llvltlcs In Austria. fylng for peace and goodwill, pope called upon me unuea to be a shining example to world in this respect. 'TURN TO CIVIL LIFE altollton Hermans are i ; ntMzcd By End of Next Month riLN Oct 19: iui-i-m"? r rvtst who was placed rrr. during the past sum-hr back In civil life by Ini Rf the month, it Is stated i . . . i i Hal'p the number is piaceu DO. Already demobilization has tl at the rate oi iniy sar.d men per day: The Gcr- it . . . u. .Mini. famv i. to dc icu at iw i-b- h of about 800,000. mey Voted For re Area Relief naled That $100,000 Will uc Iquircd for Rehabilitation In Rainy River rAWA. Oct. 19: (CP) i- Ernest Lapointe, minister of ce announced ycsicrauy iui-ns a mcr.Ung of the cabinet. 125,000 had been voted tno adlan Red Cross Society for If work In the Rainy River ft fire area. The provincial pnment of Ontario has voted Doo. Hon. Peter Hccnan, mlnls- if lands and forests for On-and one of the members of UOO.OOO will be required. Report Pontiff ilinal, Under Fire by Naris, Tell Vatican of Austrian Conditions 1ENNA, Oct. 10: (CP) Cardinal Pstcr. under flro bv the Nazis, "o to Rome shortly to report on idltlons In Austria as they af- ihc Roman Catholic Church, expected. Cardinal Innlster's idence .was attacked bv Nazi poiutrators and he was slightly urea, ""y Roman Catholic Church pts are renorterf tn have been CSted on Phnrrrn nf netlial nC. falKP hnnl.tiMinlnir onH pNazl activities. V cantlme a trucn Is said tn have cached between church and ods of financing. Prime Minister Mackenzie King has told Premier Pattullo of British Columbia he will appoint a Canadian commission tc u-ork with that group. There is even talk of starting work on the highway next year. Representative Warren G. Magnu-son of Seattle, acting chairman of the American commission, came here to see Mr. Pattullo, and later said: "I found the Premier enthusias tic about the project. We want to get work started next spring and believe it may be done. The only obstacle is the technical one of in One big difficulty, so fas as British Columbia Is concerned, is to find the money to build a 50-mlle section of highway between Hazel-ton, northern end of the present provincial road system, and the Yukon boundary. Pattullo Active Mr. Pattullo has made two trips to Washington, D. C, conferring each time with President Roosevelt Informed Washington sources say fthe United States is-wtlllnjr ttf'fln- ance British Columbia's share of the total cost variously estimated between $15,000,000 and $25,000,000 That suggestion of an American loan to British Columbia has rals ed more objections than any other feature of th,e scheme on grounds the United States may be Interested nrlmarlly in a military road, which might tie Canada into an offensive and defensive alliance with her neighbor to the south. Itcd States ever gets In a tight box in war on the Pacific, we're in It whether we like It or not. Military Purposes "If this road serves military for the United States, It will also serve Canada. There Is no use waiting until war comes. The "idat1; that'areZ sas wln a 13 t0 C IOI H. I Unrkorf TJvwnr fnrmpr United States president, told Interviewers In Vancouver this summer It was "sheer nonsense" to suggest inter national complications might arise out of building of the road "There can be no such thing as to complications between me unuea States and Canada," he said. Recently opposition has not been so strongly expressed as when the highway was first suggeste'd. Many business men agree with Premier Pattullo that the road-bulldlng Job would temporarily relieve the unemployment problem, bring new purchasing power to the province, and stimulate the tourist trade and general business by opening up vast new territories for development of agriculture, mining and lumbering. Louis Johnson, assistant secretary of war for the United States, flew over the route of the highway Martial Law day. In Holy Land JERUSALEM, Oct. 19: (CP) Control of the Holy Land has passed Into the hands of the British Army under martial law. Troops entered Jerusa- 1cm todav to take nossession Arabs were killed and a British soldier and policeman were wounded as Coldstream Guards today sought to oust rebellious Aabs from the Moj- 1cm section rA Jerusalem's old city. ..A steady fusillade of shots in the old city could be heard outside the walls. Other troops cordoned off half the coastal town of Acre and be- gan search for members of a band which raided the post of- flee yesterday. Troops patrol- led the main