MURDER IS SUSPECTED Otter Mtnlta Cave Take More Sinister Turn ai Detectives llenew Probe of Unsolved . Killings NEW YORK. Dec. 22: (CP) F. l: ,JJ Coster-Philip Musica myi-c - c ready involving mllllotu of ti.iri and international duplicity.' t n new and more sinister turn js!eday at Brooklyn detective bn investigating the suicide-1 it J:ctti possible connection with' i:a , solved murdrrs of Joseph Co-tr wealthy poultry dealer, and hla t: .h- Darnett Cohen. COLD SNAP i CONTINUES li Western Europe Continues to Shiver, Ireland It Having It Unusually Mild ?, N'DON. Dec 22 CP -British ter .ontmue to chatter as the r Met wave In ten years enten IU ' day with a alight rise in tem-p--i''ire but no tttn of a final let- While western Europe ahlvers. 1 nd. oddly enough, la experlene-ng ex eptlonally mild weather with ift.perature of 4S degree above rrra enabling farmer to work the fa October uu'.il prln;. WOMAN IN ROBBERY Thrralrned Chicago lUnk Manager With "Soup' and He Hands Over tWOO HIICAOO, Dee 22: ICP - A 1 ride woman, carrying two hot a'.rr bottlei which she said were f .led with nltro-glycerine. inumi-(Jt'ed a Chicago bank manager t terday Into giving over $5,000. Phc threatened to throw the bot New Clerk Of Senate Named the Senate. Halifax Advances To Third Round FINAL BULLETINS 1000 SPIES ARRESTED LONDON Official report reaching London asserted to. day that "approximately a thousand" arrests hare occurred In inturgent Spain in a treat spy hunt which, authoritative persons tucgeitcd rnltht affect the entire course of the civil war. The arret are a fccqnel to a search of the baccate of Harold Goodman, llriliih vice-consul at San Sebastian, last Monday. "Incriminating Information" found inside a dirty shirt led to the arrests, it was Mid. Informants stated that Goodman had been absolved of guilt in the affair but several British consulate officials in insurgent territory were under suspicion. JAPAN TO HELP CHINA? TOKYO Premier Konoje declared today that Japan Is prepared to help China abolish foreign concessions and extraterritoriality, a system of special privileges enjoyed by some foreigner in China for nearly a Century. By China Is meant that part of the country under Japanese domination. The statement coincide with a strong press campilgn for abolition of el foreign concessions Including the retrocession of Hong Kong. WHAT HITLER SAID LONDON Premier Neville Chamberlain told the House of Commons today that Chancellor Hitter "informed me at Berth-tegaden that he was glad to leave Memelland as it was so long as the Statute of Memel is observed by the Lithuanian government.' Sir Samuel Hoare assured the House that any attempt to intimidate German nationals In Britain into Joining the British branch of the German Workers' Front would be a "punishable offence." British Parliament In Favor Of Immigration To Dominions; LONDON, December 22: (CP) mons last night unanimously approved a motion urging but thc other Is unreporiea. Mercy Flight L CUre Mojer K.C to Suce A. u. ,,j r,A-. Illout Who Has Held Post for Mfl ffleSl LOaSL Many Years j I . .pilot Un " Small Faces Unfavorable n. ,nm (CP)- OTTAWA. December 22: JJ. ,hf r Cnnmlnn To ,)fVcr L Clare Moyer K.C. o OtUwa one) nme secretary to Prime MlnUtcr William Lyon Mackenzie ; Kin! has, ALBERNI. Dec. 22: (CP) oeen appo nica cicrnoi me - - , f , .... . .i.. -in .rif nt made a mercy mgni jcsicru.'y u "Y years in rom Zfbanos t0 Port Albcrnl to wmcn tweniy-one was -- in . illln and carry lt to I "T .... ... .4 CeeiKCcec nospiiai wnerc iv essential to save the life of a dla- , betes patient. Weather Forecast the thIVd round: with light rain. I m Town twl W mX an o.cUm. loll. hUI... d 10 '5ii uup rooiDaii mavcn ', . nh wlnrl mild t,.. south winds, mua tho HoM nirmlnnham. In Fresh to strong :ueh settlement. However, the were to succeed, the development of secondary Industries was an essential, j Collections From Recent Auction Are Being Made usfc Project, of Canadian National Reduced from $W,890,C00 to $12.