PAOB OCR VJJLT HEWS F J A: Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Gaining Volume and Prices Take Slump Air Force Plane Returns Soulh For the Nautical Seeds of the British Columbia Coast Red Crown Gasoline Standard Ethyl Gaioline RPM Motor Oils and Greases Standard Diesel Fuel Calol Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil Calol Deturbo Oil Pearl Oil (Kerosene) Standard Stove Oil You'll find seaworthy Standard Oil Product to mert the perlnlirrd nerdi of rirrr boat ... and a Standard Oil man ready and able to help ciit your rruiitng coti. Forty-six halibut vessels landed their catches at the port of Prince Rupert during the past week following their first trios of the season to the fishing grounds. Twenty- oOO pounds, making the total of both Canadian and Amen can irh 585 n noun dr. Hall a dozen of the larger schooners from Ior oanaoian jiot was -sc the western banks were among the and 5c which the Covenant re-American boats which landed here ceived for 21.000 pounds and the during the week. Landings for the low 6c and 4c which the Lake Bi-season to date are 797,700 pounds ; wa was paid for 3,000 pounds. For 337,700 pounds from Canadian ! American fish the high price or the boats and 460,000 pounds from Am- j week was 8.4s and 6c which went erican. With the landings gaining to the Norland and Teddy J. for volume, prices, as expected, showed catches of 20,000 and 14.000 pounds a slump. The high price of the respectively. The low bid for Am- H 7 fci; y ? r. "Tria purett form in which tobacco can be (molted." CIGARETTES PRINCE RUPERT j erican fish was 7c and 6c received by ten boats. 1 Basil Bailey of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex-. perimental Station will be back in i Prince Rupert the third week in ; June from his advanced studies in ' physiological chemistry at the University of Wisconsin in Madison to spend three months of the sum-1 mer at the station. In the fall he will return to Madison. He has been 2$ j appointed to a teaching fellowship at University of Wisconsin for the coming year. Piloted by Flight Pretty, the Royal Canadian Air six Canadian boats brought in a total of 225,500 pounds' Force twin.motored flying boat, while twenty American boats landed an aggregate of 360,-, wWch had txen held here for the past week owing to mechanical STORY OF OLD WEST Wells Fargo" To Be Week-End Feature on Screen of Capitol Theatre Here A thrilling and inspiring story taken from American history 1 showing at the Capitol Theatre this week-end in the dynaa.c "Wells Fargo.' It covers broaoJy NEW WESTMINSTER Tie Up To Standard Check over the above chart of the Ilritish Columbia coastline. You will see, wherever your ship may lay or whatever her course, there Is a Standard Marine Station within eay cruising distance. Whether you cruise for business or pleasure, you can fill jour petroleum requirements from galley to engine room If you "tie up to Standard". STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED 4 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central OJof Serbolm. Louis Sivertsen, ' Mararet X'tason and D. J. Gard ner, city; George winner, oiuc; nirtr: A. Comeil. Cold Lake; Mr. and Mrs. B. Haugen and Herb( Grasser. Francois Lake; Garrett King. Quick; L, J- Hogan. C.N.R.; j C. L. Watson. Topley. H. Jerome ! C. N. R.: C. Ctoster. Digby Island. ' WUUam Flewin. Surf Point. Knox D. J. Gardner and P. T. Buckvold, cUt: J. Kristmanson and A. Krist- Call MatUon. Se. tand; , .which began with the discovery muwm. Lieutenant: , , ,, latiJ Ol gUlU III KsAlllVl lim un w.-. ( of the War between the Stale, the crowded years during whim the American nation spread Iron. i ocean to ocean ana ns luum trouble, hopped off at 6:15 this :rtreatness ws established morning on us return 10 wencno The th the d.. Beach air Vancouver. Parts' station. New Vorker ctsJon of a young which had been awaited before de- nlavcd by Joe, McCrea. to enter parture could be made arrived on'what was then of the mol Thursday. ! Important as "well as dangerous though lucrative businesses in tht CPJt. steamer Princess Adelaide. Vet the carrying of mail to the Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port frontier outrosts and the returning at 3:30 yesterday afternoon from to "civilization' with