i I - immunity of torbe -u. Campb" Kver ourruu. By Forest l ire resentation to Howard Hughes 1 KX ICOLUMBUS, Ohio, July 20: An iio penitentiary convict was shot fcwn whllp trvlni tn psranr VPS- lrr"5S of llnnnr ! Wir.lrrl Tn American Kound Tle World . Filer , ?NEW YORK, July 20:-The Cross Honor will be awarded todav to lOWard HllBllM fn 1,1a ,..nrH. peaking round the world -flight ' Presentation will be made by r'e United Ktntno vnr, l.UIInn !'"Ch Is hpnHnrl K n..u..,V bcvelt as Honorarv Prrslrlont eneral. iGermnn Vvna oat Crossing Atlantic Ocean HORTA, Azores. .Tniv "jn- irrnv B thB -" ' . ... r -uisc or an experimental w e in ,unUc n,Bht preliminary to instltution of a proposed con- wa service fram Germany tc lann htiUcs' a Oerman sea-iane . , arr vi,i i . .. . . Lnay irom us- Ion uno n i. Us way to New York.- Irday and Raymond Thornton, ajmenced wua. war sswnhort in inn D.ir.x, fcth a butcher knife during the J empted break. The. wounded Met was Clyde Staup. Charles lunges, another convict, also fell pen Staup was shot, leading to pru that both had been killed. Mup and Thornton were hurt Irtously, Corrlgan, who made a non-stop semi-ouicnu vnmese esumaw saiu flight on Monday from New York there were 11000 casualties from to Dublin, announces his Inter-, the bombing including 500 killed! 'by bombs which struck the sixth tlon of travelling back to the Unl- ted States by steamer. His deslr. 'u"'" ... u- ls to ship his plane back to Ne.. chang York without dismantling it. So" w.a.w.,iu ..a. far he has resolutely declined all,310 Bm u.i were ready to withstand any as- ult He also predicted that Man- hero of a ..wron, direction- transatlantic flight was notified h"ok" and, Korea would s?fn yesterday be battlegrounds In war be- that Irish customs of-both fi.ui nort rptnmpd his nlane allcr(v"vl-" "- r 1 V -- f I separated from the for-1 they had detained It several hours. by rpen fields. The technical seizure was made wjv threatening .... ..-.....---r, Comox'nftrr - . Irish . .1 . v. officials learned " - - - - thai man Sudeten party of Czechosla vakia vuiv.a declares uvviBna that no understand card to the minority problem not have negotiations even been com- Halibut Sales Summary American 77,000, pounds, and 6c and 7.6c arid 6c. 7.5C Canadian U.500 pounds, 0.5c and 5c to 6.8c and 5c. American Yukon, 25,000, Cold Storage. 7.5c onH Rr Hazel II., 18,000, Faclflc, 7.6c arc 6c. California, 20,000, Cold Stora;c 7 nnn fif.. 'linnn nnoth. 7.6c and VllVltlbf 1" T r 1 6c. Canadian Capclla I, 11,000, Cold Storage rt Bp nnrl 5c. Cape Race, 10,500, Cold Storage ft ftp nnrl 5c. CaDC Spencer, 6,500, Booth, 6.5c UtIU w. , 5c Ingrid H., 8,000, Atlln, 0.7c ana Unome, 9,000, Cold Storage, o.oc and 5c. Todays Weather (Ootfrnmmn iMrrw51' .. .. 1 1. Triple Island - Clear, norm northwest winci, . iour muw . hour; sea smooth. Lnngara Islana ran tum 41 WIS f .tr,H f vn mues vei RF. STRONG , u- I f A a A Ibuckrd Vimbcr Is stored, and Elk ment had cancelled Corrlgan's ex- A AJTl 1 T TvT Lli Park Fire fighters at the pcrimcntal license to prevent any' rMlLJ JUOl nn st rile Fnlls were forced to aitomnt in fiv h.irk to New York. I tat" 'Officials had a shock when they These Were Ist Words of Marie Abort unc thousand men arc learned that Gorrlgan, discussing! To Carol Rody Lies in State St f r." the Campbell Rlvei his transAtlantlc fllRht. had com-1 tird twelve others on Vancou-1 mnted casually: She. Is .89.9 .BUCHAREST. July 20w-The body L'iU und the lower mam- fCnough to fly around the worm. n. n..,.:,. Dowaeer oueen Oueen Marie, whos fat tnrnare continues unabated -hnu' the province and the i::fi. N; i'.hwest States with dry, it weafurr. ail Break Frustrated looting Yesterday at Columbus, Ohio, Penitentiary PROBLEM IS UNSETTLED Nothing Yet Done About German Minority in Ciechostakia, It Is Declared ' PRAHA. July 20: (CP) Ah of fidal announcement by the Ger final words to her son were to be seech him to be a Just and strong monarch, was taken