PAGE FOUR trd Avenue Victoria YlClOria LCd VIII g 'came to Victoria in 1910 and we For Pacific Isles On Boat Lorna D. day but its going to be the trip of our lives," said Cant. A. J. David ge as he worked with grimy hands aboard the 26-ton auxiliary schooner Lorna D. In which he'm and a crew of five are leaving Vic toria for the South Seas. ". "When we get to Tahiti we ?11 be so enamored of the place that we shall have to pay the natives to drive us out," he said. ' The Loma D., 12 years old and named after the captain's wife 'slipped into port at the beginning on before heading for the romantic south. ' The crew of the Lorna D. numbers six all told. They are: Capt and Mrs. David?es and their 22-year-old son. Dick, of Victoria and Maple Bay: and Mr. and Mrs Fred. B. Hartzell and the latter' brother Thomas, of Seattle. The) expect to be away from Victoria for at least 1R9A9A9A9A9A9W ... 'for at least 18 months but it will probably be much longer. "Victoria is like home to us said Capt. Davidge, wiping the oily grime from his sun-tanned arms as he quit tinkering with the aux- nave Deen commuting d?ic?i here and Maple Bay ever since." The Lorna D. Is registered at Victoria. "This trip is our life's dream." i j he said. "It Isnt a rich man's, Party Expect to Visit Tahiti ln!cruSse- we arc Just ordinary people. Course of VoyaCe On Auxiliary Mr U and 1 have UIked about Schooner ithis wonderful trip for years and, - VICTORIA, Sept. 17: might call it a poor man's holi launougn we are nut as jruuug t "You!we to we arc PmS to enjoy this cruise as mucn as trie younger folk." -(Attempts Ocean Trip In Yacht Miss Tampa Put in to Bermuda For Repairs After 43 Days HAMILTON, Bermuda, Sept. 17: (CP) When Guy Avery. 33-vear nlri efrlnrvr anH nrour f ttia 111. of the week from Vancouver and i foot Miss Tampa put his craft in o : .1 l i l trl. ... ... . oiuuejf aim uruppcu aiitiiur uujnere, ne naa Deen u aays ai sea the Armstrong Bros. plant. ,0n his way to Genoa, Italy. -The trim auxiliary srhrmnlr Th fnrmr xniia cturfonf r' 1 " - WUkV DlUUtll has been shipping supplies anJ'surance salesman and order soli . putting Muffin it rrt t the Vt a finishing I r I Vt I n wr (AiimIiam touches . l a . m a. citor for a steam laundry set out from Tamna. Florida, hut trmihlp with his electric lieht eaulpmerit caused him to put into port for repairs. He estimated he had sailed thp mft Tnnrp than 9 000 ml?o Hv ...v - ,VVW .....w J dead reckoning after leaving Tarrf- pa. During the voyage he lost two sea anchors and several lines. He hailed one ship on the way and replenished his supply of canned milk. Nearine Bermuda he sighted a fishine boat which towed him Into Hamilton Harbor! Imperial Airways officials arranged for the sIood to be taken to the air-base where it wasthoj ougniy overhauled Dy engineers. ; Three Brand New Chesterfield Suites At Bargain Prices Lovely 3-picce Chesterfield Suite Lisbon cover, Vel-our cushions. Real snap $99 00 Three-Piece Modern Suite Cover Kassel A.A.A., mulberry and natural. No AA better. A snap t?l A V.UU Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite Covered with imported cut velour all $108 00 FourTiece Bedroom Suite Includes bed, chiffonier, vanity and CKQ Aft bench. A real snap... vtfwiUU Used Vacuum Cleaner Bargains Hoover Vacuum Cleaner With all the attachments m first class condition. Q-f n cj A A .snap for ". t t)-i-wU Beatty Vacuum With all the attachments .... Premier Spic-Span. Snap for $17.50 $6.50 Six-Hole Monarch Range For burn- GOQ AA ing coal or wood. Snap at VvUU Circulator Heater with Oil Burner $25 00 Good Pram A real bargain $10 00 Bicycle In good . CI O AA condition. JX.UU Sinjrer Sewing Machine In good 6 Q C A A condition JD.UU Typewriter In first class $20 00 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE rhone Green 916 Two cars of beef arrived yesterday for Burns & Co's abbatolr. They were shipped from Vanderhoof by William Berseth. They were cattle owned by himself and his neighbors, a pool shipment. The chief subiect of interest on the waterfront, this week has been the activities of an airnlane nt- rhones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store ' Where Dollars Have More.' Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion . THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, SepW Waterfront Whiffs All Quiet on the Waterfront Camps Being Closed for Salmon Buying Beef Coming to Town Azurite Was Looking Blue F Prior to yesterday 'and for several days during the week the waterfront was a sleepy, lazy sort of a place where the chief business was to put in time without actually passing out.. No boats were coming or going except an occasional fishing boat or pleasure craft. The weather was so warm that even thp rnnl Wfnpcs HiH nnt sccui iu exut ana (ne noon siesia was extended from mornine until itached to the department of de- night. I fence which has been doing some I decided after maklne the photography in the district. Its a rounds that if people were actually paid real money for those long siestas, I would be pretty soon joining Charlie Balagno and the rest of the gang: Rest of the gang Is right. It seemed to me on my recent visit that It was mostly "rest" along the waterfront. I now understand why Charlie gave up music for paradise. Jim Bacon was there wandering around in a daze and wondering what to do next. A fisherman came In and wanted to sell him fish but he waved him oh with a magnificent gesture and referred him to the. manager, whose name seems to be Bill. It is Indeed a great life. Who will buy a newspaper so that I may' Join the gang. This Is a notice to the public that the Dally New is for sale. Oh for a day or a week Living the life I seek; 4-rj Softly sleeping. Oh for the Joy of a nap Where the salt sea waters lap for It I'm weeping. A Job wjth regular pay noisy sort of a bus but evidently it can climb Croft Brook of the Standard Oil Company is quite a speaker and evidently he knows something about diesel engines. He talked to the Rotary Club on Thursday afternoon and the members sat open mouthed, wondering at his wisdom and fluency. There has been a good catch of cohoes of late in the central district. These fish have been taken in seines and gillnets. Trolling ij off. The Cold Storage camps in the Millbank Sound area are closing and by the end of next week all camps will be closed. Wark Canal being open to the last. Jimmy Thomas, Johnny Clausen and the other packers will soon be able to Join the rest of the slum-berers on the waterfront when they have oiled up their boats and made them tight for the winter. Fisheries Commission as the time curate weather and ana aate on which halibut fishing vessels will be allowed to clear for the high seas on fishing Intent. The Commission reserves to Itself the right to change this date hut It is the time set until or uni" changed. Thls means only one more trip for all the boats bringing In fish now. Three boats are being built at Cow Bay by Japanese boat builders. Y: Suehlrp is completine a hull 43 by 12 for use as a troller Divine out of Vancouver. Oscar Hancnn 1e fn be the. owner. J. Yabu is building a eillnetter across the bay and I. Matemntn is Just starting, a trollinir boat fnr 'ocal fisherman. The Co-operative Association is losing its camps. Two of the scows were towed in this week and .three more remain operating, one at Dun-das, another at Zayas and a third at Squadaree. While all salmon fishing closes at the end of next week it remains -losed only until October 10 after vhich it reopens for spring salmon The Co-op packer Azurite had a little trouble when bringing in one of the scows which had been used s a camp. When the skipper of the een. hrin;ine In the other scow, found that .the Azurite did not show ud in port he suspected trouble. He turned back and found Captain Sam 8nldal trying to fix the engine, threw- him a rope and towed him into bort where he arrived on Thursday morning. Rnmp Which falls not, come what may body suggested that only the boats TV. tUI. f i t i . r ui vuii i m seeiung. , snouia dc maae ugnt. Midnight, September 29, Is the day now set by the International W. P. Anderson who for the past quarter of a century has kept ac- othcr records dally, says that this September weather has been very much the same as It was last vear. The hnt day Wednesday corresponded ex actly with a hot day on September H, 1937. There was a time wav back before most of us rememhrr ' JASPER PARK HOTEL CLOSES Lodge Operated Almost at Capacity During Past Season Many Bookings Made JASPER PARK LODGE. Sept. 17' After enjoying the most success ful season since it was opened in 1923, Jasper Park Lodge closed its doors last evening for another!1-101' October. vided 4 A wJ tr year. Ever since the 1938 season opened on June 15 the guest regis tration was heavy and during July and August and the first ten days of September the lodge operated at almost capacity. Every feature of the lodge operatloni showed an Increase over last 'So successful were we here thlt year and so pleased were out guests that it is a matter of dc light to us to say that our reservations for next season have been greater than ever before in out history,- declared Robert Somtner-vllle, manager of the lodge. "It has been our experience to close down with .the odd few reserving for the next year, but todav we have a large number of our cabins already booked for next season A feature of these reservations is the fact that most of these reservations are for the better type of cabin with deluxe accomodation. "We have always had many beautiful drives at Jasper but this year the feature has been the ad dition of the Columbia Icefield drive of 150 miles return. This Is an