KBRAH JRAKES TERRACE Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills have taken a home on Lazelle avenue, having moved in to the Tillage from the Creefcaan place. Dick Evans, who has lived at Terrace the past two years, left on Saturday for Massett. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Hinchlilfe have gone to Smithers and Burns Lake for boUdayi. Mr. and Mrs. Walkland of Burns Lake, who have been soendinz a holiday at Terrace as the guests of the Rct. and Mrs. C. A. Hinch-liffe, have returned to Burns Lake. tup yew tr?y, strtagtk cid ithiitaia fth KtB9g'i Irai Floktt. Htft't rtodf-f-tot ctrtol tfcat ksi vtrvrti9- Tkt lovritkacit ef wkl wktaf. Eieigk adrftrf Wot to b Ildlf laiatfvt. Ort-frtk criipttit. IrrtiUtibl favor. Try rki cntcly. teottt d taktt wltk Bin r crtan e4 froif. Dtficion! At all aroctrs. Mad by KtDofg li latitt, Oitario. EAT TO FEEL Little. Haugland and Kerr, local, saw-millers, gave their employees a picnic on Sunday aat Lakelse Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Little lent their roomy camp for the purpose, thus continuing a good old custom which some modern business Arms hare allowed to lapse. ' I J. Smith of Stewart Argonant, was here Monday on business. j Mr. and Mrs. Dubeau and family have returned from Toronto where they hare been rbiting relatives. FITJ who is at present at Lejac. Father Ducharme. appears pleased with Canada his first two impressions of the country are that it is vaster and more peaceful than France. In the old land, he says, people are feeling uneasy with the war threat about. J. Barrie of Hamilton, Ontario, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh at the "Crossrays" Kit- sumkalum. Mr. Barrie Is making a tour of Canada and United States, having arrived here from Jasper. Miss Eileen Patmore has return ed to her home in Prince Rupert, after speeding some time as the guest of Mrs. Ivan Frank. The recent heat wave reached itr high ooint on July 25th. when s maximam temperature of 93 In the shade was recorded at the local weather station. Not since Auzust 20, 1934, has this figure been exceeded. On that day the thermo meter got up to 94. Thinzs have cooled off the past few days and tnere is the promise of a shower to come. The baseball players boosted their funds Friday night with a dance at the Oddfellows' HalL Rev. Father Ducharme has ar-, rived from France and Is relieving J The Daily News raa an audited Rev. Father Oarrtty of Terrace, 'circulation. Ray safe I Terrace Legion Annual Picnic Happj Onting Staged at Lakelse Lake on Sunday TERRACE, Aug. 3: The Terrace branch of the Canadian Legion reld its annual picnic at Lakelse Lake Sunday. Weather was fine and warm and the large number of children present had a good time with sports and paddling in the lake. A. Attree. president o the branch, looked after things and Mrs. AUree presented the prizes. Everybody sat on the ground for a substantial lunch. Andy McDonald's truck carried the kiddies and all enjoyed the outing which lasted until 7 o'clock in the evening. FIRE IN CONTROL Farmers in Smilhers District Gel Back To Their Hay Fields SMITHERS, Aug. 3: The forsi fire east of town has lost much ol its asgresiveness since the weather became cooler and the conditions have changed to favor the fire fighters. It is not yet extinguished but it is held in bounds and undei control and some 30 men have been laid off of the fire fighting work while another 35 still stand guard. Heavy black clouds nave covered the sky on a number of occasions but at no time have they disgorged the load of moisture with which they obviously are laden and It will take a good fall xt rain to eliminate the fires that were n- cently -menacing some farm hornet near town. Haying has been carried on un der ideal conditions and Is now nearing completltion although many farmers were obliged tc leave their farm work when called upon to fight forest fires. The hay -crop this year will average about half its normal yield owing to the exceptionally dry year that has been experienced throughout the district -Some far ored districts have had showers which have helped them very materially but on the whole thert has been a lack of moisture. Only Jrl rTRlC Cleaner w tl0n AIR-FLO M 1 :.bv a practica. .or at our owbenyu you - ..Lr own 0wn home , ... . n when your X buy a GEN lRECT fr oUt 1c bouse cleanin NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA , POWER COMPANY LIMITED C0-4I THE DAILY NEWS Diversified Entertainment