FAOl TWO Exceptional SPECIALS AT OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE 120 Pairs Women's Oxfords, Straps and Pumps in Suede, Gaberdine and Kid. Values to $5.50, $4 95 These shoes are up lo the minute In style and are all good quality. Hundreds o( other real bargains toq numerous to mention ' here. Come in and be convinced. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edltoi SUBSCRiWION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week , Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrHlsirEmpire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ., local readers, per line, per insertion ., .. News Department Telepbocs Advertising and Citculauon Telephone . DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation! ANOTHER PEACE EFFORT Another peace effort is hefn 86 9 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Friday, June 3, 1938. with a view to ending the trouble in Spain, Overtures are .,is iu me useless KiJJmg that is goine on between the defensive rmvprnmonf f..r, , ing Fascists. Bv makVhV NAVY HAS FIRST WIN Defeated Canadian Legion 4 to 3 in Football STIIAKT SHIELD STANDING W 1) L F APts Canadian I.eeion 1 I 1 n q ? Merchants 1 1 0 7 5 3 SEASON SCORING SUMMARY Prjaut, Navy, 5. H. Dickens, Legion, 3. Y'ink, Merchants, 2. Ferguson, Merchants, 2. Campbell, Legion, 2. Howe, Xegion, 2. Morgan, Navy, 2. Smith, Navy, 1. Armstrong, Navy, 1. Holkestad, Merchants, 1. Gillis, Merchants, 1. Smith, Merchants, 1. O'Neil, Navy, 1. Vance, Legion, 1. Simundsen, Legion, 1. In another closely foueht good crowd of spectators watched P.v,Vlof l :Z J .a. , t0 save. Th LeKion was luckv whpn l JAPAN .1A!t!l?ufih JaPan has made &reat efforts to placate tt United Mates on various occasions, there are still points afJKue -etween the two countries and there is still pos-Flbility of trouble unless Japan 'takes a less autocratic view of her position in China. There are certain international rights which cannot be ignored and Japan has on more than one occasion ridden roughshod over all foreitm rights. . HAS JUSTIFIED ITSELF , The establishment of the local sampling plant has been fully justified by the work it had done, according to Hon, W. J. Asselstine, minister of mines. He was very pleased with the result and complimented Dr.. J, T. Mandy on the work he had done in connection with making it a success, It is to be hoped that the prospectors and miners throughout the district will take full advantage of the facilities offered by this plant. . ' . 25 for 25 and Pocket tins of fifty V"' PLAIN OB CORK TIP A V V THE DAILY NEWS AIYANSH "reenvme 3 to i io i. Alyansh also DID WELL c( on Xht . In. 1 Ih "! tFw ft rvrnr . ahead with a fine shot, The Legion pressed but could not beat a defend In which Morgan shone and then Bryant added a fourth. Finally, the Legion added a third through Howe and tried hard for an equalizer that did not come. j Teams: I H.O.N.V.R. Morgan: Eby. Ron- laldsj Eastman, Davies, Christian; O'Neill, Armstrong, Bryant, Smith, T. McMeekln. llest Goalkeeper tackled well though he overkicks to his forwards. Eastman and Christ-' Meekln the best. OUL ipp than that M thp T.palnn I nil RUPnrt Sfn'r fU eame in goal and had no chance! IfjT J ,Ca"adian with the shots that scored. Currie r. frZ ly U u a5l,nie"1 and McKay did well although they ? Legion by were a llttle shaky under pressure. Krl m hSnVerlaMd TaS JUSt Mrray as good at centre half and W about t that much the hpt ter tpm a . . " . . a ...j , ' .. . . . acnerk turned m anotner good ; game, aimunasen piayea nara. I I ., H lrS "vr JLrt "owe and Campbell 'were the best iNavv forwards. Dickens played cleverly "a,j'- u...'u : iu. . UUli 11UCW mc icau 01 mc line UUl Play went from end to end with;0f position