sen Amateur Night A 4- ftTI aaa T 1 r Bearer of Shame, Astrld tl lTlUUoC JL.UUHC ss Borer of Love, Anna Mida!cne31grld lied, Chilians- -John Johnsen, Selv;. AJvin Kriulsen, Jenlofl Sd and Thor Selvlg. Irtyr Esie Murvold. end Barer Hans Petersen rid Ser-ice Judith Jerstad. Novel Entertainment Proved Eh Joyable Following- Business Session Ah "amateur night" contest war the ftnlurc of novel entertainment which followed a meeting of the local Moose- Lodge Wednesday when three candidates were 'oi Representative, Forbjorg initiated. The program Included bag pipe selections by J. D. Dunn, har- ano Mr T H. Johnson, for- monlca solos by Gordon Letnes of .his city, after having vocal solos and guitar accompani st the winter In California, afe merit by Henry Skinner, accordia.: ft vtc'oria to take up per- solos by Russell Cameron, sword fni re.iderire In thp phnitdl rtrfnpp bv Geonfa Coneland, piano Thev nave purchased a home solos by Bill Vance and voca! Be . Drive. solos by Tom Smith. There were (W speeches by the dictator, B. J. Bac. iJn, and by B. M. Simpson and Gil iWlso ui-nn to., nA hit Rnvpr Cnnlmilnltv Slniring Wat NOW CALEDONIA LIQ UEUR WHISKY 40 oz. 26 OZ. $22S 16 OZ. $1-40 13E1 May, April 16. 1038. TK2 tAILY JT7". . PAOE THR23 - v M 1 V'-'iSV ' fB H 1 , till s udverusemeni is noi puonsnea or displayed by the Liquor Ugu. rol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. m red Pageant as Impressive ,,f The Ages" Is Presented Junior LtitHtrah Church Junior Luther League bf Bt Lutheran Church presented iutuul sacred pageant "The fct Ou- Apes." on Friday eve- rher? was a ?ood sized audi ta attendance, ,::uiik Dcople were well ri'O and rendered the pap (with dignity and reverence err,.".:, wnicn is uie bikh ui imr 'tie central figure and It . 1 I A 1I.L1 ir-'aiuaiea uy u sjjoi ugiiv ih.!di: :i choir furnished mt listed by a quartette . . f . iil: oi Miss jorun qkos C Jensen, Infevald FenesJ L C Jensen. Miss SlgriU kr.d MLa Elsie MUrvold alsfc r. The characters were us e? Ethel Knutson. vilify Magnhlld Storseth. aids of the Cross Arthur Peter Johnscn, Betty s.!d and Fred Leland. Bearer of Scorn, Relduni Special Meeting On Good Friday Goodly Number Turned Out Salvation Army Citadel At A splendid number gathered In the Salvdtlon Army Citadel on Good" Fridity "evening when the "Pass,fdri: Plily" was shown In lantern film. These scenes, depicting the passlon'and death of the Saviour, left a great Impression on all who were present. Old hymns such as "Alas, and Did My Savlous Die?" "Oh, Come and Look Awhile on Him," were sung and there was "The Old, Rug. ged Cross" by Miss Mary Pierce. Captain Frank Pierce gave the Scripture Reading of the Crucifixion, Mrs. Frank Pierce led In pray er and Mrs, Ivan Halsey gave the rending In connection with the pictures. Miss Clara Pierce was the accompanist. The whole evening's program was under the direction of Captain Ivan Halsey. Bride-Elect Was Guest Of Honor Delightful Shower Thursday Night Fur Miss Grace Slmoridg A delightful shower was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Bowser Street, when Miss Dorothy Grlmble and Miss Edna Lineham were Joint hostesses In honor of Miss Grace Sl-,monds whose marriage Is to take place shortly to Angus Glllls of this 'city The rooms were tastefully decor- ated In pink and white streamers. Under a decorated archway In the J shape of a horse shoe the brlde- elect was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts wheeled in a decorated wheelbarrow by little Palema Lineham dressed as a kewple. During the evening games were enjoyed, the prize winners being Miss Florence Gillis, Miss Jessie Glllls and Miss Gladys Cook. At midnight dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses, the serviteurs being Miss Jessie Cherry. Miss Lois Judge, Miss Ena Line. ham and Miss Dorothy Grlmble. There were between thirty and forty present. Miss Barbara Daniels sailed Thursday night on the Prince Ru pert for Vancouver to spend -the Easter holidays. Mrs. William Kin? arrived In the city on Thursday night's train from Terrace and is the guest of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor King. She expects to return to the Interior on next Wednesday evening's train. alsb enjoyed with Bert Cameron at the piano. The commute in charge consist ed of A. K. Nelson, Joe Ratchforc". and George Copeland. SNAP Mi CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtub. Washbasin. Window, and Mirror. Caooot scratch. I,.M ACT Notice of Intention to ai II1" to !. In Prince Rupwt Land Rooordlnv DUtrlct tiT British Columbia and situ-j. on Denny Island on the east Mc f Lama Pannage Take notice that I. William French Wart In of Campbell IsUmd, ootup?