i'The character of Its Individuals the bedrock of a nation," as- rted Chief Justice Aulay Morn-b ol the Supreme Court.of Brlt-h Columbia in addressing a joint bcheon ol the Women's Canadian flub and the Prince Rupert Gyro ub yesterday. "I am afraid that o many of us are getting Into the iy of thinking superficially. Wej ink of Canada in terms of square; lies, population, economics, retirees and Industries and forget e Importance of character of thers, mothers, teachers, leglsla-rs. The welfare of a nation de-inds to a great degree on the iaracter of its people." His Lordship developed this Idea Dm a discussion of the structure the law inspired by excerpts om a recent dook Dy Lora wiac- illan, great British law lord, who served the Importance that law ijed in every activity and every ndltion of every day life. The iv tne Judge aescriDea as an ea&- understood set of rules for the Ime of life." "And who makes, the lawsr ask- Mr Justice Morrison. "weuie a 1. - ll t lery day people, mane wie laws trough our elected representatives clty councils, In legislative as- lblies and In Parliaments. These make the laws that fpresentatlves feet our property, our liberty and u lives. Therefore, the casting of aten for their elected representa- Ivcfc is a serious thing for tne jple. Possibly we too often vote Jindly In a partlzan way, not pay- lg sufficient attention to the aaracter of those for whom we rote" Reading from Lord Macmlllan, us Lordship showed now almost Itvery activity of life was related come way to the structure of the iw Few neonle Rave a moments nought to how they were safe guarded In everyday life under the legb of the law. One of the Important functions of the law was regulate and correlate private Bight-; and public needs. riuh Lunch The Judge Interpolated his ad- c"rec3 with numerous dry witticisms nd some personal Incidents. Speaking of the Canadian Club, he ttold how he. when a Member oi Parliament at Ottawa, had attend ed the- first Canadian Club lunch eon ever held In Canada. He recalled that Lord Mlnto, the newly appointed Governor Ocneral, had iteeu the speaker while the chair man was a young man named wli-(Ham Lyon Mackenzie King who to- I day was the Prime Minister of Can ada, D O, norland, president of the Gyro Club, was In the chair at the luncheon which was attended by about ninety j-Tsons. - Mrs. F. M. ood, president of the Womlen's Canadian Club, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Justice Morrison. The blessing was offered by Rev. J. M. McCormack of Fort Fraser. Guests included many out-of-town dele- Bates to the sessions of the AnglU can synod and diocesan Women's', Auxiliary now meeting here. 1 Old House Falls; Nine Are Killed ROTTERDAM. Holland, May 12: (CP). .Minn nnrsnns were crushed to death yesterday when an nncl house on a busy street of this clty collanscd. Scholastic Career As Winner Of Governor's Gold Medal EDMONTON, May 12: (CP) Roy Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas of Prince Rupert, won the Governor General's gold medal for the University of Alberta with the highest standing among honor students, Dean W. H. Alexander announced last night. Thomas will receive the award and his Bachelor of Science degree with honors in physics at the convocation on Friday. Awarded a fellowship by the University of California, Thomas will continue his studies at Berkeley. "The receipt of the gold medal by Thomas sets the seal upon a very distinguished high school record and reflects the greatest of credit upon the winner," the Dean said. The honors course is open only to the most capable students. JAPS TAKE OVER AMOY Have Completed Their Capture Of Important Port on South Coast Of China SIIANT.HAI, May 12: (CP) The Japanese have definitely captured Amoy, important seaport on the south China coast, occupying the entire ilsand including the city. . Nipponese bluejackets arc patrolling the streets while fifty thousand refugees flee from the city. A British warship is removing British .subjects. United States sailors patrolled the international settlement on Kulang Island, off the South China coast, today as thousands of refugees and soldiers poured OPPOSED TO CAMP IDEA Provincial Government Thinks Single Unemployed Men hhouia, Instead, Be Taken Care Of In Public Works VICTORIA. May 12: (CP) Hon. George Pearson, minister of labor, revealed last night that the provincial government was opposed to the reopening of forestry camps for single unemployed men which! sertcd were recently closed down. Tne; best way of taking care of these j men, the government feels, is by public works on a contract basis with provision for the use of a certain amount of relief labor. To such a program, It lsfelt, the federal government should contribute During the months of February and March there were 6000 fewei persons on relief In British Colum- in after the capture of Amoy. All iDia Dut this, it Is suggested, Is due foreigners are said to be safe. There is no change in the situation of deadlock In south Shantung Province where the Japanese have been vainly endeavouring to capture control of the strategic Lunghal Hallway line The Japanese arc concentrating forces today at the Island of Formosa for what may be a mass