PAOI" TWO Style and Quality DAILY EDITION For Your Easter Footwear Ladies' Oxfords and Straps Ladies' ultra smart gaberdine oxford and straps in nary and Mack and mnlUeoJor browns. Styles to suit every desire. Priced "Julia Arthur" Oxfords and Pumps "Jaiia Arthur" beautiful street oxfords and pumps in cuban and continental heels. In all leathers and bubbling over with style. For the more fastidious. Priced Si ft on .Men's Calf Oxfords- Men's calf oxfords in 12 different toes and designs to suit every desire in style and quality. These lines have special -appeal. Priced 3 45 You Have Toot Troubles, See Us FIf AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL Saturday. April 1C, 1938. ! LESSON OF SACRIFICE Yesterday we were taught the valuable lesson that the world is saved by sacrifice of the individual. The world has always crucified its saviors and still continues to do so. The mob has not yet learned to recognize true greatness and until it does so democracy will hot be' a success. As long as selfishness permeates the masses ' so long will it be possible to bribe people with their own money m politics. In Austria we see the people one day almost UnnnimmicWr t-niA,, er. 1:1 i ...uu.j icouj iu ulc lur iiueriy anci a lew days later shouting "Heil Hitler" and voting almost unanimously for German annexation. In Canada we have the greatest measure of libertv and yet we find people organizing toWerthrofr the system for which men have fought arid died and trying to bring about a condition of chaos such as they have in Spain. When we look back and see what Demos did in the past and look around us and see what it is doing today it makes us almost despair of democracy. Yet yesterday we celebrated the death of the greatest of the world's democrats who taught us that the only way to success vas by way of sacrifice. i Some people moan on Good Friday and deplore the wickedness which brought about the death of the World's occasion for joyf ulness arid thanksgiving that so great and important a lesson has Men taught us. Greeks look back with pride and joy for the sacrifices made by their men at Thermopylae Tomorrow we shall rejoice of the Demos, has by that act of sacrifice become the greatest among men. ( ANOTHER EASTER COMES Tomorrow is Easter, the biginning of the season of resurrection. It typifies the time when the souls of the plants and flowers which were during the winter the vie-' tuns of killing frosts have again come to life and are preparing to blossom forth in all their beauty. The heathen as we call them, celebrated' the season and named a goddess, Eostre, to be the ruling deity of the occasion. The early Christians recognized the beauty of this mythology and adopted the season as the one in which to celebrate the resurrection of life. Tomorrow we celebrate with joy this resurrection of; the world from the winter of discontent. Possibly we I may later be able to celebrate the rise of democracy from1 the winter and killing frosts of dictatorships, German,! Jtoman, Russian, Japanese or French. This will come' uiny wiifn me people oi the world have learned the lesson of sacrifice and have sufficient intelligence to recognize what is best for them. In the meantime they have to trust in an outstanding leader and when that leader is not present the forces of ignorance rear their ugly heads and lead the world astray. Step by step we go forward in struggle to obtain that which is best. Ope liy one the people of the world see the light and lend their influence to the forward movement of mankind. In the meantime we see people herded by powerful dictators, moved by the false blandishments of false prophets who urge the people to go forward and take the promised land and when they have taken it, as in the case of Russia, they find it is no land of promise but a land of suffering and misery such as the world had not previously seen. Only an educated, highly developed, self-sacrificing people can enter the promised land with any hope of making there a beautiful and permanent home. FOR COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY apd NIGHT pert within the next two