pbr Lovers of Fine Tea ALAM pi n l Librarv Doara is in session TEA Presentation To .. I U7il IVlrs- James nau From Her Class On the station platform yester- .L nn her way to Scotland ckfit she plans to reside, Mrs .. . A I I.. pk Walt was surrounaeu u hfr throueh one of th jroup. Miss Bemlce Eastwood, with " '! . L 1 - I .. Jon. cl: naa spent unuer ucr iui- At the same time Miss Jean latt was presented with a pretty little manicure set by Miss Kay Trimbs. In snite of the bad weath- ersd to see the Watts off. A nurn ber of other friends were also at :r.s tram 10 ma inem uuu voyutc. tllnir l'vrnhiff' ' 02 New Tenders For Clearing Called Bids For Preparing Land Tor Gun Positions At Entrance of Harbor .Must lie In Soon New tenders are being called by the Department of National Defence for the clearing of land, at Barrett and Frederick Points on either side of the entrance o' Prince Rupert Harbor for the Department of National Defence, The tenders are to close at Ottawa or, May 20. The regular monthly meeting cf , HateltonCIoudy, calm, 48. - TMK1 1 1 ... H4..ii s - . .1 tse 'Drfsenl were- r buuuiwch wmu'n, L, McUnnan and T. J. wh wind, 40 liams and Miss Olive van Cooten 1 . I i j mi iiorurutiv wuiu. o During the past month a numbei j ( f donations of books have be in mnn w.1 thnnlcpd hv the board foi Ca number of interesting gifts of library . It wa?. agreed that some discarded books be sent to the Big Missouri Mine at the request of ai resident there. " 4 A representative of.thq company t rica addressed thel)oafd. Canadians Strong Fighters In Spain I".ol Kerr, On Way Home to Van-cotiver, Tells Of Their Exploits Against Heavy Odds HONOR C. E. SUTCLIFFF loyalists in tnc bpanisn emi war, lONPrV May' 12: (CP) Eng- described how Canadians were ln- L Pta!,-.ii Tamu. rih jiTt stmmculal in Touting insurgcnv PEAS Not only fresh flavored snd good looking for Salads, but actually have four times "the Vitamin A content of Orange Juice and a good source of Vitamin B, too. Elio's Furniture Everything ForThq Home NEW Printed Linoleum 8 fH wide. nn jquare yard Iwv VE DELIVER USED Harrymorc Axtn. 10-0 $25.00 LOCAL NEWS NOTES BUSINESS OF LEGION Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Haworth and Tonight's train, dut from the ! daughter left on last evening's train j East at 11 o'clock, was reported Variety -of Matters Taken Up at i for Montreal where they will make this morning to be running on 'Regular Monthly Meeting Last 1 their future home. j time. Night J. L. Roaf, transferred from here; to Vancouver in tlve service of Home Oil Distributors Ltd., left on last evening's train for the Interior whence he will motor south. He. was accompanied by Cecil Fitzgerald, his successor here as dis trict manager for the company; who will pay his Ilrst visit to in-' tertor points. OeneraV Meeting of P. H. Football Ass'n.-wlll be held Friday, May 13, Canadian Legion Clubrooms, 8 p.m. All players, prospective players and supporters Interested In keeping the sport alive kindly attend. (Ill) to and Mrs. watt ana aaugn-i fpw davs aQ rn fl eoiden-walled .1 T i 4 1 1 fn 11 V iUl WW J UiVl 3 S I I xi, Di" - - . . niroiiinr rnnm m rnp niYiin mix Montreal aboard the I litis V -P iDorchester pa. ;i Jjine 9. tneir ciesiinauon ocins - - - y 'raded before fast fashion r . . .. fins cfnnHliiir onmm ttn nn trxrlc : uUCU UCJUIC la&l, fcsv?hire Scotland, wnere tnoj iU take up future residence. Carson On Committee Local Man Elected to Subsidiary Hoard of Canadian Manufacturers' Association HOMESPUNS ARE TOPS Fashion Preview In London Shows Why Women Dress Well In : English Materials j LONDON, May 12; (CP) Fash- j ions the world will see this sum - mer at the Empire Exhibition hi Glasgow were presented at a preview for the press in London a writers from llatlon at the annual meeting of London's papers and representa- the British Columbia division of ves 01 .umpire Pss. the Canadian Manufacturers' As-! The ,dea behlnd tnls disPlav was soclation last night. :not essentially to present new Today's Weather jasnions dui io snow wnui couk-be done with materials as low inj price as 25 cents a yard from J mills in the Midlands suffering! from tremendous depression. This j foreign, particularly American, ma terlals for cheap dresses. Edward II, Symonds, organizer and producer of the fashion displays at Glasgow and director oi Raining, heavy south the firm patronized for years by iueen Mary, gave a serious taiK Lovely In debutante's Organdie, court gown of rAarlblnK for a testimonial to C forces which largely outnumbered porcelain