attack of South China. LONDON OOLD TRICB LONDON, May 12: (CP) The The price of gold was down lc at $35.01 per fine ounce on. the London market yesterday. Base metals were also lower; Intervention Is Keynote In League Debate GENEVA, May 12: (CP) Intervention in the civil war In Spain was" the keynote of dls- cussion yesterday in the coun- ell of the League of Nations. Soviet Russia and New Zea- .ft . -1 4UA J. land backea tne ncmana ui mc t Spanish loyalist government for Intervention. Efforts are 4. sUll beine made to reach an to the fact that unempioyaDies were cut off provincial relief rath er than that there was an Increast In employment. Convocation Of B. C University Itev. Willard Rrcwing Speaker At Proceedings. Today General of Canada. li Summer Flying Starts Early rilot Angus Campbell Leaves Prince Albert With Pontoons Instead Of Skis PRINCE ALBERT, May 12: (CP. Pilot Angus Campbell left yesterday for the north on the first nirrppmcnt in regard to recog- , flight of the season with pontoons nition of Italian sovereignty In . owing to the early break-up of Ethiopia In which tnere nas ruce on nortnern laices, it nas oeen been a deadlock. mosslble to make the chance from . ;skis to pontoons much sooner than usual this year. I Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prlnceRupert Raining, south mm High 0:15 ajn. . 21.1 It. east wind, 22 miles per hour; barometer. " ' 13:03 p.m. 19.0 ft. 29 .36 (falling); temperature, Low 6:56 a.m. 2.6 ft. 43; sea choppy. 18:57 p.m, 6.5 ft. .4 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII., No. 111. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1938. PRICE: $ CENTS nv in Is Doubling Air Defence CHARACTER 0F NATION IMPORTANT .Much Superficiality in Think- f Today, Chief Justice Believes Addresses Joint Luncheon Here .a " rt Prince Rupert Boy Climaxes IS FIRMLY I ENTRENCHED, Revolt in Brazil Serves Only To Further' Strengthen President I Vargas As Dictator I RIO DE JANEIRO, May 12: (CP) Following the crushing of the Fascist Green Shirt uprising yesterday, President Getullo Vargas appears to be more' firmly entrenched than ever In his position ' as dictator of Brazil. ' The revolt has been completely smashed and the leaders, having been speedily rounded up by mili tary, and police, will immediately be brought before the1 courts. OBJECTION IS JAKEN Dominion Has Not Right To Pry Into Provincial Finances, 1 Quebec Tells Rowell QUEBEC, .May 12:, (CP) The Quebec government does not re- j cognize the authority of the fed eral covcrnment to grant any commission power to, investigate ? provincial government finance, the Rowell commission on intergovernmental relations was in- formed today in a most emphatic manner as it opened', its Quebec sittings. The federal, gpvejnjpcnt was no more entitled to examine the financial position of Ihc provinces than the provinces would be to investigate the financial position of the federal government, Emery Beaulieu, counsel to the provincial government, as , SELASSIE LOSES 0UT No Hope For Blocking Recognition Of Ethiopian Conquest GENEVA, May 12f (CP) The last hopes of Emperor Halle Selassie blocking the Anglo-French move to recognize the Italian con- quest of his Ethiopian Empire vanished today as the majority of delegates to the League of Nations council declared In ravor of recognition of Italian, Sovereignty. Russia, China and Bolivia did not vote for recognition but were not ivery active in tneir opposition . even suggesting that they might Principal 1 accept some compromise on the subject. VANCOUVER, May 12: (CP) -HITII I pPT Rev. Wlllard Brewing, pastor of St. YY ILiiu VlEl 1 Andrews-Wesley Church, was the I principal speaker today at the an.-1 TA LIEI II TIM nual convocation of the University.. J iHjLIUIYl of British Columbia when degrees! were awarded to some three hundr ' Sccrctary of InterIor Ickes ReMer. vT , , i atcs His Determination Not To i 4 of laws. The honorary doctorate Dirig,ble InfIat-ffln Gas was conferred upon Mrs. Helen MacGlll. judge of the Gregory juy-j WASHINGTON, D. C. May IV. enile court A .similar degree will p, has eVldentl jost be conferred during the summer h gup on Lord Tweedsmulr, Governor ..m r,HJlBa f , Its dirigibles. Secretary of' the Inferior Harold Ickes has reiterated this refusal to permit export of the gas. He says that he has, received no guarantee from Germany that It will not be used for. military purposes. TODAY'S BASEBALL National League Chicago 8, Brooklyn 5. Cincinnati 4, Boston 0. Other games postponed. American League Cleveland 3, New York 2. (Feller pitching for Cleveland, Gomez for New York, a pitcher's duel.) Detroit 6, Washington 7, Other games postponed,' W Passes Away MRS. W. D. 11ERR1DGE Hon. R. B. Bennett, former Prime Minister, died in hospital here (Mrs. Herrldge, as Miss Mildred Bennett, visited Prince Rupert some years ago). j BULLETINS GOLD IN HALIBUT An interesting find of gold has been made in Prince Rupert. Yesterday while the machines at the J. II. Carson Co. medicinal oil plant here were being cleaned out, sand was found containing a few fine flakes of gold. The sand came from the intestines of halibut which are now treated in the plant. The particular halibut in question .came from Yakutat off the coast of Alaska where gold-bearing black sand is known to exist. The discovery is probably more of scientific interest than it is of commercial SURPRISE AIR RAIDS BARCELONA In surprise insurgent air raids today, 47 were killed in Barcelona and 22 in Valencia. One hundred and fifty were injured. So sudden were the raids that the people were unable to reach their bombproof shelters. More Filipinos Are Going Home Another Repatriation Leave San Francisco June Party To Early In SAN FRANCISCO, May 12: An other Filipino repatriation party will leave San Francisco for the Philllolnes on June 3 aboard the liner President Hoover under the Filipino Repatriation Act under which fares of these people desir ous of returning to "their homeland are paid. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, "May 12; JCP) Wheat was trading at $1.06 the Vancouver market today. Canada Is Relied On As Valuable Source Of Supplies In War Two Ministers Refer to Part They Expect Dominion Will Play if Called Upon Aircraft is Specifically Mentioned LiUiNiJUiN, iuay iz; yur) ureat xmuun is tu uuuuie Ther first line of strength in the air under en expansion" scheme announced in the House of Commons today by I Earl Winterton, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, j She is to have 3500 first line machines by March 1940. Lord Winterton disclosed that tne government considers j ' Important "the possibility of bulld- tag up war potential in Canada" 4, but did not explain the reference t Compulsory I j OTTAWA, I Creation of 1 . I Co-Operation i May 12: (CP) an Independent . with statutory powers, to compel co-operation between the Canadian Nation- al and Canadian Pacific Rall- ways was advocated in the NEW YORK, May 12; (CP) Senate railway committee by Mrs. W. D. Herrldge, wife of the 1 S. W. Falrweather, chief of the. former Canadian.- mlnlstefUtha-s economics branclWQl the Can? United States and sister of Rt. adlan National Railways. The responsibility of establishing such a tribunal should not, however, lie with the railways. Mr. Falrweather estimated that savings of $10,000,000 -a I' year could be effected by in- stitution of joint economies. A budget and planning com- i' mission to deal with matters of expansion was proposed by Mr. Falrweather. . . DEAD MAN ISLANDED American Trolling Boat Comes in With One of Her Crew Victim Of Heart Attack The four-man American trolling boat Peace put in to Prince Rupert t last night at 11:30 with the body, of Verne Moore, 52-year-old se-j attle fisherman, one of the mem bers of the crew, who collapsed and died about 5 o'clock last evening' aboard the vessel which was en route from Everett, Washington, to Ketchikan. The Peace had been; anchored at Kumeleon Inlet in! Grenville Channel, just south of and NEGOTIATIONS ARE RESUMED French Charge D'Affaircs And Italian Foreign Minister Get Together ROME, May 12: The French charge 'affaires visited Italian Foreign Minister Clano yesterday to resume negotiation of the Franco- Italian friendship which had been Interrupted for a week during the beyond mentioning that the a,lr mission now In North America was Inquiring into the aircraft situation there. Viscount Swinton, Air Secretary, declared in the House of Lords today that "in time of. war Canada might and would become a very valuable source of supply for this country." FUTURE OF ELEVATOR So Official Information Available as to Wheat Pool's Intention Only Party of Cargo Now Left With a part cargo of 3850 tons of grain for delivery to United Kingdom or Continent, the Norwegian motorship freighter Taranger sailed at 6:30 last evening from the A1-, berta Wheat Pool's local elevator for Vancouver where and at Seattle she will complete with general cargo. With , the loading of the Taranger, about 400 tons of wheat is now left in the local house and another boat Is expected next month to clean this up. It will be of the same line as the Taranger, No official information Is available locally as to the plans of the Alberta Wheat Pool in regard to future use or otherwise of the Prince Rupert elevator. Serious Fire On Ketchikan 'Front ; Averted Yesterday KETCHIKAN, May 12: What might have been a serious fire on the local waterfront was averted Prince Rupert, and Moore was en- yestcrday by the use of fire ex-gaged in hauling up the anchor tingui5hers and chemicals when when he collapsed. flames broke out on Capt. William Deputy Coroner A. J. Lancaster Mulier.s west coast mail boat satisfied himseUT from, the testi- Venus. Due to prompt action, net mony of a doctor at an inquiry that much 'damage was actually done, death was due to heart failure. The tody- is In the hands of the B.C. j Undertakers. Moore was a married man his home is In Seattle. TO BUILD WARSHIPS President Roosevelt Contemplates Early Start on Big Naval Expansion Program WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12: (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt is planning to have an early start made on the new $600. 000,000 naval expansion program providing . for the construction of seventy-two new ships. The President is particularly interested in on visit of Chancellor Adolf Hitler tojfast motor torpedo boats for" har Italy. bor defences.