PACE TWO THE DAILY -JTCWS Tagging Whales ?OOr ORT To Mark Travel Sooth Seas Whaling Ship Reports Keep children's feet srowing in nature's form Cushion solei flexible imrt styles grt weiring qualities find values Paid la advance, per month -oaily tnrrioN JTackancl Jfill Health Shoes SHINING LINES Fitted by the VISIBLE Fittinc System. $175 $3.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. r.KLSCf: RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to -all other countries, pc year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telepnoc: Advertising and 0'neulaticm Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations 9t Wednesday, August 3, 1938. ! Pu pruned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Artnoe 'i H. f PULLEN ... Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In adratxe Paid-in id ranee, per weti: $5.00 J2 10 3JD0 9XX .07 2Z 'Shining Lines" is the name of a house organ of the JWergenthaler Linotype Comany. That does not mean much CLEVELAND -Hockey Star MOVING UPjPlayingBall Indians Win Orer Boston Red Sox Paul Thompson Spending Summer While Yankees Lose To In Vaneoaver Detroit Users . , VICTbRIA. Aug 3: 'CP Paul Thompson, Chicago Black Hawk's CELVELAND. August 3 CPj ineer who visited Victoria j By tfnning an Jl Jo 4 vjctory oyer thinks the club s nexly-established iBotton Red Sox yesterday, C!e?-fjann will turn ont valuable re ianu luaaua cuiicru uie iuaigm placements rpr uis stanjey uup of leadership of the New York holders. Yankees in .the jAmerican League" Chicago's farm system will opto one game and a half, the Yanks erate through a Muskeegan, Mlchl-having dropped a close 4 to 3 con- gan. amateur hockey team and the test to the Tigers of Detroit. St. Paul entry In the American In the National League the Pitts- Association, burg Pirates, although defeated Thompson's ambition to take 3 to 1 by Boston Bees, retained their top-scoring honors in the National five game margin over the New Hockey League next season and York Giants who were blanked . his duties as newly-appointed as-to 0 by the Chicago Cubs who are rfstant manager and coach of the now but a game and a half below Black HawksT will keep him busy the Giants In third place. The next winter,. : Brooklyn Dodgers, by taking both The ace wingman is spending the ends of a double bill from the St summer playin? amateur baseball ; Louis Cardinals, assumed leader- m Vancouver with brother Tiny 'ship of the-second division dlsplac- Thompson, Boston Bruins' rxt ' ing the Boston Bees. minder, but expects to toughen I Yesterday's Bie Leaeue scores "P before the" hockey opens b7 were as follows: National League Chicago, 7; New York, 0. St. Louis, 3- 3; Brooklyn, 6-9. Pittsburgh, 1; Boston, 3. Cincinnati, 3; Philadelphia, Z. American League New York, 3; Detroit, 4. -Boston, 4; Cleveland, 11. Philadelphia, 4; Chicago, 8. Washington, 5; St. Louis, 3. Acropolis Boys Win Again In Rounders League tor says it is not only good customers whose" names begin Westview's big innings were t'ie with "C". There .are six thousand words in the English fl1; whln ey cored two- and Janguage beginning with the same letter and among them mcy are such words as constitution, court, capital, consumer,! one of the fielding highlights of .chaos, controversy, collapse, control, co-operation, con-the same was Brass double phy spire, crush, conscience and character but the greatest of wben he tched up with one hand .all he considers is the word "citizen." It has a French ori-' tSTJ tS Tna fan nd a man actually became a citizen when his intelfr doubirpiay ' gence told ,him he could get more through co-operation' 3010 .Man and Barker of west-' with his neighbor than he could by conspiring . v . t, against vlew hlt four t0T "ve wh,le AcrP him Usually With a Club. is' big hitters were O'Neill and, M-inv $lany of nf i,, still .till u have that a t i x i ... Bill Schaeffer who managed to hit I us same lesson to learn. We safely four times out of six trip do not need iojook across to Asia or Europe for examples to he plate, of poor citizenship. Neither do we have to look to any1 PiU:hers on th teams Magnet other .country, province or .city to note examples of good Jti irt ?"Nflu citizenship. We have plenty "of the right kind here lSEiSSZ& jjjvc juj.