Wednesday: January 10: 1038, A New telephone Number 456 Taxi Kh. FRENCH Willi The Same Reliable Service The Ideal Tonic For The Winter Months HIGHEST POTENCY Vitamin Emulsion Emulsifying in a palatable form the natural Vitamins of Halibut, Tuna and Cod-Liver Oils. An efficient general-tonic fqr both adults and children. A 100 Prince Rupert Product Price1 One Dollar Per Bottle Manufactured. and. Sold Hy OrmesLtd. TZhe Pioneer Dr typists The RexU Store Phonea: 81 V K Open Dally Prom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays Prom 12 noon' till' 2 p.m, 7 D-tn. till 9 p.m. a Demers Geo; Coffin D.c., rh.o., sp.c. Chiropractic Specialist No. 4 LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. ix Tim srritr.MK covin oi niUTi1 roi.iiMiiiv is rbn.TB In The Mtilter of The "AdiutnUtratlo Act" Ana In The Mtter ot The F.ntate of Ellen Kva Kvana, Decrawd TAKE NOTICE that by Order of W Honor, W E. FtehPT, iruwie on Oie Htn day of BetX-emtx-r, A- D- l937' Urt will uid testament ot the late El.Mj Eva Evama and probate thewof, Issued out of itaie Principal Befrlstry of tVie ProbaAe Divorce emd Adinlralty Division of the Hhrh Court at Justice, ani dated the 10th day of Mairch. 1937. was rwwaHed In th above Court and all ITiiong havln claima tigaliwrt the etaitf rf the said Ellem Eva Evans' are' hereby M-muiM-fi tn furnish mime oronealv veri fied rt.a im m or bnfore the Bth dflV Of Pebruarv. A. D. 1038. and all partie Indebted to the estate' ere- required to pay the' amount of thetr todebUKtoeai to me forthwith, . , . DATED the 6th day' of January, A? D. 1038. PATMORE It FULTON, Bolloltora and Attorneyl for the Executor. Prince Rupert, B. O. n Closing Out Shoe Specials Priced at $2.95, $2.50, $1.95 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal1 MRS. C. E. BLACK i.1 1 M&L mm notes Albert Ralmet returned to the city on the Prince George this morning frbnTa brief trip to j John Boshby,- Jormerlyt .of i thli city, has been; heard from in Vail 'paralso. Chill; 'where: he Is In the J service ot a .tbbacco company. . O. Ekman; well known Telkwa fancher, who has been on a trip .to Victoria, arrived- in the city from thiyjsauth ian lhtf-PftnceJJeorge. this morning and will proceed to the interior on the evening train. Mrs. W. T. Kergln and Mrs. V. H, Kergln will sail on the prince George tomorrpw night for Van couver enroute to California. There they will be met by Dr. W, T. Kergln and Miss Margaret Kergln who are motoring out from Ontario. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert' Fisheries Experi mental Station, returned tp .the city on the Prince George this morning via Vancouver from' a trip East to attend : the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board of Can ada at Ottawa. The bylaw" authbrlzlrig the transfer' by the1 city to the provincial government of 16ts in the Market Square In return for1 a portion of waterfront abutting Cow Bay was finally reconsidered and adopted this morning by City Commissioner W. J.: Alder" iri session" as a city council. Announcements ! All advertisements in thls'col-: nnn rvlllbe charged" fora full ' month at 2ic a word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. W. H. Tobey, January 20. Presbyterian' Burn's Banquet January 25. Catholic Tea, Mrs. McCaffery. Jan. 27. Baptist Supper; February 3. , Women's Hospital Auxiliary Ball February 4. Ridley- HomeSale,, February 10. Vafentlne.; Cabaret. Benefit Boys Band. February . Cambral .Valentine 14. Masonic Ball, Thursday, February 17. Cathedral Easter sale, April 21. Free Pants! During January The lihbfc af Hobberlin Is makln-a Special Offer for this, month orilj' of a free, extra pair of1 pants with1 each suiti Make adeppsit wlien, ordering' and have th'e; suit de-livrfedat ahy! tlmeT you whh;up;t-as latVas Easter. Ling & Tailbr SECOND AVENUE Phone G4j 'alaHnaHHI "TIME, THE TOILER? Mr. and Mrs; R: M.'Wlnslow will sail on the Prince George tomorrow night for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere- in the south: , Mlsak Aivazoff is paying a brief business visit to the cltyj He arrived from Vancouver on the Prinee George, MCurBt: this uus uiuiimiB morning and. iu.u will wiz be You have experienced, when working on some particular job, that happy desire to sing or hum some favorite tune. It is the pleas Ure of the work in hand that creates such a happy mood. The many who use PURITY FLOUR know what we mean, and vod who have not tried PURITY FLOUP, have this pleasure at your com mand! Why not make y6ur next sack of FLOUR. PURITY and be convinced of the happy and bet ter results. (15) Dr. Harry Warren; of-the Univer sity' of Bfltlshblumbla," here to conduct a series of extension lec tures under the auspices of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert rhamher i.f Commerce, arrived in the cltv from Vancouver on the Prince Georke this morning. The extension lectures wiH be held to night, and Thursday even and'Dn Warren will return to Vancouver Thursday night, Today he was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gy rci nhh and oh Thursday will be heard at the Rotary Club. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the! members of the Prince Rupert Rpneral Hosnital Association will be held at the Moose Hall on Friday, January 28th 1938 at 8 pjn. Business: To ! receive balance sheet tor 1937.:,, : ' ' ;l: TO receive general ;and Auditor report ' , V t -To1 electi five members of the Board 'of ' Management: To appoint an Auditor,- HJ W: BIRCH, Secretary. VARNSV PHILATELISTS nov THWKR Jnti 19: (CP) M w " 'I - - - Pointing" out the post office exists lor something, besides, stamp-coit lrtnrs. the South Africa Postmast- er-uenerai nas, aeciarea amuw prgknlzed by philatelists are onerous for his' department. i, :'i 1 s i ' - i Trevorj Hill' returned, to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip' to Vancouver. Frank Fitch, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, returned to 1 the city on the Prince George this morning. E. J. Fitzpatrick, road superintend ) dent for the provincial department pf public works, returned to the cUy 0 the prjnce Ge0rge this returning south on the same vessel ftpr nttpnflIn a denart. tomorrow night. The firs department was called puWat 7,:55 this morning" toihe pro vincial public works warehouse on First Avenue where a truck had caught fire as a result of a back fire. Engine and cab of the truck were considerably damaged. Scarcely, had the firemen returned froth ithis. call than a false alarm was turned in from the same box. Always Tired, Grouchy, Nervous! Chronic Constipation Made Life MUerable-U' Happy Notf K severe eomtiption drill !' dawn, try the fruit juica, herb, tonic remedy. Notfiinl lite it. Mrs. L L, Montreal, writes. "1 felt nerroiis. irritable and tired all the time. Couldn't eat. Didn't aleep. Werked with difficulty due U thronic constipation. 1 jot im relief until 1 tried Fruit-a-thes. Soon I - became refular, headachea and irritation left me. I hate loti of enerfy now." H'a worth' while te try this same simple way to ref am health. You'll be ttad jou did. 25c and 50c. FRUITTIVEStK mental conference In Victoria. Stanley Alton, formerly with the! Wemier Gold Mining Co. and now! In the insurance business, is a vis-' itnr in the ritv. havlne arrived from' the south on the Prince George this1 morning. too Joseph Scott of the Canadian National Railways investigation de partment with- headquarters in Winnipeg arrived in the city irom Vancouver on the Prince George this morning in the course of a trip to the coast. J. M. Bryan, MIA. for Macken zie, and Mrs Bryan came north from Vancouver to Ocean Falls on the steamer Prince George last evening. Ocean