Wednesday June 22. 1938. Music Recital At St Joseph's presentation of Examination. Certl fir-ate reauirea i.ass .-vigni. i .u J f' MIlf.-MJl K UI1U 1-1. X C11ULIL1. "Gavotte" (MacMillanl, Barbara 'The Jolly Rager" (Eckstein),, "Parade of the Butterflies" (Fl- 1 If Alt StAlAMAt- "Slumber Song" (Schumann)t psrnir urerar "Shootlng Stars"' (Rolfe), V. "Courtly Dance" (Johnson), E. "Valse Lente" (Dellbes), Nora "Gipsy Dance" (Llchncr), Mlchl "Courante" (J. S.Bach). Phyllis1 amumi. Spanish Dance1 (Bllottl), Jessie "Norwegian Bridal Procession' wneei. u. uaiacno. Cavallerla Rustlcana" (Mxscog- iv tm rm r a a n n. L n inrmmran rl. m. i.nnsLPiispni. 'Sleigh It I d e" (Tschalkosky ; A LAI IV. itUIUUIW, Waltz In C. Sharp" (Chopin), Hungarian" (MacDowcll). Emily amanaKa, Rhajwody In C Major M, Christensen, . COOK Catholic Women's Tea And Sale Is - Successful Event . ...... J ManV ladles attended the tea and A ITClUll "i . - . ... . ... ., . St. ci Joseph's Academy last evening p women of Til the Annunciation a , , , Church UZ was a pleasant eveni, . :ftt h The flower-decked kindergarten ,., . year.-? , fully decorated for the occasion ind aim students to the great enjoy- j, j , Willi ... mmor flnuprc! ., ment of those present . . ., . Avery pleasing event of the eve- iu ,, . ... ,. ., ...irtnnloc frnm tni Tnrnnln nnn. I . r iur.i. t,., C- Hanklnaon. Mrs. C P. Balag- examinations of 1D37. ,e vlteUM were Mlsg B,-pcn -In a Polish Garden (Williams), !n.trlrk nnH Mrs Tnn ... t nrt P Marlon. . ' Bicycle Waltz" (Glcbel). PaullneiR(Le m MrmVTnd III 1 Jl li (vi rv vu a fill i m r in ri i ran ni "Mealtime at the Zoo- (Wll- r:. v V r nAMl. a . i Tw i - , r Mrs- M p- McCaffery and Mrs "Songs Without Words" (Duval: , PIPIl I2U1UKJ1U. "Rose Petals" (Lawson), P; R. E. Moore conducted the sale of home cooking. Miss Glenna Moore, with ticket ELECTRICITY ASTHMA RELIEF LOCAL NEWS Moose members meeting tonight 8 o'clock. (145) Father Anothony Meulenberg of Stewart is paying a brief visit to( the city, having arrived from the north on, the Catala yesterday af-; ternoon.t . Dr. .toseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Anyox on official business. W. H. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent, left on last evening's train for one of his periodical trips over the line on official business. Capt. C. Claxton, superintendent of pilotage for British Columbia, after spending a few days In the city, sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver. R. G. Hopkins, manager of the No. 13, won the raffle of a bread; Bank of Commerce, and.IUC. St tin. Father James Gordon won an afghan with No. 36. "Flnlandia", Frances Moore. "Fintalsle Impromptu" (Chopin), Vcnetla Feero. ADhvld: formula that has benefited sufferers for over- 60 veara. Trv it YmiH 1 M more than pleas ed with the quickness with which it relieves Asthma and Hay Fever, preventing needless sufferinp. You simply inhale the fumes. Your nearttt Drug Stort not u. J1.00 pr tin. trUl tlx ISc Alio obUlnabU In cigaretta form. NorUirop uxl Lrmiui On. Umtud Torooto, C'uiU KM Claire, district forester, latest new members of the PrlncS.Rupe; Rotary Club, will be giving autob! ographlcal talk at tomorrow's weekly Rotary luncheon. It will be the final luncheon for W. R' McAfee as president Hotel Arrivals7 " Royal'1; Mr. and Mrs. S: ZUll;JStewart; P, Johansen, C: N.R.; William Madlll; and Earl Porter, Quesntl; Song Hong and Chang Wo, city. Prince Rupert L. J. Thorburn, W. B. Wetmore and A. W. McPherson, Vancouver: H. E. Goulbourn, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Sather and Mr. and Mrs A. Todal, Petersburg; Jeanne Van-der Leest. Juneau; Mr. and Mrs A, I Weber, Chicago; F. Metzgar Juneau. Central Edith E. Dieter, Smlthers; E Jones and F. Taylor, city; Carl D Young. Appleton, Wis.; J. R. He1-riott A. Mlltchln and O. Hunt, C N