i MR. JUSTICE KRUSCHEN IN THE HYGIENE COURT OF JUSTICE Rheumatic Pains Gone Welcome Reformation ' JUDGE CONGRATULATES EX-PRISONER 'I remember your case very distinctly and I congratulate you on your recovery. I hope you now realize how serious your crime rheumatic pains was and how easily it can be avoided." The judge then added that if the few remaining foolish people would only realize that a little daily dose of Kruschen Salts is as necessary to cleanliness as soap and water there would be fewer aches and ailments-There would be less suffering from the pains of rheumatism, neuritis, gout, sciatica or lumbago. Constipation would be on the wane and there would be fewer cases of getting run-down, and far less likelihood of catching colds. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Kruscben s combinition of "y tbundint exercise md fresh several mineral arts which sir. You should hive those your body must gtt, in some salts every day; hence the im- way, to keep the blood pure, TAIHr?1, porUnce of the "little daily the inside dean, and the sys- OOFlXEORTE dose". Every dm? counter sells tem generally toned up. but which you Kruschen in 25c, 45c and 7Jc bottles, cant get in Nature's own way without It's Ike Utile daily dote tkat does it EUffS FURNITURE Mattress Trade-In Sale Trade in Your Old Mattresses for New Allowance lor your old mattress $3.00 on any new spring filled mattress in our stock priced at $27.50 or more. For your old spring $3.00 on any new spring in our stock priced at $10.00 or more. Single Studio Couch Used Furniture S20.00 Hoover Vacnum Cleaner With all the Q9 ftft attachments , t?D.VU MenaSpeUlal 22.00 Vacuum , .,v Premier A A Vacuum Q i J) Ranges Burning coal or wood. 14 00 Kitchen Chairs 75C Tab'e 2 00 8-riece Dining Itoom 3500 Gilchrist Logging .OO Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat it Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed fomnsnj NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Kates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot U Cold Water Prince Kupm, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Rot III The Central Hotel Fresh Local Haw And kooms and cafe Pasteurized Milk Phone 51 for Best Household CoaJ VALENTIN DAIRY MK8. C. E. BLACK mONE 657 Christian Youth Society Meets T. II. Limey Speaker Last Night-Various Matters of Business P. H. Linzey was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Christian Youth Society last evening in First United Church. His address, which was aimed directly at young people, formed the usual devotlonai period on the program. As the attendance was. not up to the usual mark there was no business of real Importance. However it was decided to have an outinc of some sort on Good Friday, mesi likely a trip across the harbor Miss Venetla Feero and Maurice Davey were appointed to make ar rangements. The Society will hold its annual spring dance in May. the date to be set. Miss June Armour whs appointed convenor for this af fair. The Easter play will be held In the First United Church at thr "vcnlng service on the Sunday be fore Easter Sunday, a week fron: next Sunday nlcht. It was an nounced that plans are graduail) ak!ng shape for this rcaslon. As there was no special program or the evening the members pre sent spent the remainder of the evening spinning yarns and play ing the piano, while the two chefs Bob Irvine and Bruce Stevens, prepared and baked delicious waffles with Harold Ivarson helping. It was the rarest treat the members have had in many a day for the Tvere real waffles with all the trimmings. Constable Alex Gaunt of the city ollce left a few days ago for Van- ouver on escort duty and, while away, will also take his annual va cation. The prisoners he took south ncluded Tom Young, who had been I entenced to three months' impris onment for operating a still at Bill- mor; James Chatham, sentenced vo three months' imprisonment at Smithers for theft, and a local boy who had escaped from the provln- lal Industrial school at Coquitlam and was recaptured at Smithers. The prisoners from Smithers were brought here by Constable W. H. Davidson of Smithers. Today's Weather (Ooverament ;""legr-pni Triple Island Part cloudy, southeast wfod, four miles per hour; sea smooth, Langara Island Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.80; temperature. 39; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.82; temperature, 39; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Part cloudy, showery, northerly wind, one mile per hour; barometer, 29.79; temperature, 38; sea smooth. Alert Bay Part cloudy, light westerly wind; barometer, 29.86; temperature, 36; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, northwest wind. six miles per hour; barometer. 29.82. Victoria Clear, westerly wind, four miles per hour: barometer. 29 0. Vancouver Clear, calm; barometer, 29.78. Prince Oeorge Clear, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29J52. Terrace Cloudy, east wind, temperature 38. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 38. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, 41. An yox Raining, calm, 39. 8tewart Raining, calm, 39. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 42. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 36. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 28. Tint .till DJLHiT I ' NZWS ' ' . TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courtesy S..O. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, 18. Big Missouri. .36. Bralome, 830. Aztec, .08 Cariboo Quartz, 1.95. Dentonia, .08 U. Golcohda, .0412 Mints. .02 Vi. . Falrvlew, .03. Noble Five, .02V'2. Pend Orlelle, 1.50. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho, .02. Premier, 1.86. . Reeves McDonald, .25. Reno, .50. Relief Arlington, .mi-Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .05. Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier. 1.55. Home Gold, .OHii. Grand view, .05. Indian, .02.. Quatslno Copper, .02J'2. Halda, .08. Oils A. P. Con .20. Calmont, .35. C. & E., 1.95. Freehold, .05. Hargal, .19. McDougal Segux, .19. Mercury, .12&. Okalta, 1.34. Pacalta. .08i. Home Oil, 1.02. Toronto Beattie, 1.05. Central Patricia, 2.37. Gods Lake, .37. Little Long Lac. 450. McKenzle Red Lake, .92. Pickle Crow, 4.15. San Antonio, 1.25. Sherrit Gordon, 1.03. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. Oklend, .22. Mosher, .22. Madsen. 31. Stadacona New, .60. Francoeur, .32. Moneta, 1.83. Bouscadillac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .21. Bankfleld. .81. East Malartic, 1.25. Preston East Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake, .072. Aldermac, .43. Dawson White, .044. Kerr Addison, 1.60. Uchl Gold, 1.35. Int. Nickel, 42.00. Noranda, 52.50. Con. Smelters, 49.50. Athona, .08 Vi. Hardrock, 2.05. . Barber Larder, .36. Rand Malartic, .24. Noted Columnist Is Dead In South Edward Dean Sullivan Expires In His Apartment at Hollywood HOLLYWOOD, April 5: Edward Dean Sullivan, noted newspaper columnist and scenario writer, was found dead in his apartment here yesterday of natural causes. Born at New Haven, Connecticut, ir 1888. he started his newspapei career as a sports writer and had seen service with newspapers In :such cities as New York, Chicago and Boston. ILLUMINATOR DEAD NEW YORK, April 5. Joseph Goslln, noted illumination expert attached to the General Electric Co., died yesterday. H. M. Hale, who has been a Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala today. IPE TOMATOES For a satisfying and complete luncheon dish, try thia combination! On each plate, place a generous mound of hot cooked rice, slightly hollowed on top. In this hollow place a poached tpg, and coter all with a hot tomato sauce that hai been made by thickening 1 No. 2 tin Royal City Tomatoes with 2 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons flour. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront New Naval Instructor Here Has Had Interesting Career Capt. .Morrison Receives .Marketing Board Post Chief Petty Officer Gunner's Mate A. G. Bird, who has arrived here from Montreal to assume the post of chief petty officer instructor of the local Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, has had an Interesting naval career. He en-tcrcd the Royal Navy In 1910 and since then nas serveu m capacities at different posti throughout the Empire. He saw active service In the bombardmenl of HeliEoland during the Greal wnr an wpll as at the Battle of Doggcibank and the Battle of Jut land. Prior to the Great War, nt was with a visiting squadron to Kiel, Germany, and, as a membci of the crew of H. M. S. Birmingham, was