mic vii:Liirm nvp ppt nn snnrr.. ociore polling day. he warned -o mcj auuuiu De prepared wj . I . ! n IVintfA V.H MM I J ...MM 1 1 me government tn abondon -vie,, ii.- hTPTicn in rtrnoi" r ri- -v. me mi Micumiiie iraae ne- 31 An. I . . ti - I , . n n 1 1 m.. . . - ,iibi-u oLuics. Victoria weni hnt.Mi . ... ...... . . Von r vi mc jirsi, Lime in uuuui LINKING UP WITH NORTH Surveys are reported to have been completed for the Vancouver island Railway from the Coast Cop-ocr nroperty to the east coast of the Island either at Suquash Port McNeill. I concerned. Another m.iw r ,m inWoct "h. iur me expon oi surplus license was refused, resulting States Powell River Garage Fire Flames Kept Department Busy for Three Hours Yesterday Oil Tanks Threatened POWELL RIVER, Jan. 19: (CP) A stubborn fire in a garage here yesterday kept the fire department busy for three hours. Oil tanks for a time were threatened. U.F.A. IN Future of Coast Copper Railway Across Van-'cratlve Commonwealth Federation couver Island Associated With Re-Opening of Anyox Smelter The latest report to be heard In) connection with the plans of the. Consolidated Mining & Smelting! Co. for Its mining operations on; 'on the West Coast with renovation and re-openlng of the Anyox smelter for treatment of the ores of ntlnuc indefinitely at the head that mine. me party. Since then Mr. Ben- "-v uituouuujr awtoi'i 1 V n . . . In t li rt4 1 ... FREIGHTER PROCEEDS the British Columbia coast assoc- latcs a railroad building project British Ship Cragpool on Way To across the north of Vancouver Is-J Rotterdam Thirty arc Dead land from the Coast Copper mine) As Result of Storm ROTTERDAM. Jan. 19: (CP)-The British freighter Cragpool wa& reported last night to have won a battle with a storm on the At lantic Ocean and to be on her wa here with hull damaged. The ves sel had sent out distress signals or' stating that water was lcakin into her engine room. The suggestion is made that it' Thirty persons are rcporica cicac. would be more economical to treat at sea and In Great Britain as a the Coast Copper ore at' Anyox than result of the fierce storm of the attempt to transport it to the com- last few days. pany's smelter at Trail. The report, emanating from ! Stewart, is. of course, without confirmation as far as the company is "vv v4 niwv iwv v.o 1 . . TPIIKnl . . 1 a. tut- iurmcr wiaening uil I ir I I ,l ii ll i "6 una Mr. Hepburn. Late im member. Mr. Itohum nsltnH fnr n FAVORED Federation of Labor is Also In Favor of 'lratie ircaiy With United a long and acrimonious public 1 awa .inn 19: (CP) The despondence between the two r(inriu 'Federation of .Laboi lQers. n la anticipated the ques- yesterday made representations to Jn of power export will be subject tne federal government favoring a major debate In the Commons adeauate defence measures foi H rocitit. 11.1. . 1 . MM.nn-k.ttr - .vouiu ui inis pnntmvpMV. uu n nn n trnne umtciiitiifc move t0 initiate a national Wuh the United, States and fair nmc Of unemnlovmpnt. Insnmnpp ,..-- onri wnrklnir conditions lcgis l launched by the Dominion gov-' lation. Full consideration of the. Aerial Squadron I Making Headway i Diglitecn of Uncle Sam's Naval Planes Flying Across Pacific SAN DIEGO, Jan. 19: (CP) Eighteen United States naval planes, on a flight from here to Pearl Harbor with 127 officers and men on board, were reported last night to be making excellent progress despite none too favorable weather conditions. They took off at 9 o'clock yesterday morning and expected to complete the flight In about 20 hours SIX HOUSES BURNED rnV": -l Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I A.M.) prince Ilupert Overcast, northwest High 4:10 a.m. 21.3 It..'' wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 16:20 p.m. 19.8 ft. . 29.78 (steady); temperature I.ow 10:24 a.m. 5.4 ft. 38; sea smooth. 22:36 p.m. 4.4 ' liK NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVII., No. 15. