PAGE TWO Published If You are in Need of Rubb er ! FOOTWEAR We carry the most Complete stock in tfb'rthcrn British Cbiunibfa. Aunts' for fautta I'ercha and other leading; makes. FAMILY SHOE STORE LTiJ. The Home of Good Shoes , THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULL EN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES .Cltfdelivery,.by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce . Paid in advance, per month 1 . SI " By frfr. iumbla, the Britrsh" Em'pirea'rrf United StateL yearly period, paid In advene By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion i-ocai readers; per line, per insertion Advertising arid Circulation Telephone News Department Telephons r. Daily edition - rnh 4- I a J - 1 ' : 1 i 1 , t . 98 86 - $5.C0 .12 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE January Clearance CHESTERFIELD SUITES REDROOM SUITES LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUMS Phone 77S .50 3.00 9.0C .02 .25 Tuesday, January 4, 1938. STARTING YEAR RIGHT . Many visitors to Prince Rupert have told us that I nnce Rupert is one of the most beautiful cities on the continent. Its location is, unusual and the iiattiral slopes and abrupt hillocks make it particularly suitable for A beginning has already been made in ... x , " ' , .. , ;". . developing at tractive :tive features features, which which tourists tniirists HplmVit delight to tn see; p.hi, Gardens ui wuimeriui development. . ine . is to - - J-.. 4 V great Wl thing til now accj uie yuuu worK going anu extend it in such a way as to make the city more aha more outstanding as a city of muens Another wav of keeninr the rir.v hpniih'fiti i rn Coo BIO SPORT CHAT While Toronto Maple Leafs ,he,id the leadership as a result of si six to three victory over the Montreal the Maple Leaf Qai-dens Saturday night, Vfey YbrE Americans drew up Into, a, tie with the Caiiadfens in the International Division of the National Hockey Leagueby a double week-end vc-tory over the Montreal Maroons at Montreal Saturday jilght by a score of 3 to 1 and In New York Sunday night two tq one. The Xa-nadiens won over Chicago Black Hawks 4 to 2 at Chicago Sunday night. As a result of a-two to one victory over the Buckaroos in Portland Thursday night, Vancouver Lions assumed exclusive possession of first place in the Pacific Coas1 Hockey League, having been pre viously tied with the Seattle Sea Hawks for the leadership. Week-, end play brought no furthei changes in the standings but last night Seattle won two to nothing over the Lions ni Vancouver to again take over the lead. Hockey Standings Total , NORTH International Division WD L F APtS Toronto 10 5 4 56 Canadlens 8 6 5 54 Americans 10 2 8 52 Maroons C 1 13 29 American Division Boston 13 .2 5 45 Rangers 10 7 7 50 Chicago 6 3 10 34 Detroit .11 3. 14 30 Pacific'' Coast League W D L F A Pt? Seattle 7 C 5 (Vancouver 10 3 6 Portland 5 5 10 Spokane 6 2 7 BOWLING RESUMES Commercial League Gets Under Way Again with Rupert lilotors And Biological Station Winning The Commercial Bowling League resumed play for the second 'half! of the season last night with Rupert Motors making a clean swee victory three games to nil ove North Star whdle Biological Sta tion won two games to brie pv'f averaE. , i-iecmcai r,iecincai workers. workers, Hleh ma 'scorer for. the .evening have been made, both public and private, that are capable Cade 120 Pugsley 120 Stamford 100 that all buildinffS Which are nerrWtpr jinr! nnr neprl 00 'Sunderland pulled, down. Nothing looks so bad in a city as old neglect-lYoUn& 12 We take this onnrtunitv of firawinp- attpntinn in thiol . , "7'7J'.'i7. STAR McNUlty ... Wfolf Rmitfi ' . ' ...-138 163 154. 143 113 37 41 38 27 subject as near as nossible to thp hpmnnino- nf thP vpht- ra:?. : workers 4.. ,2 55 47 35 48 37 33 45 60 32 35 43 31 that people may have it in mind in any plans they may beMa?Auiey ZZJ.''7'm 153 Its lllakinf?'