out OF WORK TODAY? THE DAILY N Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert..Thursday 8:30 p.m. PRINCE try The News’ Want Ad. Way. ee — yoL, I, NO 206 —— RUPERT, B.C., WEDN DECEMBER 27, 1911. DAY, PRICE FIvE CENTS iI). NEWTON STARTS THE FIGHT By ATTACK ON RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION. Declares That Latter Body are Opposing Him for Mayor Beowuse They Want a “Real Estate Council’’---Says That He is One Who Can’t be Throttled and Will Fight it to a Finish t in the municipal | for others And « fired last night | leagues are helping them t . \ Newton opened me, But there is one the take by the throat and thr: th a meeting ti and ihet is me Hall. For. two | He declared that the s« the candidate | 4), , opposition to h ae ti ch was almost/ 4. standing for th iin, atory, the En- wage rate, but he is ent comimg in debate with ani criticisms, He i ‘ the Ratepayers’ that the 45-cent rate was a ¢ \s iring that it was|one for the city H | they wanted,! the Ratepayers’ Ass eal estate men | sincere ! int presentation on man f ay isked It is /itt pI gt to sil in @asy | w ng to jf , well lighted /ity aga lices, smoking |claimed tha his | gars and mak- | sh ! ! a thousand | ‘ginger ind sta while we workia rt | for @ bare liv-jreally beea ! irge profits for | dictated irvation wages | sters iike a my x ja TDDY R. SAYS HE WOULD RATHER FIGHT THAN EAT DECINES INVITATION TO A SWELL PEACE BANQUET, SA HE IS NOT IN SYMPATHY WITH PEACE— CALLS THEM ALL TRAITORS. lally News.) It dk lay that Liose n ] ‘ it pea meet ‘ i ‘ } p by dis j : the ratifica : i vith England ; s ha will SIATION GANGS’ |London Papers Complain vina | | SOCIALISM INVADES OXFORD That BINS ACCEPTED ” Professors are Teaching It lian Pre Le Contracts Awarded for Exe » , avation | x of Pipe Line in City Limits en ; ’ ; : Water Supply from Wood- | "| t ich eo worth jnow & g it ON sity He says tha knew wha x for the pipe the city limits | 7° 08. Dree es at the Gity|/@re sane 1a recess was | COhbempin , Board of Works among th Afterward the! they would by ae the pipe line|?° '*! ul Of 6n8" © a t , ending that the ber of the d Ss art ‘ arded contracts: | (Sts bul 1 the f ‘ Wynne & Go.:|!! under other t & Olsen, with Charles Ault’s | HEARD IN CAMERA i, GC, Leistner and D. MeDonald| medical Evidence Taken in As- n 6, Gari Lind-| saul Case This Morning. rhe report was | Phis morn . i | ANOTHER LAWSUIT hearing pi ne ‘ be +e ’ case was DeRU MM ‘ Frank Kelly Demands That the MeMullin Proce ’ ah ; ( ™ ee Goal Contract eee oe n this morning # Che | Doctors Eggert and Me N Ll age ( 'ransfer and Stor- case was adjourned until ; Siler to the City o'clock The women prinett at ‘Nt requested pay-| pemained in Chief Viekers PI iva ince of the coal] omee during this mornings P Was ) contract whieh] eeedings ley ineelled, They of- , 3 the 134 tons of Scandinavians. hands belonging Don't miss the dance the K he city, The let-lof p, Hall on Saturday nigh! " ed to the Gity Soli-] Gray's orchestra will plas \ good program and refreshme nie Gentlemen #1.50; ladies ft! ) Notice 2 ene ile Wish Him Luck. buila ; ed workers in the Mr. H. W. Kraus, who has been LWW Will meet in the with a. Bros went up ty Ms Doro,’ ednesday, at 8 p.|line today to start busines Shera ‘7th, to discuss} Kraus has leased Curley § 2 il WW, Ong alion._-Signed I,] house at Mile 480 and will ran KE Committee ..2t all winte: Montg ymery, who pre- he was not ashamed there or of any of the he had heard ex- | d Mr. Gampp, president of the } oO Association for sect 5, 6, 7 and 8, announced gx would be held on I i ghi » select candidates and ¢ ind called for Alderman NVITED TO RU MEAT PACKERS HAD PLANNED A $500,000,000 GIANT MEAT COMBINE Sensational Evidence Comes Out in the Trial of the Chicago Meat Packers---Had Planned to Make Loan of $90,000,000 to Put Thing Through---Trial Now on Before Judge Carpenter NEEDS NEW INDUSTRY Water Supply for Cold Storage Co. Next Year Provided For With a view lo the needs of the old Storage Company for water | next year, the permanent 6 inch main is recommended to be laid on Sixth Avenue nstead of a temporary pipe. Cast iron pipe imust be ordered from England for this. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4, Cleaners. | (Canadian Press Despatch.) Chicago, Dec. 27—Details for mes }a $500,000,000 merger on Ar- Ticklish Navigation }mour, Swift, Morris interests in Alderman Hilditch’s ark oun] 1902 by which the Government second Avenue this morning was/| contended it was sought to con- breasting the rollers in fine style.