yesterday U. Klne Carol's oalace at Pcnelh, out side Hlnala. There it will lie in state for two days. Thousands of Inhabitants of Hinala and neigh boring districts watched barchead ed as the coffin was transferred from the chateau to the Klng'i palace. Until tonight the Queen't "neighbors" will be admitted to the castle to pay their final In 4ii ui;i:u. accordance Uttutc with wjiu a a will datca unuu t Ing has been arrived at with the i m3 purpie rather tha11 black was Czechoslovaklan government In re-1 ..sd as as the ne mnUrnlnr mournlns color color and anu color. CLnS. 308; tempera- werei ture, 59; sea smooin. Dead Tree Point oicm, barometer. 30.28; temperature, 51; llenifiirhnr Overcast, westerly ,nA fhree miles per hour; baro- . nnnn, tomnprnllirP. 55! SC3 meter, ju.u. smooth. 'V the castle hall was draped in .thai DROWNING AT COOSE BAY IS REPORTED Jerry Dennis Loses His Life and Body Is Not Recovered Provincial tiOllce headquarters hnvp been advised of the drown ing at Goose Bay In the Rivers In let district last nigni or a man named Jerry Dennis. The body has not been recovered. MANY DID NOT PASS Less Than Half of Students Who Wrote Entrance Lxaminauons Succeed j mmnpiA. Julv 20: (CP) The ! British Columbia Department of Education yesterday announced ram nnnils auallflcd this yeas for entrance to High Schools of . the province, the large majority of these having been ..by recommenda-: nr 7ns candidates who wrote I LIUltl W . . the government examinations, 312 were successful. Among the successful candidates Sm'lthcrs Robert Mutch, WUma Watson. Tclkwa Mildred uerni. Terrace Paul Sanktjohanser, Usk Edwin Carlson,' James Vandcrhoof Norman Hoy, Kathleen Steele. i 4 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 7:40 a.m. 15.1 ft. princ Rupert Clear, calm; ba-romcter. 19:58 pm. 18.6" ft. . 30.30 (falling); temper. 1:27 a.m. 6.6 ft. ture. 58; sea smooth. 13:11 p.m. 8.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER joLXKVH No. 168 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 1938 PRICE: 5 CENTS fESORl Flames Spread ihir Centres on Vancouver Is land Also r.nuagereu CAMPBELL RIVER July 20.-(C Forest fire is sun inreaicning . summer resort of Forbes Land-j a short distance north of here. . -I " In ttrlnrt paticlncr ,E w - ...... I . Harnes s bacic up, uic seuie-; ent li surrounded by names ana ,t off from communication except radio. Several people are sun in settlement but can be rescued, necessary, by airplane. The hotel )d other buildings are being con- uously sprayed with water. Tmr- thousand acres of timber lana thus area Is being swept by one the largest forest fires In the story of the province and there little Mgn of relief. rh flames, spreading before a ntv mile an hour wind, today maimed new Vancouver Island Ktlemcnti as Forbes Landing was panntly spared for the time u the flames appeared to be imlns cut e u reported "unplcasant'y . . ... ; , II ' ..II se d tampoeuion uui, mo vi lli na Immediate -' danger he rise It i I Huge Run Of Salmon KOGGIUNG, Alaska, July .(C.V Thp hpnvlPKfc run i '.Salmon In the history of "Bristol Bay Is reported. Fishermen say that they have been able to load their nets In a matter of minutes. Gear has been lost and boats almost sw'ampcd because of the sheer weight of fish. Sails Back To United States Attempting Return Flight Across Atlantic :lBIG PUSH .the mush STARTED BY JAPS Every Indication That Yangste Drive Is On Chiang Predicts Ilusso-Nippon War I SHANGHAI. July 20: (CP) - There Is every indication now that long-expected big Japanese ud the Yaneste River with Hankow, provisional Chinese capl- Jtal as the immediate objective, has commenced. Forty-seven Japanese warships and transports have now passed a barrier in the river which had held them up for weeks. Students at the American Catho-1 lie Girls School in Hankow nar- rowlv escaned lniurv or death ves- iterdav In the devastating Japan-' Douglas Corrlg'an Decides Against ese air raid. The