PAOK TWO Latest Styles By Julia Arthur In Blues, Browns and Blacks viatic up in,Suedes, Kids and Gabardines. Comfort T?iioes of Quality. $..50 At The Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FKJKCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pobllsbed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES Ctty delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in Paid Ir advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By trail to all -parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year News Department Telephocs Advertising and Cn eolation Telephone fAiLY mm on Member ot Audit Bureau ol Circulate ni 86 9t Thursday. May 12. 1938. military, air and naval power for the entertainment and . 1 - 1 A I J 1 1 w i m . . MR. HERRIDGE'S SPEECH The other evening Hon. W. D. Herridge read a Epeech to the radio audience across Canada and the way it sound-! ed to one of the unregenerate was something like this. "I am -a candidate for the job of leading the Conservative' party from the Slough of Despair to the Promised Land.; I can do it and if you Canadians do not sieze upon this opportunity of choosing me it is your own fault. I can' bring back prosperity to this country. If I cannot, nobody can -and, if we do hot have prosperity soon 'God Help You'." We admit tliat is not what Mr. Hem'dcesaid but it is the impression it conveyed to at least one brain through one pair of ears. Possibly Mr. Herridge is right. At' any rate he seems to think he is, just as Mr, Bennett, his brother-in-law, seemed to think he was a few years ago. j Fresh Local Kaw And The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk rooms and cafb VALENTIN DAIRY for SSSoid coal PUONE 657 MRS. C. E. BLACK """" ' YANKS NOW TAKE LEAD Yesterday's Big League scores: American League Chicago 2, Boston 4. Cleveland 1. New YoTk . St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 5. , Detroit 4, Washington 1. I National League ! Boston at Cincinnati, postponed, cold. j Philadelphia at Pittsburg, post- poned, cold. Brooklyn 7, Chicago 0. I New York 5. St. Louis 3. j National League J5.00 w 12New York 18 jq' Chicago 13 Pittsburg 11 3 00j Cincinnati -,.11 flOP Boston - 7 J Brooklyn fl St. Louis 8 Philadelphia 4 American League New York 14 Washington 15 Clevtland - 13 Boston .13 ) Detroit 8 Snmp fi'mp Tim Prpmioi Afnscnli'm' nf ri.. :,i . '1.1 Chicago 7 a- kj vtj ' waiu 1 V Lill L to Oprmnnv anrl PhanlW UKUr. .i Phnadelpliia 6 j '""-""i Ainci jjui ct uiapmy oil St. Louis 6 L 3 9 9 11 ' 9 13 12 15 1 8 8 8 11 11 13 16 TEX DAILY 'jcrwi Tnursday May ifcj SPORT CHAT Dfs Moines townsfolk ?stp -at New York on Top in B4h American booming welcome 1o Bob Feller. and Nitional Baseball Lrarnrs jyoung Cleveland Indian pitching - sensation, on his return to recelrf i NEW YORK. May 12. tCPt New his high school diploma one yeil York Yankees defeated the Cleve- ago Tuesday. The Van Meter. Io-i land Indian i for Corinthians Defeat Victoria All Stars by S-ore of C to 3 In Soccer I VICTORIA. May 12: (CP) The cer TO TFIT.VISE DERBY ' Pet., EPSOM England, Aiay 12: .CT) 857 British Brradcastlng Corporation 591 officlals.planj to, televise the Der- 50 by, Englarid's turf classic. Race .500 officials here have withdrawn .438 jections previously held. .409 .400 ill HONOR CONNAUGIIT 1 euuicauon oi Lne aisimguisned visitor but more particu-i Prc,r tram nninn of friends wu ereet charUe IarJy SO that the World mifrht learn of fiormn nv'a mir,l,f tt CTr.T ,o. cartney, outstanding j" j j ""b1'" . dim sniver. Expecting to be absent from Within the past week Der Feuhrer was the guest of dla' A- s- deMall' honorary s the ruling powers of Italy and ugain the militaryair and "ZnTiT naval forces put on their show for the particular enter-"'yeS ha?resed tamment and edification of the German dictator nnd in' - ob- i covering the Aussie tour of England for--an Antipodean newspaper. WQN BY ROLLING show the world the great might of modern Rome I WIXS RU-nnutc title cape "town, May 12: icp - Now that the world has been shown and has shivered T0NMf;f !2: CP!