| trol the wheat industry of this rhe ark is trying to make a star-|country was revealed today in ‘oard landing after the style of|the trial of the ten Chicago pack- Barney Johnston with the Rup-|ers before United States District ert Judge Carpenter. Attorney Veeder testified that Prince Rupert's leading hotel— | the plans for the giant merger Savoy were abandoned and that in | MR. FRANK MOBLEY IS INVITED TO OFFER HIMSELF FOR MAYOR Popular Business Man and Ex-Alderman Got the Spontaneous Support of Rate- payers’ Association Last Night- | : ist night th talepayers vite Mr, 1 candi- May I tt he issur- support of the or gan- va on M Mobley Hope is Widely Expressed That He Will Run Mobley the one man who is pre-| privately urged his to enter the inent fitted to win the sup-| field, that he had refused to con- port of all classes, and who had sider the request unless assured that his eandidacy was desired retary -| by all classes. “T would not under any circumstances become the candidate of any party or fac- tion,’ he has repeatedly stated, jand it is presumed that his an- }swer to the deputation will de- pend upon their assurances in ' this respect. The hope pressed all over was very widely ex- town today that Mr. Mobley would see his way to accept the invitation. It is prob= able that other bodies besides the Ratepayers’ Association will | pledge their support to Mr. Mob- if he consents to the general that he stand for office in ley desire jthe interest of a non-partisan | business administration. Fire at Virden. Virden, Man., Dec. 27. Spe- cial, The curling and skating irink was destroyed by fire last | night. Norwegians n Prince Rupert are requested | o attend a meeting in Carpenters’ { 11 Thursday, Dec. 28, at 8 p. m. jet et us be there. it = : : EE 'PALIAN SOLDIER BY THE FIRING SQl CENSUS WAS SHORT » of Lethbridge Has a Thou- Towr sand More People. S LEADING \D WITHOI RAR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO BE SHOT TO DEATH P EVEN A DRUMHEAD COURTMARTIAL, cenaue is therefor 983 greater! ORANGE CROP IN PERIL than the Dominion figures, | Intense Cold Near Los Angeles Ross were pas- Threatens the@rops. Rupert this ~— (Canadian Press Despatch.) Mr. and Mrs. R sengers by the Prince morning. | Canadian Press Despaton, th “mn | Los Angeles, Dec, 27.—In the Lethbriage ie yn Bae Who will enter for the mile} range growing districts the 10.018 mere aro the final fig championship Oe eel ee weather last night was the cold. whioh were: arrived @X ts Soe ceaia aiann defeat? En-| est known in years, A tempera- day when the last paneer ah ‘ t ana skating rink. lture of 16 degrees above zero was were handed to Chief GU Vry08 "S E | recorded. Persistent Amudging | ‘ ce iating of Leth- Choicest liquors and cigars may saye the @rops from serious the | tal popu present | Savoy. | injury. March 1905 the National Packing Company was organized to open up trade for certain independent packing companies, purchased with a view of inclusion in the ig companies. Under the terms of the agree- ment three of the large packing | companies were to be merged in-| to one great concern. In addition} the promotors were to receive $25,000,000 worth of companies stock for their goodwill. The| promotors planned to borrow | $90,000,000 to finish the giant ee | A. J. MORRIS RETURNS Traveled from the East via Vic | toria by Rupert. | Morris was amongst the} the Prince Rupert | this morning. He booked north from Victoria after an extended business trip in the east. A. J. passengers by Osr~o.wBvcr-s- JUDGE CARPENTER. RUSSIAN SOLDIERS KILLED IN OUTBREAK AT TABRIZ ST. PETERSBURG DISPATCH 8 SAYS “THAT ONE HUNDRED WERE KILLED AND INJURED— ARMENIANS AND CRIM- INALS ARE BLAMED. Canadian Press Despatch.) Government was convinced that St. Petersburg, Dec. 27.—A/the Persian Government was not telegram from Tabriz, in Persia, | concerned in the anti-Russian says that the Russian in| Outbreak at Tabriz or elsewhere killed and wounded in the recent | and that those responsible were fighting was about one hundred. | princ ipally Armenians and crim- loss Several bodies of Russian soldiers | inals. been found partly burned. | director of the Persian de-| For Russian Foreign telephone the | house. have The partment of the Office in an interview FOR A LAEOR sae | PASS PLANS FOR. Trades and Labor Council ash ony for tense, NEW CEMETERY The Trades and Labor Cquneil | is to approach the City Council } — with a request for a lease of a | Council Approves New Design for suitable to erect a Labor| pjots and Roadways Submitted Temple.