weeks. Mrs. Paul Bggert of AUIn, who has been visiting in Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger aboard the Princess Nurah Thursday returning north. J. S. Wilson sailed last night on ' the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to attend the annual conven-i tion of the British Columbia; Teachers' Federation. , J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern British Columbia. Power Co.. sailed last night oh the ) Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Capt. R. W. MacMurray. mana. ger of the British Columbia Coast Steamship Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was a visitor in the, city last evening, making the round ! trip on the Princess Adelaide. I Mrs. K. E. Blrnte arrived in the city on Thursday night's train frnra Smithers td spend two weeks visit ing nere with friends. She is att present the euest of Mrs. tf. a I Lindsay, Park Avenue. j Mr. and Mrs. Riddell. who have been visiting here with their sonj and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Riddell. sailed by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on their re. turn to Vancouver. TUB DAILT J?EWB Saturday Apr. t LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N. Meeting Tonight. St. Peter's Young People's Dance. Seal Cove. April 19. 9:30. Kay's Orch. Featuring Slim and Bill. Tonight's train, dut from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be running on time. Tom Watts, who has been holidaying at San Diego, is on his way home and is expected in Prince Ra- i89i Cash for Old Gold. BulgerX tf Owing to iocfoneni weather, a picnic to have txpn held yesterday fSfltotlnntuf Inn i I w jpoHM in the eondiUon of Tigju tor John A. Praaer. proriaciaY po-; lice, who has been a-rtaaato ill. D. CritchJey. R. C BayBss and tether members of Inverness ean- !nery staff arrived in the city on the Prince Rarjert Wednesday morning !rm Vaneoover after having spent ,ine wint?r in the .-juih and pro-jteeded to the caui:t-i bj the evt-n-' ing train. BLACKHEADS BUrkSi to qaitkljr by timpl nrttnj that jl duwtvn tKrm Mtnwmil perotiM powder from mar drsritat. rab tfci with hot. w euth gnllj ow to bterkbead, and you on4r vfeerrn; hw ruo- "tr a Hufljniaod MalxW J. Fred Ritchie, one of Prince Rupert's most popular old timers, is able to be out after his long illness. Mr. Ritchie is graduahv re- S. E. E. Beech of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal has been advised of his transfer to Stewart. R. D. Minion will come herp f rft'm Prince George to take his place. The transfers are effective in about ten days. Dr. Hugh Morrison, inspector of schools, sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver to attend a teachers' convenUon. On his return north in a couple of weeks, he will stop 0ff in the Bella Coola valley to inspect the schools there. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Saves Food and Money I ';. , . . . .... .1 ; Me. William Seiwooa sanea oj the Prinre Rupert Wednesday af-j ter noon on her return to Anyox. ' after having been here for the past Wt to receiw medical treatment . The Salvador Army is endeav-atrta to locate Nils KrUwn Ltnd. he and Dantt McLanghlln. both of whom were at one time in Prince Ripert Lindbo. forty years of age tand a native of Norway, was last (hud tnm m 1935 when be inti- mated his Intention of proceeding .to either Atttn or Dawson Mr- Laaghltn. mty -seven yesr. of age. resided at the Grand Hotel here in 1914 and was last heard from in ldahc- Ht wa a fisherman and general laborer and ir. the early I dayr. was the owner at l.n lots there Announcements All advertisements In thU column -vlll be charged for a full month at 26c a word. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 ! 2 n . i . r. . 11 OA I 1 oapusi ira. April u. ' Cathedral Easter Sale. April 21. 