roads. ROMANCE NEW YORK, Oct. 19: (CP) The romancing of a beer garden dreamer" was .the way defence at torneys yesterday characterized the story of the star prosecution witness in the Nazi espionage trial here &1ict TtiVrfa'd told Uf a plot to lure an officer of a Long Isl and army post to a new York hotel room where he was to be overcome by tear gas so that mill tary secrets might be wrung from him. Hope For Recovery Of Turk President Other sources have opposed the I T AkanrlnnPfl scheme, too, saying roads jsnouid 10 aivtit iuuuuuuvm be built through older sections of the province before opening new ANKARA, Turkey. Oct. 19. Thf territory. nndit!on of Mustanha Kemal Ata- "In all the negotiations in which turk president of Turkey. Is "yery I took part in Washington they jow and hopes for his. recovery have never mentlonea tne roaa in me been abandoned," It was stated to- sensc of a military highway," Prem ier Pattullo countered. "If final ar-angements are made with the Un-ted States, they'll have no more control over the highway than any one who buys British Columbia bonds that bo to build roads has over the present highways. "And remember this. If the Un Under the Turkish constitution It Is necessary that1 a new President should be elected within twenty-four hours after one has died. For 'his purpose, members of Parliament have been summoned. FIRST SNOW HAS FALLEN . . a . !...,. Is Recorded in tasiern luauuuua And Western Ontario as Well As Across Line was flvlng yesterday eastern Manitoba and western Ontario, blanketing late forest fires which had still been burning In some parts. Snow was also reported In the states of Montana and Wyoming, three deaths having been attribu ted to it, Chamberlain Saved Canada His Statesmanship Prevented Dominion From Being Plunged Into War, Declares Manion . EDMONTON, Oct. 19.-Speaklng hnro vnsterday. Hon. Dr. R. J. Man- inn conservative leader, declared during the summer in the course of, that the statesmanship of Prime : in,,,- ttp n t.hp onlv l Minisl pr Neville Chamberlain of an Aiao ,na frnm ,f nritnln had saved Canada :!WAR END T MEAR All Quiet in Spain and Important Developments Are Believed Near HENDAYE, Franco - Spanish Frontier, Oct. 19. Observers believe that important developments in connection with the Spanish war are impending. There is said to be possibility of an early armistice and' peace f- treaty."1 The Ehro Uiver and all battle-fronts, were quiet yesterday and, fort the first time in months, there were no air raids by insurgent planes along the loyalist coast. However, the air raids were resumed todajl and two British ships Lake llallwill and African Explorer were damaged when struck by bombs at Former President Is Coming West Hoover Does Not Anticipate Thirty Dollar a Week Scheme Will Be Successful (W DEED I HARTFORD, Connecticut, Oct. XJl DEiElIV, 19- Prior to hls departure for a Such Is The Way Defence AX- torneys Describe Witness Story In Espionage Trial I trip west, Former rresiaeni neroeri. Hoover spoKe nere yesveruaj. nc oredicted defeat of the $30 a week plan In his home state of Californ ia. Mr- Hoover will speak In Spo kane on November 5, . N QUINTS TO - SEEDING Possibility of Their Majesties Visiting Callender,. Ontario, While in Canada OTTAWA, 0:t. 19: (CP) Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe, physician to the famous Dlonne quintuplets, has expressed the hope that Kins Gorae The matter of operating the Prince Rupert elevator this year. and of a ship subsidy being grant ll ll I-ITIT i Y rfcTTI I PTUTH rlliAL DULLE.1 UNO I, 1 ... , , h , AIR MAIL FOR RUPERT EDMONTON Air mail for British Columbia points on the Jasper-Prince Rupert line, including Prince Rupert and district, will be routed by train from Edmonton, according to a postal department order here. JAPS THREATEN CANTON HONG KONG The Japanese offensive, gaining new momentum, appeared today to have slashed its way through Chinese defenses to threaten Canton from the northeast and east. Terrific air bombardments have aided the invading troops. Foreigners are said to believe that actual defense of Canton would be extremely difficult against Japanese forces. HERO OF PLANE CRASH MONTGOMERY, Alabama A new hero of United States airways was acclaimed today as a mass of burned wreckage marked where Pilot Dave Hissong, with flames lapping about him, brought eleven passengers safely to earth in aaburning Eastern Air Lines plane. No passengers were seriously hurt. SON SUING FATHER TORONTO A writ asking $300,000 damages