-'ne event on the card th liT Obtaining six of the first seven ln- freshmen's sports at the Unlver- accordinir in nrnm-atti flniir.tToc (loubtless . Progiam, no Will be f,' country SO dividual places, the Royal A!;.slty was a -one-mile walk" with Orave as to fleny the dictators anything they may ask. Force won the inter-services cross-,all kinds of obstacles and hand-Britain happens to be an ally of Italy but not of Hit- c9ntry championship. The Army caps, one competitor who rollei ler.a't any rate not yet. It would be interesting to know second and the "NaTy th,r(J' ,n Mng among V!laneTS-which side Italy would take if there should be any un- - : r. ...v, v.w-v,4w wi.i.m.ui jjjiiaui aim uciinany. in; the nleantime, the best way to secure co-operation from any foreign power seems to be to make ourselves so strong that we may be looked upon as a valuable ally. Already the rearming of Britain has proven effective. ' CASH IN ON TWEEDSMUIR PARK , Evidently, an attempt is to be made to cash in on Tweedsmuir Park, following the publicity given to it last year by the visit of the Governor General. Its develop-' ment should be a great help to the small towns along the; railway line and particularly to Burns Lake which is the jumping off point for Francois and Ootsa Lake. Many! people are looking forward to a holiday at this favored; area. PLAYED AT KITWANGA :Ce4arra!e Hon Softball Gsmf But Lost Out to Home If. In Baseball Jockeys Killed In Hurdle Race eaij. KITWANGA, May 12, Cedarvale their seventh va, farm boy who tied Diny Dean's J baseball and Softball players and , straight victory yesterday and vent major-league rstjikeout record of I? their supporters paid .a visit to Kh ' t tato the lead of the American in 1936, dispelled rumors of an atf wanga last Saturday. The Cedar- League standing as the Washington tag arm this year hen he opened) vak- team won the -softbaU. game I Senators were losing to the Detroit the season with a one-hit effort ' Dy a score of 5 to while Kltwan- l Tigers. The ld ot the Yankees 4ra won the baseball 1 1 to S. Both! .H. however, merely mathematical ; Lefty Grove, then with Baltimore uere njne inning games. Tommy (jfejce they have played fewer games in the International Basfbau.eget umpired the softball game Indians, now in third place, are a down with three hits and blank -4, gap. ) Two Lives Lost in Tragedy .On Sterplecha-w Track in Adelaide, Australia ADELAIDE. Australia, May 12: I NEW DELHr. May 12: (CP Re- (CP) Two well known Australian 667 calling the military services of Jockeys -were Tdlled -when a number '652 the Duke of "Connaught. formerly 'of horses fell during the running governor-general of Canada, an. of a steeplechase yesterday. 619 .619 .421 89 J16 273. annual poio wurney nere is naraec after falm. this year's being won by the 19th Lancers. COVERS AUSSIE TOUR LONDON, May 12: (CP) A hostj Ma Australian.; crlcketfTTif . . 2fl vpars avn wVin Is CHASING THE PROS BOMBAY. May 42: (CP The All-India Football -Association at its annual meeting decided on a "serious drive against professionalism and sham-amateurism." GOES TO MANCHESTER MANCHESTER, Eng., May R: (CP) After seven years' Arm service. W. A. Rowlands, Pwllheli Wales, has signed as a goalkeeper! for Manchester City football cluo. He is 23 years old. HARD ON' HORSES LIVERPOOL. Eng., May 12: (CP Many steeplechases In the north SWfully bftw.d in tht Vktoftt Phoni Brtwery tt Victoria, B.C., ont of th oldrrt cUb-llthtd btwcrltl In the Dominion. Lager . . . Ptopl hvt Utrntd lo diptnd on th hl$h. wnilorm quality aJ Phoenix Export 'Lijtt, wfiick k.i btn mtinUintd llvou)h-ul tht .ya.rt. rewii(T.miri mm ' w 1 -ji m m better than ever This advertisement is not published, or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TODAY'S STOCKS -tCwrrwj S. D. Johnaton Co.) Yanroufer B. C. Nickel, .15. Big .Missouri, 26. Bralome. 8S5. Axtec, .09"i task). Cariboo Quarvz.r-2.lfi. Dentonla, .04. Goleonda, M. Minto, .02i. Fairvtrw, .CC. Noble Five, JD2,i. Peiid Oriel, 1.55. Pioneer, 3(iQ. Porter Idaho, .02i. Premier, 2.00. Reeves McDonald, ,25. Reno. .52. Kenei wmngton, .ia3- Reward. jtMVi. fall game behind the Yankees and them 1-0 at Toronto 16 years ago ln evening the KltwangaJ - salmon Gold, .0&. I the Sectors, bewg tied wtth Hie yesterday. Grove went to rnuaaei-i sports committee staged a banquet1 Taylor Bridge, XM (ask). Boston Red Sox who wen yesterday phia Athletics for a reported $109.