PAOK rOTJB 1 Jm. DISTILLED A AN0 TTUD V3HHiPV SJ IN SCOTLAND This adTertlsement la not published or displayed by the Llauor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Missionary Here From China; Tells Of War Conditions In Country He Passed Through ITril By G. A. HUNTER mm Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box 575 FOU.GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S Nobody Knocks The KNOX Tbe Food Is Oovd The Rooms Are Clean Tbe House Is Warm Tbe Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. nrasel N. M. Brasell by Chinese detachments while the main army goes through to objectives which it desires to reach. Thus the Chinese can pierce the Japanese lines at almost any time they desire. This illustrates how difficult an effective invasion of such a vast some time ago very well. It often called at Chungking but happened to be down river when It was struck. . Things are a good deal different In Hhina tnrtav than Vo n,srn i Artillery Fire lis Resumed In War In Spain BARCELONA, May 12: Artillery exchanges were are consolidating their (CP) i heard trapped In mountains west of Cas-tellote by rapid advance of two Insurgent columns on the eastern front. Aerial Surveys Drought Areas i I Two Air Force rianes Leave Regina ! And Two More Will Follow Soon, I two Royal Canadian Air Force planes left here yesterday and will Shortly be joined by two more planes. Grain Seeding Toronto for a year's furlough. He ual obJectlves. Railway lines are fln Pmit1AC Tc also bombed almost dailv anri that I VII 1 I ClII ICo AO and will leave by tomorrow even.- between Hankow and Canton has! ft D J Ing's train for Hazelton where his been under especial attack since ltlDeing JAeSlimeU son. Dr. Robert Irish. Is located, t 13 a main artery ln moving In war " The latter mntnroA f v,r,,..,-' supplies such as motor trucks, rails ! and little dauehter. Emilv. snenti 'the week-ehd at the home of Mrs J j Greenwood's parents, Mr. jMrs. E. J. Mohr, at Wistaria. Miss A. Bourgon has returned' to her teaching duties here aft' ! spending a week at her home Ir. . ....... ,(IVJ VblC 1 1 when he and his wife went In there ieiKwa- thirty years ago, says Mr. Irish. On Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mrs J : their first trip to Chungking it took n. Van Norman left on TuesdaV them three months to make the train to attend meetings of tht voyage by houseboat. Coming out Diocesan Anglican Woman's Aux on this occasion, Mrs. Irish covered lllary at Prince Rupert. They are the same distance In five and a expected to return at the end of- half hours by airplane, the week. j Commercial air service as well as r steamer and railway services Into Miss Edna Walton of HazeKou ' r llnfc I III fl ill ll r .. W.....C vunuiiui ire main- wna wem oi aRC. Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion KAIEN TRANSFER Red Gillis, Proprietor DRY WOOD COAL Furniture Moving and General Hauling Phone 60 1 , tained despite the war. Mrs. John Gowans. She -rM priv Mr. and Mrs. Irish travelled from ceed from here to Victoria to oar' Hong Kong to Yokahama on the a visit before going on to Row- same steamer aboard which was land to take up residence, the American flier Gibbons who! was alleged to have been flying Mls Eileen Hlnc'u and Mrs. r Chinese bombing planes against the w- Cassidy of Colleymoont wert Japanese ln the war. Gibbons was visitors In Burns Lake ! Bator-taken off the steamer at Yokahama day attending an Anglican tea and while Mrs. Gibbons was allowed to sale wh,le hcre- J-1"- K- Sehreibei proceed. Later Gibbons was re- f Ootsa Lake was alio ln attend leased. ALCOHOL IN CANS WINDSOR, Ont., May 12: (CP) rour iive-gaiion and me ont ance at the tea. Mrs. I. Hoffman of Fort S' James was the week-end guart here of her son-in-law and dauzh- Mr' and C- Lopr- .gallon cans of alcohol were seized nere ty r. c. m. P. and tw0 men anj Mr ' Mr. w . arrested on charges of breach of v t?Z- U"d? ? ere ,n Ba,r ft the excise act. last Sunday. Accompanying" them were their n, TORONTO, May 12: (CP) Cost of unemployment relief and education was blamed by Mayor Ralph Day for the Increase in Toronto's tax rate from 31.8 mills on the dollar ln 1930 to 36.05 mills in 1938. Saunders, and Long. daughter. Miss and the Misses Peggy Miller Phil Brunell and daughter, Miss C, Brunell, of Vancouver are pay lng a brief visit to this district, Cars from Ontario- nnnnn inrl rnJiSr J ? etaewhere- have already been se.