1. Dancing HaU. Apdl 21 IMaptay OddfaHows" 2 Catholic Tm, ilia.. BraarV April Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Liklefli, May 4. United Sale, May 5. A. V. P. A. Variety Entertain-i ment. May C. ' St. Peter's Bazaar. May 10. r ! i rit . n . . . I ts fun to take food out of an Electric Refrigerator. The dullest leftover looks more tempting than ever: salads are fresh and crisp: everything at the peak of its flavour. That's why Electric Refrigeration gives such wonderful savings in food and monev Nothing deteriorates: nothing need be thrown out. And you're able, as well, to take full advantage of bargain rates for quantity ' purchases, knowing everything will keeb till you need it. Small down payment. Easy terms. . Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Miss D. Warner and Miss Pat An. derson left on last night's train to spend the Easter vacation with the former's parents. Mr. and Mr-Warner, at Walcott. After a rather rainy night and coal, clammy m&.nlnu. Good Friday -aftertioon turned out to ba sunny and pleasant in Prince Rupert but the outlook now appear--to be rather uncertain for a fine Easter week-end. i 3. 4 Prince Rupert OMratat Societv gaining his strength and hops to present the "ftrtttts of Penaihcei 5-be soon fully restored to his former : Capitol Theatre, April 27 andtf-robust health. 28. f BURNS ' PInful imarting n6l, CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL twiurcn or England) Very Kev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Preacher The Dean Easter Day 00 a.m. Holy Communion. 00 a jfi. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Preathn Rev. The Lord BLshoD of Caledonia :30 p-m.-Children's Service. PresentaU6n of Lenten Offmn :30 pjn. Evening Prayer. The Choir will render the to!; ,,, ,, uons irom "me Messiah": a "Comfort Ye My Peoole.- b -Every Valley Shall Be Exalted.-"And The Glory of the Lord." Solo - He Shall Feed His Flock," Mrs. S Behold The Lamb of nod." Dr. 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m vsujuuiai opiii&iers opree. May is. 5jJ( J5) Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at pffiR$ Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments,' iTS'-flf ' r May 17. D. Johnston Sdlo'The Trumpet Shall Sound." Leonard Cripp. S61o ''He Was Despised," Mrs. S. D. Johnston "The Hallelujah Chorus." FIRST UNITED CHURCH her. J. (J. Jackson, .Minister Miss S. Olafson. A.T.C.M.. Orgthht W. A. Riddell, M. Sc.. PhD, Director Juiur C ! Mr. J. S Wilson, Director Senior Choir The fit. Easter Sunday Services ..Sunday School and Ciiurch Combine for Tnii Service Subject- "The-InevHaWenr! of Easter." .Aii Easier Pajeaiit by the Christian Youth SorMj ntr.n r,. . . . i., ?5'?i nm rntoDiitHIAN CHUKCi .MINISTER Kev. Dr. David Lkter .Mn. E. J. Smith, onanist - t ' Morning Service lli6o ArttflefrM by-jtfnioY Choir-"Christ Arose Today." "Oh Br. Sdlo Bdfbara' Teng Afitliens by Senior Choir- 'He t Risen." Handel's L.iv lliseri From The Dead." Geor;e Elvej iir. LUltr Will Peach at liotii Services ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWKENCE tl J1LNSLN, Pastor lliCO a m. Sermon SubJecU-"The Slone Is Rolled .tway " "Christ the Lord is RL'eh Today 7:30 p in.--Eai!er Service' IK the Norwegian Unr.uase All Are Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH .Minister Kev. Edwin E. ilrandl, B.A, IJ.D, W. Vaujhan Davles, Organitt "ChnM lit i Anmem Dy tne Lafllej' Choir "Easter Carol " Rnrv hv ! J ;n;orCn I Easter Sunday 11 a.m. The Junior Choir will render a number of rneria; E , ' r Mk Brandt will speak, Subject "The Kesiirrertion, The Pact " lu Present SigHlflcaiice." The Sunday School will Join In this service and will not nu-rt at the jiraulat hour of 12:15. 7:30 p.m. The drama The Easier .Message 14 belrijt repeaieo avrixM to the wishes of many who raw it dood Friday evening A period oi congregational, singing will precede the play . ou Are Heartily Invited ''''''''''''''''''''''aaWBiagMMMaaWB Garden Time Is Here! See us for your Gardening Supplies Seeds Fertilizers - Garden Tool. Hose Lawn Jlowers Watering Cans Feed Everything toil Gro iAib this combLit. g- Vigoro - "tidui flSai Per pound ... r,c A I Social prices in UrtfT BrPTaaT-TalV J Mrt,f Bone Meal fiardrn GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 the Centra) Hotel ROOMS arid CAFI Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK McHKWE ST. Fresh Meal Haw And Pasteurized MM VALENTIN DAIRY PJIONE 651