Today's Weather prince Rupert Clear, southwest wind, six miles per hour; barometer: 30.32; sea moderate. Hundred Thousand Acres Now r vj in,nip Mile Hlrh VICTORIA, July 231 (CP) For-. orp sweeDlru: Vancouver f preeiv man ever to- The area covered is now nnnnA arms PPntrplnf? In ti i yivt ' the Comox Valley. . nnmi nr now covenne oon- ir k - - urn and are menacing . vni-hiddrn Plateau. Tw0 hundred loggers last nign; ,nna the villaee of Head- Lt-l- .- ...iivi a constant stream oi - . 1L. l rv . . . I hAl . , .ma n Firm 111 & I v 1 1 1 1' . . . I i. . ttinno anri neat homes .way on"i'- j.M.npr nn - ... V. n . i a rtnmmAnpM Til Seiners uttc vw..i..i...vv. i. i !! firm hnitlM and. Il l - - Jiu. . last night, thirty famines nan ..Li ..hoitnc in fTniinpnav. The residents of Campbcllton rlv ti Ipavn il . l,r.lnn mmmiintttM U'PfP inc.:: iutt'"6 iuiiui"""v tv,. tnncups of fire .were reported be leaping Into the air ana i rniiinfT in tiib mi i i t the city of Vancouver, one j. -j mHaD Hlttnnt arms the 'Mil t . 1 IIIJJL V. iuw. . . t ot Georgia. Destroying Virgin Timber a riA m 1a innrr Ann . i n i.H4a tlnpA than t) fcht the conflagration pr-r art s greatest tracts of gUl lUUCl -cs were standlns by to- lonecr uepuiy ii rnnn to b iiiii I ii . v in iciai j r i ii n l t A linvln I Inirl KELOWNA, July 23: (CP) Sid- TW flfttMitv Attrtmoir ninral fif T.nP v nr.n nr a nor a. mna neiu line vi lit in v niq cicinr rvirx rrv. Today a Weather i . i . i i if ii f l i rne. nAiHi. rinnw nnnr mJ vaIU UUI UlllVtVI $ wwavvf m m l-mwn ha. i viW nai uiii - i jvprraxL. iiiii lii- ,lmmo am on ir. i . e a ri nnnu Alert Bay Overcast, westerly u, iweive mucs per hour; Daro- Tnr inifl. i i 1 1 i- - ww.iu. win i km ii lii rt. i:i : lii'iib K-tevan- -Clear, northwest wind, tuitt-a uer nour: naromeier. n n i - ' '4, . O. July 23 (CP) -i Russia s sharp re- VA V i . 41 , , , - tuc Nipponese v " icgaiu hi uic Ol- bfc. Manchuokuan border dkpWJ Japan has adopted a conciliatory attitude. A Japanese spokesman, In a statement last night, denied that Japan had made any threat of force. Despite news of another border clash, Moscow officials believed today that there was little danger of conflict with Japan In the border dispute. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtoiy B. D. Johaton Co.) D. C. Nickel Bib Missouri ... Vancouver. Bralorne Aztec .'. Cariboo Quartz ; Dentonla' . Qolconda (ask) Minto :03Vj 2 Falrvlew .08 Noble Five .03 Pend Oreille 2.20 Pioneer k .,2.95 Porter Idaho .03 Premier :. T. 2J3 Reeves McDdnald .41 Reno ..,.'4..-. .45 Relief Arlington .15 Reward .032 Salmon Oold 13 Taylor Bridge - .03 Hedley Amalgamated .05 Premier Border .01 Vi uaic miners ana. ianu-. Kllhalt Prpml.r c i r m iifiun n criiiiiiii i i it- m iiiii Indian Quatslna Copper Halda Gold A. P. Con i Shcrrlt Gordon Noranda Con, Smelters Athona Hardrock Rand Malartlc Oils. 4 Toronto. .09 '2 M 9.55 .07 1J5 I Home Oold 01 Calmont - .35 C. &E. 1. 2.61 Freehold - MV Hargal 18 KfcDouEall Segur.,.. 17 Mercury ..."-.. -Vi Okalta .i......-.;E...... 03 .-.... Home Oil l-38 1 Deattie I-25 i Central Patricia 2 6(5 Triple I;;land- - Clear, northerly nods Lake 53 fifteen miles per hour; sea Little Long Lac '. - 3-60 Langara Island Clear, northwest , Rcd Lake 0oia shore -OOVi ma. twenty mi es ner hour: Da- t,,.i.i r-, 4.90 w.u t-i.111 vjl tu v f r. n a nirtnin i. McLeod Cockshutt Hutchison Lake Dawson White Vlflnrli ni i ' AMermar . Vancouver Clenr. imrthupst Uchl Gold .... lrd, four miles noriinur! ham. ' Intcr'l Nickel Prince George Clear, southwest "'U, IOUr m HI niir Vioiir. finrn. - - - . V I' V. . IIUUli UIIIU tcr. 30.14. Terrace- -Calm, temperature, 61. " 11 jansn- -Clear, calm, CO. "cc Arm-dear, calm, 57. Anyox- .clear, calm, 54. I ,,tewart Clear, calm, 52. -iwn. lcar, calm. 64. Gmith CrK- X?lnn 1)1 "urns Lake- -Clear, calm, 50. WlSNiPKr, WHliAT PRICE 1.44 Smelters Oold -05 i Oklcnd - 20 Mosher :....... .: " Madsen Red Lake 3" " Stadcona - Pi-nnKnoiir "8 r t unvv Moncta nankfleld