E ' Careful and Courteous Drivers (New 1938 Plymouth) fxVII. No. 218. er musi Se imnist Declares Lady orothy Thompson Analyses In Germany Today as heen y the world trembles on the of war, ana wnen an is an- everythlng bolls down to the at a man and the clique ar-lm In Nazi Germany have got Ives into a position where Ban By American afford neither to make tor to make peace, says Dor-jThompson, the well known foist From victory to victory llitarlsatlonfortlflcatlon of Ihlneland annexation of Aus? Rlitler has been marching his Eito catastrophe. Nazism start a 'movement," and it remains cment-that ls t6 say, its na that it must move. But the in which it can move safely eflnitely reached Its limits must now either retreat or Oermany and the world lnt0 rophe us not be deluded about any minor aspects of the Issue. x of the 8udctcn Germans, r Imagined, have little to do it. Hitler Is not moving to ,te the Germans in Upper 81- or the Polish corridor, and,,. penly washed his hands of the anj in 'he South Tyrol, whose illty has been brutally cx- BnaUd. And he is celebrating lendshlp with Hungary, whose an minority has beerrfthor- y tnd prosramatlcally Magy- Tis Sudeten German issue lr Incidental to the question iether or not Germany shall ate Europe and the world. Czechoslovakia democratic rc- ic stands in the way' of Gcr- i de .ired expansion to the Therefore, Czechoslovakia be cut loose from her alliances der to be destroyed, and so far roposal of a compromise, how- generous. Is acceptable to Hlt- Ijf It permits Czechoslovakia to live as anything except a vas- tate. RENDER'S STATEMENT Call Parliament If Necessary But Not To Deal With Hypothetical Case HTAWA, Sept.-17: "The Dom-lp government is prepared, if fsslty arises, to summon Parlla-?t forthwith and submit rc-imendatlons to it," Prime Min-f Mackenzie King said today in faiement dealing with Canada's pude toward the European crls-'fn the meantime we do not ider a public controversy as he action of the country in Pothetlcal contingencies would e the Interests of peace or o' pmonwcalth unity." P'e statement was in reply to aj a w WJ Pr Congress fmonlng 0f the Trades asking for Parliament knuixo and the at TO OTTAWA Pounces Opening of legislature uctober 25 Before Leaving wuhia, Sent. 17: (CP) - li 11- m r t rwi nrwl av t-lUt lie would nslc Montrmnnt. 'vnor Hambcr to summon the gislature Octnhor u . Kd lhe PPning date of the E;7 wwn of the Nintccnth As-Imw preparcd 10 dcPart for 0 Ministers To Visit London to Confer In Regard To Joint Policy For Two Countries LONDON, September 17. Premier Deladier and French Foreign Minister Bonnet of France will airplane Londonwards tomorrow to consult with the British cab inet over the Czechoslovak crisis. The joint consultations Were projected as the British cabinet met twice today toi work out a policy in the quarrel The Invitation to the French mln- lsters was believed by observers to foreshadow decisive Anglo-French I action In the face of Chancellor! Hitler's aggressive" stand. This announcement wasHhc only one made at the conclusion of the five-hour afternoon meeting of the British cabinet. OBJECT TO QUEBEC LAW Trades Congress Will Do All In Their Tower To Secure Repeal Of Padlock Law VTAfJARA PALLS. Sent. 17: The TrnHo nnH Tihnr fVnerfss In ses- I slon here today condemned Que bec's Padlock Law and resolved That the Congress Go everything In its power to bring about a re peal of this unconstitutional and undemocratic, legislation." -TODAY'SSTOCKS (OourtUT 8. O. JohnMoo Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .06. Big Missouri, .26. Bralorne, 8.30. Aztec, .06 (ask). Cariboo Quartz, 2.01. Dentonla, .04 Vi Mlnto, .02 Vi-Falrvlew, .05. Noble Five. .02. Porter Idaho, .02 Vi. Premier. 2.00. Reeves McDonald, .25. Reno. .33. Relief Arlington, .15 (ask). Reward, .03. Salmon Gold, .07 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .03 Vz (ask). Hedlcy Amalg.. .03Vi. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier, 1.60. Home Gold, .00Vi. Orandview, .06 Vi. ' Quatsin0 Copper, .03. Oils A. P. Con., .13 (ask). Calmont, .20. ' C. Si E., 1.80. Freehold, .04. - -- McDougal Scgur, .12. Mercury. 