-i i.. lucai people wno reaa tnis may Stick out. Magnet by his fielders was the de-. ineirnesis anu ieei tnat the Daily News means them. ARE WE PARASITES? cidlng factor in the game. ' Captains were: Ray O'Neill tori Acrcpolls and Emil Blaln for West- view. wno are not inventors or geniuses are parasites. We are-atrom . ' all Jiyjrig on ihe inventive genius of the few. Here .are aj more buTlditjg" few of the words of this famous evolutionist when speak- - Halifax, Aug. 3: icp-a lump auouL inose oi us wno are not engineers or invetive ot $62,000 in building in June pver, geniuses: the same month last year brought pitching hay on the family farm at Langdon, Alberta. Baseball Standings - Cleveland Acropolis boys stretched their Boston . to the average reader. What is interestino- is that Trinm5it! weak fieidine th rang nt m nr Including Yesterday's Scores National. Pittsburg . New York . Chicago .... .Cincinnati Brooklyn ... Boston . St. Louis .. .. unbroken winning streak in the Washington .Gyro Softball League last night at Detroit the. expense of the luckless West- chlcazo view team whom they beat by a Philadelphia score of 15 to 8. st. Louis Trie game was a dull affair with W 57 54 . 52 51 . 44 . 42 . 28 Philadelphia 29 American League New York 57 54 51 48 , 36 30 28 KOK SALE L 33 40 41 42 49 47 54 1 31 31 36 47 47 45 54 -60 Pet. .633 .564 .5591 .322 Dreier, the editor, sometimes steps on the tail of an idea the KOrine. Acropolis opened the WAKF IIP VflllR mA tliclAan UUc ca.. i i rv ii xt . r eame by scorine twelve runs in thp Iflllla Ul I Villi ca in us suiiicwuu) cite, in me uany iewsomce it". 7, ,. ., ,. . . M noticed that the file under the letter "C" was SfiJTSSZ . LIVER B LE FOR SALE Man's WcvpIp 413. in AnnnrAincr trx P A Ir.,Ar. e II j n At tt vr.n t, . . Lau at 10 McBrlde t -u i . ij. i. ui uai varu an inose c "nc ncu iwjs anu uus . tueen. 5 and 7 -pJn. FOR RENT ? ' Z ? W irD0n the flt slx months of Hall. Apply Secretary, Box 274. rnnnnvM and I reeks 1 of evolution 1 V' monoxide decay. A premium is put Halifax to $675,558, compared to '". upon illiteracy by the radio and the talking moving pic- $651,439 in the same period Iiipor rent-a flat Angus Apart ture. These mechanical marvels are the means of world-,l937- June K""s were $207,993 ment. Green 399 ' v185 wide spread pf vulgarity, depravity and misinformation,!31"1 for a year ag0' $145,785, - ri . snce they pander to the tatstes of those who are capable 1 f; WUKK WANTED of neither .contriving nor understanding but only of crude, ,v T,IE 8-up"coLvsmMT or nRIT,"1 work WANTED-Experienced vP-perception, stimulated by turning a switch or bressini? a I pkobate I man wants work by hour sew- button motor Mattrr "Adm,nlMraUon or cleaning, box 25 performance without the-capacity of a,In aA J"K fc made himself out of an ape partly by beco.m- yuttfr E.ute Maftln'; . ,, ing an -engineer. The danger now is that the process will bet .conwy. necwi ' LOST vairnxcnJ U .: 1 1 1 " " - .... I TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Ad- - - jcycircu auu tiie engineers will maKe apes .01 ,US ail." 'rmnlatratlon pf the Ifctot. oX Marin j.LOST-Brown MAKING A FOOL OF ONESELF CoairaT, Deceased, late af Bkaewr, In I the Territory at Alaska, United States' of 'America, -wtio died at 8karwB7, A1- uU ' . v. . r. v. H. i.n,,.H. in4rt M AJne more shining 0 line quotation and we are through "STi li8Uwl 10 -h-o 8upeeri " " ' """"ft'" fr,i0'. BrUl&h Oolurabla on the 25th iyr ySiliay, day c July 1938. All persona hlartnj "The M man who says, 'I'm just as young as I ever-SSft TX, yjas,' .and 4ies io prove his statement by his actions is V"UU;d on " bef 3l8t- of almost certain to make a fool of himself. An old man ; ri? should advertise himself by his mellowness and wisdom, etotorro?S bl" not bv his youthful antics. 