Friday June 3, 1038. v Always Deliciows SA1ADA m TEA $28.75 80 6O0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHilO0ieiiOO6OOCi0OKiCiiiOiOi0 LADIES ! Have your new mannish suit or coat individually cut by hand and tailored to personal jiieasurements by Tip Top's Union Craftsmen. See'Qur Beautiful New Fabrics and'. Nov Models Tip Top Tailors Limited P.CRAVETTO 4th Street. Phone Blue 418 it la aMrtlta f the WbtUi Hkrt ' - IBf f ' Iran Makni kav n tir krw lai.tlr. Tky kl van rngf. Tkty'r "Iwayt rtady . Ovnn-frtih at 9rr,. Mad by KHM la La4a, Oalfiif, acts DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflOpO6OOOOCiOOOOOOOOOiOOOiOi0OOOOOdiC'OOO Tomorrow Is Hill 66 Rose Day when the public will be given an opportunity to help needy children next winter. The roses are made by crippled children arid money raised is used entirely to provide shoes, stockings, layettes or glasses for defective eyes. The money IS spent entirely locally, A. P.' Allison, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, will sail by the Prince John on Its present voyage at the end of the after a visit to his camp at Cum-shewa on the Queen Charlotte r TlRAMA K Women's Canadian Club Has Inter cstlng Speaker in Person Of Mrs. (iirvin of Duncan The local Women's Club heard a speaker of outstanding interest yesterday afternoon in the person 0f Mrs. D. A. Glrvin, president of the Women's Canadian Club of Duncan, Vancouver Island, whose subject was "The Birth and Development of British Drama." Mrs. Glrvin, who is an authority on the subject of drama, dealt not only with the drama of Britain from the earliest times up to the present but also with that of such countries as China, India. Greece and France. She quoted freely and with rare elocutionary talent. While she admitted that William Shakespeare was undoubt edly the greatest British dramat' clan, she said that her own favor ite was Robert Browning. There was a large attendance at the meeting with Mrs. F. M. Good, the president, in the chair. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. J his' ulDSOn. seconaea oy Mrs. Aiex week on return to Vancouver MCKae. Tea was servea Dy menv bersj of the executive of the club the meeting taking place In the Boston Cafe. Y0U-1UST KNOW THEY EAT TO FEEL FIT ropl who fftl'will havt mort fun! Ktllogg't Bran Flaliti an packed with th aourlthmtnt of whelt wkeaf. Th grettln far body-building. Mineral aid vitamlnt for fitncit and energy. Try hei crunehy Bran FlaWi tomorrow. LHe2ek7HHeLeH eeeMLeSWSiaaai 1 SE2SS T1TC BAITY NEWS PAOi THRM LOCAL NEWS NOTES Hill CO Rgse Day tomorrow for local Child Welfare. 12S According to word from Kam- loops for, which city he recently left, Inspector John A. Fraser, provincial police, continues make splendid progress toward recovery following his recent serious illness. BLACKHEADS Get two ouncee of perolln powder from your druggirt. Sprinkle on hot, wet cloth and rub the far gently. Every llackhead will be dluolved. The on fe, eure and Impl way to remove tlackheada. 1U m . UolUwood eomptaxloa I Mrs. W. Barbe sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to ' Vancouver. Mrs. O. VY. Abbott sailed last night on the Prince Geor,?e- for a I trip to Vancouver. Mrs. u. Houuer saneq iasi nigri on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mike Hudema sailed last nlg'.it on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. 1 Pter Cravetto leaves by this ev ening's train on a business trip to ' Terrace. He expects to return to , the city next Tuesday night. LSM.irTLllJLr. Mrs. T. Elwood Brooks of Ter- 1 iMnmTnnnr arrived in the city from the ' I HI SI B I SNf1 I I interior. on last evening's train and (trip to Vancouver. Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, sailed (last night oh the "Prince George whence he will proceed to Min neapolis to attend a church Alex Greenwood, after having spent a couple of weeks, here visit ing with' his parents, Staff Ser geant and Mrs. G. H. Greenwood, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keyser who were recently married in Ju neau. arrived in the city from the Alaska capital on the Princess Louise yesterday and will proceed East by train this evening on a honeymoon trip tp Minneapolis. The Sons of Norway Lodge In business session last night witl a fair attendance of members. Mrs H. Helland, the secretary, was