. Whllp WP fln nnt fnlP rtiunh cfnl in naw? voon1ii IPnrmin 1RO loft rti O" ' - - -" " '"-v v VMi'V iUMVIl UVUVil i& 11V X tOVlU I V -4 iyu 1U.M 110ns may we suggest to ail the people of the city that they each (16 a little toward making Prince Rupert attractive to visitors and enjoyable to those who live here. Some neonle have suo-p-pstprl that rows nf trpps ho McRae Low Score planted in the boulevards similar to those seen in the!.inpk south. With this we do not agree. There is ho reason why iMenzies . Prince Rupert should be like other cities. She has a typelHlbbard of beauty all her own. Anything that would put either the g?" I" rP"" ': " jiuuoea ui me aueets m uie snaue wuum not oe Denenciai. We want all the sunshine that comes bur way and trees in the boulevards uioiild .keep some of it away. If anything is. planted it should be in the nature of low shrubs, possibly flowering shrubs. AUSTRALIAN PROSPERITY Australia has experimented with labor governments and labor legislation and just now that country has a moderate government and labor laws that provide for arbitration df all disputes. There is a high standard of living, no strikes such as are seen today in the United States and the whole country is prosperous. 158 100 Tefal C19 PJJP. MOTORS 1 was Jni Jack of Rupert Motors with 155. .Individual scoring was as STATION- .1 ,2. 138 120 158 100 116 122 lot) GC3 2, 165 132 148 164 107 11 lCi lit 12 10: 623 632 595 3. 131 102 5C5 '3. ICS 147 1C2 13C 10G 711 716 71! i?2 113 134 McMeekih 146 Young .151 2 123" 187 146 151 m 144 121 ISA 134 Total 666 69l 66C Cliff Madlll, son of Mrs. Madill manager of the People's store Ls exDPcted to arrive in the citv to morrow ,jrom Saskatoon where he in iphe of the large shoe stores, ol that nitv. He la tnklntr ovpr tl-r- management of thej Cut Rate Shoe Stor. Hehas had special training in fitting, .having served tinder some of the best Shoe fitters in Canada. C. N. R. TRAINS For ihe hast-1 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m, From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays .. - 11 p,m ii&WN TIIE SLOPE in hAwk-uke form STORA.Y OF, WAL BOOTH RECALLED (Continued from Page 1) house. Caueht slffht. nf thp irnllnr. Ing animals. Simultaneously, witii but one idea they both, rushed in- tq the middle of the street Boot! who eot there first. ' " v"v 1 . . I norses ror an instant, only to be thrown violently to the pavement but not until he had seized the trailing Veins in hands strengthen ea by desperation. Nor did he re lease his hold even when drawn finder the flailing steel-shod fe.a oeaiing ai nis Doay. With the gr'r of death, straining- every atom oi his strength, he accomplished the seemingly Impossible task of halt ing the maddened team but not until the front wheels of the heav ily laden truck had rolled across ms ohest, breaking his ribs and crushing Jris iron he,art. A dozen men, taking advantage of tht temporary retarding due to Booth's sacrifice, got the animals undei ;ConJ,rpi, Jifted the two terrified nysiencai children from theh predicament, and picked up th( now unconscious form of Bil Booth his hands still clutchin; the reins that had dragged him ti death. Briefly this ls the story of on man's heroic action, dunlicated ir Pne..lojm and another, somewhere every day of the year. The instinct iojface danger for others is inherent; Courage in a crisis Is common- ef than courage under reflection. erave men do the right thihg auto matically. There Is no logic in her olsrh. In one tumultuous second 01 lire, men leap Into the amis of lhirnortillty. If needs be hv the irrim -r 0 " O route and solely for the reason that no other course ls open to their de ctslon. Honored In Death ,Jn the case of the Prince Rupert wprkmari, high commendation. tears of regret, encomiums from all classes leu w nis 101. in an hour he became the most talked about man among the seven thousand in habitants or the city. The procession of mourners thai followed the clay of him to the cemetery on the run was made up not only of his friends out of hundreds of strane- ers who, the day before his death, had never, heard of him. The headstone, that marks his grave records fhe last resting place of William ... ... 1 r- 1 1. 