-OSI.OOft Three Million Next Year MONTREAL, December 22 (Canadian Press) The Canadian National Railway will spend $3,-000.000 next year in construction of the first stage of a $12,000,-000 rail terminal and station here S. J. Hungerfor, president of the Canadian National Railways, said last night. The entire, program will be speeded) up several years. The original! fCO.OOO.OOO ter. mlnaf planned. by the late Sir Henry Thornton is being modified. The work has been hekl up durinr the depression with only preparatory work so far done. 'XMAS SALES Croft Settlement Plan Js Up45-. the government, in the viUu interest of Empire safety, to countered by other reports of much t t ? j. ii.. r :..!. i.' i . ... encourage nniisn immigraiion 10 inefuuininiuns. can- slower semng. ier Kt Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, Secretary for the Dom- Better holiday buying is reported inions, had said that the government was to confer with tLhv.H!' wn.T, ! .Dominion authorities on financially Vanderhoof. Victoria and Williams 1 Barge Missing On Atlantic SAINT JOHN. wick. Dec. 22 barges Foremost "lLb0"y'J : . Foremoat V'n No. ID 18 sailed from rr. ney was n0i nanaea u - , December 2 for England. bv nniiri. trnlt the woman intn citodv ns she stepped to s'reet and the money was promptlj tc'urnrd to the bank. th ach with a crew ot fifteen or twenty on board. One of the two. out of coal, has been taken In tow off the Irish coast .'assisted Empire settlement achemes. "e- .1 It was decided to refer to the Reduction are heavy In Arm- strong. Cranbrook. Golden. Mission New Bruns- CP The No. 17 and on a frantic iat-minuie ouyin; locking at rapidly dwindling stocks, post-depreoslon record. slderation the plan ot Sir Henry City. Smlthers and Powell River. Page Crrft to send ten thousand British aettlers to British Columbia which he toured recently. 'I hare not dismissed that plan,' said MacDonald. "I have not re jected It It Is to be considered, I understand, by authorities In Ca nada In the first place." MacDonald added that Premier T. D. Pattullo of British Columbia had offered free land grants foi I n Another Alberta Session Loominsr Lexislation to be Called on Feb ruary 9, Adjourning Before VUit of King and Queen EDMONTON, Dec. 22: QUARREL HOLDING UP;; '" galla. VANCOUVER, jDec. 22: tCPl wiU Vears' The Hotisc of Com- A reu' xifC centr n Prt bus- mess increases, a uan&uian rreu survey shows, but these have been lij'ATAL One Man Dead at Rock Bay, Down the Coast, and Another b Badly Injured VICTORIA, December 22 (Cana dian Press) Provincial police herei are making their donations lnde-i families at Rock Bay. pendent of the auction. The flnan-' clal condition up to noon today was: . i Previously acknowledged, $257.50 UlsILUKKN WENT UYFSY Tomorrows Tides. Capitol 141 mm High V.nsxa. 19.8 ft. TAXI M m. 21.1 It. Low Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BiUTISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v V3T V XXVII . No. 206. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1938. PRICE: J CENTS U. Si G erman Relations Would Like To fioll Up With ot Strained MONTREAL Washington Refuses To Take TERMINAL d..l yl j li c.u AL..i udi.K yv neat. iirMca jaiu uuui Actions of Nazi Government -1 4 4 r f Declares That it Represent the Feeling of Overwhelm; ing Majority of American Citizens Senator Pittman Heaps Further Fuel on Flames Murnftl fVioin of Cordell Hull who is attending the Pan-American con- iTiajutat v,naiii Ierence in PerUf disclosed today that the United States, 'hnd reieeted fiermans demand for an official anolotrv VICTORIA. Dec 22 When he was elected mayor of Cleveland last Sunday attacking . ." .