06. Okalta, 1.00. Home Oil, .94. -. Beattic, .95. . ' Central Pat., 2.05. Gods Lake, .37. Little Long Lac. 2.40. McKcnzie Red Lake, 1.00 Pickle Crow, 4.00. . ' San Antonio, 1.10; I Sherrltt Gordqn. 1.00. Smelters Oold, .01 Vi-McLeod Cockshutt, 2.60. Oklend. .14. Moshcr. .18. Madsen Red Lake,- .35. Stadacona, .31. , , Francocur, .20, Moncta, 1.25. Thompson Cadillac, .17, Bankficld, .40. East Malartlc, 1.70. . Preston E. Dome, 1.07. Hutchison Lake, .02. Dawson White, .01 V2. Aldermac, .35. ,4. Kerr Addison, 1.52. Uchi Gold, 1.35. Int. Nickel, 45.75. Noranda, 60.25. Cons. Smelters, 50.00. Athona', .05. ' ': Hardrock, 1.40. v Barber Larder, .17. Fcrnland, .10. I Were Received By Pope Pius In Rome Today I CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, Sept. 17. Rt. Rev. Jean Louis Coudert, co-adjutor to the Ap- ostolic Vicar of the Yukon and t Prince Rupert and Rt. Rev. Gabriel Breynat. Apostolic VI- car of the Mackenzie District, 1 were received today in private audience by Pope Pius. SHOWBOAT IS MERCY VESSEL Brings Tom Belina of Prince Ku- -pert twPori8impsowIIopHal Frank Merrlfleld and his five as sociates arrived today after a tour of Portland Canal on their boat "Cornish Wizard." When leaving Anyox the showboat was turned In to a mercy ship lor It brought to the Port Simpson Hospital Tom Belina, who was taken with a stroke at Anyo and did not regain con sciousness until alter arriving ai Port Simpson. Constable Dillough-j by came south with them and Is. now In Prince Rupert and wuue-. turn on the next boat. I It was foggy but the Cornish Wizard ploughed through it regard- less. Mr. Belina Is a very heavy man and difficulty was experienced in getting him ashore. However the hospital authorities had been warned of his arriving and were ready to receive him. The showboat party gave two shows at Stewart, two at Premier and one at Anyox. Also they gave an entertainment at Port Simpson last night. jWilliam Pouttee Buried Today, Rev. Brandt Officiating The funeral took place this morning from the chapel of the B. C TTr.fWntPrs of William Pouttee Brandt officiating. number of people gathered 'to pay their respects, and floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The pallbearers were Mike Haapia, rea Ward, Robert Kydd and William McLeod. Interment was ai rai- view. Today s Baseball American League New York 3, Detroit 7. Philadelphia 4-4, Chicago 8-7. Boston 4, Cleveland 5. Washington 10, St. Louis 9. National League Pittsburg 2, Boston 1. Cincinnati-Philadelphia rain. Chicago 4, New York 0. fVJCTO b- Drown) 80 Taxi Tomorrow 'slides r,4- High 8:29 a.m. 16.2 ft. MAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 20:30 p.m. 18.2 ft. MUST HAVE DEFENCES) Br,Ush The present unsettled condition internationally makes it absolutely necessary that something be done immediately to pro pert in case ot an enemy raid. As it is the place is defenceless and the men who have enlisted to man the forts have no forts to man. The way in which this work has been delayed and neglected is a crying shame. Prince Rupert people have been patient because they are ignorant of what is jroing on in military circles. They never think of questiqning the department o f defence as defence matters are usually conducted quietly and without blare of trumpets. It is only when a condition arises like the present that they get un-easv and feel that the heads of this department are failing in their duty. Should an enemy seize the port-ofPrincd-ItupertV something they could easily do, they might do for themselves what the Canadian department of defence has failed to do, and by cutting" off the railway Prince Rupert could be isolated and fortified and held indefinitely as a base of operation in the North Pacific. It would be impregnable against any "ships that could be brought against it. We hope the Department of Defence will, even at this late date, turn their attention to Prince .Rupert and give the defences which have been much too long delayed. If the Liberal party cannot do it, the people will have to turn to some party that will give the service needed. The place must be