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS Post Office COMING LVUJN HAS IMPORT ISSUES TO OCCUPY PARLIAMENT . ii rt.. : t . o7 nr:n r i Program, of Important Legislation Developments of Wide Political Significance OTTAWA, January 19: (CP) Developments of widi lolitical significance which featured the parliamentary n n avnant ar trt Vo fViroslinfl nut rm fVio flnmc nf tVio ilivuu - I ITahcp nf nmmnns and Senate alter nnrliament nnpns -fc- - - - - - v JJl UMl'V j J iii u 1 1 n i n lieu iTi'iir inn iiriii inn i tw l u r- i i rrmrurninuni c .) otinn u'irn Tiio nmni i,rpniL nnministratinn ni Ainprtn. w the subject of references be- g heard In the Supreme Court of mada, new trade policies, the feud tween Prime Minister Mackenzie ing and his erstwhile supporter, Premier HeDburn of Ontario, unem- oyment Insurance and the dense program The third session of the 18th par-imcnt since Confederation will en under the shadow of heavv i U U 1 n U ,..WI.t. partially at both the Commons d Senate, and at both Liberals d Conservatives. Since the last nlng five members in each amber have died and a sixth Sen- While the crime minister and a ... .1 1 1 I I . A . I Ke sccuou wi nis caDinet vraveii- ln Europe. Ottawa enjoyed a if tvr!nd nf nuler utter fhi nine. nt, The. ministers attended the ronatlon of King George VI and Alackcnzle King also, visited rmany Belgium and France. The fall brought considerable ac-n, however, with the federal gov- nment disallowing three acts of ke Social Credit administration of fDerta and later develonments Mch resulted in references being! ade to the supreme court ques ting the disallowance power and e constitutionality of three bills l which Alberta sought to deal pl'th banks and newspapers In that jrovince Leadership Settled Plans of former Prime Minister B. Bennett with respect to lead-ship of the Conservative party d of the official opposition In e House of Commons constituted subject of lively Interest when rllament prorogued last spring. This was settled when, after a cation In Europe, Mr. Bennett ;t his associates In caucus here d tt was announced he would CHAUTEMPS IS PREMIER Former Prime Minister of France Heads New Administration, of Centrists PARIS, Jan. 19: Camille Chautemps, who resigned as Premier last week, succeeded last night In forming a new French cabinet along conservative lines. The new government, consisting of the centrist Radical Socialist members, is expected to meet with severe opposition from the Left, having entirely eliminated Socialists and Communists. It Is a complete breakaway from the influence of Former Premier Leon Itlum and his Popular Front. Georges Bonnet, former ambassador to the United States and a member of the last Chautemps government, is minister of state. CHINESE VICTORY : Guerilla Warfare Uelng Carried On With Success Against Japanese SHANGHAI, Jan. 19: (CP) Chinese guerilla forces were reported early today to be staging successful attacks against the Japanese In various quarters. One of the raids was not far from Shanghai to the southeast. Bitter fighting was re ported along the Yangste River near Wuhu. INo election Is Expected Seiners' Strike Stops Operation Of Local Plants ""IMH.LS ARE By Premier I OTTAWA, Jan. 19: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King said last night that he believed nothing would arise "within the next year or two" necessitating a general election. Referring to reports that the government was con- siderlng the possibility of an election this year, the Prime Minister said: "We don't want the people to get the impres- slon that there is any ccrtaln- ty on this point." 4 A strike of herring seiners has prevented the resumption of oper- atlons at the Port Edward and OrnPTAlT r SSIl iN T1" Inkt reduction plants. Hkrh-UlJlJlJlVl 1 cr price for fish Is demanded. Thomas Anderson, superintendent ,lbcrta Agricultural th .-1.. IniPt nlant. said' today Body to be Decided at Meetings in Edmonton EDMONTON, Jan. i8: iCP) -This annual convention of the United Farmers of Alberta got; under way here yesterday with the day being given over pretty well to preliminary formalities. Today the convention gets down to real business with Important matters o be debated Including whethei the organization shall remain ir the political arena or become merely an economic - body. The Question of whether or not it shal. remain affiliated with the Co-op is also to be decided. that. If the strike was not today, he would be closing his plant. ended down SITE FORh BUILDING H. K. Christensem Acquires