PAut.aiiQ . . . DAJL1 TDTTlOif the her If It Is In RUBBER FOOTWEAR We Have It Now is the Time to Stock up While Our Stock is Complete Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third' Avsnue a. F PULLEN - Managinz-Edltor SUBSCBirilON KATES CIt deUveiy, by caffler, yearly penoe. paid lh advance Paid la advance, per we;J: ' Paid in advance, per month Bf maO to all parts of British Columbia, ihe Bntlsli Empire and United states, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all ether countries, per year ADVERTISING RATE'S Claseifled advertising, ;r nozt, per insertion local rmders. ter line, per insertion ,, ,' New? Department TeJtpnons , Advertbing and Cu relation Telephone Member el Audit Bimo ol CirtoUtlotu WATERWAYS SCHEME A Hot Time Is What You Want This WJnter You can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or 'Nanalmo-Welllngton coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 sc Individual ow?: : Royal Hof el Dor aid Veitch Zarelli Todd ! Smith Total t Printers Zeiman (Vance j West 'ilcCalhtm PauJ ; Total . Grotto B"ary Talor -- - 'Stiles 1 P. Comadina 'Asemlssen HffQ Total J201d Empress iCjCiccone IJoy jjjo jGanderson ... 9.001 X2 2b Kinslor fn1K. vn AU --I": ::: ".V" nw Mie even-' There will be one team less this i.. g s tne Pari 01 Velvet. Miss Boothe has no more pity for members of her own sex than she has for the men. She She makes makes them them all n squirm NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIItD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service i at DAILT XT7T3 1 1 hi ' ,r i DECISION ON ALASKA Jchn Bidger On Hunting Trip .e .: HIGHWAY LOOKED F( on the Prince Ot Continued From Page One !To Ootsa Lake noon from at. SPORT irant their territory to remain the -United States' -last frontier - Local Party Obtained Ducks And o . r 1 Geese But No Moose This Year GROTTO IN BLUE BIRDS LEAD STILL TOP LEAGUE .,f 4.. iH.r,Hn slean sweep three games to victory over Empress Hotel. In J-icl"J1Mr-"ra- Pl scoring was as .179 .129 -i 1T7 174 t2 Gurrlch 172 Total 815 The City League standing to date is as follows: W LPts Grotto 5 2 7 I Old Empress 4 5 4 Printers 6 i Wednesday, October 19. IMS.Royal Hotel 4 5 4 "KISS THE KOVS GOODBYE" HOCKEY TO ters. High average scorer of the "6C n bnm .ctRx of rsrfttti Individual results: with 182. Ranters 2 155 16S 164 142 206 IS3 1. 2 .190 154 J53 J63 164 123 793 1 ..159 161 i6i 158 182 831 I 176 . .L...172 151 144 161 159 173 165 (12 2 171 147 175 168 144 895 2 126 139 163 162 122 712 fol- erg 183 161 795 3 15 134 138 14! 133 705 3 160 adian Bluenose and the American r Gertrude L. Thebaud might be resumed today but the Bluenose dp. s eloped steering trouble, necessitat-, Ing further postponement. Advantage had been taken of the time during which they were beealmed' for repairs to be made on either" ship. The series now stands one to one. SPORT CHAT Five years ago Fred Leserof Calgary inherited a hand-carved ivory chess set and he has just learned it has an estimated value of $7,0CC. When Leser's mother died In Hamburg, Germany, in 1933 she" left her eon 180,000 marks and the ancient Ivory set. All he received" pf this bequest waj the chessmen as it is illegal to export currency from Recently Leser learned that Handicap J Rex E. Bury Miliar Morrison A. Bury West , Hand lea p-Jw Total Annette' Basso-Bert 183 Johnson 2n Skattebol , 1M - . P. Dickens .' 