-n ...ffr.' 1 1 w"." Pass throU8h Burns Lake, The unofficial' Indan cricket team roads are reported to be In quite the Rajputana Ajmer eleven, toper- good shape, ' ed Its fixtures at Beckenham Tues-1 , aay, tne schedule running to July ' Lilacs and nanslc, no ' 30 at BasJngstoke, ' glooming hY Burns Lake gardens, j TS3 DJLHiT 1CSW3 WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Halibut was selling at from 13c' ! to 6c and 14c and 7c tn Seattle on Tuesday. In addition to American . again yesterday on the Mediter- Miss Jessie Jacobs of the Indian.' and ,; Office, who has been ln 111 health ' lately, will sail on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver. of her son-in-law and daughter .! iS' the Mr. and Mrs. John Gowans. conducting brief session of I Supreme Court Assizes here yester- To Yov, he's the CAMIIV DiirruED 'fx- .I To thn Rnnlr. fio'e BIG BUSINESS THE i Mother's Day lis Observed Saturday Afternoon Tea at Burns Lake r.u wui u. w.c oi-u w...... SIecial w icej ln both the church- TLZ KZ nUr ::ar,0.0Wned aM 0perai 7 and a tea on Saturday afternoon. Spanish insurgents report thous- hjjjjjat Seattle T.elay. selling 5m ands ids of of government government militiamen ; MC hm ar Mm?on m l,t An r!" REGINA, May 12: (CP) To en- "Quite a number of white people in China are quite TtaiS.Si optimistic and hope that eventually the Chinese will wear,war Alberta drought areas, . . . . . nasi' 4 X T 1 1 a. I out the Japanese in the nresent war." savs TW H u Irish, for thirty years a missionary of the United Church of Canada in West China, who is a visitor in the city. This is as far as Mr. Irish - - wiiii; ma UWII I sympathies In regard to the con- : 4 2 11-1 w i . nrinMnallv HfrajtA4 " i , i ! ' iikt. iwr. irun nas just arrived ""--"j -..t,, agauisi. uu from China large cities with airfields the Ho te rn hlc tiro xt as us- ..... iu vo vmtuuver EDMONTON. May 12: (CPJ AI- and is driving back to Hazelton i planes and munitions to Hankow L.r havln ton 'delaved durir.e with his mother. ,nere they are distributed by the lhe t few davs owlng to wet, t.u u j Chinese army t0 the various Darts u . I years at Chungking which Is the present capital of China following the capture of Nanking by the Japanese. Prior to his leaving Chung- rM AM f hnM. A 1 11 . a I sices Smith hmthprs rf Victoria under'. i i inth.r'. nn forces tnl.u- . n-,nv w smith . . . . . . titoxcij. iuc - can Church was conauctea Dy me in 1936 and is equipped with a 50 young Rangf?rs. Band wlth Chief h.p. diesel engine. Also at Seattle Ranger GordonRush ln charge and yesterday the United States govern-1 giring appropriate address. Mrs. ment aucUoned off 215 pounds of j ltUeS read the Scripture halibut which had been seized last lcMOn paJt chief Ranger wnis March from a boat which had TtousdeU Jead -The Gospel Ac-brought it In with a cod catch. The Waj. cording to Mother and Mrs. Whiz Fish Co. bought the confis- WUson M ta prayer There cated fish for 6'c. were recitatl0ns by Betty Roumler and Marguerite Patterson. Mra. There was acUve demand lor nai- xwenn nresided at the organ to ac- ibut yesterday when. 35,000 pounds company the singing of suitable was sold at an average of 11c per hymns. The altar was decorated pound at Vancouver. Medium fish j vasc5 of tunp5 The attend-was required to make up a carload. ance large. Prince Rupert prices were higher In st Paul.s united Church the than' Vancouver yesterday. . Mother's Day service was held Sun- t j day evening. Marguerite Patterson Seen Canadian boats are in with read the story of the fire at the halibut catches today but there is home of John Wesley. Edna