THE DAILY NEWS Do You Want a Buyer for It? Try the News Want Ad. Wa ay. Ws a | Good On re. —~ — Se ° SSEDREDREDERRERE TSEC SESE NESCS 232259 nepee a ea panes aes teaseribrsues : Wishing you the Compliments of the season 6 99 Holiday Goods at Less than “The News Classified Ads. Use The Gem Desk Calendar =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== — THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— = Locanbhs ts At thg in ie Anion Gea ene a + i “tery = his automatic reminder will be your best assistant 7h CO aan ouk tors eaiediae at a eee : emt es Sur f Calendar of past, present and future month on each pa ALL HoT AIR if For Rent 1836 “1911 Ald. Newton Raises a Booey | ame ements The Bank of | Which Faiis Flat Last Night. | For Rent—Two roomed cabin, oS BoBRas cacti | freshly papered and clean, on per mon e BIG . | | HF Melis & oe “| British North America Without notice of motion Al- [ee Se be Price complete, $4. ORDER NOW. Price pad Seoond Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 62. derman Newton brought up at| Insurance 75 Y-ars in Business, Entrance on Second Avenue. last night's Council meeting the | Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 2, eeee , ° ‘oe 1912 PADS NOW READY essesee a3 deus old question of the box drain OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just ® ® A € c — passing under the Empress The-| settlements, We write every known class of Cc ae ros. - Imited atre He said the matter was Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co, é Q most urgent because a new law- a iia | Banking by Mail Everything for the Office suit was threatened the city over | ¢ Wanted "i reat convenience to those PRS! 9 Yeats ‘ SEMEMENE TES Ke it. This he had gathered from Oe 3 i oud f ‘ ewshwetashestecg an interview with Mr. Stephens, age ° Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept.| town. manager of the theatre. Aupis Mrs L. W. Puente. pt : Deposits may be sent in, cash As one of the directors of the is T * tee theatre, Alderman Kirkpatrick | Meterni, Rurse open for engagement. “ney drawn, of. other business trane- said whe matter was all hot air. Wee. =, Dememekinn, Cleaning. and prese- .cted. by» Mail, without any There would be no lawsuit. The] ‘Petcher. 820 Third Ave. Phone 204 Red. tf theatre company realized how the | Wanted to rent or lease by first of January, 5 or trouble or delay. city was situated over the matter| §,t0em modern house, close in. State terms to Write or ask our Local Man- Box 89. Just received a large shipment of fresh Turkeys and Poultry and that all possible had been 1, ls veind aed tneronehty apckiteas | S90t. 0. explain. our. aystem to for New Years. done to abate the nuisance until] Men's Furnishings line, to take Position, in you a sewer can be put in, Alderman ene i treet Oto” aor et ae None Left Over From Christmas. Newton said he had done his duty} wanrep—a nrm to sell the new model| Primce Rupert Branch— and sat down No. 410 Smith-Premier typewriter, the 7 . finest machine ever produced. James F, F. S. LONG, Manager. scenes tee Morris Co., 1087 Granville St, eto 294-230 ‘ e couver. - : : : : Lowest Prices HAD A CHRISTMAS TREE Se ae ‘ WANTED Sufficient good second-hand linn tintin tind eee oe Leattt furniture to stock three rooms.ned | & > » Majestic Theatre yester- sitting room, dining room and kitchen. In the Majestic Theatr yester Apply box B, News OMce. | 296-297 Prevention of Eye day afternoon the children of the SITUATION wanted—Young man with ex-! : Trouble Roman Catholic Chureh were en- perience in draughting and surveying | $ . . work; references Box 1226, News. | tertained with a gorgeous Christ- 296-300 mas tree, Every one got several ; ; 1 presents and a ‘harauielis enjoy It is cheaper. — It is possible s st t JOy- | when cure is impossible. Eye able time was spent. The pro- { Stenographer trouble may be avoided by the gram included an exhibit Of MOV= | dese emer errr err eres timely use of glasses, averting ing pictures, a piano solo by Mr, | Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants discomfort, suffering and per- | Collar and ‘the: followine. recite position. Address “Stenographer,” 662 Cor- manent impairment of sight. We Pe ODP AL ELP ARPA POP AL PPD Pn Pl APPA ODS iollar anc 1e following rech @-| dova St., Vancouver, B.C. tf are properly equipped to adjust sr Yt eh hr Ym tr wm rm ma tions by the children: What Pe te meres semermarar armed glasses and guarantee satisfac- ——_—__—_- - eon | She Said,’ Thelma Nehring; 4 i tion. “Saint Nicholas,” Clarice Griffith; Business Chances i | test sees Serre | A Foreign Father, Matthew ores eset reset epmeese irate | WOW 1S HOT WATER BOTTLE TIME js ssl fasta oe oe PsP Ps Ps 9 9 who live some distance from Abate The Best Procurable. Adbsabil ly pure Prevention is better than cure. Frizzell’s Meat Market... MCINTYRE BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE Aatadatatatntas> eee os ot op S@rsatine Tare Ores Gams ® code cobras 2 aah a ~® eo “ “8 Rani to R. W. Cameron & Co. . Er a > DON’T worry about rainy days. We do Louise Rowell: Kentucky Phil- family washing at 25 pieces for one G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector osophy,” Helen Shirley; “The Vin- Ooo {iP eihioece Ricat ST cs Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue tor,” Alice Earley; “The Troubles 289-300 } PHONE 82 533835) | piREcrions FOR COOKING A HARE: | FIRST:—" CATCH YOUR HARE” of Pa,’’ Willie Rowell; “A NOW| Qqieqrscmnsommermmermmsrmmsrmnsemesrmnsrmrcemnsy » —OURS ARE GUARANTEED Best Red Rubber—New Stock—2 and 3 quart. Cc. H. ORME The Pioneer Draggist PHONE 82 Fashioned Xmas,’ Norma Shirley. Credit is due to Mrs. Fred Lost and Found NAAPPA RIPE AP APREPPPLPPLAAS SE To produce good p printing: you must “‘first catch your O<65-b06-— e—9-¢-6-—-0-9- good printer. . . You can’t get good printing from a poor printer, even if he wark with never so good «sn FRED. STORK equipment. If he lacks the ‘‘knack,’’ the trained | taste, the single-minded fondness for his work which -G | Hard os real printers have, he will do poor printing for you. apts vi alee If he has all of these, and in addition to them ade- rte uate modern equipment, your printing will have istinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty. Ritchie for the success of the en- ne | } POCCCT OCCT OCU OCTTCCTTT — and girls. Rev. Father Bunoz ex- aie oe pressed his appreciation at the Water Notice . 2a . j close for the fine entertainment I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- given, cupation Mining Engineer, give notice that on the 28th day of December, 1911, l intend to apply to == the Water Commissioner at his office in Prince Rupert for a license to take and use two cubic feet of water per second froman unnamed stream Phone 150 in the District of Coast Range 5, Skeena Division, cers one, FOR HIGH CLASS. F PRINTING OP ALL KINDS SEB THE ‘‘ NEWS JOB 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station, G.T.P. Ry. —e siaicaned ow COCKER ON A The water is to be taken from the stream about SECOND > AVENUE e e @ nsurance eop e one half mile above its outlet, and is to be used we E Crown Favorite Cooking Stove Fire Sao Ear cae Somer eas | O00 — @—0—- 0-090 Daily News Building ruone98 = Thira Avenue Life 2D CHRISTIAN GARDE = Price from $ $58, Other Stoves from $16. Marine Dated Nov. eth, 1911. d-27 Sel Labor Benefit Society hr Accident No. 195, Plate Glass — ~ " WE HAVE ALI. YOU NEED IN BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Employer’s Liability NEW. YE AR’S NICHT Mestings held every Jet aed’ tel Sunday of the . Contractors’ and Personal Bonds month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall ORR Pen IV OOO esr" Policies Weitten Direct avtnetes G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM., THO . ack Realty & Insurance ° e ss eeuoiie apne Senne [een | Auditorium o ET HOLIDAY NOVELTIES | tertainment. Mrs. Besner do- FOUND—An Irish terrier female pup.!