R Knox' E. C. Anderson, Salmon Arm; H Burns, Winnipeg. Dependable Time-saving Economical Healthful After your first week with an Electric Range d, you will wonder how you ever managed with old-fashioned methods. Your cool, clean kitchen will seem like a ' palace. The days of ashes, kindling and sulky ' ; fires will seem like nightmares. . With an Electric Range, you have'quick; even ' cooking, heat at the snap of a switch for just, as long, .as you want it. You save endless footsteps. ! The full-flavor and nourishment value of every dish is retained. Food goes: farther. You save money. Free yourself from' mealtime slavery. Cook with electricity, ri , Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ii I V THE DAILY NEWS' DO YOU EVER HAVE THAT "ALL-GONE" FEELING? You needn't not if you follow the leid of the million! who know the health value of Eno'f "Fruit Salt". Juir about nine1 times out of ten, physical disturbances are caused by some form of constipation. Incomplete eliminauon causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, sour stomach and many other minor and major ills. Strong purgatives harsh 'mineral salts, of which Eno has no trace, ate likely to do more harm than good. A dash of Eno's "Fruit Salt" in 4, glass of vater morning and night soon gets at the source of the trouble. Eno safely rids the intestines of those toxic poisons which slow a man' up an3'make him miserable. Doctors prescribe Eno and take it themselves. It is both effective and safe for young and old. Eno is pleasant-tasting, acts mildly a simple, natural way to good health. Life today calls for Eno's "Fruit Salt". Order a bottle' from your druggist now. Handy size, 50c; Household size, 85c. Tries For Trout, Catches Arsenal English Angler Gets Revolvers Sporting; Guns and Rifles MENDIP, HILLS, Eng., June 22: ICP) Captain Charles Baldwin pulled, lustily while his g rod bent Houa.tEmbroughf fining . pond thSSofitriday ' But0ftervwas no tuggtiigrAn old boot," he thought with" disgust. . When his catch broke water he saw it was a brand new rifle. A short while later he landed another. After he had brought a third firearm to the surface he de? cided to Investigate. With the aid of grappling Irons he. recovered 47 more firearms including service revolvers, sportlngs guns, automatics and rifles. Police are investigating. Thej found most of the firearms bore the date 1917 and they believe they were dumped by someone wishing to evade a police round-up of unlicensed firearms in 1925. Find Strange New Guinea Tribe5men Interesting- Discoveries Are Made By Anlhropoligst MELBOURNE, Victoria, June 22: (CP) A new high in neighborly squabbles was reported.. here by E. C. Chlnnery, government anthropologist, when he returned from a trip in the hinterland of New Guinea. 1 He told of fortified mountain j Villages on peaks so close to one m FOR SALE Ke Estate of J. A. Swansun Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for the boats "My-fanwy" and "Kinahan" up to noon, July 2nd. Tenders may be made for the two boats or separately. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DEPUTY .OFFICIAL ADMIKIGTRATOR Announcements All advertisements In this col- dmu will be charged for a full nelican Tea. Mrsf" Q. ' Arnold's. Junet23 Queen Mary June 22. Tea, Mrs, Parkin's Eagle's Dance, June 22. Canadian Legion ! Island, July 3. Picnic, Dlgby J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Phones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 Stop 'In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite'' Ire Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion Hill 60 Chapter Farewells Member Gift Made Last Night to Mrs. Man- son Prior; to Leaving. City The regular monthly' meeting of Hill 60; Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Forman, After the business meeting a very pleasant