-. . . "7 ' " " - r,n: I ! dictatorships. Welles told, Dr. Hans Telford &aid that he was going L . ' ... to do away with pomp and !?jomse ?rmitt charge ' . ceremony at the CltyHall and , ff ? the reuf, came ngular W e and Impropriety that there would be no mayor- 1 fm government which so per- al robes or gold chains worn by him. Evidently. Mayor Andrew .tent controlled pres. McGavln of Victoria feels he would like to dress up for the f King's officials to attack American lead ers including the late r j r 1 1 I wooarow vion ana vi.h a-rf rMr tnr he. '"SS! jittit T."Jf Arm Ll. nnwn '' lor a ten or b.nn ot the i''lJ "'" He ha hinted WASHINGTON, D. C, December 22: (CP) Welles, acting Secretary of State during the absence President represented the helming major- v,nv,r mtoht like have wnaiy snociea wnxi rweni cCn V tMtt VW W ---w -tr nifAT today without Immediate HI I I Uon saying that people of the Un- Vl UilV A 1 when Beynon came to . and ordered Brown out house, then shooting. British Man Power Scheme 'raid last night that lt had been re-1 r r T J ported Leslie Spense jumped over-. I Q Kg IveVlVeQ board and was drowned and James E Lee had suffered head injuries1 itoo serious to enable him being LONDON, Dec. 22: (CP)- UI questioned after a dispute aboard i than half the members of the House Collections are being made, of their gasboat yesterday at Rockjof Commons were ansent wnen thc monies bid at the recent radio 1 Bay north of Campbell River. Parliament on Tuesday night auction for the Salvation Army' Both men were employed by the! agreed by a vote of 270 to 9 to a Fund and also a number of people Dominion government and leave three months' trial of the volun tary man power registration plan with the understanding that the question would be revived by the end of next March to see what ORAVESEND, England, Dec. 22 changes are necessary. The mem- Fort Edward Crew 17.50 (CP) Giving evldepce when his bers who absented themselves, ap ited States do not like the govern ments of Japan or Germany, add- Mrs. Victor Beynon TelU Her Story Ug that they opposed any form of the right and power to enforce mor-, lality and justice In accordance with. ' peace treaties. I rniuvt ucatucd Dominion r-vn government KUIlw..w.k m An t mmr must A also ca rf,br"a f fh , ' ,u. - 1?iy"t t-ln Uiru. "ed. : The i UC . LUlllilTi coroner's O "j. Jury, juj however w w J. v ; TIai Dead Ts-lpomu. Tvaa tv ' Dnl n r Ught nhf I Estevan Raining, southeast .wind, six miles per hour; barometer, 30.12. I Victoria Raining, southeast wind, fourteen miles per hour; bar ometer, 30.18. BY-ELECTION GOV'T WIN President Duchess ' Athol Appears To Have iseen ueaien in nmross-nesi Perth LONDON, Dec. 22: (CP) Incom- "ir.of American, who ' were Pro- that perth by.electton tTQm whlch t exchange for the, gold cnain. , radicate a victory for the govem- ACCUSES HUSBAND 4 seat Duchess of Athol resigned as Kermodei t.erman,y: ... a protest at government policy and while in ! ickes said that German treat- . . . m;r.t nf Jrvi had rarrlMl tnat. """" na- . . . r w tt UnIett"ed-'benl8ht , . ITm ment It Is conceded that the Duch-2 ess had been defeated by the JW.PJ9.Bli. . .-....-.. strahtTAMiserVame cdndtda'tti'-w: The exchange has brought about u Snaciden stormy weather cauj. a sharp new strain on German-Am- a Vote ,n thc ngged tidln encan relations and thpre haj bwn de,ay ,n get- Senator Key Pittman. chairman of the United States foreign rela tions committee. Issued a statement ting In the returns. ARGENTINA RESOLUTION irllli- r.I r, Rnnrt UICUlUliiH KUICillUlCUk ailU liaiC lu-niunH.II i,uiiiiiwh7 j ii.u n it Fisherman Near Powell River POWELL RIVER, Dec 22: (CP) Mrs. Alice Beynon. wife of Victor Beynon, a?ed 28, charged with murder In connection with the shooting, to death on Sunday al Eamont. near here, of Kenneth Into Uproar by New Development Last Night LIMA. Peru, December 22 (Canadian Press Argentina threw the i i j u-s nun Into Pan-American Conference up- Prlnce Rupert Light rain, south-'rar last night when It rejected east wind, fourteen miles per hour; completely the draft of a declara-harometir. 