Bland no train. east tonight so the sale read an Interesting article on has been deferred until tomorrow. "Mothers." The Junior choir sang Boats In are: Somen, 8,500 pounds; j "Happy the Home When God Is NorthlancL 1.700: Flnella, 40,000; : There." There was a vocal solo by Rio Rita. 2.800; Pair or Jacks, 6.000: Torberg A.. 900: Southend, 2D00. LOCAL NEWS Very. Rev. Ramsay Armitaje. ; uuwcvw, me rauway line jn au parts 0f the province are 'attend sessions of the synod of a.ccj i milling. .trams run at errellertt king in March, that far Interior 5? nl? or' if ln th.i ritv hart heen nirtoH nr,iv nn. , iar mere nave Mrs. Frank Bushfield and a violin solo by Melvln Berg. Mrs. Bushfield was ln charge of the service ln the absence of Miss R. M. Campbell R. N. and gave an address on ''Scenes From the Wesley Home." Miss Edna Bland and Malvin Berg were ac- I rrrr ninlcto tVto fnrm r An t V "c ""or '""uaing anantung resumed in most parts of Albertajdean of Christ Church Cathedral, , f" ".Iw Province. Despite the bombard- f. n.,A L vnmnr -hn h, heen here . The church was fragrant with lante .Tananec hmWn i9.. t.Z ben no Japanese aerial attacks at HH.awb 11H(I(,0, till . It AOii says. The objective of the six planes which came over was the air field on the outskirts of the city. A small loss of life was inflicted. Mr. Irish had not personally witnessed any warfare, he said, but had seen plenty of the results, especially on his 800-mile trip down the Yangste River from Chungking to Hankow by steamboat and thence by railway across to Canton and on to Hong Kong where he embarked for Vancouver. The Japanese campaign seems DTTDTvJCl Aire night. Mr. Irish saw numerous places along the railway line where bombs had landed and done dam-' J. F. Bland has returned to his age, The train coming the day be-'home at Burns Lake After havlns fore Mr. Irish travelled had been been employed by the Canadian hit by a bomb. National Railways at Telegraph How Chinese Fl;ht Point since last fall. Mr. Irish gave an interestinr l sidelight on the Chinese plan of Rev. Frank Bushfield left last Caledonia diocese of the Anglican Church, 'will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return south. Ernest Anderson and J. A. Ross, i grain inspectors, who have been here in connection with the loading of the grain ship Taranger at the local elevator, will sail by the Prince George tonight on their re turn to Vancouver. i""""" iiirc. ine japan- wect uy .way oi jasper lor van- , ese occudv cities and tonni. I couver to attend the annual con-1 Joseph Bennett, Pacific Coast These centres are surrounded 'ference of the United Church of J superintendent of Alberta .Wheat j and hemmed in seemingly at will Canada. He is expected to return Pol elevators, who has been here) blossoms of white, purple and mauve IJlacs as well as narcissi, pink tulips, white broom, blue Iris and dogwood boughs. The tea In the Elks Hall on Saturday afternoon by St. John's Church Woman's Auxiliary was very successful. Fresh daffodils and tulips as well as candy and home cooking met with popular sale. Tea was served at dainty daffodil-centred tables. Those ln charge of the various tables were Mesdames Whittles. Wilson, O'Hara Jeffery, Van Norman, Rush and Reld. to Burns Lake at the end of next ! ,n Connection wJth grain shipment day. left by the evening train for week. I rom here this week, sails by the Terrace where he will pay a visit Prince Geofge tonight on his rc- before proceeding to Prince Georg" Mr and Mrs Ted. nreenwnnri i tum to Vancouver. , D. F. Christian, the court stemv country becomes. I -- Mr. Irish knew the United States! Mrs- Ed Van 11116 of Ootsa Lake gunboat Panav which was hlnunnn' was the guest here last week-end .srapher, also left for the East last ' night. George Phlllipson has been appointed electrician at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator ln succession to Thomas B, Black who has become identified with tht Northern British Columbia Powet Co. FOR EXAMPLE, of tho 86,600 borrowers on our books in Canada at end of our 1937 business year, 61,728 had loans for $300 and less. In other wordj nearly 70 per cent of these clients were what might be termed "small" borrowers owners of businesses, farmers, and ordinary men and women requiring money for legitimate personal needs. Small loans are Big Business to this Bank, which desires at all times to meet the legitimate credit needs of business and private individuals. Your enquiries are invited. In twelve months 10300,000 indwidual dtpotlU uere accepted from cuttomrrt and 40.000.000 thswiei taihfd. mf,A checked cmd rechnked by The loyal Dank alone. 