tut-Janiiarx 4. lpA- - i i l -frrrjtutrr A New Start Begin 1938 Right With a good Diary, Daily Reminder or Memorandum Book or Scratch Pad We Ilave.d Cbiiilcte Stock of AH the Desirable Styles Pocket Diaries-Leather boUnd 50c to $1.5 The Rodwiil of our patrons and friends is one of our most valued assets. The spirit of the season brings to us renewed appreciation of old associates and of the value of new friends. That 1938 may bring you. a full measure of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity is the cordial wish of GORDON'S HARDWARE If you lose anything advertise lor l "TILLIE THE TOILER" 0 Desk Diaries Daily reminders. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 an" Calendar Pads Complete with stand Calendar Pads and Memo Pads included Complete 1 No. 1 Ideal Calendar Pad 7P to Refils At This Season or Goodwill We Extend to Everyone Our Best Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous New Year PHiLPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. - HAPPY NEW YEAR I II, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived new shipment at silver and gold sandals Annette's. tf. Tonight's train,, due from hfj East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be running on time. Priscilla Smith, Indian, was fined $10, with option of seven days imprisonment, In city police court yesteday for vagrancy. George Miller, United States cus J. L. Sansum, agent fpr the White Pass and Yukon Route at White-horse, and Mrs. Sansum were pas- jsengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through jon a trip to Vancouver. 1 John E. Berg, prominent .fisher ies operator and banker of Ketchikan, and Mrs. Berg were here aboard the Princess Norah yester- rttiv nfternnon cointr throuffh oh a , trip to Seattle. Miss C. Ilalvorsen, well known ladles' wear dealer of Juneau, was a nassenscr aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going south from the Alaska capital oh a business trip to various points In the United States. Dr. W. T. Kergln will leave on to morrow evening's train for Toronto In two weeks Mrs. W. T. Kergln and Mrs. W. H. Kergln will leave for California where they will be met bv Dr. Kergln who will motor west, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Margaret Kergln R.N., who has been for some time In Toronto. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. M. II. McLean, Port Edward: Mr.and Mrs. J. R. Mc- ' Williams. Digby Island; Miss Betty Webber, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs, J. Currie, Stewart; T. A. Bryant, city; Miss Mary Lawrance, Terrace; G. C. Smith, Usk. Central F. Fcrgusoa and B. Ferguson, Prince Albert; D. McLeod and Gor don LWellvn. Prince George; Dick Leighton, Wallace Leighton, B. O. Albertson. Oskar Backlin, Gus Leighton, Frank Schroeder", George ir Wilson, GeorgeBaines and N. Wick, city; Mr. and Mrs. M. Milton, Lawyer Island; J. Laurie. Smlthers; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman, Hays-port; H. Jerome, C.N.R.; Alfred Hadland and Clarence Closter, Oona River; J. Jones, Juneau. Kriox D. Roche. A. E. Phillips and H. Millar, city; Miss E. Lucey and Edwin Chum, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Tucker, Victoria; R. Winkler, C.N.R. Royal r J. Watson and Wah Soon, city; P. sacko. F. W. Taylor and W. Paw- chuk, C.N.R.; Harry Isakson and William Jorgensen, Surf Inlet; B. Krlstmansson, Osland. Savoy ...--',, Gus Leighton and K. Campbell, city; L. H. Ling. Dawson; William Jones, Victoria; Percy Glover, Vancouver; John Nelson, Lowe Inlet. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. C.Y.C. uary 7. Dance, Catholic Hall, Jan- Women's Hospital Auxiliary Bail, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Lawrence of: Stewart are passengers aboard the Catala today going through on a trip to Vancouver. Mr: and Mrs. Isadore Goldstein of Juneau were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south. Miss. Betty Webber arrived ir. the ..city Hit the end of -'the week from', Victoria and left, yesterdaj for "Fort vEssington where she will toms officer at Skagway, was a;do private teaching, passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Seattle. Miss Nellie Gurvich, who has been spending New Year's visiting In Stewart, returned homo from the north on the Catala this morning. , Allan (Bill) Vance underwent an operation . yesterday morning the Prince Rupert General Hospital, and is reported to bo making good recovery. City Commissioner W. J. Alder is expected to return to the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday after noon from Victoria where he has been spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Mrs. Fred Risch of Stewart was! pasenger aboard the Catala this morning golng through to Van couver where she will visit unlu April. It Is Mrs. Rlsch's first trip south In ten .years. Miss J. McTavish R.N, lady sup erintendent of the Whitehorse hospital, was . a . passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a vaca tion trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. J. Crawford of Stewart Is a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver enroute 'to Nelson .where she will pay a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Watson. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Browr and family and Mr. and Mrs. S R. Donaldson and family, aftei spending the New Year hollda) season visiting In the, city, let' yesterday morning on their return to Port Essirigton. Miss Marjorle Keriney, after j spending the Christmas and New Year .holiday season visiting at Ter race with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T;. Kenney, left Terrace by last nighty t'raln on her return to her school teaching duties at Fraser Lake. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident mining engineer for the northwestern mineral survey district will be the speaker at the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce this evening. Miss Alleen Longworth, who returned last night to her teaching duties at Terrace after spending the Christmas holidays In Vancouver, stopped off at Prince Rupert fp,a xoule. of days on her war from! the south, being the guest of Mr! and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh -at Cllffsyde, Fourth Avenue. Quality price service Free Gift Tokens At MUSSALLEM'S Groceries Confectionery Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Jack Sutherland, former local tailor, has arrived In the city from Dawson, where he is. now located, to pay a visit to his home here. J E. Jacquot of Dawson, well known i In the Yukon .as a conductor .and j organizer of big game hunting j parties, was a passenger aboard! the Princess Norah yesterday af-' ternoon going through on a trip ,to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Father Anthony Meulehberg, parish priest . ofthe Roman Catho lic Church at Stewart, .arrived in the city from the north on the Catala this morning and will proceed on tomorrow -evening's train; to the Atlantic Coast where h. will embark for a visit to his native home in Belgium. Provincial Constable R. Sandy who is being transferred from Burns .Lake to Fort St. .John in the Peace Jllv'e'r Block, left JBurns Lake on this morning's eastbourd train for his4 new post in the north. Constable P. B. Smith, from Fort St. John, Is taking his place at Burns Lake. Timely Recipes .MAGIC FONDANT CANDY It's a thrill for children to havt a party but it's a bigger thrill for the children to have helped get it ready. Here Is a party candy simple enough for children tq make. Moreover, put up in holiday boxes wrapped In gaily colored cellophane, waxed paper, or foil. It makes the grandest party gifts. One quarter cur sweetened con densed milk, Vz teaspoon flavoring, 1 2-3 cups sifted Icing sugar. Blend sweetened condensed milk and vanilla or other flavoring. Ado Icing sugar gradually, 'mixing with tnrV until smooth nrid erpamv. Ii desired, knead in pure food color-' ing to tint delicately; or add chopped nut meats, maraschino cherries, candied ginger, etc. Shape all;bajlscylnders or patties. (oat witn snreaaea coconut, cuujj-ped nut meats (toasted, when suitable), decoreUes; or garnish with nut meat halves, drained maraschino cherries (halves or slices), etc. Or use to stuff dates, prunes or figs. Chill on buttered pan 01 wax paper until fondant is firm Candies may be chocolate-dipped, if desired. The ideal thing foi party-sweets and gift boxes. This fondant requires no cook ing. Just mix the Ingredients no ripening overnight. Try a Dally New classified ad. vertisement for best results. THE SEAL QUALITY III GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with, an all the year rqund payroll In Prince Rupert Orange Pekoe Blind AliAIIA TEA "Demers Closing Ovenvaitea Butter First IT 95c Wednesday and Thursday Only Purex Toilet Paper Per roll Royal City Pork & Beans 3 tall tins Many Flowers Soap 3 cakes Buik Soap Flakes 2 lbs 6c 25c 11c 23c is Out SALE A Readjustment of Prices Offers You Greater Hargains Than Ever. Our Entire Stock MUST BE SOLI). You Cannot Affb rd to Miss Our DRESS SPECIALS OVERMITEA LTD. Cash or C.O.D. EGGS Grade Per doz. in cartons Phone 843 Royal Crowri Soap 6 bars Borden's Chocolate Milk i-lb. tin Crisco 1-lb. tin A" Large. 30c 21c Malted 35c 23c Barco Sliced Pineapple 1 Qf 2's. 2 tins SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES Sweet and Juicy. Large Size QflP Medium Size Xt' IQp dUt Per doz. Per doz Small Size Per doz. 10C Classic Cleanser Per tin Jiffy Ready Dinner-16-oz. Tall tins 5c 13c Hedlund's Pork Saus- OQ U age 16-oz. tin Overwaitea Orange Marma-lade-4-lb. tin. Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD; Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T..S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 By Westover ,-' , I OH )TS (3EAMD, MONTV, THESE CUI2TA' MS gjgmiTO J ,1 Pi r , VJELL.WERE'S OUR. . NSW IgsifeUpBOT hovm oo cil v.DE THE 4 j HEY li" fiVjJ -v STOblb OF TSiCHofeE, m ft- VSl CORTainS "f m ! rirr that I'vJvA ' MRS. eoTTFMj f A CKSfaSs frf 4M M'JT TILL IE, AMD j 'L i INSISTS OM' BECOHIM 'OrMllUj W 1 VlffP Tl Wi TT tbSCte MI 4 4 The Installation of officers o(! the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, which was to have been held to , morrow, has been deferred for i week. Tomorrow there will be the usual weekly luncheon, Prof. JtlarJ ry . Warren of the University o British Columbia will be tltp speaker before the Gyro Club, on i January 19, his subject to be "The Mediterranean Situation and try Geography of Europe." Mr. arid Mrs. F. S. Clendennln'fc sailed by the Catala this afternoon on their return to Vancou-ver, Mr. Clendennlng had been here n connection with loading o4 grain ships at the local elevato. Mrs. Clendennlng visited with iher parents, Mr and Mrs. Oeorge D. Tlte. A. IS 2".