I 1.90 .80 n...lnn V. TVimp 80 East Malartlc CONSISTENT WINNER m,,rT Tulv M! (CP)- .03 .03 .56 1.85 2.14 51.75 71.25 61.50 .08 2.65 ( narber Larder Mandy '. ONRETURN King and Queen Home After Visit 1 To France Important Results Seen LONDON, July 23: (CP) Kins, George and Queen Elizabeth wen' cheered tumultously last night asj they returned to London after! their four-day state visit to Franco. ther co-ordination of French and British plans for military co-operation, and, second, Joint influence upon Germany to ease the tension in Europe. Not without significance was taken a forty-five minute conference yesterday between Prime Mir. ister Neville Chamberlain and German Ambassador Count von Rlbbentrop. : Peace Talk Heard Talk of new "peace preserving" iflltfrnmpntft swIrlpH nvnr Ptirnnp f rt- day as Brltlsh French and 04 V ian 'eaders discussed means cl uuuv bull utlllldll nroblem In Czechoslovakia Rome quarters mentioned the possibility of a non-aggression pact among I France, Germany and Russia. Re such an alignment. SHIP PLAN I- LONDON, July 23: (CP) Sir Edward Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway and Lord Cralcmyle. British shipowner, is Tomorrow's Tides High 11:19 ajn. 113 ft. 23:12 p.m. 21.1 ft. Low 5:02 a.m. 3.5 ft. 16:56 p.m. 7.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VCl XXVII.. No. 171. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1938 TltlCE: 5 CENTS m rvnfl IKE. lYlWIVti . iT i w 'ABackingUp ACCLAIMED Sees Twenty Thousand People In Prince Rupert Soon After Highway To Interior Is Built i i Californian Urges People To Wake Up And Get Road Built and Make Thcmsellves Prosperous Along With People of Interior 'What is wrong with vou neonle? Whv don't vnti f frkrrnf Vint onrl rlninnrifl fVtnf Vis UivVim T.A fl--i . UUtHIV! MilU 4IlC41iV Kllkj LUC 1 1 1 1 11 Y 1 V LUl 1 1 lei! LI 1 1 I I 1 Ill'H sued a loint statement last nlchti wnnld be monev snent here for hotels and food and articles of clothing, saying that the Canadian - Aust-1 "indirectly you Prince Rupert people" would benefit from the in-1 rallan Line had decided not to j creased prosperity that, would come to the interior towns and villages. build two new 6mps lor tne trans- 0r.en tnat highway and Immediately Haielton, smitners, Burns, uane. Pacific service between Vancouver and Sydney at present because of uneconomic shipbuilding prices. RUSSIAN New Yorker Returns With Story Of joud enough and are insistent. We did it in California and I am sure Soviet of Happy People NEW YORK, July 23: (CP) Improving economic conditions lr. Russia, employment for all able- bodied men and women and happy were some of the faces everywhere 3 65 J who wants a jou uaic- uut, ihe reported. "Everyone gets vaca !nn... .,.b mv. with .a three-week t.uiio n vt, f j r minimum, People on their holidays American are dancing in the public squares. and 6c. Vanderhoof and the other places along the highway would be making progress and that would feed Prince Rupert. You would all grow to-1 gether and this little town would soon develop, into a real seaport.! - , i ., ini f nMDreu ffnph as vou have never even' 1 nave a piumii; in mj 'u,u . ... I I .11 -J nn4 nrntl oHrtllt KllclnPSe hpln?' you can but it is no goou io ati uuh anu " You have to bestir yourselves and bad. That never helped any place. make things .happen." . By this time the visitor, who evidently seemed well Informed, had ...... .11 - i. Via rt 1 LftH i pretty well talked himself out but ne gave a parting mut c . away: Halibut Sales Summary -40,000 pounds, 7.6c The-theatres, the opera, the ballet1? Canadian 6,000 pounds, 6.5c and I fhp mnvles are filled nightly IRp tn 7Se and Sc. with workers." 1 American Lamont also told of increased ef- Liahona, ,40,000, Pacific, 7.6ct and flclency in public services. tTains 6c, run on time, restaurants are modernized, shops have a greater vatl- CAl'6 I Ik. nrra tr,y pnmnlilsnrw KrbfMll (. ..... ...,.n vv vpar Mia. 1 aim me ic v...t.