wSay.Ap.rll 5. 1938, 732 DAILY HUUil PAD TERM last Itlme. 11 kaie LOCAL NEWS NOTES at. 11 o'cloCK, wa.-. morning to oe running on .iivi. - i - 1 . ...111 ptutntnv TrtWir. A Dmrnv .1 Eiriln lor lerratc - - v WUMV - .y.-i;. (,,, of hl periodical business trips. so far there has been ng case U the docur-t fo. the spring ses Lion of the Supreme uouri atw to be held nere n. ni hi. I preset tunc "" are ln Pii'sP"''- Loui-i H George, engineer of tli. ... n 1, .. Dominion waver nmusii, uiwr brtei visit to tnis aisinci on oiu- rial .business. sailed ny tne uaiau Ithls afternoon pn ins muni ic Yancouver Con Idemble interest wan beto'is I taken yesterday in tlje erection of onnthpr totem Dole by the city at ot,envUle Court on Fraser Street istill another pole is to De pui up at the foot pX Fulton street clndl jplh at the comer of Fifth and iFraser street. n vv ik. Ragnar Frederlckson. for drunk Big "Barn Dance, Friday night. Moose Hall, (83t Walter Broad, Customs officer at Stewart, was a nassencer aboard jji'k Brunei) al ,ne 1Cnox Otelj Miss Nora Roma sailed this after-1 the Catala this afternoon golr.f ;itlfc) this afternoon on the Catala; noon on the Catala for a trlj to' through to yancouver enroute to Iir a trip to v.initouv. : Vancouver. California pn a vacation trip. Tonight's tram. Uut frim the For prompt . . and courteous ser- . Norrrian iiuiiuiui A. ik. iiaLL. tuici iiiiivii v i teported .vice phone L. Mumford, Oreen asent. was reoorted to be critically 0G7. Fuller Brush Co. Ltd. Continued slieht Improvement Is . . tL I ..t n.rAnlni.', ITIM,.r)H in tha A 1 1 (am r9 Tw i8J) jin at his home today, an attack of ; 1 pneumonia having developed from; influenza. Don't Forget! Presbyterian Easter noon going through to Vancouver j Sale tomorrow, April 6. Come and for a trip. He has been at Big Mis- select your Easter gifts. Homecook- souil and, pn his return north, will ing and plants. Candy and fish be located at Anyox. pond for kiddies. (80) Rev. Father Claude Carpentlei O. M. I. of Prince Rupert and Rev. Father Joseph J. Adam of Smlthers have been jeglstered under the provincial Marriage Ar- as being authorized to solemnize marriage. FOR COMFOIIT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON C.VI.L DAY ar-d NIGHT .V$iarn McLean and J. T. Mc-Cabe. well known Alice Arm prospectors, were here aboard the Ca taia this afternoon going through to Port Hardy ehrQute to the ne v Zeballos River mining field on the West Coast of Vancouer Island. KIRTII NOTICE A son was born at the Prince Rurjert General Hospital this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Newton Cripps of Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Cripps is the daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. George Cripps of this city. APRIL 25 Thomp son Extremely durable, quick-drying erumel In a wide, range of btilUant colon. Unsurpassed for furniture, woodwork, floori and linoleum. v,r;h vou can use on floors or linoleum 'because of its. "treme durability. Uae it on r0' table tops or sink drain-boardi iurniture. because it is not affected by hot dishes or boiling water. beautiful A semi-glo-s which have been spec-faaiS pasttU at sllcctcd or waU deco, ; uon Economical as wen "?'"""; washed so that it because it can be Veep tM'look P- bein fres!lly painted. Hardware Trince Rupert, B. C. Get Ready for Spring Secorating! Plan all the interior decorating you will do this Spring and buy all the Satin-Glo you will require during Sa'tin-Glo Sale Week. . Gallons Quarts Tints ' Pints .... TfTRm! 1 1 Gallons .. (Quarts Pints .'. Pints ...... a ' .. Gallons Ouarts Pints ; Pint ... De Luxe Wall Tint THE "aNITARY K.ALSOMIME. U leam the room hMS won't rub off, BRITISH AMERICA PAINT c.: VICTORIA . VANCOUVER . CALGARY - EDMQNw Salin-GIo Dealers Reg. Price .$3.45 .. I..S0 1.00 .55 ReR. Price .3.15 .. 1.65 - .90 - .50 Reg. Price ..$2.70 .. 1.45 .. .SO .. .45 LTD. REGINA Sale Price 1.30 .75 Sale Price $2.15 1.15 .05 .35 Sale , Price $1.70 .t5 .55 .30 SALC PKT" Co. Ltd. TELLS OF ZEBALLOS Interesting Impressions by JIarold Alder, Formerly ?! This City, Now Practising law In New Camp Typical mushroom-like growth of a mining camp, seemingly oyer- night, Is described by Harold Alder S. P. Plummer of the Imperial j who has opened up practice as a Oil Co. was a passenger aboard , barrister and solicitor at Zeballos the Catala this afternoon return-! on the West Coast of Vancouver ing to Vancouver after a trip toj Island, in writing to his parents. Rtpurnrt Tip uvnt north Inst, turrit City Commissioner and Mrs. W. J enness, was fined $25, with option on the tanker Imperial. of seven days Imprisonment, in city - police court at the week-end. He j. smith of the Consolidated Mln ia uuiiik iiic nine. liner Xr Kmolt ncr fn urn a nnecpn- w " Alder. There is a ten -day steamship service to Zeballos by the Princess Maqulnna from Victoria which each trip brings in one ! u, .I,! hundred or so passengers, most of .1 . I - I 1.1 1 mem Demg men wim a sijuumiui of women. Others come In to Zeballos by aircraft, It being but a two and a half hour run frorn Vancouver by air. As for community development at Zeballos, the young barrlstei tells of the putting in of a dam and pipe line to furnish water to the town. A diesel power unit Is expected soon. The telephone ser vice to Vancouver will be working within a few days. Construction work is booming. Three hotels arf up. A couple of pool halls are get-' ting In shape for opening. Stores and offices are being erected Squatters' shacks are increasing beyond the townslte. People mliht think it rains a lot in Prince Ruoert but" it's got ' ab solutely nothing on this writes the vounger Mr. Alder There is plenty of mud and water on the roads but there Is gold In' the hills and the trucks some how hills for nrosnectlii'i as soon as possible. Whenever the veath?v I clears, planes are busy .scurrying I back and forth, taking out or bringing in prospectors. . Mr. Alder Is not, the only former Prince Rupert person who Is I to be found at Zeballos. Other3 Include Mr. and Mrs. E. C. La-Trace. Mr. LaTrace being In the I restaurant business, Mr. and Mrs .Frank Holland ;and' Mr. and Mrs. .William Patmpre. The iast-men- .Announcements All advertisements In thl. column vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Easter Sale. April 6 Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 Baptist Tea, April 20. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 21 D a n cl n K Display) :!0ddfellpws" nan.. Apru . 21. : ; . I Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the Pirates of Penzance Capitol Theatre, April 27 and ' 28. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. I United Sale, May 5. I St. reter's Bazaar. May 12. Sliced Bread We are now in. a position to supply wrapped sliced bread, all varieties at 10c a Loaf Sold by all grocers or to quj of to,wn customers by express Sliced bread Is economical, convenient, .makes net sand, wlches, good toast and is sanitary. Jlousewl.ves AMt.e ior Van's Bakery Prince Rupett, B. C. BUILDING PROCEEDS Pourinp of Concrete For Another Floor .of Post Office Should lie Finished by Fall Ppurln? of concrete In the basement columns and walls commenced today which will bring the concrete up to the ground floo: level of the new federal buildlns! , on Third Avenue. Construction Isi proceeding well according to schedule and the building should be completed by early fall. Alex Sandbrook of J. H. McRae Co. Ltd., Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Catala Sunday evening from the south to carry out the electrical wiring and Installations in the building. IIS CALLED TOPULPIT Rev. H. G. Funston of Stewart Choice of Local Presbyterian Congregation The congregation of First Pres- byterian Church, at a meeting list night, extended a call to Rev. H. G. Funston of Stewart to the pulpit, here In succession to Rev. W. R. Grant Hollingwprth who left 'some time ago for Medicine Hat.' Mr. Funston, whose name was the only , ., one proposed, has already Intimated his willingness to accept tan should it be extended. The induction of the new pastor will be held on April 26 with Rev. thi David Lister of Vancouver, at pres-roads or other mjnage tp navigate and bring out the precious ,ent supplying the pulpit, officiating, metal There are freovsent rerxirts Mr- Llster- who presided as ln- nf new strikes in the vicinity and tcrlm moderator at last night's the Wass Lake country Is now .pp- meeting, expressed optimism con- ininff nn " cernlng the future of the church.' With snow ..still ImnedlnK pros- i He Mr. Listen received a vote of rMfniT it Is a littie earlv as vet I thanks for the manner In which he Ifor actual mining work. There are nan conducted mcmeetlng many old sourdoughs in town, how Mr. Funston has been pastor at ever. who will be getting into the Stewart for the past year. tioned recently returned to Zeballos by plane after a visit In Prince Rupert with Mr. Patmore's father ,L. W. Patmore K. C. ONLY 9 MORE DAYS To Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed For EASTER ! One of the most important dress-up occasions of the year . . . Easter . . . requires that you take extra care in haying your clothing cleaned and pressed in the finest manner. Send them here . . . every garment will be returned fresh and clean . . . perfectly pressed with not a trace of odor. Call this week . . . avoid the last minute Easter rush, Phone 858 We Call and Deliver IDEAL CLEANERS' ORDER Easter Lillies lSTow Fresh .Cut Floyvcrs FIorarTjib.titcs WILLIAM GAIR. Florist S-nl Seedsman Phone BLUE 974 r,0. Box 276 EASTER CANDIES And Novelties Now on display at prices to suit everybody. All fresh s,tock. Your Inspection Is Invited at MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Reach the most pcopi ui citj and district with au advertisement Always Delicious , SALADA TEA Introducing- Maclean's SOA Prof. Recknagel of Cornell Uni- Vancouver to give extension lec-verslty, eminent authority on ttu , tures here on Wednesday and timber and pulp and paper In-1 Thursday evenings. He will be the dustry. who U spen.din2 a year at spea'ker at the regular weekly lun-Unlversity of British Columbia wii: 1 cheon of the Gyro Club on Wed-arrive in the city on the Prince nesday and at the Rotary Club on Rupert Wednesday morning " from .Thursday. Peroxide Tooth Paste Made by the makers of the world famous Maclean's Stomach Powder. Germicidal and refreshing., Gives new whiteness to the teeth. One Trial Tube Free With T.u.bc Price 25 cents Ormes Lid. Pioneer Druqptsts The ilenll Store Phones: 81 & ti Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 v.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre v l4isti?$& ;One'acUa'Ke! SenW'Four People, Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Rubber Door Mats Ideal for this climate Bedroom Mat 27x54 Stools Covered in tapestry. Splendid value. Each, Fhone 775 81,00 $1.00 $3.50 327 THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prlncp Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRTOAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Mldnljht If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticketa From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Atc Phone 568 vfM V 'IV V. 12 SI U A In the Dally Newi. 4.