white, two-toned, PTirrt- tSutcllffe league president and them. He described more partlcu- ea couon organaie wns one w member or the management lary the exploits of one company of loveliest dresse s shown yrt tVe , twenty-five Canadians. .material Itself cost approximate mmiti.. fm n,n ,, so vears. cut to perfection., dt, looked like the sheerest chiffon, .and Is the first examplCinade public of iow British mantlfactursrs have succeeded In duplicating a printing Sam Turner, after a brief visit to the city, left by last evening's train on his return to Carlisle Can nery. W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional superintendent; M. A. Burbank, dl visional engineer; F. S. Walton, roadmaster, and ,11. E. Alton, B. and B. master, left on last evening's train for a trip to SmltHers on official business. F. W. Nicholls, director of housing under the federal Department of Finance, is -expected in Prince Rupert shortly ln the course of a visit to British Columbia in connection with the exension of the operation of the Dominion Housing Act and the Home Improvement Plan.- Machinery for loans under the Act is now being-set up in Trail Rossland, -Nelson and -ChilllwackJ FOOTBALL PLAYERS Please attend General Meeting Friday, 8 p.m. in Canadian Legion Clubrooms Van Dink players requested to be present to sign up with the new team called the Merchants Hotel Arrivals Central F. J. Hipp, Terrace; ,L. D. Gentry Terrace Raining, sautheast wind slump is due to the Importation otland Qus Leighton, city; G. Akaishl, Skeena. Prince Uup'ert J, M. Griffin, Toronto; J. Cook Winnipeg; William N. Kelly,, Steward- Raining, heavy south Ie the show began. He said STADIUM CALCUTTA iranKiy me unusn lexine maus-i i-mfcuiin, , w) try was facing an unprecedented ' The Benal government has undei I crisis and employment of thous- consideration a definite scheme foi 'ands of workers depended on the 'a sports stadium in Calcutta. popularizing of British-made fab- " rlcs, not from the patriotic point ' of view but from that of beauty at low cost. I It was amazing to see how England's master dress designers In1 the parade that followed made dresses from materials priced at from 25 cents to $2 a yard rival, TORONTO. May 12: (CP) Boh g0id-threaded gowns of hand-' .Kerr, on his way home to Van- woven fabrics from British Malaya couver alter usniing wui uu- costing $75 a yam. SOUTH! to VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Stearner leaves Prince Rupert Cvery TMtflSMY, 11:15 F.H CAN AO I AN NAT I O N AL STEAMSHIPS .process hitherto a guarded secret ' . . .: 7."" , f Trie lnevuaDie crganaies aor jvs- KwonJ.iix net or rr.iHt'Kupm ,,rnr chnum tn Thnw -nnniHrfri TAKE NOTICE that BRITISH COL ,vjw nvw w"-' ' v . wrutrav a -ointrtc t nfTTrn rc Van- a new quality they can be Talnea cauw, -b. c. xish pacb-rs, tmwu t on and still retain their crispnes mpp'y or the-iwiowing a Prices per yard ran from 30 ..to 3 Tmtat Bay, e0ij-n Me, on the souvu rpnts and colors favored were" the West horc in roat of-lot 170 (Mor3- lxl); tjomiiionclng at a poet, plant-.new i-iw rvelimen cjciamen and ana n a sou snft aipp JLtinV e M a1lou;t jine wterly irom tht I green. Hats worn with .them wre 3arthEaat onw or ux. t70: thence 'rlptlnltelv aeuniieiy bonnet Donnei. with wjui h. n -cuneo -curled '8 ohalwi; tlwnoe WestJ 2 chain to 4shape .Une. tatBact Sonxthnly and pstnen piume, or uat as pancaicrs Easterly sUongiiigh water " mark, to poini with Dosles decoratlnE the centre oarnmmwwnwt. wwi toatauung 1 ... , , , . Acres, more or less of the crowns. This group of -dres-. r2edTAprli ath. joas. ses would be termed summer .wed-; biutisii Columbia jackers ding or garden .party, in. Canada. jaom. t. underum, Agent. Lancasliir Tehot Tmmm "m! - . . "1 A new venture brought hifo ;NoS"dnTsn cov prominence nt this show And vubia packers iLrrrrED whose art ihn rem is "Foot of CtanupbhU Ave., Von Kittu -.v.. j "-C01lwr B; c- (vpply for a licence fasnion-weary scnoes, was tne.to. taJ ami iue . joo.0001 aaUons per Lancashire woven ootton Soft as any continental "variety, In luscious rich colorlngs, this mn tcrial was most successfully used for a day-time ensemble of green military cloak and straight-lined, dress with a Cossack Jiat. The 1U- lng of the square shoiflderefl.d dress length cloak and wide sash of the dress were In ifieiep (purple, a Another velvet ewertiqg sown In vlvld lipstick carlet was of' the Velve. onyaur waVir out of an nimamed stream, Into Paoofl Da.v, Seivn Intat, ioreshy KOaiK, Jilout ait tut weaierry -rrna. The "wtifKr 'will ibe Uvrtld -at) a 'po'nt about 