Today's Weather Prince Rupert Foggy, north wind, ono mile per rpur; barometer. 30.13 (falling); temperature, 51; sea smooth. Vol. XXVII., No. 145. Two SIGNS W .New York Marl SPENIx-st ' '. Has Da? President Roosevelt OK Approval to Recovery M V", Sees Improvement in Slfc-nV WASHINGTON, D.C.. June 22: (CP) President Franklin D. Roose- York stock market had Its biggest Four Victoria fishermen are be-velt last night signed the lending day's trading In several months mg held In custody here' awaiting and spending bill designed to as- Monday when more than a mil- deportation to Canada following slst in national economic recovery. llon shares changed hands with conviction for fishing halibut in The nrlnciDle was. he said, that lssues being up from one to five pUeet Sound waters. Following there should be federal partner- 5I1IO wiin bulic iinu iucu uui-ncita " "h , "iiuur men apueureu in tuuu i in recovery measures. j The President announced that " ' he would give a radio" address to x rp i v the nation on Friday night In'JJecltll I Oil lH which he would explain the lend- lng and spending bill more fully, i Wiprr (t Tfoin also discussing the general ccon-J iilCCIV Jl llctlll omic situation. :i rt , , pr Thc economic situation, the chief ,1X0 W uCl At J J executive commented as he sat in' his shirt sleeves In a press con-1 ference. was not as bad as it might seem. An Improvement appeared Up tO be In Sight. SAILING IS cd It CANCELLED Will Be No C. N. K. Sleamcr This Week From South On Way To Anyox and Stewart Owing to the accident to the steamer Prince Rupert on Monday which has necessitated her being docked in Vancouver-for -repairs there will be a temporary curtail ment for the next few days of Canadian National boast Steamship senrlce. It has been necessary to cancel the week-end sailing which would have brought a steamer in here from Vancouver Friday morn in- sailing that afternoon for Anyox and Stewart and returning here Saturday evening southbound The steamer Prince George left Vancouver at midnight last night and is due hre tomorrow enroute to Skagway. She will return here from Skagway at 6 o'clock next Tuesday morning and sail at 9 a.m for Vancouver direct. Next week It is expected- to resume normal service Passengers for the East arriving here on the Prince George tomorrow morning wll proceed from here on Friday morning's, fast train, Judge Of United States High Court Coming Next Week Mr Justice Harlan F. Stone of the Supreme Court of the United States, .one of the antl New Deal members of the highest court of that .country, with Mrs, Stone and party of San Francisco friends will be visitors In Prince Rupert next week. They will arrive a week from this Friday morning by steamer from Vancouver and proceed by train to Jasper Park. Weather Forecast rWui-nl.1tl tlirolltrli ihf COUftSV Ot fh Dominion Mrtrorolagicnl nur-au at VJetorm Mid Prliwv Rupert. ThU fore-crnrt Is compil! from obwrvatloiw Va ken nt S ft m. today mmI covers the 3u nour period cindin 5 p.m. voraurruw. General Synopsis Pressure re mains high on the Alaska coast and over Northern British Columbia, The weather has been fair with h;h temperatures In the Interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate north to northeast Winds,, fair and warm. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh northwest winds, fair and ' ' " Moderately warm. More British ;0vcr Million Shares Chanced' t- Hands on Monday With Prices Up Substantially I NEW YORK, June 22. The New I Points. The industrial average at i. I UU. . flu l Mir.PJ? r.TTV Montana Jimp 59. i to ,ast nlght thlrty.nlne dl naf h(M,n tnkpn from rhp urorlr nt the Chicago. Milwaukee & St, Paul crack Olympian train which plung-1 into Custer Creek on Sunday and was believed there were still sixteen more bodies to be recovered. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtuy B. D. John&ton Co.) ! Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .09 2. Big Missouri, .33. Bralorne, 9.90. j Aztec. .10. Cariboo Quartz, 0,n' ''la tr Dentonia, .04 Golconda, .05. Minto, .03 2. Falrview, .00 V. Noble Five, .02" i. Pend Orlelle, 1.85. Pioneer, 3.00, Porter Idaho, .02 Vi-Premier, 2.02. Reeves McDonald, 20. Reno, .50. Relief Arlington, .15. ,.. Reward, .034. SalmoaGold, .10. ' ; Taylor Bridge, .022. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier, 2.00 (ask)v Congress, .01. Home Gold, .01. Grandview, Indian, .OIV2. Quatslno Copper, .03. Halda, .04 Vi- . ' Oils A. P. Con.. .162. 