8 S3 I Tjf!neaay, Deremh , PAOF TWO , mr DATI.T NT.W . v-ix-ji.ui: DANCE & PARTY SLIPPERS Latest Designs in Black and i $3.45 10 S5.00 Buy Your Xmas Slippers Now While Sites Are Complete. Our Range Is Complete In Every Department Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. rRlKCt RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue Q. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATE!) Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ; local readers, oer line, per Insertion . Adveriitfng and liirulaliwn Telephone News Department Telephone -, . , Member of Audit Bureao ! Circulatiens IMPERIALISM 81 j02 .25 Wednesday. December 7. 1938. BOWLS TiE Blue Birds, Big Sisters and Rev Deadlocked at Top of Ladles' League as Result of Last Night's flay ivuox nam, rrn.n ,mfii ti io?ft when Ram- ,. Th,.ra... f .o.V, mnnth H war again Rose Labelle of Maple Leafs with 215. Individual scoring was as fol lows: Bir Sisters 1 B. Dickens 170 E. Dickens 194 Rothwell 139 Bond .- I?0 Alexander .160 Handicap ' ....... , - 57 Totals .859 RanSers 1. r&&&&e?&r?rr&e)rr&)&c')&&c'c&&t?e7cc'e?G Bp re in Petersen ...I31 Ya?er ........,...16 HaMber? .-.lfiO Ballincer ., ..'.............164 Handicao ,.!.... 46 ! Total ... ' ."79 Merchantettes ., 1 MadHI : .Halllday .v...v...In4 i Gvrvlch J.V.V-175 Houlden :113 Vandersluys ". ..150 Handicap 65 ' Totals ...804 Blue Birds 1 Pierce ,. .'.....175 Turgeon 169 Boulter 92 Croxford 163 Keron 174 Handicap 15 Totals "88 Annettes 1 Some of the Journals representing political groups Basso-Bert ......m 159 - 161 Hiucii nave never yet naa uie responsiDinty 01 oince in-jonnson , .....r...ioi ioo Canada arp pnnstanrlv crtpprfno at anvthinrr havino tn rln'Skattebol -i....203 139 with the consolidation of the British Empire and? try fo;?V ii . n , . -. iHanaicap not so sure mat mese journals wani to De t-anaaian, 10 read their fdle vaporings one would think that Britain benefited from being a part of the same Empire with Canada but that Canada would hp bpttov off plnne T'-p '" speak of Canadian governments with the utmost discourtesy, using such expressions as "agents of parasitism' We believe that governments of all British countries as at present constituted, are anxjous to consolidate the Empire and, if the visit of the King and Queen will help to do that, so much the better. Anvthing they do is on the advice of one of their cabinets. The visit to Canada mav Totals . 122 -l 801 Knox Hotel 1 , Eastman ....118 Scharlf '.. 159 Fritz -1. .150 Mrs. Schaffer 114 Brasell 1.106 Handicap .....120 Totals ,-.....75. Rex , .1. E. Bury ,..:..::..135 Morrison :189 E. Bury !...-.....163 m 138 164 211 57 875 2 257 0. 106 144 fl 791 2 J.15 15) 451 135 138 65 7B3 '2'. 185 106 205 175 147 15 833 2 be on the recommendation of the Canadian government (a. Bury m ns pr the government' at London or of both. twest ,.r(,.'v...,,.. 2i2 171 It is always understood that the King and Queen are.HandicaP. out of politics. If thev make a mistake, it is done on the Mafsf - :9jf advice of ministers who bear the resoonsibilitv. In the;Nsl$on i:...r.....iso J5i present case Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is nrob- McLeod .153 189 ably the responsible nelson and his decision in this w- h. oian 135 ' Deer will be accla'metl bv nlo't of the people of Canada m, o'ass r... ........ 8.7 We notice the same peonle who speak disresnectH'v nf ,5j :..,.--an Chamberlain todav are those who suggested that Canada : Handicap ' ' .l:Z!3-Ii 13 should not fight if the Empire went to war over Czecho-' Totals .....ZJILlm slovrkin. , The league standing: '' ' Tf hn T- ?t?-h nir5 l pvr to moun to anvVt'""' Blue Birds .:..2i all loyal citizens must frown upon the petty utterances slste" -.- of small people who never agree upon anything that is for nette,' '". ':Z:w the benefit of mankind. They are so mixed up with the Maple Leafs ' 'I7ZZZvt Communistic doctrine and methods of trying to cause Merchantettes ...... .16 trouble and stir up discord that they cannot aonreciatr Ranker any such thing as patriotism. They have none of it them- Knox Hotel , 8 calirao onrl Vir anooi of atfnvtrnna. tTA lioc It wad nflnnln - ft.nw; C4i 1 1 1 I'jr pi'vvi ca v v jr uiiu 1 v nuu a w nuu yvufi . s il 1M 1 i -ir: I?., t TT!.l in Europe. Happily we have not many of them in thia.Sj? country, so they are not a danger, For Heat - In France They Say "Chaleur" For Heat In Prince Rupert Say BULKLEY VALLEY COAL I ft s ?! I ii 109 217 89 87. 