Additional Frontage on Third Avenue For New Bakery Plant Five front feet of the south sid: of Third Avenue almost across from the Federal Block was ac quired by H. K. Christensen fot M50 under a transaction which was approved by City Commission cr W. J. Alder this morning. This five feet will filve Mr Christensen a total of thirty foot frontase for a new buildln? which he is to erect to house his" bakery nlant. The other 25 feet Is a lol which was formerly owned by Mrs Alfred Carss and which is occupied by an old building which Is to be taken down. Mr. Christensen will start build ing at an early date. ISASFR EVIDENT Wreckage Believed From Freighter Halda Cast Up Off West Coast of Vancouver Island j VICTORIA. Jan. 19: (CP)IJ, appears certain that the freighter REOPENING Five Hundred Men Back to Work in Portland Following A.F.L.-C.I.O. Deadlock PORTLAND, Oregon, Jan. 19: Five hundred men went back tc work yesterday In two - Portland sawmills which had been deadlocked since last August on account of the dispute between American Federation of Labor and Commlt-'tcc on Industrial Organization. Simplifying Of Tax Structure Recommendations Made to Royal Commission by Manufacturers And Insurance Men I I OTTAWA. Jan. 19: (CP) The1 Canadian Manufacturers' Associa-I tion and the Canadian Insurance' before the Rowell Royal Commls sion, advocate a simplified struc-i ture of taxation and control of financial and Industrial institutions. SEVENTEEN ARE DEAD iThls is Known Toll to I St. Hyaclnthe College May. Be. More Date Ft OI ST. HYACYNTHE. Jan. 18: (CPi Seventeen were definitely knowr. last night to be dead as a result of the fire early yesterday morning In Sacred Heart College. Twenty eight other persons are still unreported. Some of them may have found shelter elsewhere. Some may have perished In the conflagration Twenty-two of the fifty-six sur vivors are In hospital, some of them in a serious condition. The fire alarm was turned In b an early morning workman who saw the flames leaping from the building. PAYROLL GOES UP Year 1937 Expected, When Compila tion Complete, To Compare Favo'rably with 1929 year of 1929 when $289,000,000. Halda, six weeks overdue at Hong victcri ami rrii.w uurt tiu '-re-Kong from Vancouver, perished f.n at 5 .,'. lwla,y aiKl ve-s tn- :m with her crew In the Pacific Ocean, or pcnwi mdiuir s p.m. lomorrowi probably not far off the British 0cncr-j synopsis Pressure rc-Columbla coast. A do0r believed .ma)ns comparatively low on the to have been from the missing ves- Coa-t and llght raIns nave occurrcci sel is reported to have been picked on Vancouver Island and lower up at uio-oos, a village on tne west malnand. Moderate temperatures Coast of Vancouver Island. United States Aircraft Tender Is Coming Here Ground By First Conservative Member The Islands To Be Broken Of Week For New Federal Building Will Take Seven Months to Build and Will Give Employment to Average of Fifty Men During That Time Ground for Prince Rupert's new $125,000 federal ; building on the north side of third Avenue between Third land rourth btreets will be broken by the iirst oi next week, it was announced by J. G. Bennett, head of the Van-. couyer contracting firm of Bennett & White, who arrived j in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vaii- AFRAID OF JAPANESE Association, making representations i immediate Census is Advocated bj for VANCOUVER, Jan. 19: (CP) -An immediate census of all British Columbia Japanese is recommended by Captain McGregor Macintosh, Conservative member of the Legislature for the Islands constituency. He considers the census "imperative" as the first step towards remedying "the most serious Oriental penetration of our industrial life" before It was ""too late." v' ' Capt. Macintosh said the "Japanese are arriving Ih this province in ever increasing numbers and one gravely doubts if all of these arrivals are legal." The Islands member added;. "I am creditably informed' that a month or so ago forty Japanese arrived in the Queen Charlotte Islands from a floating cannery." NOCHANGE IN GRANTS Federal Relief Contribution to Province Remains at $115,000 Payrolls Not Keeping Pace VICTORIA. Jan. 19: (CP) The couver. Employlng an average of about fifty men