11 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA OVIR 100 BRANCHES IN ALL PARTI Or CANADA STORY OF 'RELAX!,.. UNBEND!,, ALCATRAZ Special Church Services as Well as Trhon Melodrama and Hilarious Comedy Are Double-Billed At Capitol Theatre Alcatraz Island." a gripping prl- BURNS LAKE. May 12. With son melodrama which ln a degree has been relieved of some of the grimness which usually goes with such films, is the feature presen tation on the screen of the Capitol various quarters. landed . . a rab-h of . . 15.000 . oounds of vwv -. r.,., c.,.U..4 u . .u. .JJt. I , me ikiuuici a uj uu- nicaire Jierc jor uie imuuie 01 wiis week. John Lltel, Ann Sheridan, Mary Magulre and Gordon Oliver, head the cast. The story is that of j a powerful racketeer who Is forced t to remove his daughter from an exclusive boarding school and take1 her to live with him. When he is imprisoned for Income tax evasion, his one desire is to get out as soon as his term Is up to rejoin his daughter who is now in love with a district attorney. He is also anxious to get back to his own sweetheart How his desire Is thwarted time and time aealn bv a former mobman seeking revenge forms a powerful background. I An hilarious comedy "Danger t Love at Work" is the second pic ture on the mid-week double bill Ann Sothern, Jack Hal?y. Mary Bo land and Edward Everett Horton all popular comedians, are the ' stars. KITSELAS Adjutant and Mrs. M. G. McKa have returnend to their home at Kltselas after a visit to the Salva tlon .Army corps at Hazelton, Oler Vowell and other points and wil' be leading shortly for Carlilse Can nery at the mouth of the Skecnai River to spend the summer. I Kltselas people are now engages j in repairing me streets oi men village. A bridge at the end of tht village is also being built. Brigadier Walter J. Carruthers division commander of the Salva tlon Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, was a recent visitor to Kltselas. He was the guest of Adjutant and Mrs. M. G. Do what fid U'hflnn.,.. you want to "nvui;tT VOU ! it" . . . That, joy of living . . . Irene Du In want "JOY OF the by the Kloriou, Hrl ,f Aufu. Truth-.. wilh, wood's brljhtest ' tmtij surpassing .11 previa, h ml nne LIVING" More fun, more lfy more romance, mott sheer delight and riot. ous Raicty than rou Ve a right to expect in any one picture . . . Don't Wait For Your Friends To Tell You "Ifg Knockout." With Douglas Fairbanki Jrf Alice Brady, Guy kibbee Eric Blo.-e ADDED TREATS Donald Duck's Ostrich' SrOKTLIGHT "4 Smart Dogs" Begins Friday LAST TIMES TOMGHT "Alcatraz Island" (At !:!5) "Dinger Lote at Work" (At 7:00 and 9:!9) New Models In White See The Outstandingly Beautiful New Models In Easy Washers Finished in White With a Black Trim What could be more striking, yet appropriate color -ing for these significant Master Models of Cleanli ness There is a genuine EASY model to fit your purse- kasy lerms And every EASY is a precision built masterpi Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every respect Phone 6 Or Call In For demonstration Without Obligation UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.8.8. CARDENA FBIDAI DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday AJJ If convenient pleat purchase tlckclt at offif Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Fro111 A IV Mrttmtnv n tui.a a Phones'!' ... ... it, t nine iuf: t flKtlll, tllliu - If you lose anything, advertise forit. t