832. 01 rnar canore wno mane iviussonni ana niuer a necessity wMatmca 3 1?9 179 54 ?'3 234 57 KtC 3 181 lfi 113 205 183 8T9 3 115 1?4 130 132 114 65 680 3 166 126 114 185 157 15 763 3 13 13 13 18 19 20 20 28 147 123 148 f172 154 1 757 r 91 155 106 157 155 120 784 2 173 176 164 205 I 809 3 81 141 113 173 135 120 763 3 220 179 133 203 145 65 945 3 170 164 88 104 218 113 857 23 23 23 18 17 10 16 8 SPORT CHAT With a realy Increased mem-; bershlp, the Stewart Badminton Club Is going stroag this wlnUl ; with keen competition amftrnj thdj players who keep the available' bttJV much ot the r Blue Birds, Big Sisters and Rex court Ume;. i are now In a three-way Me for the "'" P?Pulr feaiurne f hei leadership of the Ladles' Bowlinq ',-"" ,"'ul "1C tT""'"r ORGANIZE ALUMNUS m Matidell "defeated him In ip -w e 0f meeting to be announced rounds at Chicago. Hocke' Scores National Learue, Chicago, 0 Bostprf, 2. later. fcrr.r d'scutslon In regar to who were e4rlb)e fo raemb r ;fhlp and the means and objects : (th Hleh Sahool Alumnus. t meeting proceeded with the elect JMri-of Officers which resulted as follows: Honorary President Arthur 8ut-iton. President Helen Valentine. j , Vice-President Ted MUU. i Secretary Ellen Moore, i Treasurer George Brown. Press Correspondent Maurice, (Jrnduates of Local High School Dey. . Meet-Helen Valentine MLf. 0tjZlriii President Installed. It WM decided to hold a j dance in the near future, arrange 'menu for (Ke same being left a On Tuesday., a number of local Silver and all Silver. High and?3 Lea.ue a a result of last night's to c,ub ,s a monthly supper and Jllgh School graduates met Low Heels, By "Maxlne" Arrived. Priced from Just in! Impromptu dance at one 0f the Booth Memorial High School ft play In which Blue Birds won two Merthantettes town . restaurants, purpose f of organizing a HIPh games to one from Alumnus. Arthur Sutton op- while Big Sisters and Rex were tak- ,Schoo . ,, - -utnrioe fmm ' ened the meeting by telling what pfn Hi w rSnle lia . resnT- Rokv Katms' h1"1" Buf",the Alumnus could do both In r-S rtrtL Xl ao-hti!ht. punched out a 15-Urd to members' own enjoyment . fix of the tlvely. Irt the ourth ure round declo ow Jlinmv 0ooA , thnMtM n interest In the evening Annettes won two games rleh at Bllffator,3 1Wi ago tonltht,oresent High School It was d-to one from Jhe long-su f erlng f()r Hc h,W tedded to have the meetings on the the executive. Burns Lake is having exception, ally fine mud weather 1 J 5; ur ml Supreme among Christmas Gifts When you give an electric refrigerator, you give more than just a ' kandsome piece of kitchen furniture. You give years of health, con. venience, pleasure, and economy to an entire family. That is why we say. that the new electric refrigerators are supreme among Christmas... Gifts. Let us .tell you how easy it is to own one of the wonderful new '' models. Special Christmas deliveries can be arranged. .-4 NORTHERN BRITISH COMTMMA-POWKR COMPANY LIMITED EASY TERMS MAKE . EASY GIVING asssssssssssssslCir. th4Grt KjDDlESl K1DDIESI Give the Kiddies the Treat of Their Lives With a Visit to Toyland KAIEN HARDWARE p 2 a FULTON MEAT MARKET Phone C83 nd JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET Tlione 937 Shoulder .Mattun .Mutton Kop&i ' 3 lbs. 'ir4 Lei of Mutton-iU , Per lb. . Shouldr Vtal 4 lbs , cat aps 2 lbs ... S'rloin SlfK 3 1 " 3 lbs. ttoundtsteak and 2 binhei' ritriiU ro( Roast Beef . . - " rK I . Shorty Rluvlirf Wlil8.j', ' Tltone Roait-. Rump Hois! IWf Per lb.,,. Sirtolu lip . Pir tin .-..,. 'Shoulder Steak llref-2 lbr. , ... iMn fork Chopw " Pir 11 Shoulder Tork ( Per lb. Myrefhlre naron Per lb. . i V Jewel ShortTnlnr 2 lHs Frl Killed Chkken-Per lb KF.X 50c 50c 20c 50c 35c 50c 50c 10c 25c 20c 15c 18c 25c 25c 18c 25c 25c R.E.EyolfsoD f!ri?rnp'" tio r.iniiTii AvtMf w Thone MACK 111 30c Ladies' and t h lartn s Dressmaking r.niTII .MILLI.lt--sm.it- xk Thftne ltl.CE ' A Hot Time H What You Want ThU Winter You can trl It bf aslnc r ramnu Edon, Uulklei Vallf or Nanalmo-WelHniloH fwl I'iMNCE RtTFHT FEE I) CO. Vhnnit 1 of S-8 Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim V.-'" Line Bowl Pur Reservations I'hone C THE SEAL of QUALITY OIMUTTY V'.IMM GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyc PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only " catinlnf company with an thi year round pajroU w Prince Rupert