Falls Is one of the principal centres in Mr. Bryans riding. Dr. R B. Brummitt of Smithers, who has been receiving medical treatment iri Vancouver, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morning- and will proceed to the interior on this evening's train. BLACKHEADS Blarkheitdi so quickly by a tmple method that juxt dUttolvec them, Ot two ounces of peroxin imwder from your druKftrUt, rub t bis with a hot. wet cloth rently over th black head f -and you wonder where they have irone. Have a Hollywood complexix WILL BUY owl voure' -MWe am LOCALLY Women's Auxiliary of Hospital Eels Down This I'rinctpie The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary 0f th Prince Rupert General" Hospital was held last evening in the board room of the- hospital with the president, Mrs. J. R. Morrison, In the chair. Plans for the Hospital Ball-to be heldi under- the auspices of- the Auxiliary iii the Moose Hall on February 4 were completed and the following conveners appointed. refreshments, Mrs. F. S. Walton, decorations, Mrs, P. U Rayner: Tickets. Mrs. P. M! Rayner. The Auxiliary went on record as being In favor of buying through the. local merchants wher ever possible, price and quality be ing given due consideration, and decided to place the order for mat- tresses. DroDosed being bought foi the public wards with the" p'r6-ceeds from the recent Auxiliary tea, with A. McKenzie Furniture Co. I Tie resignation of the secretary Mrs. J. R. Fraser. was laid ovei until the next, regular meeting. Arrivals Prince Rupert N. E! Squire. H. C. Everston arid Ri fifier Ahvox: R.: Ri Wlnfield. Vancouver: Mi Hi MeLeah, Port Edward; E. Williams, Edmonton. CAPE ATTACK SLUMS' j. CAPE TOWN; Jari. 1?: (CP) The city council has provided a fund of 6,000,0001 ($30,006,000) for housing j&chemes over the next. 12 yearS. , SIVE UP "THB THE, DAMClMS XNU' J-' WON' i KHCMl VMWVT PHONES i and 81 Mussallem's CORNED BEEF El Rancha. 2 tins 27c SCOURING POWDER Gold Dust. 1 Qp 4 tins An Ideal Cleanser .- LAUNDRY1 SOAP Elephant first quality. j9( 5 burs COFFEE Chase it OOp Sandbom's. Per lb. OQV SPLIT PEAS 3 lbs. 19e IIEDLUND'S LUNCH MEAT LOAF OQo 1-lb. tin MacKENZIES Economy PAOETHRE3, iii r 1:2 t L P. O. BOY 57 "Where Dollars Have More Cents" PEAS Mac's Best. QO1 Sieve 5. 2 tins V f AVtl UlUICi NEVy: QUICK QUAKER CRYSTAL WEDDING OATEC A beautiful piece of glass-; ware in every Pj paekage at ...... 00t; AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE? FLOUR Tune In to KdMO: at 8:15; a.m. PEANUT "BUTTER Squirrel Mickey Mouse: inni .Jars EVAPORATED OOp EEACIiES-2 lbs. 0t' terrace Mcintosh o c'p applEs-6 ibs. "0s Pet Box . .. ... $1.47 ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS-j Rosedale, choice. QQo 66h 2 tins QUALITY SERVICE PKICIT FIIEE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience IJbat and Mail Orders- Receive Prompt and Careful Attention nrnmiTiTii rUillYliUKt 200 Window Shades 36x72, with fittings. Colors, green, Qjh sand, cream. Each Other sizes In oil finish, doth. 4iV2", 45'' and 48v. All 72,f long. Blued cloth oil finish. Per yard Fhone 715 32' THIRD AVENUE Save iYi Kihcr mseccAosr Coal' I know a clever little, trick- to feet 1U LCCU VVU' HttlUl ii' WtU Ul .ttrlHtl -in ,.r lllil sick, tanniiiUMuwiimiiaiiii!:1:.1 Just phone 651 and say Please send a ton of coal today. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Foothills Alberta, NanaimoVelllhctpri and1 Bulkley Valley Coals HALIBUT The source of SurfsKirie- Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg-sauce is-digestible, palatable, satisfying CANADIAN FISH & GOLD STORAGE CO. LTD! Prince Rupert, B.C. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city." 4 -By Westover VAlEL-L. LEt0.e. KNSOW VvlBEM YOO DECIDE BECAUSE I'D UME Td TrS VtSOFi PLACE E"THETS AT 'SlMPNS OF WTH ,M ONlTV KAJ2.UD AT THE DAMCIMS SCHOOL. '" (