-Jen merchant Intend to apply lor i' nu of the following described lands:- CamnMuioInfe-i at a post planted on the north -t corner of the uthern lyre of Alarm Cove thence ,6lx chahv reuth; thence twelTe Chains east thenc .lx chains north; thence twelve chah.4 Tst to point of commencement arid .'ontalnlng 7 and one-quarter acre nore or less. WIIJJAM FRANCIS MARTIN Dated February 8th. 1938. is by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government artlsement la hot published or displayed of British Columbia PON STEAMSHIPS LTD. ou.amers Leave Prince Rupert ior vancviuve. T S.S.CATALA EVERY tUES- T. 8.S. CAltDENA FMDAY, lUV . . n A.AA m M p,m. f"" . Vancouver, Thtrrs. a.m. Dd VdncahVcr, SUh. Mldnlcht 5lt convenient pleas purchase tickets at office uruier Inform a ti Tickets From wviuii VLat Ullt &VVt?V A f HViVtiM A lir ... tt0 - . ttfcWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave. riione Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R, Rrasell N. M. Brasell C.C.F. TEA AND BRIDGE A successful tea, home cooking sale and bridge drive was held at the C.C.F. In spite of wet weather Thursday. The winners of the raf. fles were: Mrs. J. B. Mackay, No. 9; Mrs. W. A.O Maclean, No. 21; Alf Sorvig, No. 6. QlanU FOR SALE FOR SALE 38-ft. Trolling Boat, 16 h.p Imperial. $325. Good condition. Apply Pioneer Rooms. f92) JX)R SALE Trolling boat "Eagle G." 30' x 8'6" x 3'10". Powere;.1 with 12 h p. Regal gas. Compter with rigging, gurdys and anchor winch. Apply 933 11th Ave. E. OR SALE Poiitlac Sedan. Phone Black 881. (91) PERSONAL PRIVATE HOME KINDERGAR TENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute Winnipeg. U VE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Let ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cu& toms Examiners, Clerks, and stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for prool and free Information M.C.C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. 01de3t In Canada- - tf. MEN! BEWARE LOW VITALITY if easily exhausted. Try New OST-REX Tonic of raw oyster Jnvigor-ators and other stimulants. Get vim, vigor, vitality. If not delighted maker refunds price, $1.25. 'Sold by all good drug stores. . tf Easter Lilies Large Assortment of Plants Fresh Flowers Uulbs Seeds WILLIAM GAIR Florist and Seedsman Phone BLUK 974 P.O. Box 276 Why Buy Sliced Bread? Customers Say They Like it Because It's i( Sanitary fc Economical Convenient Good For Toast It's Wrapped It Is Supplied in Prinre Kiipert ISy Van's Bakery The Finest PIANO TUNING In lite country can be yours, as done witli the "Itesonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 llli St. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 Miss Dalby Is Honoree Mrs, S. J. Mcllor and Mrs. Tommy Fraser Hostesses For Bride-Elect Mrs. S. 3. Mellor and Mrs. Tommy Fraser were hostesses last Wednesday evening at the home of l the latter at a party In honor of Miss Evelyn Dalby, whose marriage j takes place at the end of the month In Seattle to William Bal-; agno. The evening was spent in play ing bridge, prize winners belns Miss Lorna MacLaren and Mis Wilma Wilson. Refreshments were served by the hostesses following which the presentation of a Petit Point china coffee set. contained In a violin case prettily decorated In yellow and mauve, was made to the bride-elect from the assembled company In addition to the guest of honor and the hostesses those present were Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Mrs. J. Garrett. Mrs. George Peters, Mrs G. L. Rorle, Mrs. S. Elklns, Mrs. G. P. Tinker, Mrs. W. W. Rogers, Mrs. G. P. Lyons, Mrs. D. R. Barclay, Mrs. J. A. Barry, Mis. L. M. Gordon, Mrs. T. W. Brown and the Misses Lorna MacLaren, Malsie MacDonald and Wilma Wilson. Tune-Up For Spring! Winter Has Been Hard on Your Car . . . harder than you think! The strain of cold starts, sklddy roads, and uncertain weiiiher has pulled many parts out of adjustment. Now Is the time to flush away the winter-worn oil and sluggish water system adjust wheels and brakes tune up the motor. Take advantage of our special rate for COMPLETE Inspection, clean-up and tune-up and be sure of trouble-free spring driving. ROYAL MOTORS General Motors Dealers 3rd Avenue Phone 52 "Service With a Smile"' iiuduiiiijii IIH i II till II II Will II I LUMBER AT MILL G-inch and 8-inch QIO AA ihiplap Untrimmed V v fo. 1 Common 2-ihrh Of Q A A tough Cedar Plank V-i-O.UU For Priiice Rupert Delivery Plidnc RILLMOR Billmor Spruce Mills LTD. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 For Easter Say It With' Chocolates When your sweet tooth says CANDY ... Your wisdom tooth says SAPP! In One, One and a Half and Two-Pound Boxes SPECIAL-Saturday Only ; Cadbury's King George Chocolates Per pound box ONE DOLLAR Ormes Ltd. TTiit! Pioneer Drttqpists The ilexiU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From U a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z P.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. $ 6000 Worth Of FURNITURE On Sale Sale Starts Monday, April ISth at Eli IO s Third Avenue, Moose Building Chesterfield Suites Dining H6om Suites Bedroom Suites Floor Covering Lounges Baggage Blailkcts Window Shades Table Oil Cloth Toys Wagon Scooters Tricycles, Etc. ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours & a.m. to 5:30 p.m. GARDEN SUPPLIES Fertilizer Lawn Seeds Vegetable Seeds Poultry Netting Flower Seeds Lawn Mowers Garden Tools THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. TiiiRD AVF.NUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 n SO Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Kujwrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 191 Phone 101 Cheaper Feed f f ifn Jr n cumins nf HuIL-Iav Valley wheat it Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company' 1 ft