one of the last to sal' through the Kiel Canal before wat was deciared. In 1916 he 'was sent from H. M. S. Birmingham to the Dover Patrol, serving on H. M. S. Crusader and H. M. S. Nugent on coastal defence. He was transferred to Whale Island In 1918 and qualified for gunner's mate. He saw further service abroad in 191 at Malta where he was appointed to H. M. S. Stuart under Capt. tnc Hon. W. S. Leveson Gower C. B. D. S. O., brother-in-law of Quwn Elizabeth. Further service on this vessel carried him to the scene of the evacuation of the Russian white army when 50.000 people were taken out of the area. Capt. Richard M. Gammon, wcl known local seineboat operatoi will be leaving towards the end ol this week for Vancouver and mr also make a trip East. Capt. John M. Morrison, veteran' Prince Rupert halibut boat owner has taken over the duties of manager of the Halibut Marketing Board at Prince Rupert In place of Harry M. Daggett who had held the Position since the board was formed. Capt. Axel Olsen is going fklp-pcr of Capt. Morrison's halibut boat Nornen. J. D. McLeod left or the Catala this afternoon for Bute dale where he will be stationee' during the summer as Hallbu' Marketing Board representative A slight explosion occurred aboard the local halibut boat Margallce. Capt. Jack Chrlstcnsen, at noon yesterday Just after the vessel had gassed up at the Union Oil Co plant In preparation for her Initial Come and See our NEW Wallpapers A large shipment of the newest patterns of Sunworthy Wallpapers has Just arrived. The prices of these popular light-resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every purse. Furthermore, never were the patterns more beautiful and in keeping with the true comfort of the homes today. We Invite you to set an early date far your visit to our wall paper department GORDON'S HARDWARE McIUtDIE ST. PHONE 311 trip of the season to the fishing grounds. A match thrown into the bilge is believed to have been the cause. Fortunately, there was little, if any, damage. A member of the crew had his face slightly singed. The fire department was called. There were no further halibut boats In with catches this morning. It is considered likely that some may be In for sale tomorrow in time for shipment east by the regular train in the evening. Halibut boats with names start ing from letters L to J will start leaving for the Area No. 2 fishing banks tomorrow on their first trips of the season. R to Z boats will start leaving Saturday. Union steamer Catala, Capt James Flndlay, returned to port at 12:20 noon today from Stewart. An yox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver and waypolnts. Dave McKenzle, skipper of the trolling boat Dave, while taking a party of about six persons on a pleasure trip around Kaien Island on Sunday afternoon, had the mis fortune to run on a rock near Butze Rapids. Pete Haldvik, who was nearby, pulled the boat off with little damage being done. University Extension LECTURES Professor Kecknagcl April 6 "Green Treasure" (Illustrated) pril 7 "The Development of the Pulp and Paper Indus try in the Pacific Northwest" CITY HALL, 8 p.m. Silver Collection Tuesday, Aprils LAST TIMES TONIGHT" Spencer Tracy, Joan Craw ford in "MANNEQUIN t 7:35 and 9:45) Also Loni,. Mann Fight BEGINS WEDNESDAY fYOMECHE '& B0RRAH MINEY1KH .BSSSSaBBBBL- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV FRANCES DRAKE WALTER CATLETI JUHN CARRADtfJF KJ IUMAMH HA 1010 1M( PLUS sans . 71 JTi M T laM '- 1 11 " 1 ' . SNO W WHITE And the Seven Dwarh Walt Disney's Newest Movie Sensation. Authorized Editions Bright and Colorful The Story Book 25c The ricture Book (Two) Each 25c The Paper Dolls and Cut Outs 23c THE MUSIC Three -Victor records with the same Character and Sound effects as the feature film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Complete in a colorful container. The set J3 Itecords Separately at, each ,5c Also a popular dance number by Guy Lombardo-"Whistle While You Work" and "With a Smile and a Song" (25748) 73c Blue Bird Number 7343 The same selections played by Shep Fields 40c "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is a Movie and Music Sensation Every Child Will Want the nooks and Every Ado Will Want the Music Get Yours Now eMaeMvsMd For a Safe Courteous Driver, Call 456 Taxi AI. French