throughout the period of construction, it is expected that seven months will see the building completed and ready for occupancy, said Mr. Bennett. This means It should be ready by early fall. Accompanying Mr. Bennett here from Vancouver was A. J. Cook who will be superintendent In charge of the construction. Mr. Bennett will 1 return to Vancouver on the Prince George tomorrow night. Mr. Bennett had no announcement to make this morning as to the actual procedure In regard to the carrying out of the work such as to whether excavation would be by day labor or sub-contract. He gave assurance, however, that local labor would be used as far as possible throughout the work. - He f would know more tomorrow-in- regard to these details, Mr, Bennett said. Today's Weather (Oovernment J-lr.lM Triple Island -Raining, southeast wind, twelve miles per hour;1 light swell. j Langara Island Raining, southerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.73; temperature, 30; 'moderate swell. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.76; temperature, 30; llght swell. Anyox Cloudy, calm; temperature. 27, Alice Arm Light snow, north east wind; temperature, 28. Stewart Cloudy, calm; temperature. 26. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm; tern- monthly grant from the federal perature. 22. irnvernment to the urovlnce of Terrace Cloudy, northeast British Columbia In aid of unem- wlnd". temperature, 18. ployment relief remains unchanged' Hazelton-Cloudy, calm; tcmpcr- at $115,000 In spite of an increase ature, 14. . .. . ... .... Smlthers Clear, calm: tenmcra- 01 lnose on ine rei.ei rous u w - - - - SEATTLE, Jan. 19: - The 1937, industrial payroll of Washington, " "' Bums LakeCIear, calm, zero, which is being compiled, will, It Is) . . . . Prince George-Cloudy, norther- in British rn,mhl. Columbia I Payroll gains estimated, run close to the peak r per hour: ba- It amounted to I navc not KCPl Pace w," Pn?""" rnmoter 09 84. Weather lojecast it'iiriilxliiil lliruuxli i.lic c;urtty i,' 'I. Udiiihilon M'ilcirf'iltwlwl nnrpoi al continue over the Interior Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh easterly wind mostly fair, little change In aturc with showers. West Coast of Vancouver Island i volume, It was stated by the Dc partment of Labor yesterday.' ! Whereas production this year was j , ployment was twenty per cent less, j Labor saving devices are held largely responsible for the FEWER NOW ON RELIEF Notable Shrinkage in Figure For October 1937 as Compared With Year Previous 1 OTTAWA, Jan. 19: CP The, National Employment Commission Fresh to strong east wind shifting rcnortcd yesterday that 119,431 Bull Harbor Overcast, calm barometer. 29.68; temperature, 33 Alert Bay Overcast, calm; In-rometcr, 29.65; temperature', '35 sea smooth. Estcvan Cloudy, easterly wind four miles per hour; barometer 29.68. Victoria Cloudy, southeast wind 10 miles per hour; barometer, 29.72. Vancouver Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.84. Political Crisis i Suspended While Young King Weds n.n m 1 . .. .. ,1 nrl ...uVi ....... , 1-1 . 1 I nTiin TnM in. mm ti.,. ,n . . i.u uui Liiiuab, i;i()uuj uiiu iMuu' iUliy empioyuuie pursuus ic-ccivru wi.iw, uui, .v. ivt i-muiu showers. direct relief to which the govern-' the forthcoming marriage of young ment contributed last October. King Farouk to his seventcen-year LONDON GOLD PRICE This figure was exclusive of farm old bride-elect, political troubles in The United States aircraft tend-, resident operators and dependents Egypt appear to have been suspend- Icr Teal, on the way to Alaska, Is due' LONDON. Jan. 19: (CP) Bar who received agricultural aid. The ed. Sir Miles Lampson, the British HARRISON MILLS, Jen: 18: (CP) ', In this port between January 20 and' gold was selling at the equivalent figure compared with 115,246 in minister, carried the congratula- "ment, reaulrtmr nmrptrimt rr ronrns'-ntntlnns is oromiscd by the Six wooden houses were destroyed ; 26. She has a complement of 59 of $34.87 per fine ounce on the Lbn- the preceding month and 214,271 , tlons of King George VI to Farouk (Pnni (Continued j on Page Four) . 1 government. . hv fire here vesterrtnv men. don market yesterday in October 1938. yesterday. --..-