7 Calmont, 20. C. & E., 2.20. Freehold, .06 "j McDougal Segur, il4. Mercury, .11. Okalta, 1.27. Pacalta, .07. Home Oil, 1.09. r; Toronto n, Beattie, 1.20. Central Patricia, 2.53. Gods Lake, .50. Little Long Lac, 3.85. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.12. . Red Lake Gold Shore, .15. Pickle Crow, 4.80. San Antonio, 1.27. Shcrrltt Gordon, 1.19. Smelters Gold, .01 Vi-McLeod Cockshutt, 3.30. Oklend, .16. Mosher, .26. Madsen Red Lake, .38. Stadacona, .41. Francocur, .31. Moneta, 1.90. : Thompson Cadillac, .24. Bankfleld, .71. East Malartlc, 1.67. Preston East Dome, .80. Hutchison Lake, .042. Dawson White, .04. Aldermac, W. Kerr Addison, 1.85. Uchl Gold, 1.78. Int. Nickel, 47.00. Noranda, 66.50. Con. Smelters, 56.00. Barber Larder, .48. ' Rand Malartlc, .35. NORTHERN AND Wmln PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1938. CANADIANS IN TROUBLE fAM lVrA rich in ii.n. In i!nitl States -- Waters , BELLINOHAM. Wash.. June 21: seizure of their three boats, the"' . . " Friday Harbor and, pleading guilty to the Illegal fishing charges, were each fined $100 and costs. Their boats and gear as well' as some 1200 pounds of fish were confiscated. They were found fishing off False Bay, San Juan Island. TOO MANY MEMBERS Liberal Member For House Of Commons Would Have Number Of Parliament Seats Reduced OTTAWA, June 22: (CP) Speaking before the electoral committee yesterday, J. G.,Turgeon, Liberal member for Cariboo, expressed the view that the .number of members of Parliament should be reduced. (Too much time, he felt, was spent in talk and not enough In action lie would have the sixty-five-seat ..basispt Quebec reduced, and the. . . I Ll M U 1 membership from the other prov inces cut correspondingly. 1 Halibut Fisherman ; Dies At Petersburg Ivor Peterson Was Well Known Member of Alaska Fleet PETERSBURG. Alaska, June 22. I-r Peterson, well known Alas-j kan halibut fisherman, passed away in the Petersburg hospital at the age of fifty-nine. Pitts To Arrive In Canada Soon Big Bell Into Production, on Large Scale in Less Than Four-Years Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Pitt, accompanied by their daughter, Eliz abeth, and son, Bobby, are enrou e to Vancouver and are expected to 'arrive in Canada from Cue, West Australia, July 1. Mr. Pitt left Premier for Cue and sailed from San Francisco In September, 1934, to develop the( Big Bell mine, which Is held on a, imvr long trrm term h lease bv oy the tne Premiei premier Gold Mining Company and the American Smelting and Refining Company. 1 In less than four years, Mr. Pitt put Big Bell into production, and with ore only carrying an aver age of $6.97 in gold and a small silver content, produced $650,000 In the first quarter of 1938. on a milling basis of approximately 1,00(1 tons of ore per day. It was another outstanding achievement for the engineer who made the famous Premier mine In this district. Halibut Sales Canadian None. American 48,100 pounds, 8.3c and 5c to 8.7c and 5c. American Zacmbo, 15,500, Booth, 8.5c and 5c, Edgecumbe, 11,600, Cold Storage, 8.7c and 5c. I Bollnda, 21,000, Atlln. 8.3c and 5c."1 ' s CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Ships BULLETINS TO HAVE COMMISSION OTTAWA The federal government today cave notice of its In- 1 tention to establish a commission, as recommended in the j Archambault report, to administer the Canadian penal system. The resolution, preliminary to a bill, appeared in today's House Votes and Proceedings, opening rerstd - v BEATTY ATTACKS C.N.R. OTTAWA Answering a series of questions posed by the government leader, Senator Dandurand, Sir Edward Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, today gave the Senate railway committee a measure of insight into his unification plan and attacked the C.N.R. stand as one of "defeatism." He refused to commit himself to discussion or debate of a possible unification arrangement, declaring that to be a matter for negotiation. Sir Edward held to his original estimate that $75,000,000 could be saved annually through unification in normal times and objected to the compulsory co-operation suggestion of President S. J. Hungerford of the Canadian National. RUPERT AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER The steamer Prince Rupert arrived in dry dock here for rudder repairs after hav ing run ashore at, Seymour Inlet. The vesseljwas 4?!ayed when- a . . . tow line between the ship 1 and 1 1 tug broke near Bowen Island in rough weather. UNEMPLOYED ARRESTED VANCOUVER The Vancouver city council today released a "memorial" it adopted yesterday urging the British Columbia government to take