defended even, if Esquimalt has to be stormed in an effort to wake up the military and naval City Purchased 'A'Shawatlans Land For the purpose of protecting the water interests of the city, the Commissioner, W. J. Alder, pur chased District Lot No. 444 at the Provincial Government Tax Sale held by A. J. Lancaster in the Court House yesterday. This lot is situated between Tucks Inlet and Shawatlans Lake and contains .the Pump Station and a portion of the main pipeline. The lot was secured at the upset price. AS YOU WERE ; t , , LONDON, Sept 17: (CP) One day after Albert Phlllpotts passed NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE, RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, S EPTEMBER 17, 1938. Arab deaths. HAZELT0N FUR CASE Alleged Itob'tcry Charge Follows Finding of Fox Pelt in Prince Rupert SMITHERS, Sept. ,17: (CP) Charles dnd Sinlon Gun-a-nOot, sons of the famous Indian refugee Simon Gun-a-noon, who was sought by the police for thirteen years before he surrendered and was acquitted of a charge oi murder in 1919, are in JaU here, charged with the robbery' of the trading post of Carl Hannanwald at Bear Lake last May The Chinese proprietor reported the fur to the police who noted the similarity with the one stolen from the Bear Lake post. The police stated that Charles told them that he had disposed of the fur to p. wo- Word has been received from the DepartmeptopPjUbllc Works at Ottawa to the effect that John Currle and Son have received thu his driving test he was fined $24.30 tender for replacement of the ap- arid disqualified for a, year for proach gangway and shed and re-drlvlng"at a dangerous speed twoipalrs to the ice protection dolphin weeks earlier when holding a pro at Haysport, the. cost being ap-vlslonal licence. ...r- proximately $3,000. t ate- Low 1:44 a.m. 5.9 ft. 13:55 p.m. 9.1 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS ton; Henlein Issues Proclamation ni-i IFrig KILLS LEADERTakino ' TQ ' A rms And ARAB REBELS 5c"13 . I Others Troops Also. Get Six' of Band That Thursday Fought JERUSALEM, Sept. 17: British troops today killed the ringleader ' and six other members of an Arab ; .band whose battle with the British Organizing oudetens In Czechoslovakia tect the port of Prince Ru- 'forces Thursday resulted in 130 Proclamation Issued by Conrad Henlein From Asch But Author Cannot be Found in Country , BERLIN, September 17. Konrad Henlein, leader of the Sudeten Germans, today proclaimed that his followers werp "taking to arms and organizing" Sudeten free corps along the Czechoslovakian-German border. The order for trje formation of the corps was issued from Asch, Czechoslovakia from which place.it is dated. Taxes Are Low In Prince Rupert I Comparatively! There has Just been Issued t at Victoria a list of the cities showing the comparative taxes Thu rn!lr. aro coarnhtnir for an. on S citV lot Valued at $100 I other sob, David, who Is believed with a house valued at $1,000. 1 to be In the Meziadln Lake country The annual tax on such a ! near Stewart. place in Prince Rupert amount At the preliminary hearing of -t to n.au. in Vancouver w t Charles Gun-a-noot at Hazelton, same would be taxed 52S.I8. in testimony stated.that hearrlved in t Victoria $30.20and, M Ross,-. Hazelton last June and left V fox T iana 53.uu-a year, -mere anrT fur with a Chinese restaurant keep er as security for a board bill. ' sever! cities in. British -Colum- 1 bla where the taxes are than in Prince Rupert there are 24 are higher. man with a travelling show. It was recovered from her at Prince lUIof ifimofC OaL-Rupert as she was sailing with a clr- lllal 1U11ICI O UCCIY cus. cnarges against cnaries rol- lowed and the police say that statements made by him led to charges being laid against the other two jrothers. Confederation Of Workers In 13 Countries MEXICO CITY, Sept. 17. A new confederation of workers of Latirt America, pledged to combat Fascism and war and to fight for the right of labor to organize, was formed at a meeting of representatives of 13 Latin-American The new group, which will have, headquarters in Mexico City;, voted to affiliate with