|¢ St nated a watch and a doll which Owner may re pave by paying 5GF: 3 a at News Office, 2 f re were rafled off among the boys|__‘'§ 4dvt at News OMiee uae Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves As this office produces good printing you may infer | the presence of a good printer—who is ‘‘cate hable. os @-4+-4+-4-+ @ | Graniteware Tinware oo 29— LAP AP LL LAL OS | . . Fiat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue Saree Championship Roller Race | "ti" Rind Bock, « pi ae (ONE MILE) Also stores in same block. i. Is The Trained Man or Woman ee eee rt leaner DRAPERIES Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! fresh from Japan GEORGE WESTO i. M. eave . FOR SALE for that new piano R. MEHRING Ratenacaiimndts 9: Hia-clty CENTRE PIECES Rh. SMITH FIRE INSURANCE | that will grace a table ‘ We represent some oi the largest Com- Race Commences at panies doing business in the City. SILK SHAWLS 9 o’Clock Sharp —- specially adapted for evening wear ADMISSION — -: Cc. D. RAND LINEN of the finest texture Three lots, block 7, seetton 1, $2,500 each; % cash, bal. 1, 2, 3 years at 7 per cent. | ———————. —--—_-- Second Ave. Phone 112 Two lots, block 29, section 1, $5,000 pair; % cash, bal, 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per cent. eo ; i Two lots, bloék 22, section 5, an 650; $500 cash, bal, 3, 6, d, 12 month J Two lots, block 2, section 6, me 500. Equitt ———— pear ABO BROS cash. ‘Fine view lots, . en bs Py Hi : One lot, block 6, sectiow 5, $1,500, $300 Clean, bright and wholesome, low a me % . ” a aged . wf Pager at 2 oo nt. nai in water and carbohydrates, but con- eS 825. Third Avenue “THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES Phone 243 Black he oc! section Dar 2 2 cash, bal, 850 every 3 monti Ss, at 7 per taining nearly double the amount of > rR ~00016nr eee cent. fat and protein, pound for pound, | One Jot, block 11, section 6, $2,250. Halt|} | ihn Wie ordinary feedstulls. in local ieprtnan of the Naval Service LAND LEASE NOTICE "= LAND PURCHASE NOTI;CE .. 5 st é, ie mons, ‘at 7 per cent. use, ne 10 oc! section 80 00 : cash, bal. 3, 6, 12 months ;* weak clbin. Meets al! the Requirements of a | Be Aan copy rontelly wine nga ts — One 10% oat tS leeslen, 7, 200m. ghee Profitable Dairy Feed signed, enaorsed “fender, for Dwellin Skeena Land Dieris-- —Distriet of Coast, Skeane Land Dictaigt-— Diawiet of Coast Baee ’ ’ » om adie ' . ouse and accompanie y a certife @ notice tha ot Two lots, block 17, section 7, $1,600. One-|f Auyeg tee other Tecdstults ts taipla | eaeque for 10 p.c. of the amount of the| Take notice that I, Louis Caleris, driver, | Ireland, occupation spinster, intends to appl. third ¢ash, bal. ‘1 and 2 years, at 7 per protein value for your money. Its tender will be received up to noon on| of Victoria, B, C,, intend to apply for per- | for permission to purchase the following collewe to Pri R t cent, superiority Ifes in the fact that feed- | eceuner, 34st, atts for the sreotien of mlasion | sO. purchase the following’ ‘de- aa meneing at @ post planted one chains nor rince upert. Tw 3, -raase , di. dwelling houses at the Government lre- | Sertbed lands: an ee se no! It’ F ith Pp The Ben Pitman System of fe we! bionic 42, section 7, $550 each. ing it increases both the total di less Stations at Prince Rupert, Cape Lazo Commencing at @ post planted at the | of the southeast corner of Lot 632, thence nor’ s fees are within reach Shorthand a “4 al. 6, 12 months, gestible matter and the amount of and Point Grey southeast corner of Lot 1720, thence souttr| 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence sout of everyone. Its tuition is Business English and Let- Two lots, block 3, seetion 1, #650 each. fat and protein in the dally ration Plans and specifications may be seen at| 80 chains, thence west 40 Chains, thence | chains, thence west 20 chaias to point of ere personal, and develops the ter writing wen cash, ale. $3.2 me me 50 cock? AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 50 L.e following places: north 80 ‘chains, thence east 40 chains to | pencamonti containing asity Aer MULVILLE Reon a eae me Commercial Arithmetic 4 cash, bal. 6, 1%, 18 months, at 7 per PER ORNT ON FEED. bolnt, Grey, Cape Lato. and” Dighy Inland. Sores, Mare Or eae eelning 88? | PubeRee. 