immediate action to provide for jobless now in the 1 province. Five hundred jobless stationed on the street corners canvassing subscriptions were to- aay arrcsicu .i charges and were instructed to appear in police court later. Two hundred jobless sent to Nanaimo Monday arc still there. The situation in Nanaimo and Victoria is quiet. MUCH GOLD IS SHIPPED More Than $200,000 In Bullion From Big Missourj Since Mill Opened Six Weeks Ago Another gold brick from the Big Missouri mine at Stewart was landed here by the steamer Catala yesterday afternoon to be sent from here by rail to the Royal ' Mint at Ottawa. This brick . . ... . IV .1 V V 1 1 1 1 1 I IIIIHillIlK til JIU. PATIENCE IS TRIED Propaganda Minister Goebbels Suggests Germany Will Not Stay Out of Czecho-SIovakia Much Longer : BERLIN, June 22: Speaking before a ,'cheerln? crowd of 100,000 Nazi&yfn the Olympic Stadium last night, Propaganda Minister Ooeb- three million Germans were being persecuted and denied their rights in iCzecho-Slovakla. Charraejlor Adolf Hitler has can-, celled a scheduled visit to Vienna and is remaining In Berlin but Is exoected to ,pay a visit shortly to his mountain jhome In Bavaria. LAB0RN0T SO STRONG Lost Out In General Election In fcire which Gave de Valera Safe .Margin Over All DUBLIN, June 22: (CP) The falling off In Labor strength Is one of the noticeable features cf Tomorrow's Tides the results of the general election nortnwest wuld twelve mlles Per government was powerless t0 pro-in Eire which gave Premier nour; lignt 5WeU- tect British shipping In Spanish Eamonn de Valera's Flanna Fall "Sara Island Overcast, calra, waters. He warned British ships party a total ot 77 out of 128 seati barometer' ZQ22 temperature, 50 ; ' that they went there on their own in the Dail Elreann or a cleat lignt swe11, responsibility and that there were majority of fifteen after providing Dead Tree pomt clear calm' liable to be even more bombings, for the election of a Speaker. The barometer' 30-16-' temperature, V; HEN DA YE. Franco - Spanish Labor party dropped from a rep- sea smootn- Frontier, Jun,e 22: (CP Insurgent respntattrm-nfMhirtPPn tn-'tr,V it Esteyan-Clear,. northwest" wind- advices litdfemed 153a v thaT'Gch- Dall to nine in the next. William T. Cosgrove, leader of the Fine Gael party, was re-elected together with fortv-five of his fol- lowers. Former Head Of Vickers Is Dead MONTREAL, June 22: (CP) "! - - " ," "juui agu, uieu nere yesterday. i Royal Scot Pilot Leaves Throttle Driver of Famous Locomotive Across Canada Retires From Service j CARLISLE, England, June 22; (CP) Billy Gilbertson, who, drove th6 famous Royal Scot express train 11,000 miles across Canada and the United States in 1933. has ' V his las trip-at the throttle of a yard engine. He retired in May i on h,s 65n birthday. ! Gilbertson started his railway carer on nis 14th birthday as an ' engine cleaner and was paw six shunnes i sm ho. T---------0- yw v n vvivi drove he saw express engines doubled In weight. "When I started on the railway we still had some engines without rahs t.n nrntprt. pnainompn tmm fho weather," he said. The engines had "only hand brake's to stop them-if vou were luckv" The veteran driver received the j British Empire Medal for meritorious service on his return from I North America with the Royal Scot. That he was decorated and drove Tlntr rjprircro V In hpfuiopti Carlisle and Crewe are not Gilbert- i niAt memories. The proudest Is his safety record, He has never-had an accident. BAR SILVER fine ounce on the New Yorkimetal market today. , i - ' High Low A re United States Warns Nippon j Must Make Better Arrangements for Payment of Cargoes Sent There WASHINGTON( D.a June 22. The United States Department of Commerce has warned Japan that it must make better arrangements to secure payment for cargoes of . I 1 1 1 ! i btales- C ' I"1 l OeHOUS T OFeSl kivac ' In NnrHl "Co 111 llUllll Of Alberta Rage EDMONTON, June 22: - The worst forest fires in the history of this province are raging in various parts of northern Alberta. Many are completely out of control and are doing extensive damage. Todays Weather (Qovernmant "eleffrfcph't Triple Island Part cloudy 26 miles per hour; barometer, 29.- Bul1 Harbor part cloudy, west- eny wma- e,gni mues Per nour barometer, 30.04; temperature, 56; moderate swell. Alert Bay Clear, calm; baro- meter, 30.04; temperature, 46; sea smooth. I Victoria Clear, calm; barometer, 29.94. Vancouver Clear, northeast wind, four miles per' hour; baro- Prtncf George-- Clear, northwest .,H twn hm,. h.m - v . llir Cl 67.9. Terrace Clear calm, temperature. 