planes, operating in a squauiun ui nine eacu, uiup i ped more than 150 bombs In one of the biggest air raids of the war of the so-called Wusan district. A I DITIITTIMC I 1 DULLLijna i FRED PERRY HELPING MONTREAL The Canadian Davis Cup team has gone into intensive training for the forthcoming xone play under Fred Perry, former British amateur champion. Each member of the Canadian team will play against Perry. CAMPED AT KAMLOOPS KAMLLOPS Two hundred and fifty, single unemployed men arrived yesterday after a hot trip in box cars from 'Vancouver. They are camped alongside the river just east of Kamloops. TODAY'S STOCKS (Ooarten; 8. D. Johiuon Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .09V'2. Big Missouri, .34. Bralorne, 9.50. Aztec, .07. , Cariboo Quartz, 2.55.; Dentonia, .04 V2. Golconda:, .07. Mlnto, .033,4. Falrvlew, .09 Vi. Noble Five, .03. Pcnd .Oreille. 2.25. Plcnccr, 2.35. Porter Idaho, j)2 Premier, 2.25. Reeves McDonald, .47. Reno, .44. Relief Arlington. .142. Reward, .03'4. Salmon Gold, .14. Taylor Bridge, .03. Hedley Amalg.. .05 Vi. Premier Border, .01 . Silbak Premier. 1.90. ' Home Gold, .OlVi-Grandvlew, .08. Indian, .01 Vi. Quatslno, .0334. Haida, .03'i. Oilsv A. P. Con., .21 (ask) Calmont. .34. - '.TP' ' 3 C. & E., 2.50 Hargal, .15. McDougal Segur., .I6V2. Mercury, .12 (ask.) I Okalta, .08 V2. I .1 MA . Home uu, i.a isiSlrkAi'W r.r '. forfrTtorftr' Beattie. 1.20. , Central Pat., 2.52. Gods Lake, .51. Little Long Lac, 3.45. -McKenzle Redlake, 1.15. Redlake Goldshore, .09. Pickle Crow, 4.60. San Antonio, 1.26. Sherritt Gordon, 1.42. Smelters Gold, .04 V4. McCleod Cockshutt, 3.55. Oklend, .23. Mosher, .18. -; Madsen Redlake, .39. ' ' ' Stadacona, .63. Francoeur, .36. Moneta, 1.93. ;J VXL Bouscadlllac, .06. ' S . Thompson Cadillac, .23 ;,i " ' Bankfleld, .73. East" Malartlc,. 1.85. Preston E. Dome, .91. Hutchison Lake, .03.' Dawson White, .02V2-Aldermac, .58. ? Merr Addison, 1.76. Uchl Gold, 2.10. N Int. Nickel, 51.25. Noranda, 70.25. Cons. Smelters, 60.50. Athona, .07V2. Hardrock, 2.65. Barber Larder, .30. UNEMPLOYED IN SITD0WN Regina Post Office Was Occupied For One Hour Yesterday REGINA. July 20: (ClA There was a brief one-hour slldown by 125 transient unemployed men in the Reelna Post Office yesterday. They left the building after be-ine rjromlsed meals for last nicht and today by the city. A pg day on oai.uro.ay naa proviaea mem i responsiouuy JPBAIBIES NEED RAIN lsuch men but Ottawa has uitawa rrairie grain crop jar refused. hare been retarded by two weeks of very dry weather and rain is now needed. A local hailstorm with high wind and heavy rain damaged crops and injured stock in the Wilkie district of Saskatchewan yesterday. 6500 HARVESTERS EDMONTON It Is, estimated that 6500 men will be needed in me narvesi neids oi Alberta, i There are already enough appli- I cations for all the jobs. GUARDSMEN CALLED OUT .Martial Law Established at .May. tag Washing Machine Plant In Iowa EWTON, Iowa, July 20: (CP)- Iowa national guardsmen estab lished martial law today at the scene of the ten week old strike 'at the Maytag washing machine plant. At least twenty men were killed In street fighting near the factory. .! HAD MERE PITTANCE Samuel Insull Was Comparatively Poor Man At Death PARIS, July 20. (AP) Wh3n he died the only resources of the late Samuel Insull were three pensions of $6,000 each voted to him by the directors of a trio of his largest companies. Every cent otherwise had been thrpwn into the scales in a vain attempt to tip the ie balance balance In In his his favor. favor. oqo.ooo In the ODen market, and had personal fortune estimated at $100,000,000. But fifty-one years after he had started his American career as j secretary to Thomas Alva Edison, he was left at the age or 72 witn-out fortune and he went to France to "find some little place which was cheap" where he could "rest ud a bit." tinn -ns insinff a million dollars a year when he took It over In 1921 He raised a euaranty fund of $500,: 000 000 a a year year for for five five years years but but the the First Plane Of Series Is Due Torilorow REVH Great Britain i. nnsMt. , ?iiei in same rnncipies, lit Kin Dec,arcS flight MONTREAL, July 20.