'Too much action in iin old man26A'ID wince Rupert, b. o.. thu says Lin Yutag, 'is like a broadcast of jazz music from a, " vnf. olassey. megaphone on an old cathedral." "lcJiU ""ffz'a ' Alter Trip to Cheek Migration . . .CAPETOWN. J&gasX 3: ICP) r The whaling researen ship. Discovery II- returned to Simonstown after Are months' crk xx jv Antarctic. The piscoxerys main task In the Arctic was to colkct data bearing on the numbers .and the annual migration of ha)kc to enable their movements to be traced. In one case a whale marked o'f the Falkland Islands was captured three .months later gff the Australian jroast, .having travelled halfway round the globe. For the first time in the history of Antarctic research, the -Union Government was associated with the work of the research ship. This was a result of a decision taken A the recent Imperial Conference at which the Dominions In the Southern hemisphere were invited to appoint scientists to Join the expeditions. . As a result, much information pf-Interest to the coastal whaling Industry and to the meteorological department and the Fisheries Board has been obtained. TUNA SEASON NEAR SHELBURNE, Aug. 3: (CP) ,-Nova Scotia fishermen passed the-, word along cheerfully that the herring had arrived, resulting In a harvest for 4bern and an indication that the tuna were not far- behind. SroaU boats all along the coast are ready for the United States anglers who will arrive shortly. HARD ON SOFT DRINKS 343 ; WINNIPEO, Au. 3: (,CP)-a-473 nadlans' drinking habits are not 'A12 CulUva,ted as they pught to be 413 said .Raymond F. Broqke. Dublin street CLEAN, w e 1 1 - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (180) U 1 u i , , the total value of construction for tJ" w" IOJJ.E. DaUy (tf) Suit Coat. Finder please leave at Dally ' News. Reward. (184) PERSONAL WfJ HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAItf positions as Letter .Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cus-tomH Examiners. Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. WrIUs us for proof and free Information. M,.C.C.r-I bchoolg Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. tf.1 wine merchant on a tour of Ca nada. "Why. a wine merchant would starve In this country. You .648 don't imbibe anything but soft .635 drinks. If a man wants to drinh J584 here he has to "a off in a dark .505 corner by himself." '- .500 - .444 .357 .318 And You'll Jump Out of Bed la tit Morning Ruin' to Co Tlx Utt should poor oat two nonnjt t HqnM lllc into your bowrU UHr. It thia bB it not flaw ing tntir.Tont food doaatdlfnL It jut 4cj la th bowtl. Gu klocu up rar ttoaucb. Yon get coutittd. HamfBl poUou t o into U bodr, ud yoa tti tour, ink Hid th world look punk. A men bowH mormntdona't trwtri rt t Uw esoM. Ton Brad voraethlag that work! on the liver u weB. It Ukea tboee good, old Carter'a LltUe LiTer PUla to get tbeae twa pound of bll flowiag f reelr aad maka roa fee) "op aad ap.Harmle and gentle, Uej make the bile flow freelr. They do the work of calomel bat hae no calomel ar memrr la them. Aik for Carter Little Pill ? nam I StulUrnl rtfuee aartUs alte. U. CllH THE SEAL QUALITY MM GOLD SEAL Fancy ftd Syckey- PINK SEAL Packed oy the wnly jajmon eann.lnjc, Tympany all the year ound p&j.TtfU v Prjn RutK.ri HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE, FURNITURE MOVING light Delivery Coal Phone 580 We II Wednesday Au, j GOOD GUARDIAN HALIFAX. Aug. 3 CP Mal colm Mitchell, senior official at the court house here, has handle! more than 18.000 prisoners in his 28 years service and every one ol them has been presented to answer in court the charges laid against them. An .escape has never been made. sue "REGENT" ouches u, H. TWJ 70c ! WARSHIPS TO VISIT ! SAINT JOHN IS B. AM ): The Canadian destroyers Qtl and Saguenay wilt Visit St September 19 to 26 and H..K Orion, & cruiser of the Anm and West Indies Squadron c( Royal Navy, will be In this , from July 20 to 25. accord notification received here STAINLESS EN AMELW ARE Modern In Appearance Easy to Clean Color Combinations to Match Your Kitchen Ivory Trimmed with Hlue, Black or Hed. NOW ON DISPLAY AT GORDON'S HARDWARE P1IONK 311 MILK McimiD.E SI avc Orade MA" Raw and Pasteurized M n.illt. f.. ri ir l j'uuj 1 lUIIIVIUI VJMIl J I fill Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy - - - r- STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver' XS.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TSJ. CARDENA FKID.O. DAy, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Res,eryatlons and TlcHeti A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajeiit. Third Ave. Phone CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw Pasteurized VALENTIN PAIR " ' PUONE-6" I