Railways. , CRUSHED TO DEATH MISSION, May 19: (CP) His body terribly crushed by his own truck as it careened down a steep mountain road, Albert Moret, aged 35, died before he reached hospital .here Wednesday. The accident happened at Deroche Mountain near here In the Fraser Valley. HERTZOG RETURNED CAPETOWN, South Africa, May 19: (CP) Prime Minister J. B M. Hertzog's United Party government was returned to poyer for a further five years in yesterday's general election. With fifty-nine seats to be heard from the government had already elected seventy-seven members out of a totat of 150. RAISING I l IV! I V - Nova Scotia Would Have Ottawa Do This Rather Than Remove Provincial Responsibilities I FREDERICTON, New Brunswick J May 19: (CP) Consistent with its' contention that the provinces are distinctly sovereign states, the New Brunswick government has suggested to the Rowell royal commission that any necessary adjustment In the financial set-up of the prov-'inces should be made by increased federal grants rather than by transfer of any provincial responsibilities to the Dominion. Must Settle Dispute Soon Beginning to Look Like Bristol Bay Canneries Will Not Operate This Year JUNEAU, May 19. Unless there Is a settlement within ten days be- tween the San Francisco and Seat-tie salmon packing union units on . the question of bargaining Juris- diction, there may be no salmon packing In the Bristol Bay area this year. The packing season there opens on June 25 and lasts for pnly a IIWUMl, Already the Alaska Packers' As - ' soclatlon ..... u has announced fi,f that can neries at Chignlk and Karluk will not operate owing to the dispute of cannery workers. Dizzy Dean Is Pitching Again Lame Arm Seems to Have Recovered, It is Indicated in Work-Out CHICAGO, May 19. Dizzy Dean, who has, been suffering from a lame arm which has kept him out ! well and Dean expressed confidence that he would soon be back m top form again. High ... Low':.. Daladier Talks About Defendinq Against All Violence Declaration is Associated With Belief That Friendship Talks With Italy Are Reaching Impasse Owing To Rome's Demands PARIS, May 19: (CP) Premier Edouard Daladier declared today that France would defend her frontiers against "all attempts at violence." This declaration was made in a surprise statement as French negotiations with Ttnlv we believed to be annroaching a breakdown. In directly, the Premier threw . Senate Passes Divorce OTTAWA, May 19: (CP) The Senate yesterday, by a dl- vision of 38 to 33. adODted the bill to widen the grounds or OW goes to the House of Commons. A clause which would have prevented the remarriage of divorced persons was rejected by the upper chamber, - LONG GAME IS PLAYED Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians in Virtual Tie for American League Leadership BOSTON, Maj 19: (CP) The Langara Island Part cloudy, fog longest Big League baseball game banks, northwest wind, elghjoiiles-so far this season was played here per hour; sea smooth. vesterdav when It took the Boston Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, rpp fourteen inninss to eke out a 2 to 1 victory over the Pittsburg Pirates. The first Inning yielded one run for each side and then the game was scoreless for thirteen Innings. As a result of their victory the Bees moved Into a tie with Cincinnati Reds and St. Louis Cardinals for fourth place In the standing. The Cardinals won over the Brooklyn Dodgers yesterday. The Pirates dropped from second Into third place below the Chicago Cubs who were defeating the New York. Giants and Carl Hubbell. The margin of Giants' supremacy was reduced to five and a half games. In the American League, Cleve lana maians ceieaiea rniiaueuiu. Athletics. It was the fifth victory of the season for Bob Feller who yielded only six hits. Feller has been beaten only once this year. As a result of tne victory, me in- ' , . - , U1a- ?ianf aTPr J leading Boston n Red q Sox v only v by percentage points. The Red Sox were idle at Chicago yesterday owing to wet grounds. The New York (Yankees kept within one game of I the league leadership by winning a free-hlttlng affair from the cellar-dwelling St. Louis Browns. Wes Ferrell had his fifth victory of the season when the Washington Senators downed the Detroit Tigers jwho, because of the defeat, dropped Into sixth place below the Idle Chicago White Sox. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Chicago 4, New York 2. Fittsburg 1, Boston 2 (fourteen innings). St, Louis 12, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati at Philadelphia, rain. American League Philadelphia 2. Cleveland 7. Washington 5, Detroit 1. New York 11, St. Louis 7. Boston at Chicago, wet grounds. 4:30 a.m. 17.5 it. 17:50 pjn. 16.5 ft. 11:17 a.m. 5.5 'ft.. 23:41 p.m. 9.2 ft.' PRICE: 5 CENTS Frontiers blame for the impasse in the Italian irienosmp iai&.s on itaij. efforts, he said, to break up the French alliance with Russia had Imposed formidable obstacles to the efforts for a Franco-Italian accord. Political Informants said that In the face of French efforts to resume Rome talks, Italy was demanding concessions that France was unlikely to make. Huge Deficit In I U1IUCU Imf-pri StaiP UiaiCO Ledger tor fiscal xear is r.xpccicu To Be Over Three Billion Dollars In The Red WASHINGTON, D. C, May 19: (CP) Informed officials tentatively forecast a $3,400,000,000 deficit in United States fiscal year budgeting. This is one result of the huge lending and spending program now before Congress. Today's Weathei1 (Government ""eUgrfcpM ) calm; barometer, 30.37; tempera ture, 53; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Clear, calm; baro meter, 30.22; temperature, -50 f sea smooth. Alert Bay Clear, calm; barometer, 30.22; temperature, 41; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northerly wind four miles per hour; barometer, 30.22. Victoria Clear, westerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, k 30.18. Vancouver Clear, calm; barometer, 30.18. Vancouver Clear, calm, barometer, 30.16. PHnrp Hpnrfrp Plnar ennthwpef. .lndi four mlles per hour; baro. meteti 30 2s. Terracecicar, calm, tempera ture 58 Alyansh Part cloudy, calm. 55. Ailce Arm Ught clouds, calm . Anyox-i Anyox Clear, calm. 54. Stewart Clear, calm, 50. Hazelton Clear, calm, 52. Smlthers Mostly clear, calm, 60 Burns Lake Clear, calm, 49. I Polish Troops I Are Massed On I Czech Frontier! LONDON, May 19. Polish troops were reported last night to be massing on the Czecho- Slovaklan frontier in the Car- pathian Mountains. Poland Czecho-Slovakla on the north- east. .