Today's Weather tm tfnnlilttt An irin CVqnAA-Cnttl. frontier, the .Insurgents de li government's stubborn de- r he trpst nr Alhorarpr nnpn. the way for attacks. In three ...I 11 .1.1 L 1 l. .. UMUUI HIGHWAY Willi Canada Pre .ident Franklin D. Roosc- has t.snnd a bill authorizing mi n in ptiirtt. wiTn iTnnnna Alaska Highway project l r ni rnrros T 1 u increased Kather Than Reduced, Says Germany ; IJ1UNICH, June 3. It was charged yesterday that the Czccho- an m m 17 nvprn m n t nnvn i.rtiiitu " "w "v w HiWll tV -" --- musors In niVArcnrv Marriage VTTtlflfl v m - M. -- iJllto nnrl niiAKAca rvf A71nHcnr r-ary today working together trot u.i. i a. t i ru M vjit lit t l' 1 il mrtnwr i ill. eather forecast "'Tniiuon MrUxrologlcal Bureau at n ua iTince uuper. ini carnplletl Crom ribftcrvatloiw fca t 5 a m. tadnv an1 covers the 3C raiding 5 pm, tomorrow. Oh M..MI.L M1 - .141. Islands. With the exception loM i 1 1 . iu. r K . I m . uo uvcii axil utiu wauu. "nee Ruoert and Queen Cnar- Islands .u. - Fresh southeast v'th light rains toward night. Tasini! rlnnrilnpaa with nrobable at night. 1 -. ritish And -h Governments Trvinq BULLETINS Again To Get Peace iinarawai ui vuiuniecrs way isc wedge by Which Mediation is Brought Into Conflict Insurgents Claim to be Pushing Ahead LONDON, June 3: (CP) The British and French vorntnpnfs Jlfo sminrHncr nnf hnth tVio Imrnliofa nnrl J reents with a view to makintr of arrangements for an " " . . . .. . istice in the bnanish civil war. In Pans the non-in- SERVICE IS INSPECTOR Staff Sergeant W. J. Service, former chief of city police in Prince Rupert and for the past loops, has received the appointment of Inspector of "D" Division witli headquarters at Prince' Rupert, it was announced today. He succeeds Inspector John A. Fraser who is at present on sick leave. Staff Sergeant Service, formerly at Smlthers, Prince George and a patient for the past few weeks. Mr. McLeman arrived last night from Stewart. SCHUSCHNIGG MARRIED VIENNA Former Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg was married today but was unable to attend his own wedding as he is still being held in custody. His brother acted as his proxy. Schuschnlgg's platinum blonde bride is 31 years of age. He is 40 years old and is a widower. UNCLE SAM PROTESTS WASHINGTON The United States Slate Department issued a strong protest today-at the nature of aerial bombings in the Slno-Japancsc and Spanish civil wars. Ruthless," "barbarous" and "contrary to all laws of humanity" were among the terms used, JAPANESE WINNING SHANGHAI Japanese bombers killed fifty in a Canton textile factory and caused great loss of life among houseboat dwellers in Canton River. The Chinese army appears to be weakening before continuous artillery and aviation attacks on the Central China front. Mexico City Is Phoneless For An Entire Day SECTION OF ention committee is planning to withdraw foreitm!? reg"lar !?eJ?yt lunn 'the , . U1 c C ' J i iniiiuc ivupctv ivuiiiijf iiuu jeacci- mat mere is a possimmy oi i. 9- I- - 11-41 l 1U. 1. 1 ...UUJ. voir ii iiiiil. ui uiLiiiu hvu iiii M . V . CTO H I A, s. 0 , mmm A delightfully humorous account of a trip from Vancouver to Cairo, Egypt, being a section of a trip around the world made during last winter by himself and Mrs. Llpsett, was described by Edward Llpsett at & x - i- i ua . . IL. UlLllCC lllI.