n regar $3.50 New shipment just arrived in men's soft soled low and high cut slippers with chrome soles. Q-i Oil Priced from tJAJ Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue - H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, pajo in advatce Paid to advance, per week Paid In- advance, per month By mall to all parts of British-Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, rald in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classlfled advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telepnons , .,.' gtf Advertising and Cncuiatmn Telephone 9a Member ot Audit Bure.an ot Circulation! DAILY EDITION t4g the Chamberlain government the policy $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Wednesday, June 22, 1938. THE EUROPEAN SITUATION If yesterday's dispatches are true that the nations of the Spanish non-intervention committee have agreed on the mam features of the revised British plan, for evacuation of volunteers with Russia also in accord, the Euro pean picture it, indeed, a. good deal brighter brighter than it has been in many a long month. Not only will the chances of ah early restoration of peace in Spain be much better but it is possible that common ground may have been reached on which to deal with other international troubles that are agitating the world today, It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing-the ame Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. MERCHANTS Field Day For FOR FINAL i1 Being Defeated Canadian Legion and Will: Meet Navy on Dominion Day SEASON. SCORING SUMMARY Bryant, 6. Smith, Navy,. 5. Vink, Merchants 5. Howe, Legion, 4. II. Dickens, Legion, 3. Ferguson,. Merchants, 3. Smith, Merchants, 3. Campbell, Legion, 2. .Morgan, Navy, 2. Simundsen; Legion, 2. Cameron, Merchants, 2. Armstrong, Navy, l $ Holkestad, Merchants,', 1. u.. " Gillis, Merchants, 1. O'Neil, Navy, 1. ?.r Vance, Legion, L McMeekin, Navy, 1. Christison, Navy, 1. ; Last night's match in th- Dor inion Day Football Cup series ance of spectators who watched a fine game. Held lomorrow Miss Phyllis M Taylor, has organ-. lzed a sports day for children of' Grade Four at Borden Street'Schooll to be- held tomorrow afternoon atj the Acropolis Hill grounds. The1 sports, will be competlve but the children will run for points-Instead of prizes, total points deciding the team championship. Rev. Roy Durnford of Seal Cove will act as starter with Mr. Lowrie and Miss Pamphllon as Judges. i The events and entrants will be I suited In a win for the Merchants I Girls' flat race, over 10 .over the Canadian Legion by twbIris Edlund, Katherlne Paul, Leona 'goais to one ana, as-B,resun, me oaiw, owicuo, uum) amu, Royal Canadian Naval "Volunteer Boys' nat race, under 10 years: Reserve and the Merchants will Charles Currie, Harry Nishlkaze. contest the final for the trophy on ' Walter Longwill, George Kadowaki, July 1. There was a good attend-1 Frank James. Girls ilat race, under 10 years: Heat E Eleanor Barber, Audrey The Legion- had the better of the Caraven, Elizabeth Ladlcos, Bev-openlng period but there was a sad erley Barry, Margaret Martensen. absence, of shooting. Simundsen Heat 2 Evelyn McNabb, Brenol took a couple of corners well but Sorenson, Jean MacAfee, Mavis Gomez cleared. Merchants broke Thal'n, Leonora Raabe. away and Vink shot past while Final Boys' flat race, over 10 Smith was too high. Howe missed years, several good chances. Then, from Boys' sack race: Heat 1 Earl Cameron's corner kick. Bill Mur-; Lessard, Charles Currie, Walter ray turned the ball past his own Longwill, James Ladlcos, Donald ( goalie to give the Merchants the'llartwlg. Heat 2 Marven Caraven, lead. ' George Kadowaki, Harry NLshlkaze, ' The second half found the Mer- ' Frank James, Oscar Steinberg. chants having the better of the Girls' sack race: Eleanor Barber, game. O Neul snot over ana later Mavis mam, ueveney iiarry, ins hit the crossbar. Vance did well to Edlund, Mary Alexcee, Evelyn Mc- save a high snot ana men vmn.aou. ii uie nnusn pian is accepieu as a oasis of agreement iure; currie cjr., U to Snaill. It Wl . indeed, he a o-rent trinmnV, McKay; aimunosen, , j w wmv tWUIII III 1UI ... . ,S,:l. u;. l I "owe, Dcnens, WJUUll I1UH Ilt-L'Il castigated and scoffed at so much of late. A man of less courage and less perspective might have weakened long ere this and there have been days of late when weakening might have meant serious consequences even so terrible a consequence