800 feeit magneiUc south from shore. lUte, wid will -be Uftfd for in' dustrtal and' "Domemilcr purpose- tmon the Hand -Kteaarilliea .iu Jjok, S70 and Lot 31)69. Queen Chiortotitie District. This rratljoe vum .jioatdd -an the ground on the 37th day or Arru, i38. A txevr of this notice and an apdII catkai pursuant. tlfiW and ,.t Vi "Wa.ter Aot" wim-lbe fUl In the office of lehe 'Water Iiworder t Prlrnce Ru nert. slinky, formatting i trailing variety. riZSTXZ UTrSo S with very low, crossed strap hack. Long colored gloves added gla mor to the -(evening co6tumes. Onr.4 oair were In gold with black at the under arm', another of geranium red and still others of purpli worn with aquamarine blue. with, th CounXMlUt of -Water- tltohtn, within Uiifty (I14-S .alter the .first p pMTonce -rff iwita- -notilre m ' " local ne'WBnacer, T11K BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKEtlS LIMITED. Aurllcant. ,By James T Underhlll. Aeent, TJe date of the first publication of U1J4 notice is m of uay, ivas, The, Tegular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion' of the British Empire Service League took place last evening In the Canadian Legion clubrooms with President Jacki Preece In the chair. Letters of thanks were received from various recipients fdr favors conferred by the Legion. Circulars from the Dominion Command explained how the grant from the United Serviced Fund of Great Britain obtained through the efforts of General Alex Ross, past president of the Canadian Legion. Is to be disbursed. Letters from Robert Macnlcol, provincial secretary, ex? pressed his appreciation of courtesies extended to him during his recent visit. The usual donation to the Salvation Army self-denial fund was voted. It was agreed to take up two $100 bonds of the Prince Rupert Hospital Association and to qonslder the question of further helping when the building Is com- I pleted. To consider the preparation of resolutions for the provincial con?! ventlon to be held In Vancouver August 4, 5 and 6 a committee consisting M. J. Dougherty, H. A. Breen, D. C. Schubert and G. J. Dawes was appointed. Gifts of handsomely framed pic tures of the Canadians leaving Gaspe ln 1914 and Valcartier Camp from Mr. and Mrs. Grlmsson and G. J. Dawes were suitably acknowl- edged. Also pictures of the vimy Memorial unveiling ceremony from D. O. Borland were appreciated. It Is planned to hold the annual picnic to Digby Island on July 3. H is also planned to sponsor a football team In the city competitions. Pennrts et a T.ptrtnn rnllv hplrt In ..w.. J I Victoria and addressed by Colonel W. W. Foster, Dominion president of the Legion; the preceding ban quet, and also a meeting of the provincial executive, were given by J. S. Wilson. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13. Snowball Moose Hall. Frolic, Friday 13th, Norway's Independence Day. May 16, 8:30, Oddfellow's Hall. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, May 17. Canadian Legion Tea May 18. May 20, C-Y.S. Dance, Oddfellows, Gyro "Maytime" Dance, May 24. Rebekah Tea Mrs. Bert Mor sands' May. 25. . '. ' Mitchell's June 1. Sunderwood Studio nnounces that their new equlp-nent enables them to develop ami jrlnt any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be jours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. ttsifO FOR RENT FOR RENT Superior heated flat In "Brobksbank Block. Apply Dybhavn & Hanson. U CLEAN, well-furnlshed modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (112) w . urn i m i FREE Ktllogg's Bran Flatti art pocktd wttt Rourlihmtnt and titrgy tht goodntu of whol wheat. There's enough extra bran to be mildly laiatlve. You'll like Kellogg't Bran Flakes. They're crisp and ervnehy aid ready to eat. Sold by all grocers. Mode by Kellogg In London, Ontario. EAT TO FEEL FIT! A Beautiful Decorated 10 oz.v , Tumbler j With Every Purchase of Evervescent Fruit Sali me (EnRlish Type) Both for 39c Ormes Ltd. TTJiv Jhonecr Drtxqffists The itexiU Store Phones: 81 ft Kt Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 a.in, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL CLEARING 10 VEL-FELT RUGS 9x6' 8 VEL-FELT HUGS 9x10 Vis $4.35 $8.50 These Rugs are Manufactured by Barry and Stains and are of Good Quality Phone 775 We Deliver 327 THIRD AVElfUE Smoked "Rupertf Brand" 1 Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Ilulkley Valley wh?at it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Pxopxltot "A HOME .AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.00 op 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M