167 871 3 147 130 in 144 123 733 anaicap Total Maple Leifs Nefsoh Meteod H. Glass . M. Glass La Belle Erickson Handicap Total tireauuiurw ine v omen'' is once mnn rarfafMW r,v PnTe,0f ion?bIe Park Awnue in New York iSs ()PFN SOON new plaV "KlSS thP Rove . V-fl JLlll UVVIl P. Dickens .. " -'y viiuuuvc 1 1 1 1 vv in niiinfr nn uroadway. According to report, Clara Boothe wrote the n Diav With hfr InrW fir,. .:tt. ...i.' , V ?ute 1 2 18 149 Peterson . -162 162 201 Moss tf. HaHberg 134 BatBnger 14? Yager 109 78 172 .8! 760" 189 132 147 J13 .140 .155 876. 1 137 .146 263 88 135 43 170 .135 .119 .159 .205 .116 901 Roth well 133 Firt N. IL L Garnet at Toronto and Bond . 133 facfcinnaMa J- rlul WniCn ne C,aws the; taieago-one L9 Team Thl, Alexander 133 , " U1 iXew I0rK- ' Winter winter ; Handicap 87 wSt n"w " !JLng Seaurch for an actress to play. 3d the.athor of this play makes'it lKi part of her theme. A movie nrorlnrer u-nntc o m--i t . Velvet OToole in the play "Kiss the Boys Goodby." and a 3 Merchantettes 1 Ciccone i 157 Madin.i..i.-. L.137 Haulken 1J60 Halliday 136 Gurvich 181 v r Handicap 121 Total" 892. Msters . I 231 159 - i Total 876 TORONTO, Oct. 19: CP The Blue Brds 1 National Hockey League will start Pierce .... :.. 185 season's schedule on November Turgeori 150 souinern girJ, the heroine of the story, applies for the iob and chica8-the Boston Bruins at croxford .... 166 She evidently has to fight everv inch nf thP wav Toronto and New York Americans Keren : 121 a group Of hard boiled mon ,nrl ...i." way ii."?". against at I atChicag0, Chicago. ..Hartwlg ' anclal duncuUies-. six of the Mar- echarff m I 1 t ... ..v. Ull CUU1I 111 , . .i- xjuuu e is m pnvate lite Mrs. Henrv R. Lip wife of the publisher of "Time," "Fortune" and "Life " so C 1 D she rnbVes among people who understand their public.' She' jCll00nef KaCe Js sa have lntrodnrpfl n cnmoutW t?-At 4.,. -A Kf ? c?aJ?e 11 1)opu,a but t must be umbered that Again 6 Delayed w1?,hakf si?eae. rh0 we "The Merry Wives of -J T iu , e ir'snman " Weill, who also sometimes shocked the modern theatre-goers out of their complacen-cy. ; - Handicap . season with the disappearance of Total ; the Montreal Maroons owine to fin- Knox Hotel anu crawi ana, at the same time, thev nav their Vnorl' 011 pIayer 66 1t" tnc Citl"ma 9 monev to spp the rW' feooa adians this winter and three with chaffer 131 cmcago ciacK rtawits. c-asimn 77 Brassell J45 Handicap 131 Total 7n 139 219 146 35 889. 148 121 227 135 162 155 518 2 204 122 183 266 198 43 79 248 156 76 935 2 143 112 143 127 234 121 880. 2 171 128 174 109 100 87 769 2 123 It Seems to US that this is nnP i.lw!nd.' Jt wai hcd .. thlrd, older and finer than Morgan': i r ir . " "' . wc .au iaie 01 tne international nsnermen'st . .sides with Premier Maurice Duplessis. He is opposed toUhooner i Pi1 ,7-Y et,ie,ne v wnicn uanatla and the United States would build canals to enable deep water ships t:o come up to Fort William or Chicago. It is one of those cases where the cost to Canadians would be heavy with very little advantage to be gained, i i Sa far as British Columbia is concerned, we have absolutely nothing to gain while we shall have to pay more taxes in order to cover the cost. Until Vve are shown otherwise we are opposed to spending money on a big can; al and power scheme. races between the" Can- 3 216 130 174 203 81! im 162 i i 231 145 I Ralph Morgan, Hollywood' actor, had picked up a chess seat in an tarrtQu shoo' for sin wMrhls BluenoSe Developj Steering Trouble' lateer valued by Herman Stelner So Cannot Race Today f Internationa! expertat $3,000. Les- ..