by hanging on too long, both forward lines threatening.! , had l j 4U u u Navy the better balanced Then, after McKay's miskick, Brj Jhe ant and were very ast on the balL opened the scoring. Morgan "dealt with Dickens' high shot com- e ,Leelon nft bett!!: team Mf-M.. u- . and less squabbling. The dronDlne "IPicnic And Sports Held At Kitkatla Softball and Football Teams Which Visited Tort Simpson Are Honored KITKATLA, June 3. In honor of the Excelsior Club Softball and football teams which visited Port Navy - - 1 0-2 10 12 21 nnnftriiin Tooinn- Ripmnpf J. Slmnso.. for the Victoria Day Cele- "iCurrTe, McKay: SImundsen, W. bratjon last week, there .was.. a Murray, Scherk; Sinclair, Dickens, aborts day and picnic at Kitkatla Stnnfii Onmnhpll WnvuA IftSt last Saturday Saturday. George Ferguson refereed. i In a football game, the team which went tQ Port Simpson and ,won the cup thero for Kitkatla Morgan Morgan again again played played a a grand grand "" " 1 "7 11' ;ame. He it, undoubtedly, the best whlch d.id "IP ta s.,mPsn- f. Core. ,U1 1 me wa? a lour: gCalkeeoer in town. Eby and Ron- deadlock and, the overtime nw, , onnH hv, nnri thp nPw during halfback line was sound. Davies the cu? !10ldf rs n ad,dlt,on al goal to give them the victory. tan made a very successful entry BAoLBALL bCORES ward line was always dangerous with CVNeill, Armstrong and Mc-' The line was bet- American League Detroit, 4-2; New York. 5-5. St. Louis, 1; Boston, 6. Cleveland, 10: Philadelphia, 5. Chicago, 1; Washington, 7. National League New York at Pittsburgh, pos poned, rain. Brooklyn, 11: Cincinnati, 5. Boston, 6; Chicago, 2. Philadelphia, 5; St. Louis, 12. Baseball Standings missed a cross and later Morean .f a P1 might be the best thing, Boston 19 14 'saved Campbell's shot. Armstrong 8lon manaeement couia ao. Cincinnati 20 played well and, following O'Neill's , V , ainusDurg 18 centre. .Smith nut the n.iw tn lrlai- St. LouLi JQ goals up. Morgan punched out af Leacue Fixtures Ouestloneil well-taken corner of Dickens' '. Scherk centred a beauty that Eby fisted away and Dickens made no mistake with the resulting penalty to bring the score to two' to one in favor of he sailors at half time. Murray and then Vance made headway and Dickens finished a run with a grand drive that Morgan ' J 11118,1 govern- turned agr.lnst the crossbar but ment is takino- thQ HrQlT,; i ,7 rTnHnnc n"g i 1,"lellg"t. m. Pce of the totaletarian Campbell easily put the rebound nauons. it is only since Britain has been strengtheninp-l trough tb tie the score. Then, at ner armaments that she has been listened to with 1 the other end-Bremner brought off ro : tlPCt flnfl hno hfian nKln t- w,U I . ,. V a great Save. Howe forrprt Mnrwan i hu'c iyu iiicint: " " er nT pnpo to t- . t According to the published of games next Tuesday's Stuart National League W L New York 25 12 Chicago 24 16 Benefit Shield fixture will be be-Cleveland 25 twefin the Canadian I.pplftn nnrf thp Hw Vnrt oi f&l6 "Mild" NAVY CUT CIGARETTES 19 18 2Q Brooklyn 15 20 Philadelphia 11 23 American League 13 15 17 Merchants. This will mean that the : Washington 24 18 18 region win nave played four games Boston 21 in Succession. A similar situation Detroit : 19 exists in the draw of the Mobley Philadelphia 15 Cup. Last night's game should Chicago .... 12 have been between the Merchants St. Louis w n and the Navy. It Is not too late 29 21 20 25 now to rearrange the games. The ; game for next Tuesday should be' LONDON HOLD I'ltlCI Between UJe WB Merchants iwercnams and and the tne With decks awash and hatches battened down H.M.S. Warspite "Now into.it' executing a difficult manoeuvre in the perfect manner traditional to British seamanship. This determination lo do the difficult thing and do it well is very English. It maniJests itself too, in such products as Player's Cigarettes, for many years England s favourite smoke. Play, er's "MUd," made in Canada, carry on the same splendid tradition of cigarette making "It's the Tobacco that Counts." Try Player'j "Mild" , . . you will like their fcnghsh quality. Cori tips if you wish. Pet .C7fl .60C .57G .51? .50C .444 Mi .324 .658 .51? .571 .553 .4?t .41" .375 .30f "I".,.?. 