-; and djmce tne community Hall premier Border, .01. ' over Chicago Wait Sox. oco in ia ana nine years laifr nonor)f the visitors. Music for subak Premier, UO. In the National League yesterday .was traded to Boston -Kea iox. the seeislagly almost invincible New York Giants increased their margin of leadership to five and a half games, by defeating the St. Louis Cardinals while the second place Chicago Cubs were being blanked by the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Dodgers took over sixth ticn ln the standing from thfe BRITISHERS WIN FIRST j the dancing was furnished by Stati-j Congress, .00. ley Williams, saxophonist, and hut Home Gold, .01. orchestra. , Mrs. Sarah Benson and Mrs.. Thomas Weget were In charge of the serving of the banquet. j ( Before tne closing oi we nance ,-there was a brief speech'by Joseph Williams, vice-president of the : sports committee, wnb iexpressea gratification at the large number j of - visitors. j 3n addition to those from 'Cedarr vale, there were visitors' from other .touring m8tonrtalhiaMnK.4 Among them were ap fonm team ,irom from tneiana Tncriann won unn u ITS William C. Little and others from .first game in British Columbia yes- ""'T" ..-.t ih: au AVoodcock. ! lei Ltaj ujr uricaiiiig vtci.via row Stars 6 to . The score at half ,time was two all. Previously, tlie Corinthians had played a draw jame at.Vancouver and had been beaten xt. Nanalmo. This Saturday evenimj an OW Indian Custom" concert will be staged in the Community Hall by the Kltwanga sports committee "Victoria Day will also be suitable celebrated In the village. TJraridvItw; .OG1. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper. tiZ3. llaida Oold, .03 iask). Oils A. P. Con, .21. , Cahnont, .38. .', C. Si E., "28. Freehold, -.OA'.. . Hargal, 20. Mercury, .10. Okalta. L60. Pacalta, )8. Home Oil, 128. Toronto Beattle, 1.06. Central Patricia, 22. Gods Lake. .45. Little Xong Lac. 4.15. McKenzie Red Lake. lOi. Red Lake -Gold Shore, :10'2. Pickle Crow, 45. San Antonio, 125. Sberritt GordAn,402. Smelters Gold, .01. McLeod Coekshutt, 3.60. Oklend, 21. Mosher, .52. Madsen Red" Lake, 37. StacLicona, iCO. Francoeur, 24. Moneta Porcupine; 2.14. Uouscadillac, .07 i. . Thompson Cadillac, 25 1. Bankfleld, .75. East Malartic. 12. Preston E, Dome, .80. Hutchison Lake, ,05. Dawson White. 05. Aldermac. .44. Kerr jddL!on. 16. Uuchl Gold. li5. Inter! Nickel, 47.50. Noranda, 61.50. Con. Smelters, 5650. Hardrock, 225. Rarb'Tlnrder, .40. Mandy, .15. Rand Mabrtlc. 39. Manion-Maidand Are Favored As of England were cancelled ln April 'Tm.. L! fa owing to hard ground. Track- 1 OlJ VniCIlUinS watering was resorted to at Don-1 caster. iiKAUJitNE, JWay 12 At a well attended -and enthusiastic meeting 01 me Bridge River Valley Conservative Association, the fallowing resolution was adopted: That thfc aoci&Uonreo-onTer. I ord '.as favoring the selection o! Hon. Dr. r; -3. Manlon as federa icac2i 01 ine txneervauve party and the selection - of R, L. Maitiana as Provincial leader of the Conservative party." :A monster -picnic of the assocla- Uon i? planned for mid-summei- and invitations will be forwarded o R. L, Mdltlahdi E. C. Car 1 ton and other prominent Conser ,-vativis to attend. 1 ' 1 - iSaskatchewan Prepares For Election Soon J TtEGTNA, May 12; (CP) Polltl cal forces In Saskatchewan nre. ipreparins for a -whirlwind proy ' incial election 'campaign. The -date of the election has not yet been 'officially announced -but It ,Ls -ex pepted it will be .next montli. I , 1 WIKNirEO KUIEAT 41tiCKS ! WINNIPEG, .May 12 r tCP) . .Wheat futures rwerp '.clowor to Jc Jilgher on .the Winnipeg .markot . yesterday. May closed mt 4L15V4. j -SQUIIUlDLSNtUtTUIJP 4 PETERBOROUGH, Ont. May 42:. I rOPI Lover of animals, Superln-. tendent Frank Kltney f the cemetery here fed l black squirrels all winter but now they are eating up his flowers and he doesn't know which the public wants ' mostr-squlrreLs or tulips. r 13 Holiday Camp ..Mr. Dunn Announrrs That Her SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Near .Matsctt, Q.C.I, Is op for visitor and advise v booklnr. et j THE SEAL QUALITY Si5I j GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only i-lmon canning company with in H the, year round payroll la Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING r Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580