.bolt of a qod email II in molchltti crlipntii hat crackles In milk or rtom!-ond a dUHcrlt, jtllclout flavor, Thtit tatty rict bvbblti makt a big kit ltd 3ggW ) - "Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES thar she crackles! illy carlo, lin'l II bat Hogg Wet Krispitt it a rHIFFLETS rom The Waterfront made a speedy round Vancouver since leaving Monday afternoon In or-i a Dick up this week's Alaska I J sailing for the Prince Ru- lilch had an accident at the the week and has had to Idry dock at Vancouver, C ipamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Mabbs, arrived In port at his morning from Vancou- tonell River and Ocean Falls (Bled at 2 o'clock this after-)fcr Skagway and other nor- Srjints whence she Is timed pm here next Tuesday morn- phbound. The Prince George Blhe trip from here to Van- cai me ursi oi we wccn m fseven hours and fifty mln- rlvlng at Vancouver at 6 Wednesday evening. The Rupert Is expected to be , service next wees In the , m tailing which will bring bert Wednesday northbound. Prince George today were Ivnters, mostly round trip- halibut boats sold catches i g 180,000 pounds at Seattle y. They were Norby, 35,000 Sebastian, 7s8c and 7V2c; 39W, New England, 7shc c Condor, 14,000, Washlng-ic and 7c: Liberty, 40,000, 7?4c and 7V2c; Chancellor, Sebastlon, 7 'fee and fic: 17,500, Whjz, 78c and kie L. 10.000. Washington. Cc; Myrtle, 10,000, S?n 1 c and Cc. Stpnmpr Prlnrp John. Plhas been undergoing over- Bw the local dry dock, came off Moons this morning and will be recommlssioned In ser-)uring the summer, she will ' In general coast freighting. uiew Yeomans of . Massett1 Mm WMM pith tvtry on from Junior to Grandpa) Year grocer nil Rict Krlipltt, rtody tin I - j .1 lg Itrvi. Tinoilom ana iiii m mmmtfj. U4 by Ktllogg In Lotdoa, Ontario. D' to make good progress In and 5c. "My frlful fay Imak it jutt right , . . good and creamy yft full-flaroured. My $vcrei? It'i ea$y. I ue Harden" r'.taporatetl Milk. " The double-rich creaminess of St. Charles Milk makes everything taste heller. That's why t's ideal for cooking. It's evaporated from only the finest of fresh country milk and irradiated for an added supply of the important "Sunshine" Vitamin D. There is a difference in evaporated milks so he sure to ask your grocer wr uoraeii s. sm AGREE TO ARBITRATE He lived In Seattle for ten years. Ooater and other members of the crew of the Thorpeness escaped without injury. Queen Mary Tea And Sale Held Successful Affair Yesterday After noon at Home of Mrs. A. T. Parkin lsh Columbia, at a meeting in Prince carr and Miss Dorothy Shearman Ruperet last night, decided to sub- Mrs. J. H. Nordan acted as cashier ma diy June 23, 1838. THE DAILY NZT73 vhQ $ ream IrADnirDiv I ON COAST LOCAL NEWS NOTES C. H. Elklns returned to the city Chief Officer of Steamer Sunk at on the Prince George this morning Valencia Was Assistant Purser from a brief business trip to Van-Of Empress of Russia Once couver. VANCOUVER, June 23: (CP) H. F. Pullen is returning to the t -!o- nVilof off rer WV uu mj"b,iv umxi ..y... r., ; htrr Thor- weeks' trip to the Interior as far peness, which was sunk by a Span ish Insurgent bombing plane off t i- ..ArAAif ttmt-VoH nut of as McBride. Students pf Miss Margaret Mc- 'JT.:,'; r : Catfery and Jean McLean In Vancouver . . . . - ..5 t the steamer Empress of Russia In 1930 and 1931. It .Is learned here. ' a Miss Jean Vanderleest of Minneapolis and Frank E. Metzgar of Toronto, who arrived in the city from the East on Tuesday night's ver the Prince George this morning from his studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison to assume his duties with the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex- Wlth excellent weather favoring perlmental Station for the summer. the affair and many ladies call ing Queen Mary. Chapter, Imperial William Bunting, well known Fort nrrfpr nauehters of the Empire Fraser merchant, and son, David, mlt to arbitration the dispute with! The home cooking table. was In the last time before being succeed the salmon canners as to sockeyei charge of Mrs. William Brass and ed by w. L. Coates, president-elect. price this season in District No. 2 : Mrs. M. J. Keays. between Smith's Inlet