1 - 1 uuum ui ueroysmrc, r-ngianu, Uie date of his birth, the date of his death. But to this man there ls another monument in Prince Ruoert that stands where all may see and cherish as something 'worthy of the city, . WIT' The wintry blasts of winter are sweeping over Canada and king venter is dusting the skl-ing slopes of the sport centres with what it takes to provide ideal conditions for skiers. This odd-angle snap shows an early bird scooting down.a slope at Badger, Calif., where the snow often reaches a depth of 10 feet. a memorial that every man, woman and child in Its limits endorses with a whole heart the Prince Rupert Booth .Memorial School. . j It was ngt the will of thje people) that a narne 0 frequently as his! upon the public tonguer should .be ! forgotten in the generations tjpi come. It seemed .almost as though iai,c iiau ciiosep ium as ine instrument to dispose of a iocal Issue arising from a discussion as to whose name the new school should bear no small problem in a jcbrrimunlty ;o rlpjuy endowed with distinguished citizens connected with its hisr tory. The controversy was settled is though by magic when James Brady, nriricibal. In a letter ad dressed to the editor of a focal newspaper suggested tha.t thesoiu-Uon lay In naming . It the ;Bobh Rjemorial School; From hfcs epistle", I quote thU pregnani phrase: ". . . not wealth, social drsU'nc-tion or high lineage that merits reward, but . . .." And so, forever written In the memory of Prince Rupert, ls the honored name of one worthy to wear the wreath. Steamship failings or Vancouver-Tuesday Catala l:30-p.fnV Thurs. ss. Pr. Ge6rge 11:15 p.rn" Friday ss. Cardena '. .fl pjri." ss. Prin. Adelaide .10 p.m. Jan. 3, 17 and 31. ss. Prln. Norah 5:30 pjn. 'rom Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala -4 pin; wed. ss.Pn George .. 10:30 ajni Friday SS.,Pr. Adelaide . .. .4 p.m: Ss. cardena p.m. Jan. 13 and 27 ss. P. Norah a.m. H'or Any ox and JStewart S'uhday-rss. Catala .........3 pfli: Wed.-rjss.r. irJepree . .4 pjh. Krom Siewiirt and Ahyox--. Tuesday ss, Catala .. .li:3i) For Nlaas River arid. Pirt f?Impsbh Sunday ss. Catala '. 8 pjn.1 From Naas hiver aiid Port SiinjVsoil Tiesdar ss. Cataia ... .11:30 d.rrij i?or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss.Pr. Gsorge 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr,. Geprge .. .10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide ,'4 p.m; Ss. Cardena, p.m:, For (jueen Charlotte tslands-Jan. 14 and 28 as. Prince John 10:30 p.m, From Queen Charlotte Islands Jan. 12 and 26 s.s. Prince John a.m, I I I II I LADIES' BOWLING Second Half of Season C.etting Un derway Tonight The first half of the second half I - n.r th t.nrtips' Bowline League 1 schedule Is announced as follows: I January 4 Telephone Girls ys. Knox Hotel; Merchantettes vs. Big Sisters; Our dang vs. Blue Birds; Annettes vs. Rangers. January 11 Blue Birds vs. Rangers; Our dang. vs. Annettes; Knox Hotel vs. Big Sisters; Telephone Girls vs. Merchantettes. January 18 Our Gang vs. Big Sisters; Telephone Girls vs. Rangers; Annettes vs. Merchantettes; Knri Hotel vs. Blue Birds. January 25 Merchantettes vs. Bluebirds: Annettes vs. Knox Hotel ; Telephone Girls vs. Our Gang; Rangers ys. Big Sisters. February 1 Annettes vs, Tele phone Girls; Big Sisters ys. Blue Birds; Merchantettes, vs. Kangers; Our.Gantr vs. Knox Hotel. February 8 Knox Hotel vs. Mer chantettes; Rangers vs. Our Gang; jjig Sisters vs. Telephone Girls; Blue Birds vs. Annettes. February 15 Big Sisters vs. An tiettes; Blue Birds vs. Telephone fjlrls: Rangers vs. Knox Hotel; Merchantettes vs. Our Gang. OF BOWLS City League January 9 Grotto vs. Moose Royal Hotel vs. 35 TaxL January 16 Grotto vs. Royal Hotel; Moose vs. 35 Taxi. January 23 Grotto vs. 35 Taxi; Royal Hotel vs. , , January ,30 Royal Hotel vs. 35 TaxL Grotti) vs..loose. February 6 Moose vs. 35 Taxi; brotto vs. Royal Hotel. February .13 Royal vs. Moose; br.otto.ys. 35 Taxi. February 20 Grotto v. Moose; Rqyai jfojei ys. 35 Taxi. ,, February .27 Grotto vs. Royal Hotel', Moose vs. 35 Taxi. Jktarfch d-7Royal jlotel vs. Moose; brpttp vs. h Taxi. . Marph )3 Royal Hotel vs. 35 Taxi; GrdUo ys. Moose. . .March 20 Grotto vs. Royal Ho- . Mppse vs. 35 Taxi. 1 March 27 Grotto vs. 35 Taxi: Royal Hotel vs. Moose. GFPR Pfdgfatnis TUESDAY pii. 5:30 Opening. :54 Home Folks. j5:00RVqu'est Program. 6:30 bally New firoadedst 6:45 Hoosier Hot Shots; 7:15 CeclJL and $a.Uy, iVkbiJAY 0:00 Betty( Br'6wnv i)45-)lousewi.yes' Requests. ' i;00-;Kej3sak'es. lirloMessage period. 11:3,0 Weather Forecast. l$:20-Stock Rejport I2;30 Dally .liews Broadcast. 