60. Alyansh Part cloudy, temperature. 60. Alice Arm Light cloudy, calm ;53. Stewart Clear, calm, 52. Hazelton Clear, calm, 69. Smlthers Clear, calm, 68. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 53. Piece Of Lane Is Transferred Provision Made To Permit of En- anese Planes twSce bombed Swa-croachment Bv New Hosoitat !low. Kwantung Province treaty 000 bringing the estimated came a llreman in 1892 and a driver cuuhch uus morning, uuy uora-amount1 of bullion to be ship- i In 1904. During the 34 years he mlssioner W, J. Alder gave first ped by Big Missouri since the mill went into production some six weeks ago lo some $215,000 or an annual rate of $1,750,000 In addition to the bullion, concentrates carrying a. high- gold concentrate are also being produced at Big Missouri for shipment to Trail smelter. It took a long time and cost an estimated $3,000,000 to develop Big Missouri and equip it with a mill but, at the rate of gold production now being achieved, t wouia appear that the funds ""tauu nave ucen com pietely returned In a comparatively short time. BENDIGO, Victoria, June 22: (CP) The proudest dog In all Australia Is Nip, a Pomeranian who grins to show off his gold tooth NEW YORK, June 4: (CP) Bar Nip's owner is a dentist who putisllver was unchanged at 43?4c- per In the gold tooth after extracting, one whjch was aching. - . Building Sitting In his capacity as a city """'B4 10 "aw provming lor tne transfer to the Prince Rupert eneral Hospital of six feet of lane " connectlon with the erection of in? new nuspnai uuuaing. ine w u " e C V y.u n.TI Dl !ndtladPtf? at an?ther counciI rHial TianS TOr "muus riraay raurn ng, . XJT- bylaw In connection with the licensing and regulating of automatic vending machines. Current accounts were also passed. Today's Baseball American League New York, 1; Cleveland, 4 (second game being played, New York, 1; Cleveland, 4, end of eighth Inning). J Washington, 3; Chicago, 6. I ' National League 1, " Cincinnati, 4; New York, 6. ' 9:35 a.m. 15.9 ft. 21:41 p.m. 19.6 ft. 3:19 ajn. 6.2 ft. 15;00pjn. 8.0 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS Sunk REJECTS CENSURE British House Approves Foreign, Policy of Premier, Chamberlain : And National Government VALEXCH, June 22: (CP) Two British ships were sunk outside Valencia haibor by a lone sky raider today in continuation of the long series of attacks on foreign shipping in Spanish government ports. One of the British ships, Union, struck by incendiary explosive bombs, burned furiously for six hours and then settled to the bottom. Previously, the freighter Thorpeness, shattered by an aerial torpedo, went down. All the crws were saved. The attacks brought to fifty-four the total of airplane attacks on British shipping dur- in the !3panish war. LONDON, June 22: (dP)-A vo e ' censure against the Chamberlain government on Its foreign policy was rejected by a vote of 278 to J48 day. , , The vote came after another, defence by the Prime Minister of his government's policy. Mr. Chamberlain reiterated a previous declaration that the erai Fvaricisco Franco, Insurgent commander-in-chief. Is preparing for a f resh offensive against Bar- celona in the belief that a success- fUj drive through Catalonia now would cinch the civil war. PROTEST BY UNCLE SAM Complaint Will Be Made To Tokyo At Attacks On American Prop erty Japs Progress Towards Hankow WASHINGTON, D. C. June 22: United States diplomatic repre- sentatlves have been instructed to , protest to the Japanese govern-'ment at further incidents against American Interests in China in- I eluding an attack on Suchow mis sion and the bombing of American properties In Canton. Dispatches from the Orient Indicate that the Japanese are continuing to make progress in their campaign towards Hankow. Swatow Bombed Today SHANGHAI, June 22: (CP)-Jap- port, 220 miles northeast of Can- ton, today while ten warships stood by after landing several hundred marines on nearby Namoa Island under cover of a barrage. The attack leads to the belief that the long-awaited South China offensive to cut Canton off from the central battle front is now under way. e biraung In Speed Plane BURFBANK, CaL June 22: Howard Hughes Is making final preparations for his projected speed flight around the world. Final tests are about to be given the twin-motored Lockheed plane which he will use. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON, June 22: (CP) The price of bar gold was down 3c on the London market yesterday, closing at $35.24 per fine ounce.