the International Federation of Trade Unions. Countries represented in the formation of the group were Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Peru. The Confederation plans to operate In more than a score of South and Central American countries. Gets Contract Dock Repair At Haysport Re-Election To State Assembly less where the taxes ' BOSTON, Sept. 17: I CP) Three prominent Massachusetts legislators, all dependents of Newfoundland or MaritlmePrbvinces folk, are busy these days campaigning for re-election fa their respective dis tricts: Donald W Nicholson, Republican state senator from the Cape Cod and Plymouth district and the son of a Little Narrows, N.S., blacksmith,, will retain his seat in the Senate without opposition in either the primaries or general election. No candidate has sought to unseat him. While actual campaigning is unnecessary, the senator is speaking a' numerous rallies in his dis trict. Rudolph King, Republican repre sentatlve from the 12th Norfolk district and a native of Newfoundland, will run for his second term in the House. He seeks re-election in a normally Republican' district. Colin Cameron, representative from the 1st Essex district, a Democrat with independent Ideas who comes from Kenzleville, N.S., will have clear sailing through the November election. The Pictou County native is the first Dem6crat ever elected as representative in his district, and the office Is the first pub lic position he has ever held. Elevator May Be Leased Reported The whereabouts of Henlein who il- I A 1 g-t 1 f 4 lis suugnt oy uie v?ciu5iova& authorities on a treason charge, is 1 unknown. His party has been out- Hawed by the Prague government. The proclamation accused Presi dent Benes of turning loose upon the Sudetens the "hate-filled Czech soldiery." MANAGER AIRWAYS Appointment Announced of George C. Wakeman fpr Trans-Canada Air Lines . MONTREAL, Sept. 17. The ap- but lpointment of George C. Wakeman as General Traffic Manager, Trans-Canada Air Lines, is announced by J. C. Johnson, vice-president. His headquarters will be at Monteral. To. Join the T.CJV., Mr. Wakeman relinquishes the post of inspector of the civil aviation branch. One of the officers who was res ponsible for the planning and organizing of the airway across Can ada, he Ts thoroughly familiar with flying conditions in the Dominion. His air experience began in the war. After joining the 82nd Battalion C. E.F. in 1915, he obtained a commission in the Royal Flying Corps .n 1917. He received his elementary training in Toronto and at Ben-brook aerodrome, Texas, for a time he was flying instructor at the Aer ial Gunnery School. Hicks, Texas, and later at Beamsvllle, Ont. He had conversion training in England, at Northolt, and at No. 1 Fighting School, Turnberry, Scotland. Later he served with the 43rd squadron, Royal Air Force, which was associated with the army of occupation, until demobilization at Cologne in August, 1919. From 1920 to 1922, he was flight commander and flying instructor of the Canadian Air Force at Camp Borden. Flight Lieutenant Wakeman was appointed an inspector of the civil aTiatlon branch in May, 1928, and has been associated with the airways division, since its inception In the inspection of airport sites and in air and land surveys along the routes. As district Inspector of Eastern Airways, with headquarters at St. Hubert, he was responsible for the district between Wlnd- 'sor, Ont. and Sydney, N.S. I In addition to his airways exper- I lence, Mr. Wakeman has given some years to other forms of transporta- I tlon and to the traffic departments In particular. Born In London, Eng land, in 1890, he came to Canada in 1901 and. completed his education in Ontario schools. In 1909 he went west, settling near Prince Albert, Sask., and residing at times in Saskatoon, Reglna, Lethbrldge and VANCOUVER, Sept. 17. Reports, Calgary. For 12 years he was em-are current here that the Prince! ployed in railway and steamship Rupert elevator has been leased by (transportation with the Canadian the Gillespie Grain Company of i Pacific. Thomas Cook and Son, and Edmonton. Raymond and Whltcomb.