11, John ©, Mulville, Agent in N and board is cheap Office Routine cent, You should not be without tt. Prince Rupert. The PostofMfices at Van- LOUIS CALERIS. mn Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling Four lots, block 3, section 7, $3,000. %4 Malted grains, fresh and sweet from couver, Nanaimo and Prince Rupert, Fred BE. Cowell, Agent. § |-syeona Land District-—District of Coast are away from the distrac- Typewriti cash, bal. 6, , 18 months. Large the brew keitle dried in a continu .w@ OMfce of the District Superintendent Dated Oct. 31, 1941. a Range 5 tions of the larger ities 2 yP wri ing corner. ous vacuum process by Government Wireless Service, Victoria, and Pub, Dee, 9. Take notice that L. John Argtraclis, 03! ee Togas, Na, bieet Ar: pebmen 70100: ne esuteecs ed “Sea lehtle at Sti RON | aac ' Peat ON CtOre eden” roniowine i t Skee - 5 s 2 wink Pee Caen, bal, 6, 12, 18 mon at 7 per THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co adil THOR Peale bayment, pepe Land: Diste ot Distnics of Cansier, or permission to ‘purchase tho follo PME ae ree pe Z aad ? J. DESBARATS, of Vane en ookhnation regi aetais ry ent aarcribed lands; 1 d about one . . 2 , mouvV eC n 20 ' Sa CIOL TS MORES t¥e, Jats, bios 89) apotion 9.- 01000 Gane Limited Deputy Minister of the Naval Service, intends to apply tor permission to burs Oe gy ACIDS Ot 8, Doe fhoast from the ; ner. 5 ple 9 Dryers of and Dealers in Feed Department of the Naval Service, | chase the following described lands; intake of Trout Riyer, on the west sid Oe Products Ottawa, November 29th, 1911, at Commencing at a post planted about! of Lakeise Lake, and about five (5) chal W-May M arenes every eee Two lots, block 28, section 8, $860, $250 SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS —— —— ———| seven miles distant and in an easterly] jack from the’ waterfront, thence soutt y Mean all the Difference Between Success aah Failure | Yy cash, bal. 6, 12 months. Skeena Land District—District of Queen| direction from the Naas River, and about] x chaine. thence west #0 chains, thence ee oe 0 ou TWo lots, block 49, seetion 8; $400 each. VANCOUVER, B, 0, Charlotte Islands, elght miles ‘north of Alyansh Indian village, | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to et ——— _— #50 cash, bal, $15 per month f Take notion that Villon Moore, of thenoe Roren elgtity DOP s | MONS, ana} point of commencement, containing 64 a ve riy anich, B, C., occupation farmer, intends| eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, | acres, more or less. sk at Daily News fore E Five lots, block 10, section 8, $275 each; i i sep. OF mor, ey, Chas { , i , ur boo ; © apply for permission to lease the fol-| thence west eighty chains to point o JOHN ARGIRACLIS V /r our booklet teaching how to write shorthand bal, $15 per month, lowing described lands: commencement, Fred &. Cowell, Agent : se FOR ron . Commencing at 5 pont planted at the JAMES EPPING MACRAR. : Dated Oct, 81, 1041. ® Store, Second avenue at Sixth street, southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In- . P. Rutter, Agent. Pub, Dec, 9. let, thence east one hundred chains, thence Dated Oct, 31, 1911, THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COl l EGE FOR SALE. south sixty-four chains, thence west to the Pub, Dee, 14. Cabin with four our .opmss, sheap. beach, thence along beach 2 point of —— — commencement, containing ay undred and | ™ -_ - C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C forty (640) acres, more or less » BL, WILLIAM MOORE. ADVERTISE IN THE ea Cor. Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cigars George Young, Agent. * ama Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT! Pub Dec. 1s, i9tt. Read The Daily News NEWS To fit your son or daughter fora business career you must ive them a business training. The best place to send:them to is t Nanaimo. Business ole It is the nearest. busines# Our shorthand course includes tuition in Sete eee POLL POPOL OWL POO OOoens er i tee et reer eres!