Wednesday. August 3, 1938. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; day and nlgty.J The Prince Rupert Rotary Club p -r-r- I will be In business session at Us S, O. N. .Picnic, August 7. regular weekly luncheon tomorrow. Ijwjce at Oddfellow', Serawdert q Hall, Friday. nuB- - , .went a ilom operation at Roch- Norman WcLeod returned home j ester, Is jeported to be making a ' n.i... nmree this morning good recovery. OH u. - ,A . . . . from Esquimau vM. taking a course .Qf jjayal training. nra.UDSon, assistant inspector UV B- ... , . of civil .aviation jar prujsn vaiiuiu Rt Rev. E. M- Bunoz, Q. 4. I advanced to August 4. You Mill have a chance to win the 5.00 prize y you will mall ypur suggestions to Box 864 by midnight Aug ust 4. (18D Announcements All advertisements In this col-tma Fill be .charged Tor a full month at 25c a word. first annual Port Day Ball, hursday, August 25, Moose Hau. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar jio- ititber 17, 193839 Radio Licences Due and' Pay able G. CLAVK1NG For Appointment Phone Red 187 or Black 733 PHONES 18 and 1 1)00 FOOD Best Yet. 2 -tins j RAILWAY I 25c Heinz White rjfcklinjc Vipeftar Per ftArt gallon L. J. Thorburn, customs and excise .collector, who has been here for the past few days on official , business, Is sailing by the Princess . ahMrH t hp 1 Charlotte this afternoon on his re lit irns a uaAvi6- (prince George today going through t turn u Vancouver to.Carcrosj on oiicoi uuw Rev. W. D, Grant- IJolUngwQrth, J formerly of this city and now lo- itoman Catholic Church Bishop qf icated in Medicine Hat, is spending Northern Brllisn coiumuia auu nic me summer in Montreal ana is uv Yukon, sailed thM afternoon on the(present supplying in the pulpit pf trUce George jot a inp-io line one or tne large cnurcnes oi mat fujcon on ecclesiastical .duties. city. Following the ' regular' weekly "sittlnK in his capacity as a city luncheon today with President D. COuncil this morning, City Commls-G. I Borland In the chair, members. fJoner w J. Alder authorized the of the Prince .Ruperr, uyro;,-iup, sale of yie resjaence progeny on lin a boay, uispccicu iwuu iom to una .uiuvk . actnuu niaverounds in the city, pars oiitne tOiCapt. J R. Ellert for szauu. loi nembers were used lor tne caravan. 2, blocK 8, section 1 was soia pu' riLL WANTED Additional sug gestions for a name for the winner nf the Dooularlty contest to be run : Sn connection with Port Day, Aug- i ust 25. The closing date Was been Mrs. Ilarla Sloan Bryant for wn. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Harry Korchln, Brookklyn, New York; W. H. C. Logan, Winnipeg;1 W. J. Deans, Vancouver; L. ). Thorburn, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. 1 Morton merson. Uomona, Cal. Central Make Hasuala, M. Carothers and B. Crlstall, city; R. Goafrey, G.N.R Knox M. Nelson, iSeattle; R. Sjlther ty; ,0. .Gunderson, C.N.R.; Jack McGregqr, Scotland. 1 Rural I ' Try a Dally flew cfttssltied ad; vertlsement for best result. P. O. BOX 575 Mussallems Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Empress Apricot Jam Jp OK Pure. 4-lb. tin fLOUit Purity. QQn 0i 7-lb. sack Ubby's Baby Foods 1 ftp A All combinations Canadian Cheese Fresh and clean. Lb. Mussallem's Coffee WV Qftp th r,...U1., -nnA SUPER SUBS Qlant package Orapefruit Juice 25C 2 tins EUREKA BLEACJl 1 ftp Quart bottle Libby's Co;ned Beef 4 Qp Per Un F.dine Cold Medal Malt-Plain light and V QjQ9 dark Hop flavoured $L25 This is Your Last Chance For Preserving Apricots Get Yours Now Don't forget our cash coupons which are good for many valuable Premiums. i lR,CE QUALITY SERVICE FREE DELIVERY ON $100 ORDERS -T-..I.. ..,.,. Cnr Vnur Convenience Careful Attention Boat and Mall Orders Receive 1-ron.Pt and Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacfic SS. ''Princess , To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports- 11 James .Smith. Vancouver; J. 0.1 Carlson and Joe Cktrdyer, city, i WahSoon and B. 0. Albertson, city; Mrs. Q- vf. ;Qrant .and .daughter,; Upuston; Texas. I Savoy j S. Throndsen, Vancouver; Miss Bet-J y Brooks, Port Esslngton; J .Trot-city; S. Olson, :Te.rrace; .q.