--"' ii!wpv formerly Miss Angela Bur- !ng is being Increased. "ey 1 ".yn;ai cane Golf! Russians are inclined to feel war WINNIPim . ,1"". " , nl . and 4.5c. Canadian Dorrecn, 16,000, Cold Storage, cty of better quality goods and 7.3c and 5c. "there Is a greater feeling for style! oony, 12,000, Cold Storage, 6.5c In women s clothes. Social Insurance cares for old; May West, 19,500, offered 6.5c age, accident and sickness. Edu and 4.5c by Cold Storage, going to cation Is free from the klndergar- Butedale. ten .through the Universities fori Oslo. 14,000, Cold' Storage, 6.5c Fir', those who can pass examinations and 4.5c. Johanna, 16,000, Atlln,7.2cl anil 1 ...Unf T Mil T i.w.. A4itM aren't vniiv i'pii vniir neuuie wuaw oaj. like (things reported by Corliss Lamont wn and x see lts possibilities. If you can waken the people from BIG DRIVE HEREFROM COMMENCED DOWN SOUTH 'Japanese Assault on Kiukiang, Key Two I Point to Hankow, Is At Last Started SHANGHAI, July 23: (CP) The Japanese today began theit long-awaited assault on Klukl-ang, key point in the push toward Hankow. Landings were i:r , i r.' Rupert with the outside be constructed at once? If there "olnts ilon soon after their return, with them were highway leading into the city, thousands of tourists! British ship searched were tne two little princesses, would come here Irom all parts of the United States and I hong kong, July 23: jcp) ItZfll1 loyal sublects ar. especially from California. All that would be needed would i 11 ""reported here today that ciaimea mem. , . 1 1 , , . . . t th rtritun frp;ri,(r i-., two principal results were seen a winy passaoie roaa anQvcars . wo?w De coming in by ,,een stored an s arVheT b; a by London observers from the tne dozens and hundreds and I'nnce Rupert WOUld receive Japanese warship ten miles off royal visit to France first, fur- such a shock, vour lamruidlv auiet local merchants WOllld Honr Koncr after a warning shot , never get over it. The city would really become a part of j had bcen fired across her bow-the North American world." I " It was in words much like thU that a Californian addresred a Daily News representative this week. He was enthusiastic and emphatic over the possibilities. It was argued, lh rebuttal of the suggestion, that the province had no money for the purpose and that "every district was urging the building of other roads just as loudly and insistently as were ,08A New Vessels for Vancouver-Sydney of shipping them on the railway, yet this is petty stuff and does not .018 .04 .03 Vi .20 BULLETINS the Prince Rupert people. In some places, even, they were building the I RESULTS NEXT WEEK roads by volunteer labor in order that they might be in a position to get VICTORIA Senior and junior jplaces. This did not' satisfy our visitor who continued somewhat along, matrjcuiaUon and normal school thase lines: examinatjon XCsults are to be re- , "Highways are necessities these days and any place that does not Ieased on jonday or Tuesday. cuiiiiftk u(j wiiii 1,11c sai-cm ui uie cuutiiicui, is uuuiiu iu ue as ucitu us, Prince Rupert seems to be. It is Inevitable. Down In our state (California) j we build highways through the desert and cut our way through and over mountains that seemed Impassable a few years ago. Thousands of people drive over roads that are anything but good and are often danger-. ous. It would be no trick at all to build along the Skeena River to Ter- race and the distance to be covered, I am told, Is only about eighty hewpd pmnhftsls nn Anelo-Frpnrh miles. The road would pay for Itself in gasoline tax in no time. I suggest- 1 friendship Is believed to have tnls highway be built while negotiations are going on for the Alaska j j strengthened the possibilities of Highway so tnat-i can bring my car in nere in isku insieaa 01 naving 10 I of British Columbia that a city of the size and importance of Prince Rupert cannot be reached by automobile. "Yes, you are right, peopla do not like to return over the same road on which