- er communicated with Morgan and GLOUCESTER, Massachussetts.r discovered His own set gift of a Oct. iAftef having been held upf Chinese Emperor to a sea-farin .v " "'jcsFr ancester 250 years aeo wa 's. ; Johnson said. "The highway will' . Wa MaHli in mtktm Mat iwt j wiU boom the Pacific northwest like j J "S"' " for the Conservative convention at nothine 1.200-mile before they were the I ! The road between Se-!fl? J attle and Fairbanks. Alaska, might "12 J?i form the northern end a Pan- u JEV TT. ' ! Royal Hotel Scores a fan Sween BJuettrdJ went into exclusive Atercan hfy system Victory In City BowGng League lraBerauP oi uic League last night by scoring a -All the young people are for it,' UU VAfVW HF5 UWD i Involved. He thinks a 32-foot grav el road will be sufficient at present, waiting for development of re- 3 I sources to make a paved major 213 road worth while. , 164 1 Besides Magnuson and Macdon-112 aid. the American commission has 161 177 76 3 91 114 P4 154 169 121 753 3 155 for members James W. Carey. Seattle engineer; Ernest H. Greening, director of the division of territor-! ies and island possessions for the United States department of interior, and Thomas H. Rlggs of New York, former Alaska governor. PENSIONS AID BLIND WINNIPEG, Oct. 19: CP Some 3.633 persons, including 174 Manitoba ns. are receiving pensions provided by the Dominion government for blind persons over 40 years of 173 1 age. Col E. A. Baker, managing dir-152 ector of the Canadian National In-185. stitute for the Blind, said here. He 113, toured the west to Inspect branches P7'of the Institute. 8 . . Try a Dally News classified 174 vertisement for best results. 154 Badminton Rackets Racquets of Quality A Urge Selection to Choose From. Models to Suit Every Taste and Pocket Campbeirs Shuttles Hadehetfer to -play better and last longer. Special prices in quantities to clubs. Get Your Badminton Supplies at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRlDE STREET Phone 311 ad- 123 131 161 196 196 . H 175 KtLILVt BBH 78 .TS 78 SUFFERING 816 881 891 QUICKLY WITH 160 m KELLOGG'S Athma at Hy Tern rIiid by KeHoit! Arthro KIif.Thi I famoul btrbil prrprtio old In Co- m U (or CO jtuu hi already jKtwfital M Uiouaanda. 'm If 7l 1 t MyourntmttDntt TtUoan 'i Store--fltTHil U.iHM Ji'IC Alo In rinrttta I RELIEF : form. M ay I Uaiiud. HMMMMMH mmmmki i Txxmu H mwKl Z. ODUrk.BHBBBBBBBB Alter a considerable holidav Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evltt arrived I rip up wie racmc v" "i"n mrC,. ,... few il f Prhwu . . . . 'Oecrge. Making numerous North and Sooth America as far.. , . . . . .. ,. .... they arrived at fimlthers th second fixture of the evening . .twr6Vr . . . . highway is a paved section 125 Annette's, 2; Maple Leafs, 1. Royal Hotel made a clean sweep "1 of .7 Annette's ndles kmg from Seattle to Vancou- three games to nfl win over ' Prin- Mickey .f-i. Skattebol ... " .Hk w , ver. and another 832 miles, mostly paved, from Vancouver to Hezel-ton on the Canadian National Rail way northern line to ranee ku caBi from! S-0 rordwhcormTof t2L?.$: Bums Lake to meet Hubert Ward by scoring a two games, to one - - - t ! , the distance .Air"dy.!OmPi!ll0! JSL Prince Rupert and Fred Noel of Smlthers for a hunting trip to Ootsa Lake They hired Van Tine's' launch but failed to find any rcsocse. However, they got bags ol ducks and geese and enjoyed the trip Immensely. , ' Returning Mr. Evltt dropped off From Harelton .v the teneraUy .i far- f6r hu Bimhe ored roote runs north toAUin al- . gt Smltne Mrs Evltt most paralle with the eoast then h(me HIq. "8" t making . brief stop oU at Tet. 25 u tniiwj " - - race unUI the next train. )t and Dawson, fan ox uie remam-3 Ing 371 miles through Alaska I3f territory to Fairbanks has been 194 built. 