all day trip and lunch Is taken along. It Is the first year that guests could go on a good road in a comfortable car to the famous Columbia Lcefield, which is the largest living icefield outside of the Arctic Circle. The area takc3 in 110 square miles. We took down more than 2.000 persons during our summer season. The trip to Maligne Lake, the Sky Line Trail and in fact all trail trios wrr much better patronized this year than ever and with the development of the new skiing area around the Maligne Basin, It should soon be as popular In the winter as In the summer. "Never before have there been so many movie cameras cnrMnir as this year and the excellent and varied types of hlehlv enlord offered uuerca the me colored colored film rum whpn ppfo i-onrr iiowers Sfta fr16?1 cyety, opportun,ty or " rrince "upert. .taking home a lastin ImnrcMlnn T. . " 'of the place." There were no halibut arrivaj.l today so there was no sale. Steamer Princess Adelaide arriv ed In port yesterday alternoon and left on time at 10 pjn. for Vancou ver and way rjorts. Woman Manager Of Largest Circus ADELAIDE, South Australia, Sept. 17: (CP) Miss Doris Wirth ;tpda went about her job of managing Australia's largest circus in which she herself appears in a bicycle act. Attached to Wlrth's circus are 300 animals. Including Princess, I RALILAY Build Hall In Nine Days' Work ST. ANN'S, N. S... Sept 17: (CP Nine days voluntary labor raised a church hall in this northern Cape Breton village. Not two Surr days had passed after the building was commenced before the opening service was held. The land occupied by the new hall was donated by Nell Mac-Aulay, whose grandfather gave the site for the original church In which the followers of Rev. Nor. man MacLeod worshipped a century ago. The hall accomodates 150 persons. The ooenlnir services wr eiepnani. princess' held in English and the Oaellc labors now are confined t0 train- spoken by the Scottish pioneers ing younger elephants, but at one who leU lhelr native country to time she carried youngsters-among -r'Cere. ,n the ea:1 lk6 'Part of th last century. them FH-i-arH rrrt VII-around j Undon" the Site of the hal. is near that of the original church. FrcKh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNR $7 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports- SS. Trlnceii Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE September 7th, 17th, 27th October 7th, 18th Connections at. Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Servlcei- Tickets and Reservations From , V7. L. COATLfy General Agent. Prlnce Rnpef t( B C Farmers Seek Plowing Title TRURO, N. S., Sept. 17: (CP)' If Nova Scotia farmers look forward to their fall plowing ai! something other than hard work. this year, it is because they hope; to get In a little practice for the first provincial plowing match. The match will be held near this Colchester County town In early Competition will be dl- Into seven classes with one' trophy donated by the province's Agriculture Minister John A. Mc Donald, emblematic ot the grand, championship in plowing. Aa total of loo prizes will be presented. The first class Is opn only to champions and reserve champions in any recognized county plowing match sponsored by a farmers' association. All sorts ot plows from tractor- drawn ones to those pulled by oxen will be entered. Two ot the classes will include oxen " " And "ST TIMES TOX lhat Grand f .. . Ataln . . . And IU "Judg ii fe Hardy'. Children" With LEWIS ST0.M MICKEF ROONET (At 7:48 ind ADDED "MARCH OF TIME "Glimpses ot New Brnm NOVELTY and CARToox ENFl KIT) PVn, c. ,. . - ' vrcyv It Cfi.l tractors. Another is for two-furrow Charged with tealln I gang-plows drawn by not less Ing 11 cheques, property of hi & than three horses. Still another ployer. John Allen Is for Juniors with an age limit of had 3,000" printed false in in ui- "B3i It Costs Nothing Extra To Keep in Style At All Seasons Well dressed women everywhere find it easy and econ omical to keep in style the . Singer way Make your own stylish clothes on a Modern Singer 2 DRESSERS Walnut, Beautifully finished Fhone 775 Gtt MILK Yur Sfnrtr mi inpj Help from l' New Singers For as Llttlt U $3.00 Down And $3.00 Monthly And a Trade-in Allowtnci any bid iwin( macbini MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom bresser Clearance 2 DRESSERS Walnut finish 817;SD i SSSFSL S2O.00 S27.50 327 THIRD AVET We Have Grade "A" Itaw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red G08 for Hctter Dairv Products Dominion Dairy UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prlnco, Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERX TUESt T.S.S. CARDENA FRlHATt HAY, 1:30 p.m. io:30 p.m. Hue Vancouver, Thurs, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and TicketJ Fto v. NbWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. rhone do.