they came, of they can possibly help It. But you have a splendid ' trianoip rnutp Thp visitor pnuld drive In over the road and' take their POQTTPrMPDi cars south on the steamers, thus combining a road tour with a beautiful JT JlJ 1 X Vl iLjII cruise. The steamship company would benefit tremendously if the hlgh-j HOPPERS IN REGINA REGINA. Myriads of grasshoppers swarmed into Regina jeslerday, causing people to scurry indoors. They were believed to be the advance guard of millions of the flying insects on their way from the Saskatoon district. Parts of Saskatchewan are also having a scourge of the beet web worm. PLANES OF NATIONS PORT WASHINGTON, New York. Trans-Atlantic planes ot three nations were tied up here yesterday. One was the Imperial per ship leaving for Bermuda. JAPAN TO STATES TOKYO. Plans were disclosed here yesterday whereby Japan and United States will be linked up by connecting flying boat services of the two nations across the Pacific Ocean. The time would be two-and-a-half days. HOT IN ALBERTA CALGARY. Record hieh tcm- thought. about. Forget Sir Wilfrid Laurler and these other things you ( pcratures for thc year were rea-taiir about as vou lookback and regret that something did not happen. . d , Alberta vesterdav with in the past. Set your minds on the future and build. Wake up, you Prince' Edmonton reporting 89, Calgary DPfVf'REQQi Rupert people. I understand you have a wonderful country there in the 1 JLYV VJJAJLlUU1 peace River district that Is being connected wun me system at i hoof. Insist that you have connection too. You can get It if you talk 93 and Lcthbndge, the hottest point in the province with 98. Danger of forest fires in Northern Alberta has become increased. PARALYSIS OUTBREAK CALGARY. Dread infantile paralysis has broken out in southern Alberta. Three cases are under observation. ,on his return irom a tour 01 tne , nt come here day and open up In business, uu m 1 D L 11 1 e r 6 .Soviet Union. Lamont, who Is j ,d neyer settle doTO ,n sleepytown with a bunch of I Qfay g ISaSeDall 'Anirmnn of the American Friends ' . V t.. 1- in.avi aslepn pver J iimiiuiu - v winkles. No place wnere mc ireupic mc a,j r - amounts to anything tions with what he saw when he visited Russia in 1935. "Any able-bodied man or woman- ... U ...... ) rheat V' 't ?.lJ.77 my , Club IUD . WT. womens ' ..L" '""' V on nd Bl M,,, thU no immpdiate immediate urosocct prospect of of 'Pp6 market inarKCi yesterday. vesiprrtnv. . .1 t '...111 nnmn Empllmp hut thev KPP. mi rnnmp l. : win tutiiv . - 5c. Tramp, 4.5c. Cold Storage Head Is Here J. A. Boyd of Montreal Pays Visit To Local Plant J. A. Boyd of Montreal, presl dent of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., and Mrs. Boyd arrived In the city on the Prince 15,000, AtliV 6.5c and 1 on the Princess Adelaide last eve ning from the south to inspect pro- National League Philadelphia, 9; Cincinnati, 10. Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 3. U. S. GOLFER WINS I DIEPPE. Prance, ulv 23: (CP) , An 18-year old Walker Cup teamj 'reserve. R. Dunkelbercer, won theiT Inspector John Macdonald, whose transfer from Nelson to Prince. to take command of -D' morning from,Rupert Rupert d y , Vancouver. Mr. Boyd paid his division of the- provincla po Ice" was announced In the Dally News annual visit to the company's local will arrive from the erday. plant and office and they sailed yes th on the Princess Alice Mon- Ey J last the Princess Adelaide night J .: . dav mornlni to assume his dutlesT on tneir return to vautuuvii. . . nvtvi C. F. Dawson, federal architect Mr. and Mrs. E. Hudson of Lon- from Victoria, arrived in the city i don, England, were among round trip passengers aboard the steamer Cardena which was In port this it. he Rose Snit. 14.000. Cold storage 'rpss of work on the new federal mnrnlnc. Mr HnHnn Is InfprpstM said. 6.5c and 4.5c bulldlns here. in salmon buying. 