-'WLllll.l. uucaLi I .11. .1 I i II . I " Mr. Llpsett paid compliments to the officers and men of the steamship Empress of Britain. He described the vessel as one of the finest cruise boats in the world. There were on the ship ten Rotar-lans so they formed a club for the voyage, a man from Hollywood being the president and they, held meetings every Thursday. j The first call was made at the I Madeira Islands where they visited 1 Funchal. He found' that the peo-, pie were mostly Illiterate and the. death rate heavy. They went forj a ride In a carry-all. the motive, power of which was provided by a ; team of oxen. Sugar cane,, ban-' anas, grapes and. beggars were the chief natural productions of thei Islands and wine and lace were manufactured. , Passing on, a visit was made at Gibraltar where they had their first experience In Oriental bargaining which they found was typical all the way. j In Algiers, a city oi 3uu,uuu oi many mixed races, they were informed that it was' once the home of pirates but of late the activities had been ransf erred to peddlers.! He told of the Arab quarter, the narrow streets, tne squaiia nine shops, a city where, It seemed, women did the work and men gambled or, loafed. Windsor Not at Home The attractions of Monaco where they were made members of the Casino at Monte Carlo, an lnstl-1 tutlon which the local Inhabitants I were not allowed to attend except on Chrlsmas Day, was pictured.' Nice and Cannes were visited, the . . . i i . . i ' latter oeing tne nome oi me uuite of Windsor. His Royal Highness MEXICO CITY, June 3.-A twen-'dld riot know they were coming so . , r teieohone strike has he was not at nome. Naples ana .omiiiB tiuuu, uu ---- ... . PnmDel had tncir attractions ana ! .tf hP rielav In hearing Athens proved very fascinating. Work preliminary to; the building of the new hospital on Fifth Avenue East has Just TODAY'5 STOCKS ( Court y 8. D.' Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .08. Big Missouri, .30. Bralorne, 9.00. Aztec, .11. Cariboo Quartz, 2.17. ; Dentonla, .05. , Golconda, .03. Mlnto, .032. Falrvlew AmaL .02Vi. Noble Five, .022. Pend Oreille, 1.40. Pioneer, 2.95, . -Porter Idaho, .02?. Premier", 1.87. '" Reeves McDonaldf:22 Reno, .55: Relief Arlington, .14. Reward, .0334. Salmon Gold, .06. Taylor Bridge, .04. Hedley Amal, .02,i. Premier Border. .00. Silbak Premier, 1.65. Congress, .OO3. Home Gold, .01. Grandvlew, .04. Indian. .012. Quatslno Copper, .0234. Halda. .05 Oils . A. P. Con., .'18. Calmont, .30. C. & E.. 2.07. Freehold, .05 Vi. Hargal, .20. . McDougal Segur, .15. . v-Mercury, .08. Okalta, 1.12. Pacalta, .08. 5 Home Oil. 1.03. ; Toronto 1 Beattle, 1.03. Central Pat., 2.45. Gods Lake, .43. Little Long Lac, 3.60. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.01. Red Lake Gold Shore, 14$. San Antonio, 1.23. Sherrltt Gordon, .91. Pickle Crowk445. Smelters Gold, .01 Vi, ; McLeod Cockshutt. 3.35. Oklend. .15. Mosher, .37. Medsen Red Lake, .31. Stadacona, .36. Francoeur, .30. Moneta Porcupine, 1.96. Bouscadlllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, 3. 1 Bankfleld, .68. East Malartlc, 1.62. Preston East Dome, .77. Hutchison Lake, .OSVi. Dawson White .04. Kerr Addison, 1.64. Uchi Gold, 1.55. Int. Nickel, 42.25. Noranda, 61.25. Con. Smelters, 49.00. Barber Larder, .37. Rand Malartlc, .37. Athona, .08 Va. VANCOUVER WHEAT the representations of seventeen! Haifa was the iort from which, VANCOUVER, June 3: (CP) j.-.'-j nionhrno employees at.OU irom iiaq was aiuppcu. it w. wucub wsia iramng ni i.uojg Jiu (Continued on Page 4). Chihuahua. the Vancouver market today.' on Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Raiding, southeast wind, four miles per hour; barometer High 5:34 ajn. 18.1 ft. 30,14 allulg); tempera 18:38 pjn. 18.7 ft. ture 42; sea smoowi. Low 12:00 am. 4.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 129. XXVII. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1938. , PRICE: 5 CENTS In Spanish War Sought Steamship Unification Is Talked I nPw New hJ.1i Hospital -L0?MiiKL!Senate Committee Is PINE TRIP X JLlWa LXIL ur l P. , I Edward Llpsett Entertained Rotary Club With Breezy Account of Interesting Tour Around World YYorK aianea t INSIDE JOB Search For Five Year Old James' Bailey Cash jr. Develops Into , Grim Man Hunt I orS. Bennett & White Con- K8lca.,1LaUh. ' has been abandoned of thp rhlM structlon Co. A test hole Is being dug for sounding out the depth of the ground. A cement shed Is being put up. and delivery of lumber and gravel to the site has been started. ey Cash Jr. who was kidnapped last Saturday; It has now developed. ipresent included C. H. Orme, F. A.'