was issued yesterday in Ontario Supreme Court by Leonard Marler against his father, Sir Herbert Marler, Canadian minister to Washington, and Dr. George Stevenson, superintendent of the Ontario Hospital at London, Ontario. Marler alleges that his father and Stevenson caused him to be detained in the London hospital fronT February 17 to September 20, 1938. GERMANY, FRANCE NEGOTIATE PARIS Preliminary negotiations toward a full settlement of differences between France and Germany .are reported started by both governments. Meanwhile, the Paris labor union central organization has ordered workers to defy Premier Dal-adier and hold mass demonstrations Saturday despite cabinet ban, APPEAL BY HITLER LONDON All signs point to a disarmament appeal by Chancellor Hitler of Germany to the British government in the near future. German-controlled press has already sent up trial balloons to give Der Fuehrer a chance to see which way the wind L blowing in regard to an arms limitation pact and the return of Germaru colonies , "N direct approach has yet been, made to the British government which, however, would not be surprised by one. I BARUCH FOR ALLIANCE PRESIDENT IS SOUGHT Canadian Parliament Expected To Be Called Together at Early l" ' Date I OTTAWA, Oct. 19: CP) In we'l. Informed quarters here 'It Is ex- ed for Prince Rupert in connection pected that a session or Parlla therewith is being considered, as. ment will be called late in Novem enrdine t word received by Olol ber. Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe. Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, who minister of Justice, said, following, arrived in the city last night a meeting of the cabinet yester-! from Smlthers. He says that, in day, that an early sessions was IZnSdafinseloS" matter uplth Mo.U members have been under ins c- minister oi iraae ana commerce, iion to oe pitpuicu u, ovoo.v... u. who replied that the estimates short notice. were being dealt with soon andi then It would be considered whether or not it would be possible to meet Mr. Hanson's wishes to have an amount Dlaced: there for Weather f orecast Euler said that, If It were operated, sure Is hi.'i and weather has becn It would probably not be leased to fine and somewhat milder, a synd&ate as suggested but would throughout British ooiumoia. be operated by the grain board j Prince Rupert and Queen Char- ltself. . u.., ilotte Islands Fresn to strong Mr. Hanson also received a wire from Rt, Hon. Ernest Lapointe, acting prpmer, twho saldjthatthe next cabinet council would again consider the possibility of putting an amount in the estimates for a subsidy as requested. This was in reply to a communication sent by Mr. Hanson. Lcn Crlpps returned to the city southeast wind; fair and mild to day. Probable gales off the coast tonight; .then .becoming unsettled. West'Coa of Vancouver Island Fresh to strong southeast wind mostly fair and mild, misty at night. Walter Hume, who has been spending a vacation-at Vancouver and Kelowna, returned to the city who' rrom being plunged Into'a G reason the Prlnc, , George,thls afternoon on the Prince George 'ate by surrender to the lat- a ' -to jf)n(frf 0) Pag(f Tko) War. . - from a holiday trip Vancouver, noon. . this after- EDEN IS FOR UNION GOV'T Should Be Formed to Tackle Question of Home Defence And Employment in Britain, He Declares LONDON, Oct. 19! (CP) Anthony Eden, former Foreign Secretary, urges that a union government composed of all parties' and elements take over the home ! defence of Britain. The fact of -two a subsidy for a steamship service' General SEynopsls A distant In Britain Is a reproach to de out of Prince Rupert. 'storm Is approaching Queen Char--mocracy, says Eden. Tn rpenrri tn the elevator. Mr. lottp Islands from the west. Pres-I , Alleged Bank Robber Taken Melvin Campbell in Custody in Ontario After Search since Last Spring LONDON, Ont., Oct. 19: (CP) Melvln Campbell, soug'ht since last spring for a bank robbery in north HEAR EDEN AND THANK F0RPEACE International Feace Sociely Expresses Appreciation to Premier Chamberlain LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP) The International Peace Society, in session here yesterday, passed a resolution thanking Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain for his peace policies. Appreciation was formally expressed of the Premier's "patience and untiring efforts to promote peace." The resolution was I passed not long after an address frbm Capt, Anthony Eden, who broke with Chamberlain on