-W. .Robertson, Triple Island. 5 Adelaide" Every Frjuay aw v -VANCOUVER PIBECT JO r,inHotte .H. ss r SS. "Princes," SS. Prints Alice" SS Aug. 6, 17, 27; Sept. 7 Aug. 10.20. A". 3, Pacific Services Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Tickets and Reservations PJ Rupert, B.C. -.. ... uumnn, iieiicrni ns" Many Attended Funeral This , ..Morning of Late Glacomo Colussi Band Opening r 1U. ivt ill 11,," v v. nning oncen SUNNYS1DE CANNERY, AUGUST 6 The following program is to be given by the fireenville Concert Band at Sunnyside .Cannery, Skeena River, under Uus baton .of Ilandinaster Fred McJCay: -Canada, Land of Lib- 4erty. 1 Washington Grays. March. 2. Orphans in the Underworld. Selection. 3. Peace and Progress. March. 4. Triplets of the Finest. Three Cornets by the Bandmaster and jils Company. 5. March Pro Patrfa. 6. My Tuba Solo. By Albert Moore and Ben Alexander. 7. William TelL Overture. 8. March Master Craftsmen. 9. Rose Festival, W.altz. f Scotland. THE DAILY KETWB SEE THIS Begi ITOURIST 11. Frozen Bill. Rag. )u 12 1812 Overture. By P.eter Tschaikbwsky. Ood Save The King. Dance after by the Qreenv.yie.. Snappy Jazz Orchestra. Admission collected at the door. i!miiMiii3j:irsm!i SPACE Tomorrow For Detailed Advertisement Of Stock Reducing BUREAU Information Office To Be Opened For Balance of Season A meeting of the directors of the Many friends and -gSi Jl., y .Jl'S 'lSii in City Commissioner rues ior UK" XTnlan' Alder's office and It was decided known membe r ot the local ItaUan Jnformatlon of. Reach the most people iu ciij and district with ai HCrvertLsement In the Dally New NEW ROYAL HOTEL jj. Zarelll, Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate f 1.01 Bf 0 Room Hot Ac Cold Water Prince Kuprt, B.O. fhoB Ml P.O. Box 1M KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT JREA&ONABLE RATES PHONE BLACK 712 r . 1 Sfie Opens Friday Morning, Aug. 5 Bryant Company Ltd. Is Buried With Catholic Rites " . L I Marriage Oi Dr. Morrison .Miss Isobel .Wilson BaTton Bcomes lib Bride A Ceremony j In Vancouver j The marriage ,of Pr. Hugh Mackenzie Morrison, inspector of tphools here, and Miss Isobel Wll- :on Barton of Vancouver ;was s-J colony, who was Jmonin ' e of tne tourlst mni2ed on Mon4ay Jwt. week here and whose body was ago near nrovldlne a i in thP the ptpp Free Presbvterian Presbyterian Church ynurcn TTluff2 store thls purpose on E. M. Bunoz, O. M. I., Bisnop ,oi east of Sixth ... street . t Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, officiated at the Interment In the Roman Catholic plot at Falrvlew Cemetery following high requiem mass In the Church of the Annu-nciauon Annunciation celebrated ceieDraia by oy Kev. kcv. Kpoond avenue At the meeting W. J. Alder was elected president of the bureau and T. J. Williams, secretary-treasurer. Representations were made re-ppntlv to Hon. W: J. Asselstlne, min- --"-. lter of the . newly , created rp-tpd dep deoart-i art Father Leo Bosse. O.M.I. The choir was in attendance and Charles P. men ox - - n IZIIIIIL lHttnvi"b " f Balagno presiaea u y. au and letter erauon oi uw u Louis Amadlo, Pallbearers were statine Riley Vlereck. . . u -fKfina -?nn tnwards Its There were many floral offerings dence from the tourist bureau oi ine ae-nnrtmpnt indicated : that the gov ernment? wished to co-operate In ' ....