In the chair In the absence of the president, Oscar Sather. After the meeting refreshments were served. Mr. arid Mrs. Foster Hewitt of Toronto were here last evening for a short time In the course of a trip to the coast. They arrived from the '.East by train and sailed on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. Hewitt is well known as a radio hockey commentator: Mrs. A. J. Ingraham and litt'e daughter, Martha, who arrived several days ago from Surf Inlet, are sailing tonight on the Prince Johr. for Skidegate where they will visit with Mrs. Ingraham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens. Mr. Ingraham will return from here to Surf Inlet. Announcements AH advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagle's Dance June 8. VIggo Kihl Piano Recital Jupe 8. Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE . Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion Yes, we have Ice Cream at the U & I C AFE Waterfront Try our Apple Pie a la mode Open 7 A.M. 10 P.M. Nobody Knocks The KNOX Tbe Food Is Uood The Roonu Are Clean Tba Douse Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Art Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. BraaeU DOLLAR DAY At Fraser & Payne's A TnorHnaA nt niitstnnrllnir lnr;il sailed the Prince for en George a ,nterc$t ufees place thla vening at First Presbyterian Church when Miss Polema Cameron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cameron, becomes the bride ot Robert Uoyd-Jones of the staff of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. A reception will follow at the home of the bride's parents and the couple will, leave later in the evening on the Princess Adelaide for a honeymoon trip south. in fin EM C!ED FOR SALli FOR SALE 38 ft. Halibut boat. All , ready for fishing. Complete with' gear. No reasonable offer xt-x fused. Apply McLean's Bon -Yard, Seal Cove, tf FOR SALE Second hand Hoover sweeper and washing machine. $10 each. 329 5th. West. Phone Green 402. U32) vIVE-ROOM summer house for sale at Lake Kathlyn near Smlth-ers for $3C0, half cah, balance one, two and three years at six per cent original cost $1500. Apply to Watson's Store, Smithsrs, B.C. H34) FOR SALE 8-plece Dining Room Suite (as n;w), Electric Range with auxiliary, and householc gcods. Apply Vaughan Davles. 501 5th Ave. W. (1291 Viijany news. KOk RENT FOR RENT-Furnlslied cottage, al Lake Kathlyn. Apply isox; 21 EXAMINATION FOR CIVIL SERVICE CLERKS YoU have time to ensure success at the comlng clerks' examination. -If you write' us 'Immediately for . particulars andproof of pur re- j markable successes over many years. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Wln nlpes. t.f. THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmoa canning company with an ill the year round payroll. In Prince Rupert Letter She Saturday Drop around Friday afternoon and look over the pierchandise on display in the windows. Every article priced for your inspection. n Fraser & Payne's The fire department had a call 4 at 9:55 last night to the residence of P. Le Ross, Graham Avenue, where there waa a chimney fire which did no damage. Linen Finish Writing Pad And English Made Mechanical Pencil . With Extra Leads BOTH for 39c - I For Car and Household Use 75c Chamois Size 10x18 And a 25c Sheep's Wool Sponge BOTH for 89c I Ormes Lid. Vht Pioneer Druqpt'sts The ilexMl Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m: till 10 p.m. Sundays ana Holidays From 12 noon till 2 m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Pure Lindseed Oil Shingle Stain Electrically Mixed Guaranteed to Last Preserves and Beautifies Your Shingles Red, Browns and Black- Per Gallon Green Per Gallon ... uvniun u $1.90 $2.00 See Us For Your Paint Requirements You Arc Assured of Sound Advice and Best Values PHONE 311 HARDWARE McnRIDE ST. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SUNSHINE TABLE AND 1 CHAIRS Table can be folded In a Jiffy. Table and chairs can be packed under arm. Suitable for picnics or lawn parties. fJS Strong and sturdy. Priced, set Phone 775 V vj a cs 327 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUE8- T.8. S. CJARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m, Due Vancouver, Thtrrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets" From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave. Phone 568