foreign policy, had been heard. .,. Will Recommend Ratification Of Friendship Pact LONDON, Oct. 19. It was reported in authoritative quarters today. !that Prlnme Minister Neville Chamberlain, soon after trie reassembling of Parliament next month, will recommend the lm- I mediate ratification of the Anglo- Itallan friendship pact. The present withdrawal of Italian volun-. teers from the Spanish civil war is understood to be taken by Mr. Chamberlain as a token of that country's good faith. ALASKA DAY CELEBRATED Seventy-one Years Ago Yesterday Since Uncle Sam Took Over Territory JUNEAU, Oct. 19: "Alaska Day." the seventy-first anniversary of the taking over'of Alaska following nd Queen Elirabeth. while In Can- R Ma;azine Becomes Facetl- Polish Foreign Minister Seeking to'lts Purchase from Russia, was ob ida next summer, will visit the mints at Callander. In the event :f Their Majesties going wet, such 1 visit could .'quiteeasily be ar-anged,- It Is said here" BUSY ON Yw ELEVATOR Olof Hanson Has Replies From Members of Government Regarding Subsidy and Possible Operation ous in Regard to United States ROMEv.Oct. 19: (CP) A maga Line Roumania up With Poland, Germany and Hungary zine TpuMlaied''.fn Rome yesterday WARSAW, Oct. 19. Col. Beck, suggesttdaf the United States Polish foreign minister, has left for t . .1 A. T-amM4 X r 1 V QO UnVlniAff .Virka Uh ...ill l A. erved throughout the territory yesterday with government offices, banks and schools closing. The taking over of Alaska was Uncle Sam's second largest real estate deal, the largest havlns eieci dciikuu uaiuwi o .uumoiwn wucic c win t.teK me migni . rVi-co T niiUlnnn for been the purchase of Louisiana ior r,-.tJ Aiwf virgin n virp- -rtr.rnrf nt wtr, r.,.i o 1, ncMucm, . -.". i uuiuia-$150M000 from Napoleon Bona- presiuvuQ iiiu ucuii Aiukofwj w inuc oi wauu iuiu Hungary are retary of War. Ottawa' Session End Of November tor annexation of portions of For Alaska with lts enormous Czechoslovakia. Col. Beck will al- natural resources and 30,000 popu-so seek support of Roumania In a Jatlorli $7,2oo,000 was paid to Rus-move by Poland. Hungary and Ger- sia or less tnan 2c per acre. many to pheck the advance of Communism. Later- CoL Beck will rwi rrii j visit Budapest, the capital of Hun-. I WentV 1 COUScinCl gary. t - j Sudetens May Be Given New Homes LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP) It Is estimated that twenty thousand anti-Nazi Sudetens would be affected by the proposal for expatriation to Canada and other parts of the Dominion following the taking over of Sudetenland by Germany. Pictures Are Incriminating . million persons being unemployed ' Germans Took Views of Gun Posi tions in Panama Canal Zone PANAMA CITY,' Oct. 19: Development of pictures taken by four Germans In the Canal, Zone have proven Incriminating. They show actual gun positions. The four have been granted ball In. the sum of $15,000 each. Halibut Sales Canadian Gulvlk, 19,000 pounds, Atlln, 12.1c eastern Ontario, is In prison here, and 5c. Arrested at Windsor, Ontario, he is j American alleged lo have been Involved In a' Prosperity, 10,000, Cold Storage, recent. bank robbery here. ' 10.7c and 6c. V f, . : ' : i. Vbovj,V" Crown) 80 Taxi 111, mm ft jew Tomorrow's Tdes, High 10:58 a.m. 20.7 ft. DAY AND NIGHT SEKVICE 23:27 p.m. 19.9ft. Kit: Careful and Courteous Drivers Low . 4:40 a.m. 5.3 ft. v. i i.-: 17:20 p.m. 4.7 ft. 'New 1933 Plymouth) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL .BRITISH COLUMBIA'SNEWSPAPER PRINCE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER TRICE: 5 CENTS :vit RUPERT, B.C., lf.l(J38. ISi VN ALASKA IIGHW& Via .9 V00KED . FOR; MAY SVART NEXT YEAR lational Negotiations in Itegard to Important Road trough British Columbia Are Making Progress rl'CTORIA, October 19: (CP) International nego-U of the city, clearing out rebels m may d. ride shortly whether or not an , eariy star- J-JK-Sf I c made on construction of a motor road through ISn-1. So.dls ' under , "nlnmlmi and the Yukon Territory to connect AlasKa y w - " ... . - hn VnUoA States. President Roosevelt has already ited a fiye-man commission to study feasibility of ITRAGE FOR GOD Pius Speaks to Luchansiic Congress in New Orleans ORLEANS, Oct. 19.-"The Sty of God has been outraged," ed Pope Plus in a raaio aa-Irom Castel Oandolfo In Italy lay to 50,000 pilgrims to the tristlc Congress being neia His Holiness ,1s believed to . variou suggestea routes ana mem been referring to antl-Catho- tcrnational borders." if .f. : ;-! i