29.68 ifalllnifl: temner- tion on continental solidarity Brown, former Prince Rupert fish iature light chop iand defence and tossed Its own re- erman, testified before an Inquest Trl'le TSiandswrrv nnthpr- solution In with the Implication ot Tuesday that her husband hadltv wind. ti mllM tvr hour! lisht "take It or leave It." Argentina (CP) jlre(j shot from which Brown said It had rejected the draft be n w-wwtrv. vwkAvwwMwu m -.44aj ... v v" "v "v" VerOJCl, UUk uc- Ui"tC IU1C 1 UWIl UlCUUUIKU M1lr.irn. tn rrMltvratf TelUmeO an Open Komnot.r 90 71- . nf thu llhjrtg t.gUotlnn TV,. In. i. .1 . ........... .. - . . j ij, "" " This co fid be done by straight I'V"',; rmuciy ae51QinB M.h rrnLv or b clvin land ntlon uould . ProroSu.f the fatal shot. MacDonald admitted that more heavily populated Dominions would afford the Empire more Influence In dealing with International matters. At the same time, he pointed out that. It new agriculturalists who had fired ture, 36; light swell. .... , I UlUUvtaC ijncU. . hnSDltal. I O,.. Dntnln . ' - in l iii i i -. l & nil t . u i lr iraAL Mrs. Beynon testified that shewlnd( ten mUes pef houf. In the cabin with Brown Q0Q. .... ,B. " ' " . , , ik. the door aggression from any source. C- ' C- rM th V nn M n i-t HiXkAH rl r-1 Ik ... I - . ' jM. Imperial assistance would be 11m- uw l"c Brown 51101 ln,awlcaDl" east wind, fifteen miles per hour;PI A fJ UI U provlnce next Ma died ited to one-halt of the project. Egmont Saturday night and , barometeI. 30-00; temperature. 42; l LAIN L Ul nn simnav m me renaer naiuvt. , . ,, REFUNDING Vancouver Raining, easterly debt situation wind, six miles ner hour: barom-. funding has eter, 29.86. Prince George Snowing, southerly wind, twenty miles per hour; barometer, 29.86. MoreT Terrace Cloudy, calm, temper ature. 30. Alyansh Snowing, calm, 27. Alice Arm Light snow, calm, 32. Anyox Cloudy,, calm, 30. Stewart Light dry snow, calm. 27. Hazelton Cluody, calm, 25. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 20. Bums Lak Dull, calm, 24. BOSTON, DOC. 23 (UP) Aspea Alberta Finance Officials Consider Idea of Issuing Two Percent Baby Bonds EDMONTON, Dec. 22: (CP) Alberta government officials are still considering the province's public A proposal for r- nnv hppn mrrf whereby two-percent perpetual I bonds, callable at any time, would 'be Issued in denominations of $25. $50 and $100. Fifty Canadian Workmen Will Be Trained Abroad Ti.on nnd Jnhn 2.00 wife was eharced with unfitness to narentlv. nrefer to await the trlar kcr at a women s meeting here the celve SDecIal tralnlne Gilbert Campbell 5.00 care for her four daughters, aged period before expressing an opinion. other day reminded her hearers factories to fit them to work on Radio Auction colectlons 47.00 four to U, the father-said while he! The plan involves a drive to fill I that even In England up to the I orders for bomber contracts for the Anonymous . 5.00 was away working the chlldren had gaps In the. passive and active de-t18th century tea was so costly it building of which. have been gly A. M. Davlcs .,. 1.00. been allowed to wander about Me fence -forces through voluntary Invariably was kept under lock and en to Canadian manufacturing: Anonymous 2.00 gypsies. , ; 'measures. key.- OTTAWA, Dec. 22: (CP) Fifty Canadian workmen will cross the Atlantic, lt Is announced, to re plants. In British