and the Naas River. The canners have offered 45c per fish and the natives are holding out for 47V2C which was last year's price. Pending arbitration,! Halibut Sales American Federal, 14,500, Cold Storage, Incp nnnort npnpml Hnsnltal Canadian he has been a patient for Capclla I, 16,500, Cold Storago fime C.4c and 5c. I Mill Mrs. Parkin was tne winner in A well known natlve couple pI the raffle of a fruit cake the luck Massett Oliver Adams, son of Mr. ticket oeins arawn ay nmc oar bara Teng. During the afternoon there were th nnflv flshprrr.pn will rnmmpnre nlcaslnC Vocal SOlOS by Mrs. H. . fishing with the opening of the sea-1 Brocklesby and Mrs. William Mil-son accompanied by Mrs. C. E on Sunday evening next, jlar- Alfred Adams of Massett. presi- Cullln. dent of the Brotherhood, was In at last meeting l-Jcrif ! WniTIPlVQ tendance at night's OHien S OSltal over which Thomas Gosnell of Port . IT Simpson, first vice-president, pre- a .i Ml sided, Various native fishing vll- j AllXlUary J- IsleetS. . lines" along the coast were repre-, sen ted Dunning Has Heart Attack 'Itepular Monthly Session Tuesda) I Night At Home of President. Mrs. J. K. Morison The Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Rupert General Hosplta. held Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at the home of tht Minister of Finance Has Slight ! tysident. Mrs. J. R. Morison, Mc Seizure in Lobby of Commons 'Bride Street. Mrs. Morison was in Uestinp at Home for Few (the chair and there was a good Days 'attendance of members. Arrange j (ments were completed for a tag OTTAWA, June 23: tCP) Hon. day on July 2. Some of the mem Charles A Dunning, minister of fin' bers are working on a quilt whlcn ap suffered a sflght heart atUck will be raffled at the Septembe. meeting. Mrs. F. 8. Walton rcporten in the lobby of the House of Com- Excessive heat and on sewing activities. After the bust rnuii mons yesterday. c iua, jesw hudiret ness session, a social hour was en- n P1' overwork Joyed with the hostess serving de-are b?) ieyed to have been .the cause refreshments Pnysicjans iiave yiueicu umi .u iw Jit home lor a iew nays. it . l i i Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Dora White. Massett. Mrs. Thomas Wilding and son, Malcolm, will leave on tomorrow morning's train via Jasper Park for, i Kamloops where they will spend the summer. and Mrs. Alfred Adams, and Miss Dora White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, .will be united In marriage In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral this afternoon. Afer the ceremony, there will be a wedding feast. The couple will spend a few weeks on the Skeena River before proceeding to Massett to reside. Miss C. Normanton, exchange teacher frpm England- In the local schools during the past year, sailed this afternoon on the Prince George to make the round trip to Skagway. Next week she will proceed! from here by train to Jasper ind, after visiting the Okanagan, Vancouver, California and Chicago, will sail by the Queen Mary August 24 from New York on her return to England. FOR SALE Re EstaU of J. A. Swanson Tenders will be accepted by the undorsigiied for the boats "My-fanwy" and ''Kinahan" up to noon, July 2nd. Tenders may be made for the two boats or separately. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, DEPUTY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. a. Arnold's, June 23. Canadian Legion Picnic, Dlgby Island, July 3. J. H. BULGER Optometrist as aniwV'B M,,pln ti R. L. Mcintosh returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a .trip to Toronto. With Mrs. Mcintosh, he will be leaving tomonow for Terrace to take up residence for the summer. O. M. Ferguson, secretary-treas urer of ihe B.C. Packers, arrived In the city on the Prince .Qeprge this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit to company plant? in this dls trlct, Mr. Ferguson U accompanied by Jack Rlchburg, cannery Insur ance man. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gordon ar rived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancou Well known pioneer residents train, sailed on the Prince George i 0f the city, they are resuming rest this afternoon for Juneau. rjence for a time here In the Angus l - , Anartments. Mr. Gordon Is quite Basil Bailey arrived In the city on! m an u was necessary to remove him from the boat to the apartment In the ambulance. Only One Bowling Team Is Unbeaten held a successful tea and sale of will leave that .Interior point on to-' Tjnk MacPbee Benson, McMeek afternoon morrow night's train for Montreal cooking yesterday home , ave Each Won Three at the home OI Mrs. A. I. ramm w.ieic nicy wui cniuaiiv. uuijr i. uji I Borden Street. The rooms were I nr. nrnfnselv 1 decorated JwntnA tnr for tVlP the Native Fishermen Decide to Start casion wjth summer flowers. Flsliine When Salmon Season I uTSi g. v. Cox was general con-Opens vener and also presided at the tea table. Serviteurs were Mrs. II. M, The Native Brotherhood of Brit- Lamh Mrs. W. C. Aspinall, Mrs. the steamer Antonla for Glasgow to pay a visit to the Old Country. R. G. Hopkins and R. C. St. Clair gave Interesting autoblograohlcal sketches of their own careers at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. President W. R. McAfee was In the chair for Qames So Far By defeating Jack Preece's rink by the close margin of 25 to 23, R.j E. Benson's rink last night joined G. P. Tinker's, Thomas McMeekin's and D. A. MacPhee's In the leadership of the Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling League as far as number of wins are concerned. Tinker's rink Is the only one that has been sa far un beaten this season. In the second , fixture last night. Thomas McMeekin's rink defeated J. A. Frew's 18 to 14. The league standing tq date Is as follows: McPhee 3 1 3 Tinker 3 0 3 Benson 3 2 3 McMeekln 3 2 3 Macdonald 2 1 2 Frew -2 2 2 Hill -I 3 1 Borland 1 2 1 Preece 0 3 0 i ft9 Hi CU'ssiFiED FOR SALE FbSALfeli6iiseSv'!Ph6rie. Green on. man FOR SALE 15 V2 ft. pleasure boat Cabin, 5 h.p. Kelvin engine. Recently overhauled. Phone Blue 726 between 6 and 7 p.m. (14S. WANTED WANTED Tea Cup Reader, Apply Box 22, Dally News. tf. LOST LOST Amber earing. Box 23 Daily News. Return to The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFE rhone CI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. B. BLACK - FROSTKIST ICE CREAM jfitm itPM9 ft igr Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, t I as done with the IW M 9y CT PHARLES mWmMMw9 R,i,k Snakfs ' "Resonoscope" by (145 I WRONG Hat Gentleman's) taken from Capitol Theatre Tuesday evening, June 21. Bring hat to Capitol Theatre and receive your own. (1461 HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA lou( ill htiplnf U upoont of Sid BUcIc Ti In pint of frtib, boiling wt r. After l minute strain liquid Into two-quart container. While hot. add I to Vg cups of granulated tug ar end Juice of 2 lemons, strained. Stir well until suetr is dissolved nil container with cold Water. Do not W tee to cbof before Adding lt id wtttr; ptherwlie liquid will become cloudy. Serve with chipped Ice. "SALADa 7Z1 JUNE SALE Paints, Wallpapers, Pictures, Muresco, Etc. To the highest cash purchaser during this sale we will give the pick of any picture In the store, values as high at $10.00. Prices Were Never So Low As At This Sale WALLPAPERS 1 flp Per single roll, from Xw PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT , CO Off At, per gallon PURE LINSEED OIL STAINS Q4 Cff Any color. Per gallon tHi.Otf Every article in our stock reduced. Don't forget we can save you money Silversides Bros. South to Vancouver Calling at Ocean Falls ami Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT Every Saturday, 7 p.m. ami Monday, 3 p.m. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Recognized Leadership V-IIR-H Revlon Nail Enamels The very latest in nail polishes. C6me in and see the shade assortment Price 50c For Amateur Photographe Ormes Ltd. Ptoneer Drtuzptets The ,leU Store Phones: SI 81 Open Dally From a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. rs Kodatenevefopiii Outfit No. 2 ' Complete all ready for use. .An ideal gift Price $3.60 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS. T. S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:50 p.m. 10:30 p.ni. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent, Third Ave. Phone 568 iiiMHMMMHgaHaMaMMHHMWMaBMHHHBI in