12:4'd-TMohlt6r yiews llie News. 12:45 Eb' arid Zeb. P.M. 5:30 Opening, 5:45 Limousine Lady, jJtOO B'eqiiesC Program. 6:15 Curious World. '4:30 bally NewsJJroadcast. 7:00 Man About Town. 7il5 Cecil .and. Sally, THURSDAY . AJVfl ll ypenlii;. iltl5 Message Period. ll;?p Wealrir Forecast. J2!20-Stock Report. 2;jo baiiy ilews Broadcast. 12:40 Monitor Views the News. ... kw- ,5:30 Opening. 6:06 Request Program. 6;30 bally. .News Broadcast. X:45niisbeHn.g Strings. 7:00 Black Magic. JLiiCecil irld. JSally. . ATTENTION! Customers of Hollywood Studio formerly of 220 6th Street, may secure recorders at any time by tend lnr umc to P.O. Box 25, Vancou. ver, u, u. ..Tuesday. January 4. 193 Military College Hoop Team Ends Tour Of Alaska v. KETCHIKAN. Jan. 4: The Hill Military Academy basketball team from Portland, uregon, alter a tour of Alaska, left here at the first of this week, oh its return hnm The team'waf to have visited Prince Rupert but the vessel It was travel- ling on did not make a stop there PRAYER WEEK OPENED HERE Dean fUbson Heard Last Night in Salvation Army Citadel The first of the meetines of the Week of prayer was held last even Irig In the Salvatloji Army Cltutie) with very nev. uean j. u. uioson in charge. He took as his topic Re pentance." using the story of the prodigal Son as the foundation Jor his remarks. The second of the series of meetings will be held this evening in the First Baptist Church with Captain Ivan Halsey of the Salvation Army in charge Hr wia deal with the subject 'Faith, REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block THONE 658 IN KU'llKMt COl'UT Ol' IUtlTIH (OIlMllfA , IN I-KOIIMK In t Maltrr r Ihr -Artnilnl-lylk.n In thrjlaitrr f tin lj-Ut nl M.rtarrt inr nnln. HrrraMil, Inlrla TAKE NOTICE 4Jiat by order Bit Honor. W. R FKhcr tlie 1.7' 1 dr AdirUnlfctraitor of tl csUte cf Mtf; pmites liawtnj clftlmn against '?u tsiat ere hwy requlml to fiirrJrt game, properly verified, to me before the 18th day of Jnuary, 1 o. 1938, and all Tru Indebted 'a & estate are required to jy Vtie -y': of their lndeWednem me fortn':-NORMAN A. WATT. Official Admlnj -ra'cr, , Prince Rupert, B. C Diited December 18th, t937. LANII ACT Nnt Ire f Intent ln to Apply to le I J ml In Prine RujxTt land Record W DUtrlct of British ColumbU. and ! ate Butt of Prince Lehoo Island " Hudson Bay PaM. jtouih of Dundx Island conaplcucniK uhlte rock li high (marked on chart). . Take notice that Frank Waterman 9 Prinoe Rupert, B, C. oncupaitton Mio Intends U apply for a leane of the W' lon-lng described lands: -all of a wo-sptcuous white rock 85 fret high and Ita surroundings (Rock marked chert). Camraenrln at a pnt planted " a. grassy rock 200 feet 8. E of V. Corner on Northeast side Ihcnce ' feet Southeaat; thertr 800 feet soutH-west thence 800 feet NorUiwest; thenc 800 feet Northeast, did containing 1' acres, more or )ws. FRANK WATERMAN. Hate. October 4. 1B37. ,I.ANn ACT Nutlet of Intent Inn to Apply Lru Mnd In Prince Rupert Lbiui neouriling District of British Codunvbla. and '; ate on Zayas Island on the N, W, po"J on west aide of Zayiui on a reef Arauizazu Point. Take thai. TVntik wtrmD Prince Rupert. B. C, occupation UIJJT intends to apply for a lese pf the lowing described lands: all of U off Aramzazu Point, Commencing at a post planted ff J ww nign grassy point on tne rz Side of the reef thence 1600. , Northeast; thenoe 1500 feet Kortl''i Uienoe 1800 feet Soutliwwt. then , 1BO0 feet and contain111 15 1 acres, more or less I FRANK WATERML. in tiik si ritr:MK cocut or iibitM'- tOI.IMIUV 1 . . . IX I'ROIIATE . .' In Die Jlaller of the "Ailiiilnlk""on ' Art" And ... In the .Matter or the Kstate ' Ern fljllfilll". OereilM-d. ntetle .TAKE NOTICE that by order of. Honor, W. E. Fteher, the I4i Jrj Decembur, A D. 1937. I was PP!. Administrator of the estate of B"! Oyllejifipltic. decoosed. and all P' having claims against the said Bra .or..,!. flimtOl1 P111111 properly verified, to me on or bfjy the 15th day of January, A. D-and All parties Indebted to the r;. are required to pay the amount tlulr liulebtedness to me forth wiVn. , POKMAN A WAIT. M Official Admlntotwjv Prince Rupert, I)ed the 14th day of December, pv 1037 . Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Kooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell , N. M. BraseU