. .--....i-the Everglades. iMacCallum, Torchy Peden of Victoria, W. R. White and Dr. A. R. Q Emslie of Ottawa, Dr. Ralph Outer-bridge, Staff Sergeant O. H. Greenwood and Alex Greenwood (Vancouver). Two new members were Initiated , I into the Club R. C. St. Clair, dls-, trlct forester, and R. G. Hopkins, manager of the Bank of Commerce. four years district chief at Kam- They were Introduced by J. W. INichblLs and charged by Dean Gib son. Mr. and Mrs. Llpsett left Vancouver the morning after mas Day to Join the steamer Empress of Britain. They went by way of California and Florida, Mr. Llp-.sett remarking lncldently that it elsewhere in the north for many .rained all the time he was in Flor years,. is well known as an efficient and fearless officer and his appointment to command at Prince Rupert will be received with general gratification. STEWART WOMAN DIES "ftlrs I). W. McLeman, well known pioneer woman of Stewart, passed away at G o'clock this morning in Prince Rupert Gen ! Ida, this reminding him -of home. In Vancouver. They also visited Washington and New York. They Inspected the national Museum of Natural History where they were interested In the collection of na- Llpsett being an ardent collector with one of the best private collections on the continent. They found much of the collection came eral Hospital where she has been J from British Columbia There was a message that the lad was being held in the Everglades but it was discounted as a hoax. The feeling grdws that it was a local person, or at least one well acquainted with the Cash household, who carried out the abduction. Four suspects were being held yesterday on suspicion. Yesterday LONDON, Kentucky,. June 3. Trial is now In progress here of WASHINGTON, D.C., June 3. A vote was Impending In the Senate ! Today's Baseball National League Boston, 0; Chicago, 4. New York, 5; Pittsburg, 6. Brooklyn, 5; Cincinnati, 4. Philadelphia, 5; St. Louis, 6 (at end of seventh). American League Detroit, 1; New York, 5. (Red Ruffing's seventh straight win with one defeat Joe Dlmagglo's seventh home run of season In eighth inning.) Cleveland, 10; Philadelphia. 5. (Jimmy Allen's seventh win with Told Large Savings . Yearly Are Possible being found alive, only the father Would Cut Number of Vessels on Alaska Route and Merge now believing there is stiii a chance. Island Car Barges Vancouver-Prince Rupert 2500 searchers are continuing the Cnrvione T?nfn-rl Tn quest for five-year-old James Ball OTTAWA, June 3? (CP) The Senate railway com- lnto a grim manhunt, centering on mittee was told late -yesterday by Captain R. w. Mac- tlonal maintained two around services from all-year Vancouver to Prince Rupert and from Vancou ver to Prince Rupert via Queen "G" men were reported to have left. Charlotte Islands. During the sum-for Washington with a "strange mer the services were extended to person. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, announced yes'terday that the serial numbers of the notes paid out in $10,000 ransom had been kept and were being distributed. More Money For Grand Coulee Dam Is Denied Murray, manager of the British Columbia Coast Steam ship Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway, that, under unification of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National coastal services in British Columbia, $450,000 annually could be saved. The Canadian Na- rr!rr-rrrTi Alaska with five vessels constitut ing the fleet. The Canadian Pacific, with a fleet of fifteen ships, maintained eight all year around services while both companies, had car barge ferries between Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Witness declared that $100)00 "saving" could be effected