-The or the Imperial Airways "Mercury j, ...... t lMoi t.rr, hP'oKMS. July 20: (CP)-Colorful .the first of eight trams-Atlantic with special illumination of the crossings this year, according to tne svrccw wm TT continued Its festive Pris theWs, schedules just received by last night in connection with Trans-Canada Air Lines. In addl-'mood , tn thP Mprrnrv. which will the visit to France of King George .ut, meais n,i. until m dui ih.iL u . ..... .1 o,; VI and Queen Elizabeth of Eng- with sunaay iney make three flights, three newi' 77""a i Vv,. had no breakfast yesterday, theplanes, Albatross No. 1, Albatross I If d Thous ""gJJ continued RAivatinn Salvation - Army Armv nmvldlns providing! (7 1 them them. --- ---.mil m 2 and illlU Cabot, LiaUIIL. will V ,in 111 cross thalstreets the'streeu ... . and ana. ..- the e . revelry reveiry . l .1 with lunch. i late lnt ttlf "lgnjas em ocean After leavlng Montreal this ! hJSe Srto of WendUness between Lrew The provincial government New ?Mtton iasked-the federal government to' i- S SiSi 1. " JJ ocenmp assume rnnnclh lltv fnr lor rpl reuei pf m rf ' . .. . . . . jl UI "c l-uui ui " 01vi.vu a...., . . uvui . , rrrtnrA coir, Tnor mai nnrn doui hTnnr ueorge saia rrauto Tlchnn tn Rnnthamntnn. The Mer-I i . .... . . it. . . . - - - ana ureal aruain naa me same I 111 1.. n .n-. Ana n 4 vt thp . . . .. . cury wm iij "" 6 ""-attachment to democratic pnn- mlaaie oi August ana wiu ,,cue 1 the season toward the end of Octo- ber. ' cinles and the same belief In indi vidual liberty." This was taken as an ail official uil.u.c. answer a.iowc. v. of Great v.t.ct. Britain . After trials, including a long . fhp nirtntnrshln nations. , flight around England, the Cabot , Klng George Vl. and Queen Eliz-wlll leave Southampton for New'abeth( maktng their first state I York via Foynes", Botwood and vlslt t0 any foreign nation since .Montreal toward the end pf Sep- they accepted the throne of Great j tember. It will fiy the same route Britain, were welcomed to Paris a month later. Albatross No. 2 will' yesterday with a great military dis- leave Hatfield for Colllngstown and:piay They arrived at the Bols de Hattles Camp early In October. Boulogne station by special train The Albatross planes are all-ply- and prepared for a four day 'Visit wood construction, land planes with designed to cement the Anglo-retractable undercarriage. They French relations, have four engines of approximately Two hours before their arrival, 450 horsepower each. Top speed is troops virtually took over Paris, about 235 miles an hour and cnils- Army tanks rumbled through the " boulevards and took command - lng speed about 200. up 1 The Cabot Is a flying boat similar ing positions In the Place De Con-to the Cambria and the Caledonia corde and the Champs Elysee, bar-which crossed the Atlantic last year ring all traffic. .. .... o potprinnrtmna- The special train that brought lina!,ran,.6.v.v. 4. , ' . fm Tin,,. City and a greater fuel range. YANKS LOSE I 1 f I II I 1 rtlifV iroops. A m Crucial American Leajue Now Bein? Played at Yankee Stadium TOOAY'S SCORES National League American League j Detroit. 2; Washington, 4 (end of , tile X iikg anu (ui,ui liwm wm logne, where they had landed after 1 crossing from Dover, pulled slowly Into the station to the thunder of a hundred and one gun Royal Sal ute and the cheering of a crowd -T1 fi XhTTiW' W " A "that"" Pressa gainst the .lines ,ot Today's Activities Klne Georce today laid a wreath Series 0n the unknown soldiers' tomb in tribute to France's million and a half war dead. Their Majesties also participated in a formal barge procession down the River Seine from Qua! dXDrsay ' to the City Hall where the sover- m New York, 2; St. Louis. 7 (sec- igns were formally welcomed to At th. viirv, u.