as embroiling the whole world in war. There have been those who predicted that subsequent events would justify Chamberlain's course. Possibly, we may find put sooner than we expected that his course was the right one.. If the other nations even Russia come to agree with his plan, where is the foundation of real criticism? Some day a savior is going to be found for this perplexed old world with all its sores. By any means might this savior be the calm, unperturbed, patient longsuf fer-ing Chamberlain? A SHOWDOWN As Premier Pattullo says, it appears that there must be, a showdown without much further. delay in regard to who is going to accept the responsibility for single unemployed who drift into British Columbia. We have expressed' our belief before this that they are a federal responsibility and we feel this is the general belief in regard to them. It seems to us that there is no good reason, for Ottawa continuing to pass them on to Victoria, Campbell, Comadina. j Merchants Krause; Parsons, F. Gomez; Veltch, Ferguson, Gillis; Cameron, O'NeihV Smith, Vink, D. Gomez. s LinesmentP. Doherty and, W 1 Oomess. ' Vance did well In goal for Legion and W. Murray and Jitn Currie were safe backs. Murray was unlucky to score against his own team. and also to miss a penalty but he played a good game. McKay was th- best of the Legion halves wlthvSJr' rle showing clever touchJrFor-ward the line was InettecUvjfmete was little combination andnot a decent shot to test .Krause: Parsons and Gomez played their usual strong game, for Merchants. Parsons had stopped the ball with his body but, as it was'gettlng away from him, he handled It. The" halves still do too much heavy; kicking. The forwards are fast and clever but get offside too much.j Cameron, Smith and Gomez were) all good and O'Neill turned in an excellent performance for his first match with his new team, ! The referee might very easily i have ordered Murray to retake the Ever since unemployment and relief has become' cren- penalty kick for Krause did not eral in Canada, there is no doubt that British Columbia remaln stationary on the line after has been burdened with more than its share. If Ottawa ( thistle was blown. Fortunately does not-wislUo take care of the interprovinci useu, ii. seems mat me ieuerai aumoriiy snouiu at least co-operate in endeavouring to place the responsibility where it belongs instead of foisting it on to British Columbia just because this coast happens to be- the most pleasant place in the Dominion in which to idle away the time. the ball was kicked. Players should remember that no one but the taker of the penalty kick may be Inside the penalty area until the ball has been kicked. They may not go In as soon as the whistle Is blown, DOWN TO BUSINESS IIUDDERSFIELD, Eng., June 22: (CP) Joe Hulme, Huddersfield Town, Arsenal and England foot-i ball player, has given up soccerl for a business career. He still plays i cricket for Middlesex in the sum-1 mer; i TUNNEY IS FOR LOUIS Jack Johnson However, Likes Srhmeliiig Brown- Bomber Is Favorite NEW YORK, June 22: Gene Tunney, one former world's heavy weight boxing champion, favors Joe Louis, the present champion to retain his title against Mix Schmellng; the former champion, tonight. Jack Johnson, another formei champion, likes Max Schmellng to win back the crown. Louis is still a slight favorite ii hnt tna in .1 If Schmellng, who is thirty-two 77 tT , , 'T Paee. should defeat Louis. r Heat 1-Earl Lessard, Marvin Car-' VhAoi , h fh ftt hM. f . t7 "'; 'Pyelght champion ever to regain p : . . r i ' 1 - J ' ' o- oward Melo, Masa Hamasak Donald Hartwgil.rft---.', iff Lewis weighed in at 198 pounds for the fifteen-round, bout ces Heavenof, Katherlne Paul. Heat 2 Ann Stevens, Mary Alexcee, Iris Edlund; Donald Hartwlg. Skipping race, under 10 years: Heat 1 Jean ;MacAfee; Eleanor Barber, Elizabeth, Ladlcos, Mavis Thaln. HeatV2Leonora Rabbe, Margaret Martenserff Brenol Sorenson, Evelyn McNabb. Final Skipping race, over 10 years. Final Skipping race, under 10 years. Boys' three-legged race: Harryi Nlshlkaze and George Kadowaki, James Ladlcos and Donald Hartwlg, Marven Caraven and Earl Lessard, Masa Hamasakl and Frank James, Howard Melo and Charles Currie Girls' three-legged Race: Mavis Thaln and Jean McAfee, Beverley Barry and Ann Stevens, Leona Batt and Evelyn McNabb, Frances Heav- missed a erand chance. Howe at Final Boys sack race. enor and Elean6r Barber- Elizabeth last got; through