on Mid- - Week" Double Bi at Capitol . Theatre "Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo ." another of the .series of popel&r detective mystery pJeteres featur ing the noted character actor. Warner OLand; and "Love aad His ses." a wise -era t kin? musical with Walter Wmchefl and Ben Bemie, comprise an interesting mid-week doable bill coming to the screen of the Capitol Theatre tonight and tomorrow. A triple murder is the basis of the suspenseil plot of "Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo." the locale of which is the famous European gambling resort. Behind laughter and banter of thousands of pleasure-seeking internationals, there is a million dollar stake in stock manipulation which spells success for one man and ruin for another. A messenger is found slain, a bar- lender dies with the millions nearby murdered. Such are the circumstances which Oland has to piece together. Simone Simon is an imoortant member of the cast of the fast- movjng "Love and Hisses." Others who lend their support to Winehell and Bemie include the fun-mak ers Bert Lahr and Joan Davis. STRANGE VISITOR HALIFAX. Aug. 3: CP Thi city played host to a rather strange visitor for a week after a Jarge porcupine strayed from i?3 native haunts. The animal attracted many curious citizens as It waddled over the paved sidewalks. WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront With another Urge list of Alaska tourists on board. ON.R. steamer Prince George. Capt Edward Mabbs. arrived in port at 9:30 this j morning from Vancouver, Powell Kiver ana ocean tans ana sous ai 1 pa for Skagway and other northern points whence she will retain here next Monday southbound There were In all 172 round trip pers aboard the Prince George. Salmon landings at Ketchikan Be wis Keac tn vr&nt ads. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue Phone Green 916 THIS WEEK SPECIALS 4 Piece Bedroom Suite 1 ' 4-piece bedroom suite including cheffonier, full size bed, vanity and upholstered bench. Regular price $85 Special $69.00 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new Dominion Inlaid Linoleum G feet wide, regular price $1.40 sq. yard 04 Off Special square yard vL 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite $83.00 3-piece chesterfield suite covered in good quality tapestry. Regular price $98.00. Special -; SMITHERS., Aug. 3: Smithers is taking on an "All Dressed Up" appearance as the streets ard stores become decorated for the celebration here the last three days of the week. The streets are hung with bunting and colored lights and green trees will be added to the decoration. The rare trark hn vwn mil In yesterday totalled about 25.000shape for the horse racing and the pounds. Prices were 17 cents and 18 cents for large reds, 12Vi cents to 13tfe cents for small redsv 10 cents for. whites and 74 cents for echoes. C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte. Capt. WilHam Palmer,. is due in port at 3::30 o'clock this after-neon from Skagway and other Alaska points and will sail at 5 pjn. for Vancouver. SMITHERS IS READY Interior Town "All Dressed Up" For Convention This Week park buildings have been altered and arranged for the affair. The weather has become coolei and is cloudy today. It is expected that there will tt a large crowd of visitors In Smithers to attend the many affair? that will be held here this week. r 1 1 i p in mmi TONIGHT AND Tiir777' Last Complete Show at gJ WALTER WINCHELL BEN BERNIE SIMONE SIMON IN Love And Hi isses With JOAN DAVIS ' At 8:15 Once Only PLUS WARNER OLAND i "CHARLIE CHAN VT MONTE CARLO At 7:00 and 9 33 1939 RADIO Nearly all 1939 models have now arrived and they sure make a wonderful line. Touch tuning, band spread tuning, making short wave tuning as easy as long wave. New circuits and for' battery sets a new and improved series of tubes. All battery models may be operated either by dry batteries or from a six voltl storage battery. . BARGAIN EXCURSION Good in coaches only; Cabinets are more attractive than ever Beautiful . . and then some. Have a look. Don't hesitate just because you areaof in the market for a new radio. It is a pleasure to sho everybody the new 1939 radio model. " SMITHERS Leaving 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, AUG. 5 Finnl T?ntn-n T $r.70 TUESDAY, AUG. 9 Return Fare from Ch,1?27ea5rs7lALraFAREnder PRINC RUPERT No baggage checked. V-49-S HillWJr.liliMJMiMI December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.