-nfpr mxrv hp mri. nnd came at end of second 1i-,tj-,, y... .u- ,,,, trolled public utilities worth $4,000',- nlng, New York, 0; St. Louis, i) ; rnuaaeipnia, 11-1, i-.vu.6, - mririTn iiin Brooklyn at Chicago, rain. , A I HHNX Hfl Boston at Cincinnati, night gamej EARTHQUAKE sixth Inning). J - Cleveland at New York, St. Louis Near Panic in Capital of Greect ... .... n. H. One. 1 I'M! I ...,!. 1 1 nt PhiladeiDnia. unicagu m "y , (uj ,uiaSt iaiuu; ton, rain. 1 B ti'w"1' w ..... ... ,. . rUUnnn Pnht M.'Vin WPrP hPflTPn R .,au ed a place ln his father's affairs. t TEN DEAD IN BLAST i Negroes Perish in City water Channel at Baltimore loaay TORONTO, July 20. (CP) The! BALTIMORE, July 20: (CP) - Union Jack should fly from Ot- Ten negroes were killed wnen ay-tawa's Peace Tower every day and .namlte exploded prematurely while not merely when Parllament is sit- men were blasting a tunnel through ting, St. George's Lodge, Sons of 'solid rock for a water channel to England, resolved recently;.; 'the city pumping station. to 3 bv Brooklyn Dodgers. The Dodgers assumed leadership of the second division ln place of the Boston Bees. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Philadelphia, 0; Pittsburgh, 8. Boston, 1-2; Cincinnati, 3-7. New York, 7; St. Louis, 6, Brooklyn, 8; Chicago, 3. American League Cleveland, 5; New York, 3. Detroit, 3; Washington, 4. Chicago-Boston, St. Louis-Phlla Destroyed NEW YORK. July IV. iyrj-inj ATHENS. July 20: (CP) This tip nripnlns trame of a crucial Am-1 .. , in the i midst of hU .realest aa-, leadershlp series, atj-.---"- wuy.insuuxoun0wnwc-uM.w stadium yesterday, the . h k "s terday. A vUlage CT AtheL YorK YanKees Dy a km U1 u was partially destroyed and a num-thereby the New Yorl; cutting beT Qf persons were kUled mareln of leadership to a scant Huhirhanppa rnntiniiPrt tn- half a game. In the only other, when what was said to b8 guarantors never had to pay the,American League game yesterday . stror,eest earthquake In mod- full amount of their pieages the Washington Senators eked oui.n tlmes &hQok the country, u- HU big achievement In this line j a close 4 to 3 victory over the De- ,ng twenty and wounding one was erection of a huge combination j troit Tigers who, as a result, drop- nundred The Island of Euboea wa-s opera house and office building, ped into a tie with Chicago WhAte-the heaviest sufferer. The tremlor the aim being to. endow the opera Sox for fifth place. 'was s0 severe ln Athens that seis- wlth the rents of the offices. The in the National League, the m0rraDns were DUt oUt 0f commls- structure U one of the landmarks Pittsburg Pirates still have a haii,s,on but there was llttle damage to 1 .l-l.AXA.HtAVA of the city. game margin ai me my u. the capital city Itself tcii trra. hnm ln London Nove-' Rtnnrilne over the New York mKor 11 1R5Q thP son of Samuel Giants. The Pirates blanked the a i-mmo Tniii Hp was 40 when l Phillies 8 to nothing yesterday . , i.j in... nihnrnrct nirH n u-hUp thp Giants were winning a lie Ilia. ivi.oo i.i.iib"'1" " - actress who always continued ner close 7 to o victory over u.c Interest In the theatre.' Mrs. Insull .Louis Cardinals. Tlie Cincinnati i-eturned to the stage several times Reds took both ends of a double-after header from Boston Bees to move their son, Samuel Insull, Jr., ...j . or, nitm. back Into third place ahead of the Eight Valencia Workers Killed Dock Men Lost Their Lives Durin Bombing oi urmsn rreigmer Yesterday VALENCIA, July 20: (CP) Eight dock workers were killed yesterday In the vicinity of the freighter Stanland which was bombed by a raid of lnsurcent airplanes. It was the first time ln almost a month that British ships had been bombed ln Spain. KITCHENER, Ont., July 20, (CP) Two girls left home on an urge to become entertainers. Hitch-hiking near Stratford, they stopped I the wrong driver, brother of one delphla both postponed on accoun'j of the girls. The girls will face of rain. 1 Juvenile delinquency charges.