by eliminating two vessels from the Alaska route and $97,000 by unifying the car barge services. I It was estimated that $120,000 would be the annual saving in in- terest on money which would have SEATTLE, June 3. An additional to be spent within the next few appropriation to carry on work on years for two new steamers costing the Grand Coulee dam project in $3,000,000 and $90,000 on deprecia-central Washington has been de- tlon. nled. The appropriation may now Other savings would hoist the be caught under the spending and total to over $400,000. lending program or, by a deficiency. bill at next session of Congress. Mine Officials Taking Trial Today's Weather (Oov eminent, "rlgTa.paa) I Triple Island Raining, easterly "wind, Hfteen miles per hour-llst chop. Estevan Cloudy; northwest wind, fourteen miles per hour; barometer, 30.22. v Victoria Cloudy,, southwest wind, six' miles per hour; baro meter. 30.20. Vancouver Clear, calm; bare- today on the administration's $l.-'me(,eri 3922 uu,uuu,uuu spending ana jenaing; program following an all day de-1 bate yesterday. temperature. 42; sea! GT. BRITAIN IS LEADING United States Trailing in Walker Cup Defense at St Andrew's ST. Andrew's, Scotland, June 3: (CP) Great Britain had a two to one leaij over defending United States in Walker Cup golf' four some at the end of play today. Eight singles-matches' will be"play-ed tomorrow. Of the four matches played so far, the British have won two and the Americans one. The fourth was tied and will not count. Storage Fish To Be Taxed Companies May Build.. Plants, Alaska Rather Than Ship Product to Seattle Alert Bay-Fair, calm, baro-' Winnipeg WllCat meter, 45; . sea smooth. Prince George Fair, southwest wind, six miles per liour; baro-j meter, 30.20. ' Terrace Light rain, southeast I wind, temperature 46. " Alyansh Raining, calm, 47. 1 Alice Arm Raining, calm, 48. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 47. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 46. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 48. . Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 59. one defeat.) PORTLAND. Oreeon. June 3. Chicago, 'l; Washington, 5. (Home The Columbla' and Willamette. ' by Al Simmons In third, his ers have risen six inches but It Is fourth of the season.) 1 St. Louis-Bpston, rain. Columbia River Rises Rapidly Expected, However, that Recession of Highwater Will Commence Tonight expected the waters will start receding by tonight. Market Recovers in SEATTLE, June 3. The right to assess taxes on all fish and fish products in storage in Seattle, except that consigned to points out- Langara Island-Raining, south- Ue the is expected to ex. net wind, r rl six civ miles mtloc nor Vmir hour; ba IV. ! ... - . east per romcter.-30.00; temperature. 45. Dead Tree Point Showery sixty-five mine officials charged 5ironS somneast wina, oaromeier, ; . t m Alaska order to obvlaU with Intimidation nf pmnlnvpps hv " inujjwttnuc. -w, a 4uubi. terrorizing them against joining Bull Harbor Raining, southeast the Committee on Industrial Or-,wind' m!les Per hour: baro- ganization. Senate About To Vote On Measure meter, 30.14; smooth. ercised here. The feeling in fisher ies quarters Is that this may result, in the building of new storage the necessity of shipping fish to Se attle for storage. More Than Half of Loss in Prince During Past Two Weeks Has Been Gained Back WINNIPEG, June 3.- The Winnipeg wheat market has now recovered more than half the fifteen cent loss of the past two weeks. July was up 5c at 97c. on Halibut Sales Summary J American 22,500 pounds, 7c and 5c. V, Canadian 12.100 pounds, 6c and 4c and 6.4c and 4c. , American Al Jr., 9,500, Cold Storage, 7e and 5c. Washington, 13,000, Cold Storage, 7c and 5c. . Canadian Thrasher, 3,000, Cold Storage 6c and 4c. ... Fannie F;, 7,500, Atlln, 6.4c and 4c. c ;f Daniel S., 1,600, Cold Storage.' 6c and 4c4