the gotd the south and sailed at 10 p.m. for wjych was pouring from the moun- vancouver ana waypomis. tains in a steady stream. , Tne taie louows nim as ne goes Having been delayed on account from outpost to outpost, establish-of heavy freights for cannery nK routes for pony exoress riders points along the coast. Union and later, the stagecoach. It aLo steamer Cardena, Capt. John Bo- tells nf his romance with Frances den. arrived in port at 7:15 this pee. daughter of a wealthy South-morning from the south, sailing "t, hanker, whom he marries, and an hour later on her return to hardships thy endure in th Vancouver and waypoints. midc West. It follows the romanr: -f thse two neople for twenty - A flying boat of the Columbia fe years and 'iv?s their lives as Development Co. of Atlin, on its a framework for a story upon way back to Atlin for the season -after having spent the winter in Vancouver, hopped off from here Jn? ln the Area No. 3 grounds shorlly before noon Thursday for 1tn intermediate shaft trouble Wrangell, itr next stop. The plane. ttie ,ocal halibut boat Cape Beale I which had arrived here on Tuesday CaPt- Ed8ar Arnott. went Intq ifrom Vancouver, was Dlloted by J. rrdova and had repairs maue H. Eastman whose companion was Thc vesscl tnen went ut to thej ! e. h. Tyrer. grounds again to complete her i : . catch and is expected to arrive W. E. Drake sailed last night on here at the end of this week ot the prince Adelaide for a trip to 'he first of next week. j Vancouver, accompanied by his son, Ted, who Is returning to his Four schooners from the western j studies at Victoria after a visit of bank and three local boats mark-i a couple of weeks at home here. eted halibut catches at Seattle on ! Thursday. Prices were 8c and 7c ; t. : i I Having broken down while fish- and slightly upwards. Wf n Ciidrt your course &(S y these A r at ( STANDARD MARINE 4 " JTrIVERS INLET VmTH Sfe. VV- CHURCHOUSE x sapetycovev 5SfVTC xALERT BAY , CASCADE HARBIJAV fCABRIOLAISLAND BULLPfilLtrS CARDENBAY WALTERS COVE &V ' (. . - , lweii -hit "ill g tJ F REFUCjCOVE SPRINCCOVE rOv VICTORIA Prince Rupert , S. M. Andrews. James E. Dye. R, , A. Reid and Jack Balkln. Vancouver; A. A. Cameron. Edmonton; D. Violet Flick. Haxeiton, Mrs. K. E. Birnie. Smithers. Royal T. H. Payne, Alice Arm; Douglas D. C. Merchant. Telkwa; Ole Anderson. Vancouver; Don Newqulst and C. B. Strand; city. Savoy R. G. Cunningham, J. Mclntyre and George Yule. city. ! WHICH wjiuic uiatAJij Ul RUM the West is placed. The cast als includes Bot Burns, Lloyd Nolan. Robert Cum mings. Porter Hall, Ralph Morgan and John Mack Browr.. HUDSON'S BAY DEMERARA I or Wjif $3-75 TT.Ia advwr uen' la at ouW-:ied or displayed by ie Liquor Control Board or by toe Dover nrntzit of British Columbia EASTER SUNDAY Our Confectionery Store Will He Open From 1 to 3 p.m. Only MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and KnfliMK. Mat rnmi Brmaa r-Ttf DctrU bbm! AtwtrUaM TF elding. pedaJUu SavamDI md Mining Machinery. AS Type Cu Eagijtaa Rerwlre4 and OTehaaId. THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert e4 f -1 ' I 'J L i i'1 BEGINS MONDAY I 1 i I t I I 1 IH1 With Matinee at v,. r,0 GAY! GO GOOFY! 'r WITH 7 BIG FUN STARS! M-G-Kfs 1938 swing-time love-and-laugh parade! Everybody's going to the year's rowdiest, riproaringest film treat! akVS UDTCAJOANO jtj , r t l. - tVAV) i, I 1INCS air ,f R' I Li Tir,,.. ttill n Tonight 4- "HELLS FARGO Allan Jones Judy Garland cV:J wth joei Mccrea, Fannie Brice L Frances Dee, Bobl M nJ Durns (7:21 and 0:38) 2nd Show 9:20 RtfUald Ontu Blllle Birki Reginald Cardlntr Lynat Ctrrtt L .IJ. II BOYS! Here's News Model Aircraft Construction Kits Wc arc now carrying a very complete line of the bosi' obtainable Model Aircraft Construction Kits Fly injr models with full instructions for making and flying. FLYING MODELS Flylnj Models in a Wide Range of TjpM Complete at 15c 25S 50c 75c, $1.00 and 51.50 Gliders 10c - - - A Splendid Pastime for thc Piaster Holidays Hit irnimmn nim ititiIDE 70Pairs pf Frilled Curtains In a variety of colors. SliSO Per pair 50 Pairs of Rayon Silk Curtains C-l QO 00 S3, In fanciful designs, per pair vl 3 rhone 775 Everything; For The Window j 327 TII1KD ATEStJJ Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Kcfrigcrator