and-scored-'Iroman, Boys' hoop race: Heat I Earli Ladlcos and Iris Edlund; Margaret fhto nnolA in.imArnn 1 LftSsard. James Thflmnson. ChnrlPS MartpnwMV nnrt Ifnthorfno Puil UlUIUdH 4 i I jy.v V. MV( vm v. m- v ' 1" -j vsaw UUI. tested Vance who saved but later. Currie, James Ladicos. Heat 2 j Brenol Sorenson and Mary Alexcee. a low shot from Cameron'beat him 'Donald Hartwlg. Bruce Nesbitt,; Team relay race, boys: red team to give the Merchants the lead. i Frank James, Marvin Caraven,! Donald Hartwlg. Earl Lessard, Vink missed a chance to Increase ' Howard Melo. I James Ladiccs, Masa. Hnmosaki, I the lead and then Legion pressed' Final Girls' flat race, under 10; Green team Charles Currie. Law- strongly for Murray to head just years; j rence Hanklnsoni.James Thompson, wide of the upright. From a pen-; Girls' hoop race: Elizabeth Ladl-: George Kadowaki. alty, Murray shot wide. Merchants cos, Ann Stevens, Mary Alexcee,' Team relay race, girls: blue team had the best of the closing mln-' Eleanor Barber. ' Lecna Batt, Jean McAfee; Evelyn utes but failed to add to the score. Final Boys' hoop race. McNabb, Eleanor Barber; Yellow J. S. Wilson refereed. ( Skipping race, over 10 years: Heat team Iris Edlund, Elizabeth Ladl- Teams were: 1 1 Emmy Schlld, Leona Batt, Fran- cos, Ann Stevens, Leonora Raabe. Legion Vance: W. Murray, J. - Sam Currie, " A I SI I 331 ittthxL Ami, IMI o v PACKAGESIOc P0UCHES--15c Hlb. TINS 70c Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkier Valley wheat It U necessary toi reduce our pricec Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money, Prince Rupert Feed Company NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZarelU Proprietor1 "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" RaU ILOI a9 60 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Kupm, BXJ. Phone 281 p.o. Hot ltl Lawn Bowling Borland, Frew Hinlis Won ! and McMeekin Last Night In postponed play last night In the Canadian National' Recreation Association's Lawn Bowling League, results were as follows: ' D. O. Borland rink, 20; Angus i r .Ink 1 A ich takes place In Yankee Stadl-1 - , Jear Mim. Schmellne scaled 193 nounds. Thomas McMeekin, 23; D. A, Mc Phee. 22. BASEBALL SCORES American League , Washington, 7; Chicago, 0. Boston, 8-4; Detroit, 3-5. Philadelphia, 2; St Louis, 5. New York, 5; Cleveland, 10. National League Cincinnati, 6; New York, 2. St. Louis. 1; Boston, 3: Chicago, 4: Philadelphia, 3. Pittsburg. 9: Brooklyn, 3, MM Wednesday june PA01 TWO TEH DAILT NEWS Hjj, Men We carry a complete line of working boots in all grades. Heavy, medium and light panco or leather soles. Priced from "i Women Go Out For Polo Cup Precedent Set by Enslish Women In Kietit of Sport WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- . And Youll Jump Out of Btd U T IWir tboald pour oot two , I. t Bowtn, f Mrtjr. Tour loot , ,4. k4m w into th. bodj. d ,7? t nnra in.. ! iPPlAn- "1 LV uwnwv.., - - - - - - nrt sown moTMnrnldnna tlw,n, other precedent is being established, oiwI"rr?tWiKySlS' by Englishwomen m me ueia oi, sport. For once la the history of . polo a woman's' championship is to be held thti year at Hurllnsliam during a special ladles week in Juy. Lady Margaret Drummond Hay will lead the Feme team. Other well known polo-playing women will take part, among them Lady Prjs-cilia Wllloughby and Miss Bat'll-vala, an Indian who practises, as barrlster-at-law In England. Crur-t Llttl U pui to itt tWiS pound of bll flowing tt-, .M m3?? Utou At fbr Crtf t Uttl. Uw tS k. al BukbonU ittot irti.U. i)?ul Ijresh l Aca Itaw And Paiiteurized Milk .VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 THE SEAL E QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only itlmos canning company with in tS the year round payroll la Prince Rupert f urut I AW DDrtT) STANDARD Here "u the greateit tire newt of the year ... A new Firestone Standard Tire with everything you need aafcty, mileage, dependable, carefree lervice all at a remarkably low price. You will want to ee the new dctign of the Fireitone Standard Tire and iti imart new appearance to full appreciate all it extra feature. Take advantage of thia opportunity to tati money. Drive in to yo nearest Firetone Dealer an have him put thee large-sized, rugged, long-weannf Firestone Standard! on your ear. Tinstone MOST Milf$ DOUAW December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice , Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd; Prince Rupert1, B.C.