-.''eelklA MV UHh fhp' lOPftl VVAjLJt'03 " " J ff?fhnl5tation; which It is planned will become in ume a cemie ui tourist Information for the entire north country. Present at the meeting were W. J. Alder, Arthur Bmoksbank, Char les Balagno, W. F. Stone. F. Dibb and T. J. Williams. at Vancouver. Dr. and ;Mrs. .Mom-son will arrive In Prince Rupert at the end of August and will make their home on Fifth avenue East. END KEEPS YOU COOL If this hot wehr letve you limp and exhausted, it's a sute .sian of an .overheated body. The natural thirut Jto do to take an effective alkalizing corrective like Epo's "Fruit Salt", which gendy removes sluggish .wastes which overheat the body, neutralize excess acid and cools you through and through. Eno contains no sugar, nothing harsh or harmful and forms no habit: During the hot weather drink Eno morning, nooa and night, or whenever you feel the need for a refreshing alkiriuing drink. Its pleasant ''Fruit-Salt" .tang Aw away instantly: right away you feel clean. and coot'detBow.p f"iJ.v-' li Eno is the original alkalizing corrective r and for years and years Eno in water bas been the favourite refreshment among white residents in the sizzling tropics. It I a natural way to keep cool! B. C Messenger Seryjce PU05JE 678 Prompt and .CowrUoiis Serylce JR. GILLESPIE Stand: th St., Pack .of Royal Hotel F. LARSON Masseur and Electric Treatments PHONE GREEN 913 225 8th Avenue West PrlnAP Rupert, O. C. TELLS OF BIG FIRE Ln a letter to the Dally News, office, Arthur Sutton, principal of( King Edward High School, who wept south recently on the steamer! Prince Charles, describes the spectacular Vancouver Island forest fire. A whole hillside near Comox was aglow with darts of flame licking up new trees. The sun setting behind .the .dense smoke screen made an aerie' spectacle, the sky assuming a sickly green color ( ThlnKs seem to be dried 'up In; Vancouver. Lawns are yellow aridj Drown, aue nyt-nei o peopu: .ocms-away , or to the curtailment ,of water ( use for sprinkling purposes. Matthew McLean Ftmeral Held Military Honors Are Paid At Last Rites This Afternoon , The funeral of the late Matthew McLean took place this afternoon ifrom the chapel of the B. C. Un dertakers at Z o'clock. Rev( J. C. Jackson, pastor of First United- Church, ..officiated with Miss Lois 'Judge accompanying the hymns, which were -Lead Kindly Light" and "Abide With Mfe." The pallbearers were George Murray, Rod McLean, D. Pattlson, D. Parkes, C. L. Barker and Alex The "Last Post" was sounded by William Ranee at the graveside in the returned soldier s plot at alrvlew Cemetery. Todays Baseball 1 i Katipnal Leafpe j Chicago, 3; New York, 8. Pittsburg, 9-5; Boston, 4-3. Cincinnati, 6; Philadelphia, 3. St. Louis-Brooklyn, night game. American League New York, 7; Detroit, 7. (In ninth Inning) Boston, 4; Cleveland, 3. . (Second game Boston, 2; Cleve land, 1. end of fifth inning.) (End of mth Inning). Philadelphia, 14; Chicago, 2. (Second game being played) Washington, 2; St. Louis, A. (End of fifth Inning). m 1PAGE THftEZ mm J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. The Finest EINQ TUNING In the country .can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope'' by 0. p. WALRER Phone Blue 389 .212 4th St MaeKENZlE'S FURNITURE .Chesterfield Suites Beautifully .covered in Tapestry and mohairs. Very soundly constructed and handsomely finished. GQQ Aft Terms can be arranged. Priced from . ' Jhorie 775 327 THIRD AVENUE mm French Milled : 1 j . Bath Soap Assorted Qdors SPECIAL 3 CAKES FOR 23c OrmesLtd. "Jhe Pioneer Driqgiats Tht IUmU 8Ur Phone: II M 4bb pally rrD? f .un. till II .m. jfniay Mi HUd7 from 11 noon UU I ajn, 1 9-m. till I .m. 1 m urn xm i mam IIS S'!ffi 41