1 venr Hundred Mississippians Goodwill Visit To Prince Rupert Pay., f u , .,, Krr,nir. thoir nrnrfnP in hv mr instead, . . r . . on oenair or ma visitors w. . ,C8w,cruB.u -6 ,7 ------- . p,eled her lu.m ,rom lreiana; Rond state welfare director, thank- nnnthpr fhp cliin u-h!rh Run Cannot Be nullt Economl- I amount to anything. To offset this you would have a city of twenty- hatJ just compe(cd an expert cally Now j thousand here within the next few years, if the highway were opened, j menta, fii5nt vla the Azores( ana tne railway wouiu mane up m a r un iuuS and the third an American clip- makes In a year from the vegetable peddlers." "Think, too, what you would get from Ketchikan and Portland Canal," continued the visitors. "Boats bring their fish to Prince Rupert for shipment over the railway and, if it were possible, they would bring their cars across In the same way and drive south over the road. There Met by J. T. Harvey, vice-president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, and a number of 1 members as well as representatives of various other organizations in , the1 city two hundred prominent 1 men and women of the state of I Mississippi arrived here on a special train yesterday at 2:30 and left for Stewart and Hyder on the Prince . Rupert two hours later. The party was In charge of Ex-Governor Dennis Murphree and "was thoroughly representative of all classes of the community. They brought with them an exhibition car showing the products of the state, the chief of rhlch is cotton, although fruits and vegetables and timber are also important. Speaking of the exhibition car, one of the prominent members of the party said they had taken these trips each summer for a number of years and they found it to be good publicity. They sold approx'-mately two hundred tickets and the price included the exhibition car so that there was no cost to the state. They did not consider the car had any commercial value In Canada but it was educative and cost nothing extra. At the station a formal welcome on behalf of the city was extended by M. P. McCaffery who expressed the hope that all would enjoy the visit. He drew attention to the fact .that, while they came from the I United States, they were not rooked upon as foreigners. Of late, while all the world was talking of war, Canada and the United States were drawing closer together in the cause of peace. ed Mr. McCaffery for the welcome given him. He reciprocated the plea for closer co-operation and spoke of the. neighborly feeling between the two countries. He then presented Mr. McCaffery with a huge water melon, which he said was one of the small ones, the others being too big to bring along. He made a happy speech and there was. much enthusiasm. The trip was described as a good-will trip, taken chiefly for enjoyment and education. ,The party will arrive back in Prince Rupert this evening and, after another two hour stop, will continue through to Vancouver where they will again be met by i their special train after they have visited Victoria. Weather Forecast (FumUhocl through the courtesy el the Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria and Prince Rupert. This forecast U compiled Irom observation taken at S a.m. today and covers the 33 hour period ending 5 pjn. tomorrow General Synopsis The pressure continues high on the Pacific Coast. The weather has been some-jwhat cool off Vancouver Island , while It continues fine over the in-Jterlor. j Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh northwest winds, fair with no change in temperature. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh to strong southwest winds, fair and moderately warm. French Amateur Golf Champion- f ship, defeating A. L. Bentley, D 1 Southport, England, 3 and 2 In j JaD DOatS tue jo-iiuic iiiiui. Have Left SEATTLE, July 23: (CP) Frank C. Bell, United States commissioner of fisheries, said last night that the Alaskan fishing grounds have been abandoned by all Japanese boats in accordance with an agreement to suspend Alaskan fishing , This Coast t