83 115 81 If S 7P7 3" 190 169 219 203 238 43 Engineers' estimates van wroeiy on the road-building cost. Biggest expense apparently Mes in bridging lakes and rivers In the more mountainous sections of the route. No Great Feat But Donald Macdonald, Fairbanks engineer and member of the United States commission, says he Mr. Parker and Mr. Ward home on Saturday night. ISM AGENTS WANTED can see n0 great engineering feats cntd&TUAfi Card salespeople. Big profit how Sell the most com plete Christmas' Card line. Make big money every day showing season's largest selection. Printed to order Christmas cards, with senifs name and address. De-f sighed by leading artists, values unequalled at our low pries. Pour Attractive lines Including 25 for $1.00 Personals. Also many different boxed assortments, aU big money makers. Canada's favorite "21" card assortment is finest ever produced, sells for $1.00. your profit 50c. Make bfjt money for Christmas. Start now Cash in on these fast selling lines published by the largest company of Its kind In Canada Branches from coast to eoast. Oet easier orders; No experience necessary. Wri'e for free sample book. Agents also wanted !n smaller towns. Liberal eomrals-'j sion. Friendry service. Premier Art Guild, 575 Seymour 6t. Var:- couvpr. tf. WANTED WANTED - Second-hand Piano. Black 127 after t. (249) help' wanted WANT ED -Two glfls to do general hcasewark and coovrng lh tw6 private homes. Would prefer chumi of someone acquainted with each other. Wages $17 per month. Apply Hudson's Bay, company. Port Simpson, B. C. 1249) I iwn r a. mm. CLFAtf, well FOK SAl.t? THE a SEAL f QUALITY MM m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Picked by the only ttsa canning company u tht year round payroD Prince Rupert I HYDE 1 Transfer BOY'S blue-reefer coaC rnd W-n,n ' MaUrr tweed suit. Size 12 to Box 29. Daily JJews. FOR RENT apartments. Phone Red 444 MEN, Tonlo 1 Tablets contain 2 stimulant! irom raw oysters plus 4 general 315 SECOND AVE ; 1 FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal . Wood Phone 58(1 IN THE S TKF..MF. HU KT r B""1 I fOl.l.MltH 14. Apply And . (246) n lh Mattel1 f h lMtl,m HOHNER Piano Accordlan, !23 TAK8 kotice th: br i Bass. Nearest, offer to $90.00. 10 ! Honor udge fww. i.SiS free lesions. Apply Dally News. $?$mg jj' IT ' ' 1 iEw within Brtttah Coiumm" PURNITURE For Sale. 863 Borden bore-hwnei daocw!, fL,. Street. Yukon nd Stuart, ,,49 m9X All penoiu indebted a to 'tit: V. .are rwjuiml to pay .rrrwna having claim , . , . 7 - estate r nequirea w " hiB furnished moderr 'preperiy venni, ith juo:. WORK WANTEI) (244 roonin iram x f,,hutw IU be rmrd Uurso. . - r , Dated at Prince Ruprn, - SITUATION wanted for lady cook, ot j houl, camp ' r or Institution. vvakuvavaa, Best wtjir. of references. Apply Box 31, Dally News. ami PERSONAL NEW PEP AT 40 FOR Women. New OSTREX Prince RiU"' IS THE bItBEME COl-RT roi.L'MDl.l or b"11 IN PBOntTE V1 In th. Matter of the MOn Ad" Sit. bUtt ' tonicA in '.,. ml .taxi; notice iw ; .) uu niiuic Kjuuv. 1 1 v t . . w f. pianrr " . m.l... ..j. . i : ,7: -r ":-. n, 4.n.oBc wway, ll not delighted, pt th Stprne oaaro . r maker refunds it. imo.HrU cin bta itf and for tw y a", good drug stores tf. REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Sllni Waist Line Bowl Fur Reservations Phone 658 Rupert, I n on wea tlayof October l38. Wi. of Utkter of Uie Bauto r A' Bwanaon. IX'mI " tw 44 John Alfred 81Mon' !Si d Mined. All rrx w iwnt tlietn to tne prcrrij -or torfore the th dajr 01 1038, and all Pf tt to PT EaUwU' are requlml dWlnea. to 'f.obff, DATED thU Mh day of Oc,