social hour was spent playing: cards, j At the close of the evening Mrs. H. L. Landry, on behalf of the Chapter, presented Mrs. John jManson, who Is leaving the city to reside at Salt Spring: Island with ja small gift. Mrs. Landry expressed regret at losing sucn a vaiuei member, Mrs. Manson having been Identified with the order for twenty-three years. another the natives hurled insults across the gaps. Chlnnery said he found stone pestles and mortars like those used in ancleri Egypt for recovering gold Jrom quartz and declar ed, the;NewJuihea natives also muminiidAhefr 'dead;.. Hund well-cultivated ter-ttLtea and hanging gardens and permament parks maintained for tribal ceremonies. . The code of one tribe required each youth to kill a man before l.e could be Initiated to manhood. Reach the most people in city and district wlthjuaovertlsement (a the Daily New mm oiiiEu FOR SALE 119 9th Avenue East. Modern 2-storey house, 7 rooms and bath. Concrete foundation. Priced low. for quick sale. G. L. Rorie, Trus- tee. FOR SALE Houses. 317. Phone Green (148) FOR SALE 152 ft. pleasure boat Cabin. 5 h.p. Kelvin engine. Recently overhauled. Phone Blue 726 between 6 and 7 p.m. (149! WANTED WANTED Tfa Cup Reader, Apply Box 22, Dftliy News. tf. LOST LOST- Amber earfng. Box JS DaflyiNews, Return to (146) VRONG' Hat iGentleman'sl taken JiS& . ?apilpl . Tlieatre Tuesday evjrmigTrjiInehi-BTinpUuVJUj "TJpitol Theatre and receive your own,,1' . .. (1461 PERSONAL VE HAVE, HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Lei ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cun toms Examiner, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write- us for prooi and free' information M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT House, 4th. Ave. E Harbor view. 5 rooms and attic, modern, range with oil burner. Apply Mrs. J. Manson. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAF1 Fhone CI for Best Household Coal MRS. O. E. BLACK The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. If tfdtwfs ! BRAH FLAKES m V A . a.uif 1UUITIII I Keep year citrqy, strtaqth aid eatkailasm with Kellogg's Bran Flakes. Here's a ready-to-eat cereal that has everything. The aearlshmeat of whole wheat. Enough added bran to be mildly laxative. Oven-fresh crlspness. Irresistible flavor. Try these crunchy. toasted flakes with milk or cream and fruit. Delicioasl At all grocers. Made by Kellogg la London, Ontario. tISsis- EAT TO FEEL TJ1 PHONES 18 and 84 P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars- Have More Cents" Established Since' 1910 Independently Owned and Operated BRODER'S RICE and, WHEAT PUFFS Cello pkgs. "iftf 2' for PEACH JAM Ensign. 4 ftp 4-lb. tin HANDY SODAS AQf Wood boxes. 40 ozs. V HEINZ KETCHUP Large bottle 2ic DESSICATED COCOA- 7p i i V NUT Per lb. BUNCH CARROTS Bunch 5e PEANUT BUTTER-l's.' Per tin TOMATO SOUP Libby's. 3 tins Empress, 16c 25c CAULIFLOWER lOp Large white. Each WATERMELON-Per lb 8c ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT Sweet and juicy. OC 6 for MUX CORNFLAKES 9lC AO Sugarcrlsp. 3 for Order Your FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES From us With Your Grocery Order QUALITY SERVICE PRICK FREE DELIVERY ON Sl'.CO' ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention Recognized Leadership Revlon Nail Enamels The very latest in nail polishes.. Come in and see the shade assortment Price 50c For Amateur Photographers -KoaklJeveloiiinir and rrintintr uutm JNa.-a4 Complete all ready for use. . An ideal gift Price $3.60 Ormes Ltd. Uhf Pioneer Drtujfptats The kieU Store Phones: 81 Jk S3 Open Dally From a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Ilolldays From 12 noon till Z e.m, T D.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 pan. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Acent, Third Ave. Phone 56S