1VC1CJS Luuay ll ater (llSDOSltlon t0 listen a centrP. hMf nrpmnp, ht' rolled .J"a.vy Put tne rder eas LONDON, June 3: (CP - The si i r i nun nJo nanvi Ain,irtM v xi i . uutu , riont yo fnknii i- ij r - i , to reason than has been evident for ie S tearT ?T T ht. TheTootban The tension on the frontier of Germanv Y.ll IaT0 Armstrong put teams accordingly. Italy is responding to the advances of her new ally Pre-' parationa had been made for the British in Berlin to leave' tor home when the situation eased off and word was sent that they might remain for the present in Germany. ! Possibly within a few weeks the nations will settle down to a period of forgetfulness of war and devote themselves to cultivating better relations among each other, j HELIUM AND AIR NAVIGATION. V; , The only gas that can be used with safety in air shins is helium and all the heltom there is in the world is held py tne United States. I Germany is tb foremost country developing lighter JJ navigation but she cannot get the helium, United States fears that, if she lets Germany have a supply it may be used in war. It would enable Germany to attack the United States from the air in case the two countries should find themselves on opposite sides in a world conflict. The result is that, for the present at least, Ger-' many cannot get the. helium so cannot use her dirigible .ships f ol' passenger purposes. That is one case where Germany s war threats are injuring her commercial life U.S. AND r - c iuuvuuu exe caciuuxc tiYe ftuuuia i-uiiuun goia once was ud lc at Vile hh foom team a i a. . . . . r St 'twill!'? i " $36ll7 per fine ounce. Ilnner Naas AIVANSH. June 3. Alyansh'ath- i ... made a tnad i.., cm,.. c..;iL. von of Alvanvh ., !bcrt V ...... , ...Mh. .Jiiuin . . wu " in i- Honors in Celebration at Creenville dash. Jams ....... lueHt dflh nH n..u " lnt 220 sprint. . letes returned homo at the end 6T Mrr J. a. W , . . i. r- ...lit. , ' , n . m 3 BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY I6Ho. t33S 0ai.t4. TJbot lusi, wra irum urt-cuviue wnere ftiia-uav Run i.... ... . . .. ... ... jeari n. inr, i ir ;i i in i hi. iiiiiinrx ill I lit vir. winnar fi . i " r ultu , nef torla Day celebration. i Gloucestershire town nL 1 In fofithAll Alvnnsh wnn nvpr first - "c i ... - - - . niiiiiatr uwncr tn Canyon City 4 to 1 also defeating Derby VOL r C l it r fu DISTIUIO, lUNDcgl AND omio III ICQTUNB 'rhi nrivprtJipmpnt 1 nnr nnhllthivt nr iti...j .. . ..w. um.w..v. uti uiouiajcu U V I n I ... wv""""' " "j wit uuitiuuiciii. oi nnii&n UOIUmhli. Goin1 Fishin we v,an ouppiy i our uvery w And Tell You Where To Get TheFA Headquarters For Sport Fishing Tadle Kaien Hardware k Phonc'3 Smoked "Rupert Brand' Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package 4 1 For Lunch or. Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'peuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Vcek tn Refrigerator . . Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wh?at It Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money, Prince Rupert Feed Company Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rUONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j, zarelU. propW "A HOME AWAY FB03I noi.E" . . i -i fit mm Prince u'"' ... id Fbn 281 III urns. C. E. w"- . i The Central mp ROOMS ' CiI Household P" For Best